2 $BEAUT_PATH = realpath(
".") .
6 require_once(
24 $this->colours =
25 $this->quotecolour =
26 $this->blockcommentcolour =
27 $this->linecommentcolour =
31 $this->indent =
32 $this->unindent =
36 $this->stringchars =
37 $this->delimiters =
" ",
" ",
42 $this->linecommenton =
43 $this->blockcommenton =
44 $this->blockcommentoff =
48 $this->keywords =
64 "DAL_GET_LAST" =>
65 "DAL_GET_NEXT" =>
66 "DAL_GET_PREV" =>
67 "DAL_GET_FIND" =>
68 "DAL_GET_CURR" =>
72 "abort.program" =>
73 "abort.transaction" =>
76 "act.and.sleep" =>
78 "activate.search" =>
80 "add.view.field" =>
83 "appl.get.user" =>
93 "ask.helpinfo" =>
95 "aud_close_audit" =>
96 "aud_get_audit_dd" =>
97 "aud_get_col_info" =>
98 "aud_get_fld_values" =>
99 "aud_get_hdr_size" =>
100 "aud_get_info_seq_hdr_size" =>
101 "aud_open_audit" =>
102 "aud_read_audit_rec" =>
103 "aud_read_info_hdr" =>
104 "aud_read_info_seq_hdr" =>
105 "aud_read_next_audit_rec" =>
106 "aud_read_next_tran" =>
107 "aud_read_seq_hdr" =>
108 "aud_read_tran" =>
109 "aud_select_host" =>
110 "aud_update_infofile" =>
111 "aud_write_info_hdr" =>
112 "aud_write_seq_hdr" =>
129 "blue.component" =>
131 "bms.add.mask" =>
132 "bms.delete.mask" =>
133 "bms.receive.buffer" =>
134 "bms.receive$" =>
139 "brp.open.language" =>
143 "bse.release$" =>
144 "bse.tmp.dir$" =>
149 "change.field.label" =>
150 "change.mwindow" =>
151 "change.object" =>
152 "change.progress.indicator" =>
153 "change.order" =>
154 "change.sub.object" =>
155 "change.window" =>
157 "check.all.input" =>
158 "choose.time.zone.from.list" =>
159 "chm.axis.in" =>
160 "chm.axis.out" =>
161 "chm.chartman" =>
162 "chm.data2domain.in" =>
163 "chm.data.in" =>
164 "chm.delete.data2domains" =>
165 "chm.delete.data" =>
166 "chm.delete.footnotes" =>
167 "chm.delete.projections" =>
168 "chm.delete.sets" =>
169 "chm.disconnect" =>
170 "chm.domain.in" =>
171 "chm.domain.out" =>
173 "chm.first.data2domain.out" =>
174 "chm.first.data.out" =>
175 "chm.first.footnote.out" =>
176 "chm.first.projection.out" =>
177 "chm.first.set.out" =>
178 "chm.footnote.in" =>
179 "chm.get.request" =>
180 "chm.next.data2domain.out" =>
181 "chm.next.data.out" =>
182 "chm.next.footnote.out" =>
183 "chm.next.projection.out" =>
184 "chm.next.set.out" =>
187 "chm.projection.in" =>
189 "chm.scale.axis" =>
192 "chm.set.option" =>
193 "chm.set.timer" =>
194 "chm.title.in" =>
195 "chm.title.out" =>
196 "choice.again" =>
197 "choice.report" =>
201 "close.message" =>
202 "cmd.options" =>
203 "cmd.whats.this" =>
205 "commit.transaction" =>
206 "compnr.check" =>
207 "compress.pixmap" =>
209 "cont.process" =>
217 "create.extra.toolbar" =>
218 "create.mwindow" =>
219 "create.node" =>
220 "create.object" =>
221 "create.progress.indicator" =>
222 "create.sub.object" =>
223 "create.sub.object.by.id" =>
224 "creat.tmp.file$" =>
225 "create.tree.button" =>
226 "create.tree" =>
228 "current.display" =>
229 "current.mwindow" =>
230 "current.window" =>
232 "dal.count.error.messages" =>
233 "dal.get.error.message" =>
234 "dal.get.first.error.message" =>
235 "dal.reset.error.messages" =>
236 "dal.set.error.message" =>
237 "dal.destroy" =>
