| getServerVersion ($native=false) |
| queryCol ($query, $type=ilDBConstants::FETCHMODE_DEFAULT, $colnum=0) |
| queryRow ($query, $types=null, $fetchmode=ilDBConstants::FETCHMODE_DEFAULT) |
| escape ($value, $escape_wildcards=false) |
| escapePattern ($text) |
| migrateAllTablesToEngine ($engine=ilDBConstants::MYSQL_ENGINE_INNODB) |
| supportsEngineMigration () |
| migrateAllTablesToCollation ($collation=ilDBConstants::MYSQL_COLLATION_UTF8MB4) |
| supportsCollationMigration () |
| addUniqueConstraint ($table, $fields, $name="con") |
| dropUniqueConstraint ($table, $name="con") |
| dropUniqueConstraintByFields ($table, $fields) |
| checkIndexName ($name) |
| getLastInsertId () |
| prepare ($query, $types=null, $result_types=null) |
| uniqueConstraintExists ($table, array $fields) |
| dropPrimaryKey ($table_name) |
| executeMultiple ($stmt, $data) |
| fromUnixtime ($expr, $to_text=true) |
| unixTimestamp () |
| autoExecute ($tablename, $fields, $mode=ilDBConstants::MDB2_AUTOQUERY_INSERT, $where=false) |
| Generate an insert, update or delete query and call prepare() and execute() on it. More...
| getDBVersion () |
| returns the Version of the Database (e.g. More...
| doesCollationSupportMB4Strings () |
| sanitizeMB4StringIfNotSupported ($query) |
| initFromIniFile ($tmpClientIniFile=null) |
| connect ($return_false_on_error=false) |
| nextId ($table_name) |
| createTable ($table_name, $fields, $drop_table=false, $ignore_erros=false) |
| addPrimaryKey ($table_name, $primary_keys) |
| createSequence ($table_name, $start=1) |
| getSequenceName ($table_name) |
| tableExists ($table_name) |
| tableColumnExists ($table_name, $column_name) |
| addTableColumn ($table_name, $column_name, $attributes) |
| dropTable ($table_name, $error_if_not_existing=true) |
| renameTable ($old_name, $new_name) |
| query ($query) |
| Run a (read-only) Query on the database. More...
| fetchAll ($query_result, $fetch_mode=ilDBConstants::FETCHMODE_ASSOC) |
| dropSequence ($table_name) |
| dropTableColumn ($table_name, $column_name) |
| renameTableColumn ($table_name, $column_old_name, $column_new_name) |
| insert ($table_name, $values) |
| fetchObject ($query_result) |
| update ($table_name, $values, $where) |
| manipulate ($query) |
| Run a (write) Query on the database. More...
| fetchAssoc ($query_result) |
| numRows ($query_result) |
| quote ($value, $type) |
| addIndex ($table_name, $fields, $index_name='', $fulltext=false) |
| indexExistsByFields ($table_name, $fields) |
| getDSN () |
| Get DSN. More...
| getDBType () |
| Get DSN. More...
| lockTables ($tables) |
| Abstraction of lock table. More...
| unlockTables () |
| Unlock tables locked by previous lock table calls. More...
| in ($field, $values, $negate=false, $type="") |
| queryF ($query, $types, $values) |
| manipulateF ($query, $types, $values) |
| useSlave ($bool) |
| Return false iff slave is not supported. More...
| setLimit ($limit, $offset) |
| like ($column, $type, $value="?", $case_insensitive=true) |
| Generate a like subquery. More...
| now () |
| replace ($table, $primaryKeys, $otherColumns) |
| Replace into method. More...
| equals ($columns, $value, $type, $emptyOrNull=false) |
| setDBUser ($user) |
| setDBPort ($port) |
| setDBPassword ($password) |
| setDBHost ($host) |
| upper ($a_exp) |
| lower ($a_exp) |
| substr ($a_exp) |
| prepareManip ($a_query, $a_types=null) |
| enableResultBuffering ($a_status) |
| execute ($stmt, $data=array()) |
| sequenceExists ($sequence) |
| listSequences () |
| supports ($feature) |
| supportsFulltext () |
| supportsSlave () |
| supportsTransactions () |
| listTables () |
| loadModule ($module) |
| getAllowedAttributes () |
| concat (array $values, $allow_null=true) |
| locate ($a_needle, $a_string, $a_start_pos=1) |
| quoteIdentifier ($identifier, $check_option=false) |
| modifyTableColumn ($table, $column, $attributes) |
| free ($a_st) |
| checkTableName ($a_name) |
| beginTransaction () |
| commit () |
| rollback () |
| constraintName ($a_table, $a_constraint) |
| dropIndex ($a_table, $a_name="i1") |
| createDatabase ($a_name, $a_charset="utf8", $a_collation="") |
| dropIndexByFields ($table_name, $afields) |
| getPrimaryKeyIdentifier () |
| addFulltextIndex ($table_name, $afields, $a_name='in') |
| dropFulltextIndex ($a_table, $a_name) |
| isFulltextIndex ($a_table, $a_name) |
| setStorageEngine ($storage_engine) |
| getStorageEngine () |
| buildAtomQuery () |
| groupConcat ($a_field_name, $a_seperator=",", $a_order=null) |
| cast ($a_field_name, $a_dest_type) |