ILIAS  release_5-3 Revision v5.3.23-19-g915713cf615
assImagemapQuestion Class Reference

Class for image map questions. More...

+ Inheritance diagram for assImagemapQuestion:
+ Collaboration diagram for assImagemapQuestion:

Public Member Functions

 __construct ( $title="", $comment="", $author="", $owner=-1, $question="", $image_filename="")
 assImagemapQuestion constructor More...
 setIsMultipleChoice ($is_multiple_choice)
 Set true if the Imagemapquestion is a multiplechoice Question. More...
 getIsMultipleChoice ()
 Returns true, if the imagemap question is a multiplechoice question. More...
 isComplete ()
 Returns true, if a imagemap question is complete for use. More...
 saveToDb ($original_id="")
 Saves an assImagemapQuestion object to a database. More...
 saveAnswerSpecificDataToDb ()
 Saves the answer specific records into a question types answer table. More...
 saveAdditionalQuestionDataToDb ()
 Saves a record to the question types additional data table. More...
 duplicate ($for_test=true, $title="", $author="", $owner="", $testObjId=null)
 Duplicates an assImagemapQuestion. More...
 copyObject ($target_questionpool_id, $title="")
 Copies an assImagemapQuestion object. More...
 createNewOriginalFromThisDuplicate ($targetParentId, $targetQuestionTitle="")
 duplicateImage ($question_id, $objectId=null)
 copyImage ($question_id, $source_questionpool)
 loadFromDb ($question_id)
 Loads a assImagemapQuestion object from a database. More...
 uploadImagemap (array $shapes)
 Uploads an image map and takes over the areas. More...
 getImageFilename ()
 setImageFilename ($image_filename, $image_tempfilename="")
 Sets the image file name. More...
 get_imagemap_contents ($href="#")
 Gets the imagemap file contents. More...
 addAnswer ( $answertext="", $points=0.0, $order=0, $coords="", $area="", $points_unchecked=0.0)
 Adds a possible answer for a imagemap question. More...
 getAnswerCount ()
 Returns the number of answers. More...
 getAnswer ($index=0)
 Returns an answer. More...
getAnswers ()
 Returns the answer array. More...
 deleteArea ($index=0)
 Deletes an answer. More...
 flushAnswers ()
 Deletes all answers. More...
 getMaximumPoints ()
 Returns the maximum points, a learner can reach answering the question. More...
 calculateReachedPoints ($active_id, $pass=null, $authorizedSolution=true, $returndetails=false)
 Returns the points, a learner has reached answering the question. More...
 calculateReachedPointsFromPreviewSession (ilAssQuestionPreviewSession $previewSession)
 isAutosaveable ()
 saveWorkingData ($active_id, $pass=null, $authorized=true)
 Saves the learners input of the question to the database. More...
 syncWithOriginal ()
 getQuestionType ()
 Returns the question type of the question. More...
 getAdditionalTableName ()
 Returns the name of the additional question data table in the database. More...
 getAnswerTableName ()
 Returns the name of the answer table in the database. More...
 getRTETextWithMediaObjects ()
 Collects all text in the question which could contain media objects which were created with the Rich Text Editor. More...
 setExportDetailsXLS ($worksheet, $startrow, $active_id, $pass)
 {} More...
 deleteImage ()
 Deletes the image file. More...
 toJSON ()
 Returns a JSON representation of the question. More...
 getOperators ($expression)
 Get all available operations for a specific question. More...
 getExpressionTypes ()
 Get all available expression types for a specific question. More...
 getAvailableAnswerOptions ($index=null)
 If index is null, the function returns an array with all anwser options Else it returns the specific answer option. More...
 getTestOutputSolutions ($activeId, $pass)
- Public Member Functions inherited from assQuestion
 __construct ( $title="", $comment="", $author="", $owner=-1, $question="")
 assQuestion constructor More...
 getShuffler ()
 setShuffler (ilArrayElementShuffler $shuffler)
 setProcessLocker ($processLocker)
 getProcessLocker ()
 fromXML (&$item, &$questionpool_id, &$tst_id, &$tst_object, &$question_counter, &$import_mapping)
 Receives parameters from a QTI parser and creates a valid ILIAS question object. More...
 toXML ($a_include_header=true, $a_include_binary=true, $a_shuffle=false, $test_output=false, $force_image_references=false)
 Returns a QTI xml representation of the question. More...
 isComplete ()
 Returns true, if a question is complete for use. More...
 questionTitleExists ($questionpool_id, $title)
 Returns TRUE if the question title exists in the database. More...
 setTitle ($title="")
 Sets the title string of the assQuestion object. More...
 setId ($id=-1)
 Sets the id of the assQuestion object. More...
 setTestId ($id=-1)
 Sets the test id of the assQuestion object. More...
 setComment ($comment="")
 Sets the comment string of the assQuestion object. More...
 setOutputType ($outputType=OUTPUT_HTML)
 Sets the output type. More...
 setShuffle ($shuffle=true)
 Sets the shuffle flag. More...
 setEstimatedWorkingTime ($hour=0, $min=0, $sec=0)
 Sets the estimated working time of a question from given hour, minute and second. More...
 setEstimatedWorkingTimeFromDurationString ($durationString)
 Sets the estimated working time of a question from a given datetime string. More...
 keyInArray ($searchkey, $array)
 returns TRUE if the key occurs in an array More...
 setAuthor ($author="")
 Sets the authors name of the assQuestion object. More...
 setOwner ($owner="")
 Sets the creator/owner ID of the assQuestion object. More...
 getTitle ()
 Gets the title string of the assQuestion object. More...
 getTitleFilenameCompliant ()
 returns the object title prepared to be used as a filename More...
 getId ()
 Gets the id of the assQuestion object. More...
 getShuffle ()
 Gets the shuffle flag. More...
 getTestId ()
 Gets the test id of the assQuestion object. More...
 getComment ()
 Gets the comment string of the assQuestion object. More...
 getOutputType ()
 Gets the output type. More...
 supportsJavascriptOutput ()
 Returns true if the question type supports JavaScript output. More...
 supportsNonJsOutput ()
 requiresJsSwitch ()
 getEstimatedWorkingTime ()
 Gets the estimated working time of a question. More...
 getAuthor ()
 Gets the authors name of the assQuestion object. More...
 getOwner ()
 Gets the creator/owner ID of the assQuestion object. More...
 getObjId ()
 Get the object id of the container object. More...
 setObjId ($obj_id=0)
 Set the object id of the container object. More...
 setExternalId ($external_id)
 getExternalId ()
 getSuggestedSolutionOutput ()
_getSuggestedSolution ($question_id, $subquestion_index=0)
 Returns a suggested solution for a given subquestion index. More...
 getSuggestedSolutions ()
 Return the suggested solutions. More...
 getReachedPoints ($active_id, $pass=null)
 Returns the points, a learner has reached answering the question This is the fast way to get the points directly from the database. More...
 getMaximumPoints ()
 Returns the maximum points, a learner can reach answering the question. More...
 getAdjustedReachedPoints ($active_id, $pass=null, $authorizedSolution=true)
 returns the reached points ... More...
 calculateResultsFromSolution ($active_id, $pass=null, $obligationsEnabled=false)
 Calculates the question results from a previously saved question solution. More...
 persistWorkingState ($active_id, $pass=null, $obligationsEnabled=false, $authorized=true)
 persists the working state for current testactive and testpass More...
 persistPreviewState (ilAssQuestionPreviewSession $previewSession)
 persists the preview state for current user and question More...
 validateSolutionSubmit ()
 saveWorkingData ($active_id, $pass=null, $authorized=true)
 Saves the learners input of the question to the database. More...
 moveUploadedMediaFile ($file, $name)
 Move an uploaded media file to an public accessible temp dir to present it. More...
 getSuggestedSolutionPath ()
 Returns the path for a suggested solution. More...
 getJavaPath ()
 Returns the image path for web accessable images of a question. More...
 getImagePath ($question_id=null, $object_id=null)
 Returns the image path for web accessable images of a question. More...
 buildImagePath ($questionId, $parentObjectId)
 getFlashPath ()
 Returns the image path for web accessable flash files of a question. More...