238 "dal.get.property.flag" =>
240 "dal.set.property" =>
241 "dal.start.business.method" =>
245 "date.time.utc" =>
246 "date.to.date" =>
247 "date.to.inputstr$" =>
248 "date.to.num" =>
249 "date.to.utc" =>
251 "db.change.order" =>
252 "db.check.restricted" =>
253 "db.check.row.changed" =>
254 "db.check.row.domains" =>
255 "db.clear.table" =>
256 "db.columns.to.record" =>
257 "db.create.table" =>
260 "db.drop.table" =>
263 "db.error.message" =>
267 "db.indexinfo" =>
271 "db.lock.table" =>
274 "db.nr.indices" =>
276 "db.permission" =>
278 "db.record.to.columns" =>
279 "db.ref.handle.mode" =>
280 "db.retry.point" =>
281 "db.retry.hit" =>
282 "db.row.length" =>
283 "db.set.to.default" =>
286 "decompress.pixmap" =>
291 "destroy.mwindow" =>
292 "destroy.object" =>
293 "destroy.progress.indicator" =>
294 "destroy.sub.object" =>
295 "destroy.tree" =>
299 "dir.open.tree" =>
301 "disable.commands" =>
302 "disable.fields" =>
304 "display.all" =>
305 "display.curr.occ" =>
306 "display.fld" =>
307 "display.occ" =>
308 "display.set" =>
309 "display.total.fields" =>
313 "do.occ.without.update" =>
316 "dump.window" =>
322 "enable.commands" =>
323 "enable.fields" =>
324 "end.program" =>
325 "enum.descr$" =>
328 "exec_dll_function" =>
329 "exec_function" =>
334 "expr.compile" =>
343 "file.mv.across.hosts" =>
350 "first.window" =>
351 "form.tab.change" =>
353 "format.round" =>
357 "get.arg.type" =>
360 "get.company" =>
363 "get.defaults" =>
364 "get.display.data" =>
365 "get.double.arg" =>
366 "get.field.label" =>
367 "get.indexed.var" =>
368 "get.long.arg" =>
369 "get.mwindow.attrs" =>
370 "get.mwindow.mode" =>
371 "get.mwindow.size" =>
374 "get.pixmap.info" =>
375 "get.resource$" =>
377 "get.sub.object" =>
378 "get.screen.defaults" =>
379 "get.string.arg" =>
380 "get.time.zone" =>
381 "get.tree.default" =>
382 "get.tree.node.dpress" =>
383 "get.tree.node.press" =>
384 "get.tree.push.button" =>
386 "get.window.attrs" =>
387 "get_function" =>
390 "global.copy" =>
391 "global.delete" =>
392 "grab.mwindow" =>
393 "green.component" =>
394 "group.exists" =>
399 "input.again" =>
400 "input.to.utc" =>
401 "inputstr.to.date" =>
402 "inputstr.to.utc" =>
403 "inputfield.invisible" =>
404 "inputfield.password" =>
405 "inputfield.visible" =>
410 "is.field.invisible" =>
411 "is.option.on" =>
419 "last.window" =>
421 "len.in.bytes" =>
428 "load.double" =>
432 "local.to.utc" =>
435 "lower.object" =>
439 "make.current" =>
442 "mark.delete" =>
443 "mark.handler" =>
448 "mb.cast.to.str$" =>
450 "mb.char.info" =>
453 "mb.ext.clean$" =>
457 "mb.isbidi.language" =>
459 "mb.locale.info" =>
460 "mb.localename$" =>
461 "mb.long.to.str$" =>
465 "mb.set.info" =>
467 "mb.tss.clean$" =>
475 "move.window" =>
485 "num.to.date" =>
486 "num.to.date$" =>
487 "num.to.week" =>
488 "off.change.check" =>
489 "on.change.check" =>
490 "on.main.table" =>
492 "open.message" =>
494 "parse_and_exec_function" =>
497 "pcm.activate.session" =>
498 "pcm.change.object" =>
500 "pcm.create.object" =>
502 "pcm.destroy.object" =>
503 "pcm.destroy" =>
504 "pcm.get.data" =>
506 "pcm.refresh" =>
507 "pcm.send.event" =>
