ILIAS  release_5-3 Revision v5.3.23-19-g915713cf615
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 <?php
2 $BEAUT_PATH = realpath(".") . "/Services/COPage/syntax_highlight/php";
3 if (!isset($BEAUT_PATH)) {
4  return;
5 }
6 require_once("$BEAUT_PATH/Beautifier/HFile.php");
7  class HFile_inform6 extends HFile
8  {
9  public function HFile_inform6()
10  {
11  $this->HFile();
12  /*************************************/
13  // Beautifier Highlighting Configuration File
14  // Inform 6
15  /*************************************/
16  // Flags
18  $this->nocase = "0";
19  $this->notrim = "0";
20  $this->perl = "0";
22  // Colours
24  $this->colours = array("blue", "purple", "blue", "gray", "brown", "purple", "gray", "brown");
25  $this->quotecolour = "blue";
26  $this->blockcommentcolour = "green";
27  $this->linecommentcolour = "green";
29  // Indent Strings
31  $this->indent = array();
32  $this->unindent = array();
34  // String characters and delimiters
36  $this->stringchars = array("'");
37  $this->delimiters = array("~", "!", "%", "^", "&", "*", "(", ")", "-", "+", "=", "|", "\\", "/", "{", "}", "[", "]", ":", ";", "\"", "'", "<", ">", " ", ",", " ", ".", "?");
38  $this->escchar = "";
40  // Comment settings
42  $this->linecommenton = array("");
43  $this->blockcommenton = array("\"");
44  $this->blockcommentoff = array("\"");
46  // Keywords (keyword mapping to colour number)
48  $this->keywords = array(
49  "Below" => "",
50  "is" => "",
51  "a" => "",
52  "brand-new" => "",
53  "UltraEdit" => "",
54  "word" => "",
55  "file" => "",
56  "for" => "1",
57  "Inform" => "",
58  "6." => "",
59  "Since" => "",
60  "doesn\'t" => "",
61  "yet" => "",
62  "support" => "",
63  "multi-line" => "",
64  "string" => "1",
65  "coloring," => "",
66  "I" => "",
67  "have" => "",
68  "hacked" => "",
69  "around" => "",
70  "that" => "",
71  "by" => "",
72  "defining" => "",
73  "strings" => "",
74  "as" => "",
75  "the" => "6",
76  "default" => "5",
77  "block" => "",
78  "comment," => "",
79  "which" => "",
80  "lacks" => "",
81  "anyway." => "",
82  "However," => "",
83  "this" => "",
84  "means" => "",
85  "any" => "",
86  "enclosed" => "",
87  "\"" => "",
88  "must" => "",
89  "be" => "",
90  "preceded" => "",
91  "with" => "1",
92  "space," => "",
93  "i.e." => "",
94  "print" => "1",
95  "\"Hello," => "",
96  "world^^" => "",
97  "You" => "",
98  "died\";" => "",
99  "will" => "",
100  "work," => "",
101  "but" => "",
102  "Format(\"Hello" => "",
103  "World\");" => "",
104  "not." => "",
105  "To" => "",
106  "use" => "",
107  "syntax" => "",
108  "coloring" => "",
109  "mode," => "",
110  "cut-and-paste" => "",
111  "all" => "",
112  "below" => "",
113  "\"dotted" => "",
114  "line\"" => "",
115  "and" => "",
116  "drop" => "",
117  "it" => "",
118  "into" => "",
119  "your" => "",
120  "WORDFILE.TXT." => "",
121  "Depending" => "",
122  "on" => "3",
123  "how" => "",
124  "few/many" => "",
125  "languages" => "",
126  "you" => "",
127  "defined," => "",
128  "might" => "",
129  "to" => "1",
130  "change" => "",
131  "\"/L10\"" => "",
132  "an" => "",
133  "unused" => "",
134  "number." => "",
135  "Also" => "",
136  "note" => "",
137  "definition" => "",
138  "(starting" => "",
139  "\"/L10\")" => "",
140  "*all*" => "",
141  "*on*" => "",
142  "*one*" => "",
143  "*line*" => "",
144  "up" => "",
145  "including" => "",
146  "\"File" => "",
147  "Extensions" => "",
148  "=" => "4",
149  "H" => "",
150  "INF" => "",
151  "INC\"" => "",
152  "or" => "1",
153  "won\'t" => "",
154  "work." => "",