 getJavaPathWeb ()
 Returns the web image path for web accessable java applets of a question. More...
 getSuggestedSolutionPathWeb ()
 Returns the web path for a suggested solution. More...
 getImagePathWeb ()
 Returns the web image path for web accessable images of a question. More...
 getFlashPathWeb ()
 Returns the web image path for web accessable flash applications of a question. More...
 getTestOutputSolutions ($activeId, $pass)
 getUserSolutionPreferingIntermediate ($active_id, $pass=null)
 getSolutionValues ($active_id, $pass=null, $authorized=true)
 Loads solutions of a given user from the database an returns it. More...
 isInUse ($question_id="")
 Checks whether the question is in use or not. More...
 isClone ($question_id="")
 Checks whether the question is a clone of another question or not. More...
 pcArrayShuffle ($array)
 Shuffles the values of a given array. More...
 getAdditionalTableName ()
 Returns the name of the additional question data table in the database. More...
 getAnswerTableName ()
 Returns the name of the answer table in the database. More...
 deleteAnswers ($question_id)
 Deletes datasets from answers tables. More...
 deleteAdditionalTableData ($question_id)
 Deletes datasets from the additional question table in the database. More...
 delete ($question_id)
 Deletes a question and all materials from the database. More...
 getTotalAnswers ()
 get total number of answers More...
 _getTotalAnswers ($a_q_id)
 get number of answers for question id (static) note: do not use $this inside this method More...
 copyXHTMLMediaObjectsOfQuestion ($a_q_id)
 syncXHTMLMediaObjectsOfQuestion ()
 createPageObject ()
 create page object of question More...
 copyPageOfQuestion ($a_q_id)
 getPageOfQuestion ()
 setOriginalId ($original_id)
 getOriginalId ()
 fixSvgToPng ($imageFilenameContainingString)
 fixUnavailableSkinImageSources ($html)
 loadFromDb ($question_id)
 Loads the question from the database. More...
 createNewQuestion ($a_create_page=true)
 Creates a new question without an owner when a new question is created This assures that an ID is given to the question if a file upload or something else occurs. More...
 saveQuestionDataToDb ($original_id="")
 saveToDb ($original_id="")
 Saves the question to the database. More...
 setNewOriginalId ($newId)
 deleteSuggestedSolutions ()
 Deletes all suggestes solutions in the database. More...
 getSuggestedSolution ($subquestion_index=0)
 Returns a suggested solution for a given subquestion index. More...
 getSuggestedSolutionTitle ($subquestion_index=0)
 Returns the title of a suggested solution at a given subquestion_index. More...
 setSuggestedSolution ($solution_id="", $subquestion_index=0, $is_import=false)
 Sets a suggested solution for the question. More...
 _resolveInternalLink ($internal_link)
 _resolveIntLinks ($question_id)
 syncWithOriginal ()
 createRandomSolution ($test_id, $user_id)
 _questionExists ($question_id)
 Returns true if the question already exists in the database. More...
 _questionExistsInPool ($question_id)
 Returns true if the question already exists in the database and is assigned to a question pool. More...
 getPoints ()
 Returns the maximum available points for the question. More...
 setPoints ($a_points)
 Sets the maximum available points for the question. More...
 getSolutionMaxPass ($active_id)
 Returns the maximum pass a users question solution. More...
 calculateReachedPoints ($active_id, $pass=null, $authorizedSolution=true, $returndetails=false)
 Returns the points, a learner has reached answering the question. More...
 deductHintPointsFromReachedPoints (ilAssQuestionPreviewSession $previewSession, $reachedPoints)
 calculateReachedPointsFromPreviewSession (ilAssQuestionPreviewSession $previewSession)
 isPreviewSolutionCorrect (ilAssQuestionPreviewSession $previewSession)
 adjustReachedPointsByScoringOptions ($points, $active_id, $pass=null)
 Adjust the given reached points by checks for all special scoring options in the test container. More...
 isHTML ($a_text)
 Checks if a given string contains HTML or not. More...
 prepareTextareaOutput ($txt_output, $prepare_for_latex_output=false, $omitNl2BrWhenTextArea=false)
 Prepares a string for a text area output in tests. More...
 QTIMaterialToString ($a_material)
 Reads an QTI material tag an creates a text string. More...
 addQTIMaterial (&$a_xml_writer, $a_material, $close_material_tag=true, $add_mobs=true)
 Creates a QTI material tag from a plain text or xhtml text. More...
 buildHashedImageFilename ($plain_image_filename, $unique=false)
 getQuestion ()
 Gets the question string of the question object. More...
 setQuestion ($question="")
 Sets the question string of the question object. More...
 getQuestionType ()
 Returns the question type of the question. More...
 getQuestionTypeID ()
 Returns the question type of the question. More...
 cleanupMediaObjectUsage ()
 synchronises appearances of media objects in the question with media object usage table More...
getInstances ()
 Gets all instances of the question. More...
 getActiveUserData ($active_id)
 Returns the user id and the test id for a given active id. More...
 setExportDetailsXLS ($worksheet, $startrow, $active_id, $pass)
 Creates an Excel worksheet for the detailed cumulated results of this question. More...
 __get ($value)
 Object getter. More...
 __set ($key, $value)
 Object setter. More...
 getNrOfTries ()
 setNrOfTries ($a_nr_of_tries)
 setExportImagePath ($a_path)
 formatSAQuestion ($a_q)
 Format self assessment question. More...
 setPreventRteUsage ($a_val)
 Set prevent rte usage. More...
 getPreventRteUsage ()
 Get prevent rte usage. More...
 migrateContentForLearningModule (ilAssSelfAssessmentMigrator $migrator)
 setSelfAssessmentEditingMode ($a_selfassessmenteditingmode)
 Set Self-Assessment Editing Mode. More...
 getSelfAssessmentEditingMode ()
 Get Self-Assessment Editing Mode. More...
 setDefaultNrOfTries ($a_defaultnroftries)
 Set Default Nr of Tries. More...
 getDefaultNrOfTries ()
 Get Default Nr of Tries. More...
 syncSkillAssignments ($srcParentId, $srcQuestionId, $trgParentId, $trgQuestionId)
 isAnswered ($active_id, $pass=null)
 returns boolean wether the question is answered during test pass or not More...
 isAutosaveable ()
 getAdditionalContentEditingMode ()
 getter for additional content editing mode for this question More...
 setAdditionalContentEditingMode ($additinalContentEditingMode)
 setter for additional content editing mode for this question More...
 isAdditionalContentEditingModePageObject ()
 isser for additional "pageobject" content editing mode More...
 isValidAdditionalContentEditingMode ($additionalContentEditingMode)
 returns the fact wether the passed additional content mode is valid or not More...
 getValidAdditionalContentEditingModes ()
 getter for valid additional content editing modes More...
 addQuestionChangeListener (ilQuestionChangeListener $listener)
 getQuestionChangeListeners ()
 getHtmlUserSolutionPurifier ()
 getHtmlQuestionContentPurifier ()
 setLastChange ($lastChange)
 getLastChange ()
 removeIntermediateSolution ($active_id, $pass)
 removeCurrentSolution ($active_id, $pass, $authorized=true)
 saveCurrentSolution ($active_id, $pass, $value1, $value2, $authorized=true, $tstamp=null)
 updateCurrentSolution ($solutionId, $value1, $value2, $authorized=true)
 updateCurrentSolutionsAuthorization ($activeId, $pass, $authorized, $keepTime=false)
 setStep ($step)
 getStep ()
 toJSON ()
 duplicate ($for_test=true, $title="", $author="", $owner="", $testObjId=null)
 intermediateSolutionExists ($active_id, $pass)
 authorizedSolutionExists ($active_id, $pass)
 authorizedOrIntermediateSolutionExists ($active_id, $pass)
 removeExistingSolutions ($activeId, $pass)
 resetUsersAnswer ($activeId, $pass)
 removeResultRecord ($activeId, $pass)
 fetchValuePairsFromIndexedValues (array $indexedValues)
 fetchIndexedValuesFromValuePairs (array $valuePairs)
 areObligationsToBeConsidered ()
 setObligationsToBeConsidered ($obligationsToBeConsidered)
 updateTimestamp ()
 getTestPresentationConfig ()
 Get the test question configuration (initialised once) More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from iQuestionCondition
 getUserQuestionResult ($active_id, $pass)
 Get the user solution for a question by active_id and the test pass. More...