509 "pending.events" =>
511 "pipe.clearerr" =>
526 "print.const" =>
529 "put.double.arg" =>
530 "put.indexed.var" =>
531 "put.long.arg" =>
532 "put.string.arg" =>
536 "query.object" =>
537 "raise.object" =>
539 "rdi.audit.hosts" =>
541 "rdi.column.combined" =>
542 "rdi.date.input.format$" =>
543 "rdi.domain.byte" =>
544 "rdi.domain.combined" =>
545 "rdi.domain.date" =>
546 "rdi.domain.double" =>
547 "rdi.domain.enum" =>
548 "rdi.domain.enum.value" =>
549 "rdi.domain.float" =>
550 "rdi.domain.integer" =>
551 "rdi.domain.long" =>
552 "rdi.domain.mail" =>
553 "rdi.domain.set" =>
554 "rdi.domain.string" =>
555 "rdi.domain.set.value" =>
556 "rdi.domain.text" =>
558 "rdi.first.day.of.week" =>
560 "rdi.reference" =>
562 "rdi.table.column" =>
564 "receive.bucket$" =>
565 "recv.message" =>
566 "red.component" =>
568 "refresh.curr.occ" =>
569 "remove.mark" =>
570 "resize.window" =>
571 "restore.rcd.main" =>
578 "recover.set" =>
580 "restart.input" =>
581 "rotate.curr" =>
587 "rsc.boolean" =>
590 "rsc.font.spec" =>
595 "rsc.setboolean" =>
596 "rsc.setdouble" =>
597 "rsc.setenum" =>
598 "rsc.setlong" =>
599 "rsc.setstring" =>
601 "run.baan.prog" =>
604 "save.defaults" =>
606 "select.event.input" =>
607 "send.bucket" =>
609 "send.message" =>
611 "seq.clearerr" =>
618 "seq.is.locked" =>
628 "seq.ungetc$" =>
634 "set.bg.color" =>
635 "set.bitset.values" =>
636 "set.currencies" =>
637 "set.enum.values" =>
638 "set.enum.values.for.field" =>
639 "set.fg.color" =>
640 "set.fields.default" =>
644 "set.input.error" =>
645 "set.limits.off" =>
649 "set.mwindow.mode" =>
650 "set.mwindow.size" =>
651 "set.mwindow.title" =>
652 "set.node.class.color" =>
653 "set.node.class" =>
655 "set.sensitive" =>
656 "set.strip.mode" =>
657 "set.symbol.strip.mode" =>
658 "set.synchronized.dialog" =>
660 "set.time.zone" =>
661 "set.tree.background" =>
662 "set.tree.font" =>
663 "set.tree.foreground" =>
664 "set.tree.linewidth" =>
665 "set.tree.name" =>
666 "set.transaction.readonly" =>
678 "spool.close" =>
687 "sql.select.bind" =>
688 "sql.where.bind" =>
691 "start.session" =>
693 "start.chart" =>
694 "start.query" =>
696 "start.synchronized.child" =>
697 "start.synchronized.child.with" =>
699 "status.field" =>
700 "status.mess" =>
705 "stop.synchronized.child" =>
707 "store.double" =>
708 "store.float" =>
710 "store.occ.max" =>
711 "store.occ.min" =>
712 "store.short" =>
713 "stp.reset.value" =>
715 "string.scan" =>
716 "string.set$" =>
721 "switch.to.company" =>
722 "switch.to.process" =>
723 "synchronize.with.child" =>
725 "table.round" =>
729 "text.copy.language" =>
730 "text.copy.between.companies" =>
731 "text.defaults" =>
732 "text.delete" =>
734 "text.manager" =>
735 "text.present.in.language" =>
737 "text.rewrite" =>
738 "text.to.buf" =>
739 "text.window" =>
744 "timezone.exists" =>
751 "tt.align.according.domain" =>
752 "tt.bobject.desc" =>
753 "tt.chm.appl.desc" =>
754 "tt.chm.application" =>
755 "tt.chm.chart" =>
756 "tt.chm.charttype" =>
758 "tt.currency" =>
760 "tt.field.desc" =>
761 "tt.index.desc" =>
762 "tt.language" =>
764 "tt.menu.desc" =>
765 "tt.menu.present" =>