155  "Starting" => "",
156  "7.0," => "",
157  "possible" => "",
158  "bold/italic" => "",
159  "text" => "",
160  "highlighting." => "",
161  "For" => "",
162  "reference," => "",
163  "following" => "",
164  "settings" => "",
165  "in" => "1",
166  "itself," => "",
167  "white:" => "",
168  "Normal" => "",
169  "Text" => "",
170  "RGB" => "",
171  "000/000/000" => "",
172  "Comments" => "",
173  "128/128/128," => "",
174  "italic" => "",
175  "(that\'s" => "",
176  "comments" => "",
177  "\"\"-Strings)" => "",
178  "Strings" => "",
179  "\'\'-Strings)" => "",
180  "Numbers" => "",
181  "255/000/000" => "",
182  "Statemts/Routines" => "",
183  "000/000/255" => "",
184  "Directives" => "",
185  "Attributes" => "",
186  "255/128/000" => "",
187  "Properties/Ops" => "",
188  "000/128/000" => "",
189  "Verb" => "2",
190  "actions" => "",
191  "128/064/064" => "",
192  "Grammar" => "",
193  "Assembler" => "",
194  "128/128/000" => "",
195  "Miscellaneous" => "",
196  "128/000/255" => "",
197  "Alt" => "",
198  "Block" => "",
199  "(not" => "",
200  "used)" => "",
201  "If" => "",
202  "find" => "",
203  "useful" => "",
204  "library" => "",
205  "routines," => "",
206  "constants" => "",
207  "anything" => "",
208  "else" => "1",
209  "I\'ve" => "",
210  "missed," => "",
211  "if" => "1",
212  "at" => "",
213  "all," => "",
214  "contact" => "",
215  "me!" => "",
216  "Version" => "2",
217  "2.19991202" => "",
218  "Gunther" => "",
219  "Schmidl" => "",
220  "<>" => "",
221  "history:" => "",
222  "Minor" => "",
223  "additions" => "",
224  "(AfterRoutines," => "",
225  "ValueOrRun," => "",
226  "RunRoutines)" => "",
227  "fixes" => "",
228  "(moved" => "",
229  "\'NULL\'" => "",
230  "C8," => "",
231  "removed" => "",
232  "\'a\')" => "",
233  "1.19991201" => "",
234  "Initial" => "",
235  "release;" => "",
236  "statements," => "",
237  "routines" => "",
238  "etc." => "",
239  "culled" => "",
240  "from" => "",
241  "DM." => "",
242  "---cut" => "",
243  "here---cut" => "",
244  "here---" => "",
245  "AfterLife" => "1",
246  "AfterPrompt" => "1",
247  "Amusing" => "1",
248  "Achieved" => "1",
249  "AddToScope" => "1",
250  "AllowPushDir" => "1",
251  "AfterRoutines" => "1",
252  "box" => "1",
253  "break" => "1",
254  "bold" => "1",
255  "BeforeParsing" => "1",
256  "class" => "1",
257  "continue" => "1",
258  "child" => "1",
259  "children" => "1",
260  "ChangePlayer" => "1",
261  "ChangeDefault" => "1",
262  "ChooseObjects" => "1",
263  "CDefArt" => "1",
264  "do" => "1",
265  "DeathMessage" => "1",
266  "DarkToDark" => "1",
267  "DoMenu" => "1",
268  "DefArt" => "1",
269  "EnglishNumber" => "1",
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271  "fixed" => "1",
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273  "GamePostRoutine" => "1",
274  "GamePreRoutine" => "1",
275  "has" => "1",
276  "hasnt" => "1",
277  "HasLightSource" => "1",
278  "indirect" => "1",
279  "inversion" => "1",
280  "InScope" => "1",
281  "InDefArt" => "1",
282  "Initialise" => "1",
283  "jump" => "1",
284  "LookRoutine" => "1",
285  "Locale" => "1",
286  "LoopOverScope" => "1",
287  "metaclass" => "1",
288  "move" => "1",
289  "new_line" => "1",
290  "near" => "1",
291  "notin" => "1",
292  "nothing" => "1",
293  "NextWord" => "1",
294  "NextWordStopped" => "1",
295  "NounDomain" => "1",
296  "NewRoom" => "1",
297  "objectloop" => "1",
298  "ofclass" => "1",
299  "ObjectIsUntouchable" => "1",
300  "OffersLight" => "1",
301  "print_ret" => "1",
302  "print_to_array" => "1",
303  "parent" => "1",