Data Fields

 $currentSolution = array()
- Data Fields inherited from assQuestion
const IMG_MIME_TYPE_JPG = 'image/jpeg'
const IMG_MIME_TYPE_PNG = 'image/png'
const IMG_MIME_TYPE_GIF = 'image/gif'
 constant for additional content editing mode "default" More...
 constant for additional content editing mode "pageobject" More...
 $feedbackOBJ = null
 $prevent_rte_usage = false
 $selfassessmenteditingmode = false
 $defaultnroftries = 0
 $questionActionCmd = 'handleQuestionAction'
- Data Fields inherited from iQuestionCondition
const StringResultExpression = '~TEXT~'
const PercentageResultExpression = '%n%'
const NumericResultExpression = '#n#'
const MatchingResultExpression = ';n:m;'
const OrderingResultExpression = '$n,m,o,p$'
const NumberOfResultExpression = '+n+'
const ExclusiveResultExpression = '*n,m,o,p*'
const EmptyAnswerExpression = "?"

Protected Member Functions

 savePreviewData (ilAssQuestionPreviewSession $previewSession)
 reworkWorkingData ($active_id, $pass, $obligationsAnswered, $authorized)
 {} More...
 calculateReachedPointsForSolution ($found_values)
 getAddSolutionSelectionParameter ()
 isAddSolutionSelectionRequest ()
 getRemoveSolutionSelectionParameter ()
 isRemoveSolutionSelectionRequest ()
 getReuseSolutionSelectionParameter ()
 isReuseSolutionSelectionRequest ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from assQuestion
 getQuestionAction ()
 isNonEmptyItemListPostSubmission ($postSubmissionFieldname)
 ensureCurrentTestPass ($active_id, $pass)
 lookupCurrentTestPass ($active_id, $pass)
 lookupTestId ($active_id)
 log ($active_id, $langVar)
 reworkWorkingData ($active_id, $pass, $obligationsAnswered, $authorized)
 Reworks the allready saved working data if neccessary. More...
 savePreviewData (ilAssQuestionPreviewSession $previewSession)
 deletePageOfQuestion ($question_id)
 Deletes the page object of a question with a given ID. More...
 onDuplicate ($originalParentId, $originalQuestionId, $duplicateParentId, $duplicateQuestionId)
 Will be called when a question is duplicated (inside a question pool or for insertion in a test) More...
 beforeSyncWithOriginal ($origQuestionId, $dupQuestionId, $origParentObjId, $dupParentObjId)
 afterSyncWithOriginal ($origQuestionId, $dupQuestionId, $origParentObjId, $dupParentObjId)
 onCopy ($sourceParentId, $sourceQuestionId, $targetParentId, $targetQuestionId)
 Will be called when a question is copied (into another question pool) More...
 duplicateSuggestedSolutionFiles ($parent_id, $question_id)
 Duplicates the files of a suggested solution if the question is duplicated. More...
 syncSuggestedSolutionFiles ($original_id)
 Syncs the files of a suggested solution if the question is synced. More...
 copySuggestedSolutionFiles ($source_questionpool_id, $source_question_id)
 ensureNonNegativePoints ($points)
 getRTETextWithMediaObjects ()
 Collects all text in the question which could contain media objects which were created with the Rich Text Editor. More...
 getSelfAssessmentFormatter ()
 lmMigrateQuestionTypeGenericContent (ilAssSelfAssessmentMigrator $migrator)
 lmMigrateQuestionTypeSpecificContent (ilAssSelfAssessmentMigrator $migrator)
 duplicateQuestionHints ($originalQuestionId, $duplicateQuestionId)
 duplicateSkillAssignments ($srcParentId, $srcQuestionId, $trgParentId, $trgQuestionId)
 buildQuestionDataQuery ()
 getCurrentSolutionResultSet ($active_id, $pass, $authorized=true)
 Get a restulset for the current user solution for a this question by active_id and pass. More...
 removeSolutionRecordById ($solutionId)
 getSolutionRecordById ($solutionId)
 deleteDummySolutionRecord ($activeId, $passIndex)
 deleteSolutionRecordByValues ($activeId, $passIndex, $authorized, $matchValues)
 duplicateIntermediateSolutionAuthorized ($activeId, $passIndex)
 forceExistingIntermediateSolution ($activeId, $passIndex, $considerDummyRecordCreation)
 buildTestPresentationConfig ()
 build basic test question configuration instance More...

Protected Attributes

 $is_multiple_choice = false
- Protected Attributes inherited from assQuestion
 $external_id = ''
 $questionChangeListeners = array()
 $step = null

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from assQuestion
static setForcePassResultUpdateEnabled ($forcePassResultsUpdateEnabled)
static isForcePassResultUpdateEnabled ()
static isAllowedImageMimeType ($mimeType)
static fetchMimeTypeIdentifier ($contentTypeString)
static getAllowedFileExtensionsForMimeType ($mimeType)
static isAllowedImageFileExtension ($mimeType, $fileExtension)
static getAllowedImageMaterialFileExtensions ()
static _getMaximumPoints ($question_id)
 Returns the maximum points, a learner can reach answering the question. More...
static _getQuestionInfo ($question_id)
 Returns question information from the database. More...
static _getSuggestedSolutionCount ($question_id)
 Returns the number of suggested solutions associated with a question. More...
static _getSuggestedSolutionOutput ($question_id)
 Returns the output of the suggested solution. More...
static _getReachedPoints ($active_id, $question_id, $pass=null)
 Returns the points, a learner has reached answering the question. More...
static _updateTestResultCache ($active_id, ilAssQuestionProcessLocker $processLocker=null)
 Move this to a proper place. More...
static logAction ($logtext="", $active_id="", $question_id="")
 Logs an action into the Test&Assessment log. More...
static getQuestionTypeFromDb ($question_id)
 get question type for question id More...
static _getTotalRightAnswers ($a_q_id)
 get number of answers for question id (static) note: do not use $this inside this method More...
static _getTitle ($a_q_id)
 Returns the title of a question. More...
static _getQuestionText ($a_q_id)
 Returns question text. More...
static isFileAvailable ($file)
static _getQuestionType ($question_id)
 Returns the question type of a question with a given id. More...
static _getQuestionTitle ($question_id)
 Returns the question title of a question with a given id. More...
static saveOriginalId ($questionId, $originalId)
static resetOriginalId ($questionId)
static _getInternalLinkHref ($target="")
static _getOriginalId ($question_id)
 Returns the original id of a question. More...
static originalQuestionExists ($questionId)
static _instanciateQuestion ($question_id)
 Creates an instance of a question with a given question id. More...
static _instantiateQuestion ($question_id)
static _getSolutionMaxPass ($question_id, $active_id)
 Returns the maximum pass a users question solution. More...
static _isWriteable ($question_id, $user_id)
 Returns true if the question is writeable by a certain user. More...
static _isUsedInRandomTest ($question_id="")
 Checks whether the question is used in a random test or not. More...
static _isWorkedThrough ($active_id, $question_id, $pass=null)
 Returns true if the question was worked through in the given pass Worked through means that the user entered at least one value. More...
static _areAnswered ($a_user_id, $a_question_ids)
 Checks if an array of question ids is answered by an user or not. More...
static _setReachedPoints ($active_id, $question_id, $points, $maxpoints, $pass, $manualscoring, $obligationsEnabled)
 Sets the points, a learner has reached answering the question Additionally objective results are updated. More...
static _needsManualScoring ($question_id)
static _includeClass ($question_type, $gui=0)
 Include the php class file for a given question type. More...
static getGuiClassNameByQuestionType ($questionType)
static getObjectClassNameByQuestionType ($questionType)
static getFeedbackClassNameByQuestionType ($questionType)
static isCoreQuestionType ($questionType)
static includeCoreClass ($questionType, $withGuiClass)
static includePluginClass ($questionType, $withGuiClass)
static _getQuestionTypeName ($type_tag)
 Return the translation for a given question type tag. More...
static & _instanciateQuestionGUI ($question_id)
 Creates an instance of a question gui with a given question id. More...
static instantiateQuestionGUI ($a_question_id)
 Creates an instance of a question gui with a given question id. More...
static _questionExistsInTest ($question_id, $test_id)
static lookupParentObjId ($questionId)
 ilDBInterface $ilDB More...
static lookupOriginalParentObjId ($originalQuestionId)
 returns the parent object id for given original question id (should be a qpl id, but theoretically it can be a tst id, too) More...
static isObligationPossible ($questionId)
 returns boolean wether it is possible to set this question type as obligatory or not considering the current question configuration More...
static implodeKeyValues ($keyValues)
static explodeKeyValues ($keyValues)
static setResultGateway ($resultGateway)
static getResultGateway ()
static sumTimesInISO8601FormatH_i_s_Extended ($time1, $time2)
static convertISO8601FormatH_i_s_ExtendedToSeconds ($time)
static missingResultRecordExists ($activeId, $pass, $questionIds)
static getQuestionsMissingResultRecord ($activeId, $pass, $questionIds)
static lookupResultRecordExist ($activeId, $questionId, $pass)
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from assQuestion
static getNumExistingSolutionRecords ($activeId, $pass, $questionId)
 returns the number of existing solution records for the given test active / pass and given question id More...
static getKeyValuesImplosionSeparator ()
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from assQuestion
static $allowedFileExtensionsByMimeType
static $allowedCharsetsByMimeType
static $allowedImageMaterialFileExtensionsByMimeType
static $forcePassResultsUpdateEnabled = false
static $imageSourceFixReplaceMap

Detailed Description

Class for image map questions.

assImagemapQuestion is a class for imagemap question.