766 "tt.report.desc" =>
767 "tt.reportgroup.exists" =>
768 "tt.session.desc" =>
769 "tt.session.permission" =>
770 "tt.session.present" =>
771 "tt.short.field.desc" =>
772 "tt.table.desc" =>
776 "unmap.object" =>
777 "unmap.window" =>
778 "unset.focus" =>
780 "update.object" =>
794 "utc.to.date" =>
795 "utc.to.input" =>
796 "utc.to.input$" =>
797 "utc.to.local" =>
798 "utc.to.week" =>
803 "wait.and.activate" =>
804 "wait.for.switch" =>
805 "week.to.num" =>
806 "week.to.utc" =>
807 "with.object.set.do" =>
808 "with.old.object.values.do" =>
814 "attr.bitset.mask" =>
815 "attr.changed" =>
817 "attr.currency$" =>
818 "attr.currkey" =>
820 "attr.dbmaxlen" =>
821 "attr.deflt$" =>
822 "attr.descr$" =>
826 "attr.domain$" =>
830 "attr.element" =>
831 "attr.enum.mask$" =>
832 "attr.format.addition$" =>
833 "attr.helpfile$" =>
836 "attr.inpfld" =>
839 "attr.mandatory" =>
840 "attr.maxlen" =>
841 "attr.message$" =>
842 "attr.minlen" =>
843 "attr.multioccur" =>
844 "attr.nowait$" =>
845 "attr.oformat$" =>
846 "attr.permission" =>
847 "attr.previous$" =>
850 "attr.reallen" =>
851 "attr.refpath" =>
853 "attr.rotate" =>
855 "attr.textfield$" =>
856 "attr.textkw1$" =>
857 "attr.textkw2$" =>
858 "attr.textkw3$" =>
859 "attr.textkw4$" =>
860 "attr.textlang$" =>
861 "attr.textmaxlines" =>
862 "attr.textmode" =>
863 "attr.textopt$" =>
864 "attr.textstart" =>
865 "attr.textzoomsession$" =>
867 "attr.zoomcode" =>
868 "attr.zoomreturn$" =>
869 "attr.zoomsession$" =>
870 "auto.nextform" =>
872 "before.update.check" =>
885 "error.bypass" =>
887 "fattr.currfld$" =>
888 "fattr.descr$" =>
889 "fattr.ftype" =>
890 "fattr.helpfile$" =>
891 "fattr.horizontal" =>
893 "fattr.nextfld$" =>
894 "fattr.nrtabs" =>
895 "fattr.occurnr" =>
896 "fattr.prevfld$" =>
898 "fattr.scrollbar" =>
899 "fattr.seqno" =>
901 "fattr.toplines" =>
902 "fattr.total.line" =>
903 "fattr.vdate$" =>
904 "fattr.version$" =>
905 "fattr.width" =>
913 "graphical.mode" =>
914 "ignore.first.event" =>
916 "initial.resize" =>
918 "job.device.requested" =>
919 "job.process" =>
921 "job.skip.date.question" =>
924 "lattr.autobefores" =>
925 "lattr.autoreset" =>
926 "lattr.break" =>
927 "lattr.enddata" =>
928 "lattr.header" =>
929 "lattr.language$" =>
930 "lattr.lineno" =>
931 "lattr.multicol" =>
932 "lattr.multicol.count" =>
933 "lattr.multicol.repeat" =>
934 "lattr.pageno" =>
935 "lattr.print" =>
936 "lattr.prline" =>
937 "lattr.recordtimes" =>
938 "lattr.textexpand" =>
939 "lattr.textlang$" =>
940 "lattr.textline" =>
941 "lattr.textlineno" =>
942 "lattr.textlines.max" =>
943 "lattr.textlines.min" =>
944 "main.table$" =>
945 "mark.status" =>
946 "mark.table()" =>
948 "max.formtabs" =>
950 "modify.prim.key" =>
951 "number.forms" =>
954 "previous.choice" =>
955 "procesinfo$" =>
957 "query.extend.select" =>
958 "query.extend.select.in.zoom" =>
959 "query.extend.from" =>
960 "query.extend.from.in.zoom" =>
961 "query.extend.where" =>
962 "query.extend.where.in.zoom" =>
963 "query.extension" =>
966 "sattr.combined" =>
967 "stp.abort.error" =>
968 "stp.check.input.error" =>
969 "stp.skip.error" =>
972 "update.status" =>