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307  "PrintTaskName" => "1",
308  "ParseNoun" => "1",
309  "ParseNumber" => "1",
310  "PlaceInScope" => "1",
311  "PrononValue" => "1",
312  "PronounNotice" => "1",
313  "ParserError" => "1",
314  "PrintShortName" => "1",
315  "PrintVerb" => "1",
316  "quit" => "1",
317  "random" => "1",
318  "read" => "1",
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320  "restore" => "1",
321  "return" => "1",
322  "rfalse" => "1",
323  "rtrue" => "1",
324  "roman" => "1",
325  "reverse" => "1",
326  "RunRoutines" => "1",
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328  "spaces" => "1",
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331  "sibling" => "1",
332  "sender" => "1",
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335  "StartTimer" => "1",
336  "StopTimer" => "1",
337  "Statusline" => "1",
338  "SetTime" => "1",
339  "ScopeWithin" => "1",
340  "SetPronoun" => "1",
341  "The" => "1",
342  "TestScope" => "1",
343  "TryNumber" => "1",
344  "TimePasses" => "1",
345  "until" => "1",
346  "underline" => "1",
347  "UnknownVerb" => "1",
348  "UnsignedCompare" => "1",
349  "ValueOrRun" => "1",
350  "while" => "1",
351  "WriteListFrom" => "1",
352  "WordAddress" => "1",
353  "WordLength" => "1",
354  "YesOrNo" => "1",
355  "ZRegion" => "1",
356  "**" => "7",
357  "#" => "2",
358  "Abbreviate" => "2",
359  "Array" => "2",
360  "Attribute" => "2",
361  "Class" => "2",
362  "Constant" => "2",
363  "Default" => "2",
364  "Dictionary" => "2",
365  "End" => "2",
366  "Endif" => "2",
367  "Extend" => "2",
368  "endif" => "2",
369  "Fake_action" => "2",
370  "Global" => "2",
371  "Ifdef" => "2",
372  "Ifndef" => "2",
373  "Ifnot" => "2",
374  "Iftrue" => "2",
375  "Iffalse" => "2",
376  "Import" => "2",
377  "Include" => "2",
378  "Ifv3" => "2",
379  "Ifv5" => "2",
380  "ifdef" => "2",
381  "ifndef" => "2",
382  "ifnot" => "2",
383  "iftrue" => "2",
384  "iffalse" => "2",
385  "ifv3" => "2",
386  "ifv5" => "2",
387  "Link" => "2",
388  "Lowstring" => "2",
389  "Message" => "2",
390  "Nearby" => "2",
391  "Object" => "2",
392  "Property" => "2",
393  "Release" => "2",
394  "Replace" => "2",
395  "Routine" => "2",
396  "Serial" => "2",
397  "Switches" => "2",
398  "System_file" => "2",
399  "Stub" => "2",
400  "String" => "2",
401  "Trace" => "2",
402  "absent" => "3",
403  "animate" => "3",
404  "creature" => "3",
405  "clothing" => "3",
406  "concealed" => "3",
407  "container" => "3",
408  "edible" => "3",
409  "enterable" => "3",
410  "female" => "3",
411  "general" => "3",
412  "held" => "3",
413  "light" => "3",
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415  "locked" => "3",
416  "male" => "3",
417  "moved" => "3",
418  "neuter" => "3",
419  "open" => "3",
420  "openable" => "3",
421  "pluralname" => "3",
422  "proper" => "3",
423  "scenery" => "3",
424  "scored" => "3",
425  "static" => "3",
426  "supporter" => "3",
427  "switchable" => "3",
428  "talkable" => "3",
429  "transparent" => "3",
430  "visited" => "3",
431  "workflag" => "3",
432  "worn" => "3",
433  "~" => "4",
434  "." => "4",
435  ":" => "4",
436  ";" => "4",
437  "," => "4",
438  "-" => "4",
439  ">" => "4",
440  "<" => "4",
441  "&" => "4",
442  "|" => "4",
443  "(" => "4",
444  ")" => "4",
445  "[" => "4",
446  "]" => "4",
447  "{" => "4",
448  "}" => "4",
449  "+" => "4",
450  "*" => "4",
451  "//" => "4",
452  "/" => "4",
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454  "after" => "4",
455  "article" => "4",
456  "articles" => "4",