Helmut Schottmüller
Björn Heyser
Maximilian Becker

Definition at line 24 of file class.assImagemapQuestion.php.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ __construct()

assImagemapQuestion::__construct (   $title = "",
  $comment = "",
  $author = "",
  $owner = -1,
  $question = "",
  $image_filename = "" 

assImagemapQuestion constructor

The constructor takes possible arguments an creates an instance of the assImagemapQuestion object.

string$titleA title string to describe the question.
string$commentA comment string to describe the question.
string$authorA string containing the name of the questions author.
integer$ownerA numerical ID to identify the owner/creator.
string$questionThe question string of the imagemap question.

Definition at line 62 of file class.assImagemapQuestion.php.

References assQuestion\$author, assQuestion\$comment, $image_filename, assQuestion\$owner, assQuestion\$question, assQuestion\$title, and array.

69  {
70  parent::__construct($title, $comment, $author, $owner, $question);
71  $this->image_filename = $image_filename;
72  $this->answers = array();
73  $this->coords = array();
74  }
Create styles array
The data for the language used.

Member Function Documentation

◆ addAnswer()

assImagemapQuestion::addAnswer (   $answertext = "",
  $points = 0.0,
  $order = 0,
  $coords = "",
  $area = "",
  $points_unchecked = 0.0 

Adds a possible answer for a imagemap question.

Adds a possible answer for a imagemap question. A ASS_AnswerImagemap object will be created and assigned to the array $this->answers.

string$answertextThe answer text
double$pointsThe points for selecting the answer (even negative points can be used)
integer$statusThe state of the answer (set = 1 or unset = 0)
integer$orderA possible display order of the answer public
See also

Definition at line 486 of file class.assImagemapQuestion.php.

References $coords, $i, and assQuestion\$points.

Referenced by uploadImagemap().

493  {
494  include_once "./Modules/TestQuestionPool/classes/class.assAnswerImagemap.php";
495  if (array_key_exists($order, $this->answers)) {
496  // Insert answer
497  $answer = new ASS_AnswerImagemap($answertext, $points, $order, $coords, $area, -1, $points_unchecked);
498  for ($i = count($this->answers) - 1; $i >= $order; $i--) {
499  $this->answers[$i+1] = $this->answers[$i];
500  $this->answers[$i+1]->setOrder($i+1);
501  }
502  $this->answers[$order] = $answer;
503  } else {
504  // Append answer
505  $answer = new ASS_AnswerImagemap($answertext, $points, count($this->answers), $coords, $area, -1, $points_unchecked);
506  array_push($this->answers, $answer);
507  }
508  }
Class for true/false or yes/no answers.
Definition: disco.tpl.php:19
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ calculateReachedPoints()

assImagemapQuestion::calculateReachedPoints (   $active_id,
  $pass = null,
  $authorizedSolution = true,
  $returndetails = false 

Returns the points, a learner has reached answering the question.

The points are calculated from the given answers.


boolean$returndetails(deprecated !!)
integer/array $points/$details (array $details is deprecated !!)

Definition at line 643 of file class.assImagemapQuestion.php.

References $data, $ilDB, $pass, assQuestion\$points, $result, array, calculateReachedPointsForSolution(), assQuestion\getCurrentSolutionResultSet(), and assQuestion\getSolutionMaxPass().

Referenced by getExpressionTypes().

644  {
645  if ($returndetails) {
646  throw new ilTestException('return details not implemented for ' . __METHOD__);
647  }
649  global $ilDB;
651  $found_values = array();
652  if (is_null($pass)) {
653  $pass = $this->getSolutionMaxPass($active_id);
654  }
655  $result = $this->getCurrentSolutionResultSet($active_id, $pass, $authorizedSolution);
656  while ($data = $ilDB->fetchAssoc($result)) {
657  if (strcmp($data["value1"], "") != 0) {
658  array_push($found_values, $data["value1"]);
659  }
660  }
662  $points = $this->calculateReachedPointsForSolution($found_values);
664  return $points;
665  }
Returns the maximum pass a users question solution.
Base Exception for all Exceptions relating to Modules/Test.
Create styles array
The data for the language used.
global $ilDB
getCurrentSolutionResultSet($active_id, $pass, $authorized=true)
Get a restulset for the current user solution for a this question by active_id and pass...
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ calculateReachedPointsForSolution()

assImagemapQuestion::calculateReachedPointsForSolution (   $found_values)

Definition at line 939 of file class.assImagemapQuestion.php.

References $key, assQuestion\$points, and getIsMultipleChoice().

Referenced by calculateReachedPoints(), and calculateReachedPointsFromPreviewSession().

940  {
941  $points = 0;
942  if (count($found_values) > 0) {
943  foreach ($this->answers as $key => $answer) {
944  if (in_array($key, $found_values)) {
945  $points += $answer->getPoints();
946  } elseif ($this->getIsMultipleChoice()) {
947  $points += $answer->getPointsUnchecked();
948  }
949  }
950  return $points;
951  }
952  return $points;
953  }
Returns true, if the imagemap question is a multiplechoice question.
Definition: croninfo.php:18
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ calculateReachedPointsFromPreviewSession()

assImagemapQuestion::calculateReachedPointsFromPreviewSession ( ilAssQuestionPreviewSession  $previewSession)

Definition at line 667 of file class.assImagemapQuestion.php.

References array, calculateReachedPointsForSolution(), assQuestion\deductHintPointsFromReachedPoints(), assQuestion\ensureNonNegativePoints(), and ilAssQuestionPreviewSession\getParticipantsSolution().

668  {
669  $solutionData = $previewSession->getParticipantsSolution();
671  $reachedPoints = $this->calculateReachedPointsForSolution(is_array($solutionData) ? array_values($solutionData) : array());
672  $reachedPoints = $this->deductHintPointsFromReachedPoints($previewSession, $reachedPoints);
674  return $this->ensureNonNegativePoints($reachedPoints);
675  }
Create styles array
The data for the language used.
deductHintPointsFromReachedPoints(ilAssQuestionPreviewSession $previewSession, $reachedPoints)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ copyImage()

assImagemapQuestion::copyImage (   $question_id,

Definition at line 330 of file class.assImagemapQuestion.php.

References $filename, getImageFilename(), assQuestion\getImagePath(), and ilUtil\makeDirParents().

331  {
332  $imagepath = $this->getImagePath();
333  $imagepath_original = str_replace("/$this->id/images", "/$question_id/images", $imagepath);
334  $imagepath_original = str_replace("/$this->obj_id/", "/$source_questionpool/", $imagepath_original);
335  if (!file_exists($imagepath)) {
336  ilUtil::makeDirParents($imagepath);
337  }
338  $filename = $this->getImageFilename();
339  if (!copy($imagepath_original . $filename, $imagepath . $filename)) {
340  print "image could not be copied!!!! ";
341  }
342  }
static makeDirParents($a_dir)
Create a new directory and all parent directories.
getImagePath($question_id=null, $object_id=null)
Returns the image path for web accessable images of a question.
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ copyObject()

assImagemapQuestion::copyObject (   $target_questionpool_id,
  $title = "" 

Copies an assImagemapQuestion object.

Copies an assImagemapQuestion object


Definition at line 237 of file class.assImagemapQuestion.php.

References assQuestion\$original_id, assQuestion\$title, assQuestion\_getOriginalId(), and assQuestion\getObjId().

