12 require_once(
19 'bmp' =>
23 'html' =>
24 'shtml' =>
25 'ico' =>
26 'jpe' =>
27 'jpeg' =>
28 'jpg' =>
29 'js' =>
30 'pdf' =>
32 'svg' =>
33 'svgz' =>
34 'swf' =>
35 'swfl' =>
36 'txt' =>
37 'xht' =>
38 'xhtml' =>
46 assert(
'substr($url, 0, 1) === "/"');
73 if (strpos(
'\\') !==
false) {
75 } elseif (strpos(
'./') !==
false) {
82 for ($phpPos = strpos(
'.php/'); $phpPos !==
false; $phpPos = strpos(
'.php/', $phpPos + 1)) {
84 $newURL = substr(
$url, 0, $phpPos + 4);
85 $param = substr(
$url, $phpPos + 4);
102 if (file_exists(
$path.$if)) {
116 if (!file_exists(
$path)) {
119 throw new SimpleSAML_Error_NotFound('The URL wasn\
't found in the module.');
122 if (preg_match(
$path)) {
130 $script =
131 if (stripos(
'SCRIPT_NAME'], $script) ===
false) {
143 if (preg_match(
$type)) {
154 if (function_exists(
'mime_content_type')) {
167 header(
'Cache-Control: public,max-age=86400');
168 header(
'Expires: '.gmdate(
'D, j M Y H:i:s \G\M\T',
time() + 10 * 60));
169 header(
'Last-Modified: '.gmdate(
'D, j M Y H:i:s \G\M\T', filemtime(
if($url===false) if(!SimpleSAML\Module::isModuleEnabled($module)) if(strpos($url, '\\') !==false) elseif(strpos($url, './') !==false) $moduleDir
static getModuleDir($module)
Retrieve the base directory for a module.
if($modEnd===false) $module
if(empty($_SERVER['PATH_INFO'])) $url
Attribute-related utility methods.
if(preg_match('#\.( $contentLength[^/\.]+)$#D', $path, $type)) if($contentType===null)
Add a drawing to the header
Create styles array
The data for the language used.
for($phpPos=strpos($url, '.php/'); $phpPos !==false; $phpPos=strpos($url, '.php/', $phpPos+1)) $path
if($path[strlen($path) - 1]==='/') if(is_dir($path)) if(!file_exists($path)) if(preg_match('#\.php$#D', $path)) $contentType
Add data(end) time
Method that wraps PHPs time in order to allow simulations with the workflow.