457  "before" => "4",
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459  "capacity" => "4",
460  "create" => "4",
461  "copy" => "4",
462  "call" => "4",
463  "door" => "4",
464  "daemon" => "4",
465  "describe" => "4",
466  "description" => "4",
467  "door_dir" => "4",
468  "door_to" => "4",
469  "d_to" => "4",
470  "destroy" => "4",
471  "each_turn" => "4",
472  "e_to" => "4",
473  "found_in" => "4",
474  "initial" => "4",
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476  "invent" => "4",
477  "in_to" => "4",
478  "grammar" => "4",
479  "life" => "4",
480  "list_together" => "4",
481  "name" => "4",
482  "number" => "4",
483  "n_to" => "4",
484  "nw_to" => "4",
485  "ne_to" => "4",
486  "orders" => "4",
487  "out_to" => "4",
488  "parse_name" => "4",
489  "plural" => "4",
490  "private" => "4",
491  "react_after" => "4",
492  "react_before" => "4",
493  "recreate" => "4",
494  "remaining" => "4",
495  "short_name" => "4",
496  "short_name_indef" => "4",
497  "s_to" => "4",
498  "se_to" => "4",
499  "sw_to" => "4",
500  "time_left" => "4",
501  "time_out" => "4",
502  "u_to" => "4",
503  "when_closed" => "4",
504  "when_open" => "4",
505  "when_off" => "4",
506  "when_on" => "4",
507  "with_key" => "4",
508  "w_to" => "4",
509  "##" => "5",
510  "ActionsOn" => "5",
511  "ActionsOff" => "5",
512  "Attack" => "5",
513  "Answer" => "5",
514  "Ask" => "5",
515  "AskFor" => "5",
516  "Burn" => "5",
517  "Blow" => "5",
518  "Buy" => "5",
519  "CommandsOn" => "5",
520  "CommandsOff" => "5",
521  "CommandsRead" => "5",
522  "Close" => "5",
523  "Consult" => "5",
524  "Cut" => "5",
525  "Climb" => "5",
526  "Drop" => "5",
527  "Disrobe" => "5",
528  "Dig" => "5",
529  "Drink" => "5",
530  "Empty" => "5",
531  "Enter" => "5",
532  "Exit" => "5",
533  "Examine" => "5",
534  "Eat" => "5",
535  "Fullscore" => "5",
536  "Fill" => "5",
537  "Goto" => "5",
538  "Gonear" => "5",
539  "GetOff" => "5",
540  "Go" => "5",
541  "GoIn" => "5",
542  "Give" => "5",
543  "Inv" => "5",
544  "InvTall" => "5",
545  "InvWide" => "5",
546  "Insert" => "5",
547  "Jump" => "5",
548  "JumpOver" => "5",
549  "Kiss" => "5",
550  "LMode1" => "5",
551  "LMode2" => "5",
552  "LMode3" => "5",
553  "Look" => "5",
554  "Lock" => "5",
555  "Listen" => "5",
556  "LookUnder" => "5",
557  "LetGo" => "5",
558  "Mild" => "5",
559  "Miscellany" => "5",
560  "NotifyOn" => "5",
561  "NotifyOff" => "5",
562  "No" => "5",
563  "NotUnderstood" => "5",
564  "Objects" => "5",
565  "Open" => "5",
566  "Order" => "5",
567  "Pronouns" => "5",
568  "Places" => "5",
569  "Predictable" => "5",
570  "PutOn" => "5",
571  "Pray" => "5",
572  "Pull" => "5",
573  "Push" => "5",
574  "PushDir" => "5",
575  "PluralFound" => "5",
576  "Prompt" => "5",
577  "Quit" => "5",
578  "Restart" => "5",
579  "Restore" => "5",
580  "RoutinesOn" => "5",
581  "RoutinesOff" => "5",
582  "Read" => "5",
583  "Remove" => "5",
584  "Rub" => "5",
585  "Receive" => "5",
586  "Save" => "5",
587  "SciptOn" => "5",
588  "ScriptOff" => "5",
589  "Score" => "5",
590  "Scope" => "5",
591  "Search" => "5",
592  "Show" => "5",
593  "SwitchOn" => "5",
594  "SwitchOff" => "5",
595  "Smell" => "5",
596  "Sorry" => "5",
597  "Strong" => "5",
598  "Swim" => "5",
599  "Swing" => "5",
600  "Set" => "5",
601  "SetTo" => "5",
602  "Squeeze" => "5",
603  "Sing" => "5",
604  "Sleep" => "5",
605  "TraceOn" => "5",
606  "TraceOff" => "5",
607  "TraceLevel" => "5",
608  "TimersOn" => "5",
609  "TimersOff" => "5",
610  "Transfer" => "5",
611  "Think" => "5",
612  "Taste" => "5",
613  "Touch" => "5",