238  {
239  if ($this->id <= 0) {
240  // The question has not been saved. It cannot be duplicated
241  return;
242  }
243  // duplicate the question in database
244  $clone = $this;
245  include_once("./Modules/TestQuestionPool/classes/class.assQuestion.php");
247  $clone->id = -1;
248  $source_questionpool_id = $this->getObjId();
249  $clone->setObjId($target_questionpool_id);
250  if ($title) {
251  $clone->setTitle($title);
252  }
253  $clone->saveToDb();
255  // copy question page content
256  $clone->copyPageOfQuestion($original_id);
257  // copy XHTML media objects
258  $clone->copyXHTMLMediaObjectsOfQuestion($original_id);
259  // duplicate the image
260  $clone->copyImage($original_id, $source_questionpool_id);
262  $clone->onCopy($source_questionpool_id, $original_id, $clone->getObjId(), $clone->getId());
264  return $clone->id;
265  }
static _getOriginalId($question_id)
Returns the original id of a question.
Get the object id of the container object.
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ createNewOriginalFromThisDuplicate()

assImagemapQuestion::createNewOriginalFromThisDuplicate (   $targetParentId,
  $targetQuestionTitle = "" 

Definition at line 267 of file class.assImagemapQuestion.php.

References assQuestion\$id, and assQuestion\getObjId().

268  {
269  if ($this->id <= 0) {
270  // The question has not been saved. It cannot be duplicated
271  return;
272  }
274  include_once("./Modules/TestQuestionPool/classes/class.assQuestion.php");
276  $sourceQuestionId = $this->id;
277  $sourceParentId = $this->getObjId();
279  // duplicate the question in database
280  $clone = $this;
281  $clone->id = -1;
283  $clone->setObjId($targetParentId);
285  if ($targetQuestionTitle) {
286  $clone->setTitle($targetQuestionTitle);
287  }
289  $clone->saveToDb();
290  // copy question page content
291  $clone->copyPageOfQuestion($sourceQuestionId);
292  // copy XHTML media objects
293  $clone->copyXHTMLMediaObjectsOfQuestion($sourceQuestionId);
294  // duplicate the image
295  $clone->copyImage($sourceQuestionId, $sourceParentId);
297  $clone->onCopy($sourceParentId, $sourceQuestionId, $clone->getObjId(), $clone->getId());
299  return $clone->id;
300  }
Get the object id of the container object.
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ deleteArea()

assImagemapQuestion::deleteArea (   $index = 0)

Deletes an answer.

Deletes an area with a given index. The index of the first area is 0, the index of the second area is 1 and so on.

integer$indexA nonnegative index of the n-th answer public
See also

Definition at line 573 of file class.assImagemapQuestion.php.

References $i, and $index.

574  {
575  if ($index < 0) {
576  return;
577  }
578  if (count($this->answers) < 1) {
579  return;
580  }
581  if ($index >= count($this->answers)) {
582  return;
583  }
584  unset($this->answers[$index]);
585  $this->answers = array_values($this->answers);
586  for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->answers); $i++) {
587  if ($this->answers[$i]->getOrder() > $index) {
588  $this->answers[$i]->setOrder($i);
589  }
590  }
591  }
Definition: metadata.php:60
Definition: disco.tpl.php:19

◆ deleteImage()

assImagemapQuestion::deleteImage ( )

Deletes the image file.

Definition at line 882 of file class.assImagemapQuestion.php.

References $file, flushAnswers(), getImageFilename(), and assQuestion\getImagePath().

883  {
884  $file = $this->getImagePath() . $this->getImageFilename();
885  @unlink($file);
886  $this->flushAnswers();
887  $this->image_filename = "";
888  }
getImagePath($question_id=null, $object_id=null)
Returns the image path for web accessable images of a question.
Deletes all answers.
if(!file_exists("$old.txt")) if($old===$new) if(file_exists("$new.txt")) $file
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ duplicate()

assImagemapQuestion::duplicate (   $for_test = true,
  $title = "",
  $author = "",
  $owner = "",
  $testObjId = null 

Duplicates an assImagemapQuestion.


Definition at line 184 of file class.assImagemapQuestion.php.

References assQuestion\$author, assQuestion\$original_id, assQuestion\$owner, assQuestion\$title, assQuestion\_getOriginalId(), assQuestion\getId(), and assQuestion\getObjId().

185  {
186  if ($this->id <= 0) {
187  // The question has not been saved. It cannot be duplicated
188  return;
189  }
190  // duplicate the question in database
191  $this_id = $this->getId();
192  $thisObjId = $this->getObjId();
194  $clone = $this;
195  include_once("./Modules/TestQuestionPool/classes/class.assQuestion.php");
197  $clone->id = -1;
199  if ((int) $testObjId > 0) {
200  $clone->setObjId($testObjId);
201  }
203  if ($title) {
204  $clone->setTitle($title);
205  }
206  if ($author) {
207  $clone->setAuthor($author);
208  }
209  if ($owner) {
210  $clone->setOwner($owner);
211  }
212  if ($for_test) {
213  $clone->saveToDb($original_id);
214  } else {
215  $clone->saveToDb();
216  }
218  // copy question page content
219  $clone->copyPageOfQuestion($this_id);
220  // copy XHTML media objects
221  $clone->copyXHTMLMediaObjectsOfQuestion($this_id);
222  // duplicate the image
223  $clone->duplicateImage($this_id, $thisObjId);
225  $clone->onDuplicate($thisObjId, $this_id, $clone->getObjId(), $clone->getId());
227  return $clone->id;
228  }
Gets the id of the assQuestion object.
static _getOriginalId($question_id)
Returns the original id of a question.
Get the object id of the container object.
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ duplicateImage()

assImagemapQuestion::duplicateImage (   $question_id,
  $objectId = null 

Definition at line 302 of file class.assImagemapQuestion.php.

References $filename, $ilLog, getImageFilename(), assQuestion\getImagePath(), and ilUtil\makeDirParents().

303  {
304  global $ilLog;
306  $imagepath = $this->getImagePath();
307  $imagepath_original = str_replace("/$this->id/images", "/$question_id/images", $imagepath);
309  if ((int) $objectId > 0) {
310  $imagepath_original = str_replace("/$this->obj_id/", "/$objectId/", $imagepath_original);
311  }
313  if (!file_exists($imagepath)) {
314  ilUtil::makeDirParents($imagepath);
315  }
316  $filename = $this->getImageFilename();
318  // #18755
319  if (!file_exists($imagepath_original . $filename)) {
320  $ilLog->write("Could not find an image map file when trying to duplicate image: " . $imagepath_original . $filename);
321  $imagepath_original = str_replace("/$this->obj_id/", "/$objectId/", $imagepath_original);
322  $ilLog->write("Using fallback source directory:" . $imagepath_original);
323  }
325  if (!file_exists($imagepath_original . $filename) || !copy($imagepath_original . $filename, $imagepath . $filename)) {
326  $ilLog->write("Could not duplicate image for image map question: " . $imagepath_original . $filename);
327  }
328  }
static makeDirParents($a_dir)
Create a new directory and all parent directories.
getImagePath($question_id=null, $object_id=null)
Returns the image path for web accessable images of a question.
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ flushAnswers()

assImagemapQuestion::flushAnswers ( )

Deletes all answers.

Deletes all answers


See also

Definition at line 601 of file class.assImagemapQuestion.php.

References array.

Referenced by deleteImage().

602  {
603  $this->answers = array();
604  }
Create styles array
The data for the language used.
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ get_imagemap_contents()

assImagemapQuestion::get_imagemap_contents (   $href = "#")

Gets the imagemap file contents.

Gets the imagemap file contents

string The imagemap file contents of the assImagemapQuestion object public
See also

Definition at line 459 of file class.assImagemapQuestion.php.

References $i, and $imagemap_contents.

460  {
461  $imagemap_contents = "<map name=\"" . $this->title . "\"> ";
462  for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->answers); $i++) {
463  $imagemap_contents .= "<area alt=\"" . $this->answers[$i]->getAnswertext() . "\" ";
464  $imagemap_contents .= "shape=\"" . $this->answers[$i]->getArea() . "\" ";
465  $imagemap_contents .= "coords=\"" . $this->answers[$i]->getCoords() . "\" ";
466  $imagemap_contents .= "href=\"$href&selimage=" . $this->answers[$i]->getOrder() . "\" /> ";
467  }
468  $imagemap_contents .= "</map>";
469  return $imagemap_contents;
470  }
Definition: disco.tpl.php:19

◆ getAdditionalTableName()

assImagemapQuestion::getAdditionalTableName ( )

Returns the name of the additional question data table in the database.

Returns the name of the additional question data table in the database

string The additional table name public

Definition at line 818 of file class.assImagemapQuestion.php.

Referenced by loadFromDb(), and saveAdditionalQuestionDataToDb().

819  {
820  return "qpl_qst_imagemap";
821  }
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getAddSolutionSelectionParameter()

assImagemapQuestion::getAddSolutionSelectionParameter ( )

Definition at line 1054 of file class.assImagemapQuestion.php.

