63 header(
"Location: " . htmlspecialchars_decode($callback_url));
228 $unit =
229 $bytes = max($bytes, 0);
230 $pow = floor(($bytes ? log($bytes) : 0) / log(1024));
231 $pow = min($pow, count($unit) - 1);
232 $bytes /= pow(1024, $pow);
233 return round($bytes, 2) .
' ' . $unit[$pow];
242 return isset(
'HTTPS']) &&
'HTTPS'] !=
'off' ?
Place were the callback should lead to after authentication.
For shorter access.
Called when a file is accessed for download by the user Uses the id instead of the path...
putFileById($tmp_name, $file_name, $id)
Called when a file is uploaded by the user Uses the id instead of the path.
For shorter access.
if(!array_key_exists('StateId', $_REQUEST)) $id
A little helper function returning the currently used protocol as string.
addToFileTree(ilCloudFileTree $file_tree, $parent_folder="/")
Updates the file tree when the user navigates through files and folders.
Called when RootId (id of the folder which is set to root) is needed.
putFile($file, $name, $path='', ilCloudFileTree $file_tree=null)
Called when a file is uploaded by the user.
__construct($service_name, $obj_id)
Called when an item is deleted by the user Uses the id instead of the path.
deleteItem($path=null, ilCloudFileTree $file_tree=null)
Called when an item is deleted by the user.
static getPluginClass($service_name, $obj_id)
getFile($path=null, ilCloudFileTree $file_tree=null)
Called when a file is accessed for download by the user.
Add a drawing to the header
addToFileTreeWithId(ilCloudFileTree $file_tree, $id)
Updates the file tree when the user navigates through files and folders.
Class ilCloudPluginService.
Create styles array
The data for the language used.
createFolderById($parent_id, $folder_name)
Called when a folder is created by the user Uses the id instead of the path.
Called after the cloud object is created to authenticate the service if needed.
createFolder($path=null, ilCloudFileTree $file_tree=null)
Called when a folder is created by the user.
if(!file_exists("$old.txt")) if($old===$new) if(file_exists("$new.txt")) $file
by default false