ILIAS  release_5-3 Revision v5.3.23-19-g915713cf615
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 <?php
2 /*************************************************************************************
3  * haskell.php
4  * ----------
5  * Author: Daniel Mlot (duplode_1 at yahoo dot com dot br)
6  * Based on haskell.php by Jason Dagit (, which was
7  * based on ocaml.php by Flaie (
8  * Copyright: (c) 2005 Flaie, Nigel McNie (
9  * Release Version:
10  * Date Started: 2014/05/12
11  *
12  * Haskell language file for GeSHi.
13  *
14  *************************************************************************************
15  *
16  * This file is part of GeSHi.
17  *
18  * GeSHi is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
19  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
20  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
21  * (at your option) any later version.
22  *
23  * GeSHi is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
24  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
26  * GNU General Public License for more details.
27  *
28  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
29  * along with GeSHi; if not, write to the Free Software
30  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
31  *
32  ************************************************************************************/
35  'LANG_NAME' => 'Haskell',
36  'COMMENT_SINGLE' => array( 1 => '--'),
37  'COMMENT_MULTI' => array('{-' => '-}'),
38  'COMMENT_REGEXP' => array(
39  2 => "/-->/",
40  3 => "/{-(?:(?R)|.)-}/s", //Nested Comments
41  ),
42  'CASE_KEYWORDS' => 0,
43  'QUOTEMARKS' => array('"'),
44  'ESCAPE_CHAR' => '\\',
45  'KEYWORDS' => array(
46  /* main haskell keywords */
47  1 => array(
48  'as',
49  'case', 'of', 'class', 'data', 'default',
50  'deriving', 'do', 'forall', 'hiding', 'if', 'then',
51  'else', 'import', 'infix', 'infixl', 'infixr',
52  'instance', 'let', 'in', 'module', 'newtype',
53  'qualified', 'type', 'where'
54  ),
55  /* define names of main libraries, so we can link to it */
56  2 => array(
57  'Foreign', 'Numeric', 'Prelude'
58  ),
59  /* just link to Prelude functions, cause it's the default opened library when starting Haskell */
60  3 => array(
61  'not', 'otherwise', 'maybe',
62  'either', 'fst', 'snd', 'curry', 'uncurry',
63  'compare',
64  'max', 'min', 'succ', 'pred', 'toEnum', 'fromEnum',
65  'enumFrom', 'enumFromThen', 'enumFromTo',
66  'enumFromThenTo', 'minBound', 'maxBound',
67  'negate', 'abs', 'signum',
68  'fromInteger', 'toRational', 'quot', 'rem',
69  'div', 'mod', 'quotRem', 'divMod', 'toInteger',
70  'recip', 'fromRational', 'pi', 'exp',
71  'log', 'sqrt', 'logBase', 'sin', 'cos',
72  'tan', 'asin', 'acos', 'atan', 'sinh', 'cosh',
73  'tanh', 'asinh', 'acosh', 'atanh',
74  'properFraction', 'truncate', 'round', 'ceiling',
75  'floor', 'floatRadix', 'floatDigits', 'floatRange',
76  'decodeFloat', 'encodeFloat', 'exponent',
77  'significand', 'scaleFloat', 'isNaN', 'isInfinite',
78  'isDenomalized', 'isNegativeZero', 'isIEEE',
79  'atan2', 'subtract', 'even', 'odd', 'gcd',
80  'lcm', 'fromIntegral', 'realToFrac',
81  'return', 'fail', 'fmap',
82  'mapM', 'mapM_', 'sequence', 'sequence_',
83  'id', 'const','flip',
84  'until', 'asTypeOf', 'error', 'undefined',
85  'seq','map','filter', 'head',
86  'last', 'tail', 'init', 'null', 'length',
87  'reverse', 'foldl', 'foldl1', 'foldr',
88  'foldr1', 'and', 'or', 'any', 'all', 'sum',