References $_GET, and isAddSolutionSelectionRequest().

Referenced by saveWorkingData().

1055  {
1056  if (!$this->isAddSolutionSelectionRequest()) {
1057  return null;
1058  }
1060  return $_GET["selImage"];
1061  }
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getAnswer()

assImagemapQuestion::getAnswer (   $index = 0)

Returns an answer.

Returns an answer with a given index. The index of the first answer is 0, the index of the second answer is 1 and so on.

integer$indexA nonnegative index of the n-th answer
object ASS_AnswerImagemap-Object containing the answer public
See also

Definition at line 535 of file class.assImagemapQuestion.php.

References $index.

Referenced by getAvailableAnswerOptions().

536  {
537  if ($index < 0) {
538  return null;
539  }
540  if (count($this->answers) < 1) {
541  return null;
542  }
543  if ($index >= count($this->answers)) {
544  return null;
545  }
546  return $this->answers[$index];
547  }
Definition: metadata.php:60
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getAnswerCount()

assImagemapQuestion::getAnswerCount ( )

Returns the number of answers.

Returns the number of answers

integer The number of answers of the multiple choice question public
See also

Definition at line 519 of file class.assImagemapQuestion.php.

520  {
521  return count($this->answers);
522  }

◆ getAnswers()

& assImagemapQuestion::getAnswers ( )

Returns the answer array.

Returns the answer array

array The answer array public
See also

Definition at line 558 of file class.assImagemapQuestion.php.

References $answers.

Referenced by getAvailableAnswerOptions(), setExportDetailsXLS(), and toJSON().

559  {
560  return $this->answers;
561  }
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getAnswerTableName()

assImagemapQuestion::getAnswerTableName ( )

Returns the name of the answer table in the database.

Returns the name of the answer table in the database

string The answer table name public

Definition at line 831 of file class.assImagemapQuestion.php.

832  {
833  return "qpl_a_imagemap";
834  }

◆ getAvailableAnswerOptions()

assImagemapQuestion::getAvailableAnswerOptions (   $index = null)

If index is null, the function returns an array with all anwser options Else it returns the specific answer option.

null | int$index

Implements iQuestionCondition.

Definition at line 1033 of file class.assImagemapQuestion.php.

References $index, getAnswer(), and getAnswers().

1034  {
1035  if ($index !== null) {
1036  return $this->getAnswer($index);
1037  } else {
1038  return $this->getAnswers();
1039  }
1040  }
Definition: metadata.php:60
Returns an answer.
& getAnswers()
Returns the answer array.
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getExpressionTypes()

◆ getImageFilename()

assImagemapQuestion::getImageFilename ( )

Definition at line 419 of file class.assImagemapQuestion.php.

References $image_filename.

Referenced by copyImage(), deleteImage(), duplicateImage(), and toJSON().

420  {
421  return $this->image_filename;
422  }
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getIsMultipleChoice()

assImagemapQuestion::getIsMultipleChoice ( )

Returns true, if the imagemap question is a multiplechoice question.


Definition at line 91 of file class.assImagemapQuestion.php.

References $is_multiple_choice.

Referenced by calculateReachedPointsForSolution(), and toJSON().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getMaximumPoints()

assImagemapQuestion::getMaximumPoints ( )

Returns the maximum points, a learner can reach answering the question.

Returns the maximum points, a learner can reach answering the question


See also

Definition at line 614 of file class.assImagemapQuestion.php.

References $key, and assQuestion\$points.

Referenced by getExpressionTypes(), and isComplete().

615  {
616  $points = 0;
617  foreach ($this->answers as $key => $value) {
618  if ($this->is_multiple_choice) {
619  if ($value->getPoints() > $value->getPointsUnchecked()) {
620  $points += $value->getPoints();
621  } else {
622  $points += $value->getPointsUnchecked();
623  }
624  } else {
625  if ($value->getPoints() > $points) {
626  $points = $value->getPoints();
627  }
628  }
629  }
630  return $points;
631  }
Definition: croninfo.php:18
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getOperators()

assImagemapQuestion::getOperators (   $expression)

Get all available operations for a specific question.


Implements iQuestionCondition.

Definition at line 963 of file class.assImagemapQuestion.php.

References ilOperatorsExpressionMapping\getOperatorsByExpression().

964  {
965  require_once "./Modules/TestQuestionPool/classes/class.ilOperatorsExpressionMapping.php";
967  }
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getQuestionType()

assImagemapQuestion::getQuestionType ( )

Returns the question type of the question.

Returns the question type of the question

integer The question type of the question public

Definition at line 805 of file class.assImagemapQuestion.php.

Referenced by toJSON().

806  {
807  return "assImagemapQuestion";
808  }
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getRemoveSolutionSelectionParameter()

assImagemapQuestion::getRemoveSolutionSelectionParameter ( )

Definition at line 1074 of file class.assImagemapQuestion.php.

References $_GET, and isRemoveSolutionSelectionRequest().

Referenced by saveWorkingData().

1075  {
1076  if (!$this->isRemoveSolutionSelectionRequest()) {
1077  return null;
1078  }
1080  return $_GET["remImage"];
1081  }
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getReuseSolutionSelectionParameter()

assImagemapQuestion::getReuseSolutionSelectionParameter ( )

Definition at line 1098 of file class.assImagemapQuestion.php.

References $_GET, assQuestion\explodeKeyValues(), and isReuseSolutionSelectionRequest().

Referenced by saveWorkingData().

1099  {
1100  if (!$this->isReuseSolutionSelectionRequest()) {
1101  return null;
1102  }
1104  return assQuestion::explodeKeyValues($_GET["reuseSelection"]);
1105  }
static explodeKeyValues($keyValues)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getRTETextWithMediaObjects()

assImagemapQuestion::getRTETextWithMediaObjects ( )

Collects all text in the question which could contain media objects which were created with the Rich Text Editor.

Definition at line 840 of file class.assImagemapQuestion.php.

References $index, $text, and assQuestion\getId().

841  {
842  $text = parent::getRTETextWithMediaObjects();
843  foreach ($this->answers as $index => $answer) {
844  $text .= $this->feedbackOBJ->getSpecificAnswerFeedbackContent($this->getId(), $index);
845  }
846  return $text;
847  }
Gets the id of the assQuestion object.
Definition: metadata.php:60
Definition: errorreport.php:18
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getTestOutputSolutions()

assImagemapQuestion::getTestOutputSolutions (   $activeId,

Definition at line 1043 of file class.assImagemapQuestion.php.

References $pass, and array.

1044  {
1045  $solution = parent::getTestOutputSolutions($activeId, $pass);
1047  $this->currentSolution = array();
1048  foreach ($solution as $record) {
1049  $this->currentSolution[] = $record['value1'];
1050  }
1052  return $solution;
1053  }
Create styles array
The data for the language used.

◆ isAddSolutionSelectionRequest()

assImagemapQuestion::isAddSolutionSelectionRequest ( )

Definition at line 1062 of file class.assImagemapQuestion.php.

References $_GET.

Referenced by getAddSolutionSelectionParameter(), and saveWorkingData().

1063  {
1064  if (!isset($_GET["selImage"])) {
1065  return false;
1066  }
1068  if (!strlen($_GET["selImage"])) {
1069  return false;
1070  }
1072  return true;
1073  }
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ isAutosaveable()

assImagemapQuestion::isAutosaveable ( )

Definition at line 677 of file class.assImagemapQuestion.php.

678  {
679  return false; // #15217
680  }

◆ isComplete()

assImagemapQuestion::isComplete ( )

Returns true, if a imagemap question is complete for use.

boolean True, if the imagemap question is complete for use, otherwise false public

Definition at line 102 of file class.assImagemapQuestion.php.

References getMaximumPoints().

103  {
104  if (strlen($this->title)
105  && ($this->author)
106  && ($this->question)
107  && ($this->image_filename)
108  && (count($this->answers))
109  && ($this->getMaximumPoints() > 0)
110  ) {
111  return true;
112  }
113  return false;
114  }
Returns the maximum points, a learner can reach answering the question.
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ isRemoveSolutionSelectionRequest()

assImagemapQuestion::isRemoveSolutionSelectionRequest ( )

Definition at line 1082 of file class.assImagemapQuestion.php.

References $_GET.

Referenced by getRemoveSolutionSelectionParameter(), and saveWorkingData().

