2 $BEAUT_PATH = realpath(
".") .
6 require_once(
24 $this->colours =
25 $this->quotecolour =
26 $this->blockcommentcolour =
27 $this->linecommentcolour =
31 $this->indent =
32 $this->unindent =
"end if",
"end repeat");
36 $this->stringchars =
37 $this->delimiters =
" ",
" ",
42 $this->linecommenton =
43 $this->blockcommenton =
44 $this->blockcommentoff =
48 $this->keywords =
88 "activateWindow" =>
89 "activeCastLib" =>
90 "activeWindow" =>
98 "allowCustomCaching" =>
99 "allowGraphicMenu" =>
100 "allowSaveLocal" =>
101 "allowTransportControl" =>
102 "allowVolumeControl" =>
103 "allowZooming" =>
104 "alphaThreshold" =>
108 "applicationPath" =>
115 "beginRecording" =>
116 "beginSprite" =>
122 "boxDropShadow" =>
124 "buttonStyle" =>
127 "callAncestor" =>
128 "cancelIdleLoad" =>
132 "centerRegPoint" =>
133 "centerStage" =>
135 "channelCount" =>
137 "charPosToLoc" =>
140 "checkBoxAccess" =>
141 "checkBoxType" =>
145 "clearGlobals" =>
149 "closeWindow" =>
153 "commandDown" =>
158 "controlDown" =>
160 "copyToClipBoard" =>
163 "cpuHogTicks" =>
166 "cuePointNames" =>
167 "cuePointTimes" =>
168 "currentSpriteNum" =>
169 "currentTime" =>
172 "deactivateWindow" =>
177 "deleteFrame" =>
181 "deskTopRectList" =>
182 "digitalVideoTimeScale" =>
183 "digitalVideoType" =>
184 "directToStage" =>
187 "doubleClick" =>
192 "duplicateFrame" =>
196 "emulateMultiButtonMouse" =>
199 "endRecording" =>
203 "environment" =>
209 "externalParamCount" =>
210 "externalParamName" =>
211 "externalParamValue" =>
219 "findPosNear" =>
220 "finishIdleLoad" =>
221 "fixStageSize" =>
226 "floatPrecision" =>
234 "framePalette" =>
237 "frameScript" =>
238 "frameSound1" =>
239 "frameSound2" =>
240 "framesToHMS" =>
242 "frameTransition" =>
245 "frontWindow" =>
248 "getBehaviorDescription" =>
249 "getBehaviorTooltip" =>
251 "getNthFileNameInFolder" =>
257 "getPropertyDescriptionList" =>
263 "HMStoFrames" =>
265 "idleHandlerPeriod" =>
266 "idleLoadDone" =>
267 "idleLoadMode" =>
268 "idleLoadPeriod" =>
269 "idleLoadTag" =>
270 "idleReadChunkSize" =>
271 "importFileInto" =>
275 "insertFrame" =>
277 "installMenu" =>
283 "isPastCuePoint" =>
285 "itemDelimiter" =>
287 "keyboardFocusSprite" =>
290 "keyDownScript" =>
293 "keyUpScript" =>
297 "lastChannel" =>
307 "lineDirection" =>
309 "linePosToLocV" =>
317 "locToCharPos" =>
319 "locVToLinePos" =>
325 "mapMemberToStage" =>
326 "mapStageToMember" =>
338 "milliseconds" =>
342 "mostRecentCuePoint" =>
345 "mouseDownScript" =>
350 "mouseMember" =>
352 "mouseUpOutside" =>
353 "mouseUpScript" =>
355 "mouseWithin" =>
358 "moveableSprite" =>
360 "moveToFront" =>
363 "movieAboutInfo" =>
364 "movieCopyrightInfo" =>
365 "movieFileFreeSize" =>
366 "movieFileSize" =>
371 "movieXtraList" =>
375 "netThrottleTicks" =>
383 "openResFile" =>
387 "organizationName" =>
390 "paletteMapping" =>
395 "pasteClipBoardInto" =>
399 "pausedAtStart" =>
411 "preLoadEventAbort" =>
412 "preLoadMember" =>
413 "preLoadMode" =>
414 "preLoadMovie" =>
416 "prepareFrame" =>
417 "prepareMovie" =>
421 "puppetPalette" =>
422 "puppetSound" =>
423 "puppetSprite" =>
424 "puppetTempo" =>
425 "puppetTransition" =>
426 "purgePriority" =>
435 "resizeWindow" =>
438 "rightMouseDown" =>
439 "rightMouseUp" =>
444 "runPropertyDialog" =>
452 "scoreSelection" =>
454 "scriptInstanceList" =>
456 "scriptsEnabled" =>
459 "scrollByLine" =>
460 "scrollByPage" =>
462 "searchCurrentFolder" =>
464 "searchPaths" =>
468 "sendAllSprites" =>
470 "serialNumber" =>
475 "setTrackEnabled" =>
479 "showGlobals" =>
481 "showResFile" =>
490 "soundDevice" =>
491 "soundDeviceList" =>
492 "soundEnabled" =>
493 "soundKeepDevice" =>
501 "stageBottom" =>
518 "switchColorDepth" =>
529 "timeoutKeyDown" =>
530 "timeoutLapsed" =>
531 "timeoutLength" =>
532 "timeoutMouse" =>
533 "timeoutPlay" =>
534 "timeoutScript" =>
538 "titleVisible" =>
542 "traceLogFile" =>
544 "trackEnabled" =>
545 "trackNextKeyTime" =>
546 "trackNextSampleTime" =>
547 "trackPreviousKeyTime" =>
548 "trackPreviousSampleTime" =>
549 "trackStartTime" =>
550 "trackStopTime" =>
553 "transitionType" =>
558 "unLoadMember" =>
559 "unloadMovie" =>
560 "updateFrame" =>
562 "updateMovieEnabled" =>
563 "updateStage" =>
569 "videoForWindowsPresent" =>
577 "windowPresent" =>
585 "zoomWindow" =>
594 $this->linkscripts =
Create styles array
The data for the language used.