89  'product', 'concat', 'concatMap', 'maximum',
90  'minimum', 'scanl', 'scanl1', 'scanr', 'scanr1',
91  'iterate', 'repeat', 'cycle', 'take', 'drop',
92  'splitAt', 'takeWhile', 'dropWhile', 'span',
93  'break', 'elem', 'notElem', 'lookup', 'zip',
94  'zip3', 'zipWith', 'zipWith3', 'unzip', 'unzip3',
95  'lines', 'words', 'unlines',
96  'unwords', 'showPrec', 'show', 'showList',
97  'shows', 'showChar', 'showString', 'showParen',
98  'readsPrec', 'readList', 'reads', 'readParen',
99  'read', 'lex', 'putChar', 'putStr', 'putStrLn',
100  'print', 'getChar', 'getLine', 'getContents',
101  'interact', 'readFile', 'writeFile', 'appendFile',
102  'readIO', 'readLn', 'ioError', 'userError', 'catch'
103  ),
104  /* Prelude types */
105  4 => array (
106  'Bool', 'Maybe', 'Either', 'Ordering',
107  'Char', 'String',
108  'Int', 'Integer', 'Float', 'Double', 'Rational',
109  'ShowS', 'ReadS',
110  'IO', 'IOError', 'IOException'
111  ),
112  /* Prelude classes */
113  5 => array (
114  'Ord', 'Eq', 'Enum', 'Bounded',
115  'Num', 'Real', 'Integral', 'Fractional',
116  'Floating', 'RealFrac', 'RealFloat',
117  'Monad', 'Functor',
118  'Show', 'Read'
119  )
120  ),
121  /* Most symbol combinations can be valid Haskell operators */
122  'SYMBOLS' => array(
123  '!', '@', '#', '$', '%', '&', '*', '-', '+', '=',
124  '^', '~', '|', '\\', '>', '<', ':', '?', '/'
125  ),
126  'CASE_SENSITIVE' => array(
127  GESHI_COMMENTS => false,
128  1 => true, /* Haskell is a case sensitive language */
129  2 => true,
130  3 => true,
131  4 => true,
132  5 => true
133  ),
134  'STYLES' => array(
135  'KEYWORDS' => array(
136  1 => 'color: #06c; font-weight: bold;', /* nice blue */
137  2 => 'color: #06c; font-weight: bold;', /* blue as well */
138  3 => 'font-weight: bold;', /* make the preduled functions bold */
139  4 => 'color: #cccc00; font-weight: bold;', /* give types a different bg */
140  5 => 'color: maroon; font-weight: bold;' /* similarly for classes */
141  ),
142  'COMMENTS' => array(
143  1 => 'color: #5d478b; font-style: italic;',
144  2 => 'color: #339933; font-weight: bold;',
145  3 => 'color: #5d478b; font-style: italic;', /* light purple */
146  'MULTI' => 'color: #5d478b; font-style: italic;' /* light purple */
147  ),
148  'ESCAPE_CHAR' => array(
149  0 => 'background-color: #3cb371; font-weight: bold;'
150  ),
151  'BRACKETS' => array(
152  0 => 'color: green;'
153  ),
154  'STRINGS' => array(
155  0 => 'color: #3cb371;' /* nice green */
156  ),
157  'NUMBERS' => array(
158  0 => 'color: red;' /* pink */
159  ),
160  'METHODS' => array(
161  1 => 'color: #060;' /* dark green */
162  ),
163  'REGEXPS' => array(
164  ),
165  'SYMBOLS' => array(
166  0 => 'color: #339933; font-weight: bold;'
167  ),
168  'SCRIPT' => array(
169  )
170  ),
171  'URLS' => array(
172  /* some of keywords are Prelude functions */
173  1 => '',
174  /* link to the wanted library */
175  2 => '{FNAME}.html',
176  /* link to Prelude functions */
177  3 => '{FNAME}',
178  /* link to Prelude types */
179  4 => '{FNAME}',
180  /* link to Prelude exceptions */
181  5 => '{FNAME}'
182  ),
183  'OOLANG' => false,
184  'OBJECT_SPLITTERS' => array(
185  ),
186  'REGEXPS' => array(
187  ),
189  'SCRIPT_DELIMITERS' => array(
190  ),
192  )
193 );
Used in language files to mark comments.
Definition: geshi.php:149
Create styles array
The data for the language used.
#+ private
Definition: geshi.php:123
Definition: haskell.php:34