1083  {
1084  if (!$this->is_multiple_choice) {
1085  return false;
1086  }
1088  if (!isset($_GET["remImage"])) {
1089  return false;
1090  }
1092  if (!strlen($_GET["remImage"])) {
1093  return false;
1094  }
1096  return true;
1097  }
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ isReuseSolutionSelectionRequest()

assImagemapQuestion::isReuseSolutionSelectionRequest ( )

Definition at line 1106 of file class.assImagemapQuestion.php.

References $_GET, and assQuestion\getTestPresentationConfig().

Referenced by getReuseSolutionSelectionParameter(), and saveWorkingData().

1107  {
1108  if (!$this->getTestPresentationConfig()->isPreviousPassSolutionReuseAllowed()) {
1109  return false;
1110  }
1112  if (!isset($_GET["reuseSelection"])) {
1113  return false;
1114  }
1116  if (!strlen($_GET["reuseSelection"])) {
1117  return false;
1118  }
1120  if (!preg_match('/\d(,\d)*/', $_GET["reuseSelection"])) {
1121  return false;
1122  }
1124  return true;
1125  }
Get the test question configuration (initialised once)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ loadFromDb()

assImagemapQuestion::loadFromDb (   $question_id)

Loads a assImagemapQuestion object from a database.

Loads a assImagemapQuestion object from a database (experimental)

object$dbA pear DB object
integer$question_idA unique key which defines the multiple choice test in the database public

Definition at line 353 of file class.assImagemapQuestion.php.

References $data, $ilDB, $result, ilRTE\_replaceMediaObjectImageSrc(), array, getAdditionalTableName(), assQuestion\setAdditionalContentEditingMode(), assQuestion\setAuthor(), assQuestion\setComment(), assQuestion\setEstimatedWorkingTime(), assQuestion\setId(), setImageFilename(), setIsMultipleChoice(), assQuestion\setNrOfTries(), assQuestion\setObjId(), assQuestion\setOriginalId(), assQuestion\setOwner(), assQuestion\setPoints(), assQuestion\setQuestion(), and assQuestion\setTitle().

354  {
355  global $ilDB;
357  $result = $ilDB->queryF(
358  "SELECT qpl_questions.*, " . $this->getAdditionalTableName() . ".* FROM qpl_questions LEFT JOIN " . $this->getAdditionalTableName() . " ON " . $this->getAdditionalTableName() . ".question_fi = qpl_questions.question_id WHERE qpl_questions.question_id = %s",
359  array("integer"),
360  array($question_id)
361  );
362  if ($result->numRows() == 1) {
363  $data = $ilDB->fetchAssoc($result);
364  $this->setId($question_id);
365  $this->setObjId($data["obj_fi"]);
366  $this->setTitle($data["title"]);
367  $this->setComment($data["description"]);
368  $this->setOriginalId($data["original_id"]);
369  $this->setNrOfTries($data['nr_of_tries']);
370  $this->setAuthor($data["author"]);
371  $this->setPoints($data["points"]);
372  $this->setOwner($data["owner"]);
373  $this->setIsMultipleChoice($data["is_multiple_choice"] == self::MODE_MULTIPLE_CHOICE);
374  include_once("./Services/RTE/classes/class.ilRTE.php");
375  $this->setQuestion(ilRTE::_replaceMediaObjectImageSrc($data["question_text"], 1));
376  $this->setImageFilename($data["image_file"]);
377  $this->setEstimatedWorkingTime(substr($data["working_time"], 0, 2), substr($data["working_time"], 3, 2), substr($data["working_time"], 6, 2));
379  try {
380  $this->setAdditionalContentEditingMode($data['add_cont_edit_mode']);
381  } catch (ilTestQuestionPoolException $e) {
382  }
384  $result = $ilDB->queryF(
385  "SELECT * FROM qpl_a_imagemap WHERE question_fi = %s ORDER BY aorder ASC",
386  array("integer"),
387  array($question_id)
388  );
389  include_once "./Modules/TestQuestionPool/classes/class.assAnswerImagemap.php";
390  if ($result->numRows() > 0) {
391  while ($data = $ilDB->fetchAssoc($result)) {
392  array_push($this->answers, new ASS_AnswerImagemap($data["answertext"], $data["points"], $data["aorder"], $data["coords"], $data["area"], $data['question_fi'], $data['points_unchecked']));
393  }
394  }
395  }
396  parent::loadFromDb($question_id);
397  }
Class for true/false or yes/no answers.
Sets the id of the assQuestion object.
setEstimatedWorkingTime($hour=0, $min=0, $sec=0)
Sets the estimated working time of a question from given hour, minute and second. ...
setter for additional content editing mode for this question
static _replaceMediaObjectImageSrc($a_text, $a_direction=0, $nic=IL_INST_ID)
Replaces image source from mob image urls with the mob id or replaces mob id with the correct image s...
Sets the authors name of the assQuestion object.
Create styles array
The data for the language used.
Set true if the Imagemapquestion is a multiplechoice Question.
Sets the maximum available points for the question.
Sets the question string of the question object.
setImageFilename($image_filename, $image_tempfilename="")
Sets the image file name.
global $ilDB
Sets the title string of the assQuestion object.
Set the object id of the container object.
Sets the comment string of the assQuestion object.
Returns the name of the additional question data table in the database.
Sets the creator/owner ID of the assQuestion object.
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ reworkWorkingData()

assImagemapQuestion::reworkWorkingData (   $active_id,


Definition at line 785 of file class.assImagemapQuestion.php.

786  {
787  // nothing to rework!
788  }

◆ saveAdditionalQuestionDataToDb()

assImagemapQuestion::saveAdditionalQuestionDataToDb ( )

Saves a record to the question types additional data table.


Implements ilObjQuestionScoringAdjustable.

Definition at line 157 of file class.assImagemapQuestion.php.

References $ilDB, array, getAdditionalTableName(), and assQuestion\getId().

Referenced by saveToDb().

158  {
159  global $ilDB;
161  $ilDB->manipulateF(
162  "DELETE FROM " . $this->getAdditionalTableName() . " WHERE question_fi = %s",
163  array( "integer" ),
164  array( $this->getId() )
165  );
167  $ilDB->manipulateF(
168  "INSERT INTO " . $this->getAdditionalTableName(
169  ) . " (question_fi, image_file, is_multiple_choice) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)",
170  array( "integer", "text", 'integer' ),
171  array(
172  $this->getId(),
173  $this->image_filename,
174  (int) $this->is_multiple_choice
175  )
176  );
177  }
Gets the id of the assQuestion object.
Create styles array
The data for the language used.
global $ilDB
Returns the name of the additional question data table in the database.
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ saveAnswerSpecificDataToDb()

assImagemapQuestion::saveAnswerSpecificDataToDb ( )

Saves the answer specific records into a question types answer table.


Implements ilObjAnswerScoringAdjustable.

Definition at line 133 of file class.assImagemapQuestion.php.

References $ilDB, $key, array, and assQuestion\getId().

Referenced by saveToDb().

134  {
135  global $ilDB;
136  $ilDB->manipulateF(
137  "DELETE FROM qpl_a_imagemap WHERE question_fi = %s",
138  array( "integer" ),
139  array( $this->getId() )
140  );
142  // Anworten wegschreiben
143  foreach ($this->answers as $key => $value) {
144  $answer_obj = $this->answers[$key];
145  $next_id = $ilDB->nextId('qpl_a_imagemap');
146  $ilDB->manipulateF(
147  "INSERT INTO qpl_a_imagemap (answer_id, question_fi, answertext, points, aorder, coords, area, points_unchecked) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)",
148  array( "integer", "integer", "text", "float", "integer", "text", "text", "float" ),
149  array( $next_id, $this->id, $answer_obj->getAnswertext(
150  ), $answer_obj->getPoints(), $answer_obj->getOrder(
151  ), $answer_obj->getCoords(), $answer_obj->getArea(
152  ), $answer_obj->getPointsUnchecked() )
153  );
154  }
155  }
Gets the id of the assQuestion object.
Create styles array
The data for the language used.
global $ilDB
Definition: croninfo.php:18
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ savePreviewData()

assImagemapQuestion::savePreviewData ( ilAssQuestionPreviewSession  $previewSession)

Definition at line 763 of file class.assImagemapQuestion.php.

References $_GET, array, ilAssQuestionPreviewSession\getParticipantsSolution(), and ilAssQuestionPreviewSession\setParticipantsSolution().

