ILIAS  release_5-3 Revision v5.3.23-19-g915713cf615
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 <?php
2 /* Copyright (c) 1998-2013 ILIAS open source, Extended GPL, see docs/LICENSE */
11 {
12  public function simpleImport($file_path)
13  {
14  global $DIC;
15  $lng = $DIC['lng'];
16  $this->stats = array("created" => 0, "updated" => 0, "deleted" => 0);
17  $a = file_get_contents($file_path, "r");
18  $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($a);
20  if (!count($xml->OrgUnit)) {
21  $this->addError("no_orgunit", null, null);
22  return;
23  }
25  foreach ($xml->OrgUnit as $o) {
26  $this->simpleImportElement($o);
27  }
28  }
31  {
32  global $DIC;
33  $tree = $DIC['tree'];
34  $tpl = $DIC['tpl'];
35  $ilUser = $DIC['ilUser'];
36  $title = $o->title;
37  $description = $o->description;
38  $external_id = $o->external_id;
39  $create_mode = true;
40  $attributes = $o->attributes();
41  $action = (string) $attributes->action;
42  $ou_id = (string) $attributes->ou_id;
43  $ou_id_type = (string) $attributes->ou_id_type;
44  $ou_parent_id = (string) $attributes->ou_parent_id;
45  $ou_parent_id_type = (string) $attributes->ou_parent_id_type;
47  if ($ou_id == ilObjOrgUnit::getRootOrgRefId()) {
48  $this->addWarning("cannot_change_root_node", $ou_id?$ou_id:$external_id, $action);
49  return;
50  }
52  if ($ou_parent_id == "__ILIAS") {
53  $ou_parent_id = ilObjOrgUnit::getRootOrgRefId();
54  $ou_parent_id_type = "reference_id";
55  }
57  $ref_id = $this->buildRef($ou_id, $ou_id_type);
58  $parent_ref_id = $this->buildRef($ou_parent_id, $ou_parent_id_type);
60  if ($action == "delete") {
61  if (!$parent_ref_id) {
62  $this->addError("ou_parent_id_not_valid", $ou_id?$ou_id:$external_id, $action);
63  return;
64  }
65  if (!$ref_id) {
66  $this->addError("ou_id_not_valid", $ou_id?$ou_id:$external_id, $action);
67  return;
68  }
69  $ru = new ilRepUtil($this);
70  try {
71  $ru->deleteObjects($parent_ref_id, array($ref_id)) !== false;
72  $this->stats["deleted"]++;
73  } catch (Exception $e) {
74  $this->addWarning("orgu_already_deleted", $ou_id?$ou_id:$external_id, $action);
75  }
76  return;
77  } elseif ($action == "update") {
78  if (!$parent_ref_id) {
79  $this->addError("ou_parent_id_not_valid", $ou_id?$ou_id:$external_id, $action);
80  return;
81  }
82  if (!$ref_id) {
83  $this->addError("ou_id_not_valid", $ou_id?$ou_id:$external_id, $action);
84  return;
85  }
86  $object = new ilObjOrgUnit($ref_id);
87  $object->setTitle($title);
89  $arrTranslations = $object->getTranslations();
90  $object->updateTranslation($title, $description, $ilUser->getLanguage(), "");
92  $object->setDescription($description);
93  $object->update();
94  $object->setImportId($external_id);
95  $this->moveObject($ref_id, $parent_ref_id, $ou_id, $external_id);
97  $this->stats["updated"]++;
98  } elseif ($action == "create") {
99  if (!$parent_ref_id) {
100  $this->addError("ou_parent_id_not_valid", $ou_id?$ou_id:$external_id, $action);
101  return;
102  }
103  if ($external_id) {
104  $obj_id = ilObject::_lookupObjIdByImportId($external_id);
105  if (ilObject::_hasUntrashedReference($obj_id) && ilObject::_lookupType($obj_id) == 'orgu') {
106  $this->addError("ou_external_id_exists", $ou_id?$ou_id:$external_id, $action);
107  return;
108  }
109  }
110  $object = new ilObjOrgUnit();
111  $object->setTitle($title);
112  $object->setDescription($description);
113  $object->setImportId($external_id);
114  $object->create();
115  $object->createReference();
116  $object->putInTree($parent_ref_id);
117  $object->setPermissions($ou_parent_id);
118  $this->stats["created"]++;
119  } else {
120  $this->addError("no_valid_action_given", $ou_id, $action);
121  }
122  }
130  protected function moveObject($ref_id, $parent_ref_id, $ou_id, $external_id)
131  {
132  global $DIC;
133  $tree = $DIC['tree'];
134  if ($parent_ref_id != $tree->getParentId($ref_id)) {
135  try {
136  $path = $tree->getPathId($parent_ref_id);
137  if (in_array($ref_id, $path)) {
138  $this->addWarning("not_movable_to_subtree", $ou_id?$ou_id:$external_id, "update");
139  } else {
140  $tree->moveTree($ref_id, $parent_ref_id);
141  }
142  } catch (Exception $e) {
143  global $DIC;
144  $ilLog = $DIC['ilLog'];
145  $this->addWarning("not_movable", $ou_id?$ou_id:$external_id, "update");
146  $ilLog->write($e->getMessage() . "\\n" . $e->getTraceAsString());
147  error_log($e->getMessage() . "\\n" . $e->getTraceAsString());
148  }
149  }
150  }
151 }
Add rich text string
static _hasUntrashedReference($a_obj_id)
checks wether an object has at least one reference that is not in trash
Repository Utilities (application layer, put GUI related stuff into ilRepUtilGUI) ...
global $DIC
Definition: saml.php:7
Definition: ilias.php:10
moveObject($ref_id, $parent_ref_id, $ou_id, $external_id)
addWarning($lang_var, $import_id, $action=null)
addError($lang_var, $import_id, $action=null)
Definition: metadata.php:240
Class ilObjOrgUnit.
Definition: imgupload.php:18
Class ilOrgUnitImporter.
Create styles array
The data for the language used.
static _lookupType($a_id, $a_reference=false)
lookup object type
static getRootOrgRefId()
Class ilOrgUnitSimpleImport.
global $lng
Definition: privfeed.php:17
simpleImportElement(SimpleXMLElement $o)
static _lookupObjIdByImportId($a_import_id)
PHPExcel root directory.
Definition: Database.php:30