973 "user.exists" =>
976 "zoomreturn$" =>
1033 "selectbind" =>
1035 "selectempty" =>
1037 "selecterror" =>
1053 "after.choice:" =>
1054 "after.commit.transaction" =>
1055 "after.delete:" =>
1056 "after.display:" =>
1057 "after.display.object:" =>
1058 "after.field:" =>
1059 "after.form:" =>
1060 "after.input:" =>
1061 "after.program:" =>
1062 "after.read:" =>
1063 "after.rewrite:" =>
1064 "after.skip.delete:" =>
1065 "after.skip.rewrite:" =>
1066 "after.skip.write:" =>
1067 "after.update.db.commit:" =>
1068 "after.write:" =>
1069 "after.zoom:" =>
1070 "after.get.object" =>
1071 "after.destroy.object" =>
1072 "after.save.object" =>
1073 "before.checks:" =>
1074 "before.choice:" =>
1075 "before.delete:" =>
1076 "before.display:" =>
1077 "before.display.object:" =>
1078 "before.field:" =>
1079 "before.form:" =>
1080 "before.input:" =>
1081 "before.layout:" =>
1082 "before.open.object.set" =>
1083 "before.get.object" =>
1084 "before.destroy.object" =>
1085 "before.save.object" =>
1086 "before.program:" =>
1087 "before.read:" =>
1088 "before.rewrite:" =>
1089 "before.write:" =>
1090 "before.zoom:" =>
1091 "check.input:" =>
1092 "choice.abort.program:" =>
1093 "choice.add.set:" =>
1094 "choice.bms:" =>
1095 "choice.change.frm:" =>
1096 "choice.change.order:" =>
1097 "choice.cont.process:" =>
1098 "choice.create.job:" =>
1099 "choice.def.find:" =>
1100 "choice.dupl.occur:" =>
1101 "choice.end.program:" =>
1102 "choice.find.data:" =>
1103 "choice.first.frm:" =>
1104 "choice.first.set:" =>
1105 "choice.first.view:" =>
1106 "choice.get.defaults:" =>
1107 "choice.global.copy:" =>
1108 "choice.global.delete:" =>
1109 "choice.interrupt:" =>
1110 "choice.last.frm:" =>
1111 "choice.last.set:" =>
1112 "choice.last.view:" =>
1113 "choice.make.resident:" =>
1114 "choice.mark.delete:" =>
1115 "choice.mark.occur:" =>
1116 "choice.modify.set:" =>
1117 "choice.next.frm:" =>
1118 "choice.next.halfset:" =>
1119 "choice.next.set:" =>
1120 "choice.prev.frm:" =>
1121 "choice.prev.halfset:" =>
1122 "choice.prev.set:" =>
1123 "choice.prev.view:" =>
1124 "choice.print.data:" =>
1125 "choice.recover.set:" =>
1126 "choice.resize.frm:" =>
1127 "choice.restart.input:" =>
1128 "choice.run.job:" =>
1129 "choice.save.defaults:" =>
1130 "choice.start.chart:" =>
1131 "choice.start.query:" =>
1132 "choice.start.set:" =>
1133 "choice.text.manager:" =>
1134 "choice.update.db:" =>
1135 "choice.user.0:" =>
1136 "choice.user.1:" =>
1137 "choice.user.2:" =>
1138 "choice.user.3:" =>
1139 "choice.user.4:" =>
1140 "choice.user.5:" =>
1141 "choice.user.6:" =>
1142 "choice.user.7:" =>
1143 "choice.user.8:" =>
1144 "choice.user.9:" =>
1145 "choice.zoom:" =>
1146 "declaration:" =>
1147 "domain.error:" =>
1148 "field.all:" =>
1149 "field.other:" =>
1163 "form.other:" =>
1164 "functions:" =>
1165 "init.field:" =>
1166 "init.form:" =>
1167 "main.table.io:" =>
1168 "on.choice:" =>
1173 "read.view:" =>
1174 "ref.display:" =>
1175 "ref.input:" =>
1176 "when.field.changes:" =>
1177 "zoom.from.all:" =>
1178 "zoom.from.other:" =>
1210 $this->linkscripts =
1216 "6" =>
Create styles array
The data for the language used.