614  "Tie" => "5",
615  "Turn" => "5",
616  "ThrowAt" => "5",
617  "ThrownAt" => "5",
618  "TheSame" => "5",
619  "Take" => "5",
620  "Tell" => "5",
621  "Unlock" => "5",
622  "VagueGo" => "5",
623  "VagueSay" => "5",
624  "Verify" => "5",
625  "Wear" => "5",
626  "Wake" => "5",
627  "WakeOther" => "5",
628  "Wave" => "5",
629  "WaveHands" => "5",
630  "Wait" => "5",
631  "Xpurloin" => "5",
632  "Xabstract" => "5",
633  "Xtree" => "5",
634  "Yes" => "5",
635  "first" => "6",
636  "last" => "6",
637  "multi" => "6",
638  "multiheld" => "6",
639  "multiexcept" => "6",
640  "multiinside" => "6",
641  "meta" => "6",
642  "noun" => "6",
643  "only" => "6",
644  "replace" => "6",
645  "scope" => "6",
646  "special" => "6",
647  "second" => "6",
648  "topic" => "6",
649  "@" => "7",
650  "action" => "8",
651  "AMUSING_PROVIDED" => "8",
652  "ALWAYS_BIT" => "8",
653  "ANIMA_PE" => "8",
654  "ASKSCOPE_PE" => "8",
655  "compass" => "8",
656  "CONCEAL_BIT" => "8",
657  "CANTSEE_PE" => "8",
658  "d_obj" => "8",
659  "deadflag" => "8",
660  "DEFART_BIT" => "8",
661  "DEBUG" => "8",
662  "e_obj" => "8",
663  "ENGLISH_BIT" => "8",
664  "EACHTURN_REASON" => "8",
665  "EXCEPT_PE" => "8",
666  "FULLINV_BIT" => "8",
667  "Headline" => "8",
668  "in_obj" => "8",
669  "inventory_stage" => "8",
670  "item_name" => "8",
671  "item_width" => "8",
672  "INDENT_BIT" => "8",
673  "ISARE_BIT" => "8",
674  "ITGONE_PE" => "8",
675  "InformLibrary" => "8",
676  "InformParser" => "8",
677  "JUNKAFTER_PE" => "8",
678  "LibraryMessages" => "8",
680  "moves" => "8",
681  "menu_item" => "8",
682  "MAX_CARRIED" => "8",
683  "MAX_SCORE" => "8",
684  "MAX_TIMERS" => "8",
685  "MANUAL_PRONOUNS" => "8",
686  "MULTI_PE" => "8",
687  "MMULTI_PE" => "8",
688  "n_obj" => "8",
689  "ne_obj" => "8",
690  "nw_obj" => "8",
691  "NULL" => "8",
692  "NUMBER_TASKS" => "8",
693  "NO_PLACES" => "8",
694  "NEWLINE_BIT" => "8",
695  "NUMBER_PE" => "8",
696  "NOTHELD_PE" => "8",
697  "NOTHING_PE" => "8",
698  "out_obj" => "8",
699  "OBJECT_SCORE" => "8",
700  "player" => "8",
701  "parser_action" => "8",
702  "parser_one" => "8",
703  "parser_two" => "8",
704  "parsed_number" => "8",
705  "PARTINV_BIT" => "8",
706  "PARSING_REASON" => "8",
707  "real_location" => "8",
708  "ROOM_SCORE" => "8",
709  "RECURSE_BIT" => "8",
710  "REACT_BEFORE_REASON" => "8",
711  "REACT_AFTER_REASON" => "8",
712  "s_obj" => "8",
713  "sw_obj" => "8",
714  "se_obj" => "8",
715  "score" => "8",
716  "self" => "8",
717  "selfobj" => "8",
718  "SACK_OBJECT" => "8",
719  "STUCK_PE" => "8",
720  "SCENERY_PE" => "8",
721  "Story" => "8",
722  "time" => "8",
723  "thedark" => "8",
724  "TASKS_PROVIDED" => "8",
725  "TERSE_BIT" => "8",
726  "TALKING_REASON" => "8",
727  "TESTSCOPE_REASON" => "8",
728  "TOOLIT_PE" => "8",
729  "TOOFEW_PE" => "8",
730  "u_obj" => "8",
731  "UPTO_PE" => "8",
732  "VAGUE_PE" => "8",
733  "VERB_PE" => "8",
734  "w_obj" => "8",
735  "WORKFLAG_BIT" => "8",
736  "WITHOUT_DIRECTIONS" => "8");
738  // Special extensions
740  // Each category can specify a PHP function that returns an altered
741  // version of the keyword.
745  $this->linkscripts = array(
746  "" => "donothing",
747  "1" => "donothing",
748  "6" => "donothing",
749  "5" => "donothing",
750  "3" => "donothing",
751  "4" => "donothing",
752  "2" => "donothing",
753  "7" => "donothing",
754  "8" => "donothing");
755  }
758  public function donothing($keywordin)
759  {
760  return $keywordin;
761  }
762  }
Create styles array
The data for the language used.
Definition: HFile.php:21