764  {
765  $solution = $previewSession->getParticipantsSolution();
767  if ($this->is_multiple_choice && strlen($_GET['remImage'])) {
768  unset($solution[(int) $_GET['remImage']]);
769  }
771  if (strlen($_GET['selImage'])) {
772  if (!$this->is_multiple_choice) {
773  $solution = array();
774  }
776  $solution[(int) $_GET['selImage']] = (int) $_GET['selImage'];
777  }
779  $previewSession->setParticipantsSolution($solution);
780  }
Create styles array
The data for the language used.
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ saveToDb()

assImagemapQuestion::saveToDb (   $original_id = "")

Saves an assImagemapQuestion object to a database.

Saves an assImagemapQuestion object to a database


Definition at line 125 of file class.assImagemapQuestion.php.

References assQuestion\$original_id, saveAdditionalQuestionDataToDb(), saveAnswerSpecificDataToDb(), and assQuestion\saveQuestionDataToDb().

126  {
130  parent::saveToDb($original_id);
131  }
Saves a record to the question types additional data table.
Saves the answer specific records into a question types answer table.
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ saveWorkingData()

assImagemapQuestion::saveWorkingData (   $active_id,
  $pass = null,
  $authorized = true 

Saves the learners input of the question to the database.


integer$active_idActive id of the user
integer$passTest pass
boolean $status

Definition at line 690 of file class.assImagemapQuestion.php.

References $_GET, $ilDB, $pass, ilObjAssessmentFolder\_enabledAssessmentLogging(), ilObjAssessmentFolder\_getLogLanguage(), ilObjTest\_getPass(), array, assQuestion\deleteDummySolutionRecord(), assQuestion\deleteSolutionRecordByValues(), assQuestion\forceExistingIntermediateSolution(), getAddSolutionSelectionParameter(), assQuestion\getId(), assQuestion\getProcessLocker(), getRemoveSolutionSelectionParameter(), getReuseSolutionSelectionParameter(), isAddSolutionSelectionRequest(), isRemoveSolutionSelectionRequest(), isReuseSolutionSelectionRequest(), assQuestion\logAction(), assQuestion\removeCurrentSolution(), assQuestion\saveCurrentSolution(), and assQuestion\updateCurrentSolutionsAuthorization().

691  {
692  global $ilDB;
694  if (is_null($pass)) {
695  include_once "./Modules/Test/classes/class.ilObjTest.php";
696  $pass = ilObjTest::_getPass($active_id);
697  }
699  $solutionSelectionChanged = false;
701  $this->getProcessLocker()->executeUserSolutionUpdateLockOperation(function () use (&$solutionSelectionChanged, $ilDB, $active_id, $pass, $authorized) {
702  if ($authorized) {
703  // remove the dummy record of the intermediate solution
704  $this->deleteDummySolutionRecord($active_id, $pass);
706  // delete the authorized solution and make the intermediate solution authorized (keeping timestamps)
707  $this->removeCurrentSolution($active_id, $pass, true);
708  $this->updateCurrentSolutionsAuthorization($active_id, $pass, true, true);
710  $solutionSelectionChanged = true;
711  } else {
713  $active_id,
714  $pass,
715  $this->is_multiple_choice
716  );
718  if ($this->isReuseSolutionSelectionRequest()) {
719  $selection = $this->getReuseSolutionSelectionParameter();
721  foreach ($selection as $selectedIndex) {
722  $this->saveCurrentSolution($active_id, $pass, (int) $selectedIndex, null, $authorized);
723  $solutionSelectionChanged = true;
724  }
725  } elseif ($this->isRemoveSolutionSelectionRequest()) {
726  $selection = $this->getRemoveSolutionSelectionParameter();
728  $this->deleteSolutionRecordByValues($active_id, $pass, $authorized, array(
729  'value1' => (int) $selection
730  ));
732  $solutionSelectionChanged = true;
733  } elseif ($this->isAddSolutionSelectionRequest()) {
734  $selection = $this->getAddSolutionSelectionParameter();
736  if ($this->is_multiple_choice) {
737  $this->deleteSolutionRecordByValues($active_id, $pass, $authorized, array(
738  'value1' => (int) $_GET['selImage']
739  ));
740  } else {
741  $this->removeCurrentSolution($active_id, $pass, $authorized);
742  }
744  $this->saveCurrentSolution($active_id, $pass, $_GET['selImage'], null, $authorized);
746  $solutionSelectionChanged = true;
747  }
748  }
749  });
751  require_once 'Modules/Test/classes/class.ilObjAssessmentFolder.php';
753  if ($solutionSelectionChanged) {
754  assQuestion::logAction($this->lng->txtlng("assessment", "log_user_entered_values", ilObjAssessmentFolder::_getLogLanguage()), $active_id, $this->getId());
755  } else {
756  assQuestion::logAction($this->lng->txtlng("assessment", "log_user_not_entered_values", ilObjAssessmentFolder::_getLogLanguage()), $active_id, $this->getId());
757  }
758  }
760  return true;
761  }
static logAction($logtext="", $active_id="", $question_id="")
Logs an action into the Test&Assessment log.
Gets the id of the assQuestion object.
forceExistingIntermediateSolution($activeId, $passIndex, $considerDummyRecordCreation)
static _getPass($active_id)
Retrieves the actual pass of a given user for a given test.
deleteDummySolutionRecord($activeId, $passIndex)
static _getLogLanguage()
retrieve the log language for assessment logging
static _enabledAssessmentLogging()
check wether assessment logging is enabled or not
updateCurrentSolutionsAuthorization($activeId, $pass, $authorized, $keepTime=false)
saveCurrentSolution($active_id, $pass, $value1, $value2, $authorized=true, $tstamp=null)
Create styles array
The data for the language used.
removeCurrentSolution($active_id, $pass, $authorized=true)
deleteSolutionRecordByValues($activeId, $passIndex, $authorized, $matchValues)
global $ilDB
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ setExportDetailsXLS()

assImagemapQuestion::setExportDetailsXLS (   $worksheet,


Definition at line 852 of file class.assImagemapQuestion.php.

References $i, assQuestion\$id, $pass, $worksheet, getAnswers(), and assQuestion\getSolutionValues().

853  {
854  parent::setExportDetailsXLS($worksheet, $startrow, $active_id, $pass);
856  $solution = $this->getSolutionValues($active_id, $pass);
858  $i = 1;
859  foreach ($this->getAnswers() as $id => $answer) {
860  $worksheet->setCell($startrow + $i, 0, $answer->getArea() . ": " . $answer->getCoords());
861  $worksheet->setBold($worksheet->getColumnCoord(0) . ($startrow + $i));
863  $cellValue = 0;
864  foreach ($solution as $solIndex => $sol) {
865  if ($sol['value1'] == $id) {
866  $cellValue = 1;
867  break;
868  }
869  }
871  $worksheet->setCell($startrow + $i, 1, $cellValue);
873  $i++;
874  }
876  return $startrow + $i + 1;
877  }
getSolutionValues($active_id, $pass=null, $authorized=true)
Loads solutions of a given user from the database an returns it.
& getAnswers()
Returns the answer array.
Definition: disco.tpl.php:19
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ setImageFilename()

assImagemapQuestion::setImageFilename (   $image_filename,
  $image_tempfilename = "" 

Sets the image file name.

string$image_filename. public
See also

Definition at line 431 of file class.assImagemapQuestion.php.

References $ilLog, $image_filename, assQuestion\getImagePath(), and ilUtil\makeDirParents().

Referenced by loadFromDb().

432  {
433  if (!empty($image_filename)) {
434  $image_filename = str_replace(" ", "_", $image_filename);
435  $this->image_filename = $image_filename;
436  }
437  if (!empty($image_tempfilename)) {
438  $imagepath = $this->getImagePath();
439  if (!file_exists($imagepath)) {
440  ilUtil::makeDirParents($imagepath);
441  }
442  if (!ilUtil::moveUploadedFile($image_tempfilename, $image_filename, $imagepath . $image_filename)) {
443  $this->ilias->raiseError("The image could not be uploaded!", $this->ilias->error_obj->MESSAGE);
444  }
445  global $ilLog;
446  $ilLog->write("gespeichert: " . $imagepath . $image_filename);
447  }
448  }
static makeDirParents($a_dir)
Create a new directory and all parent directories.
getImagePath($question_id=null, $object_id=null)
Returns the image path for web accessable images of a question.
redirection script todo: (a better solution should control the processing via a xml file) ...
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setIsMultipleChoice()

assImagemapQuestion::setIsMultipleChoice (   $is_multiple_choice)

Set true if the Imagemapquestion is a multiplechoice Question.


Definition at line 81 of file class.assImagemapQuestion.php.

References $is_multiple_choice.

Referenced by loadFromDb().

82  {
83  $this->is_multiple_choice = $is_multiple_choice;
84  }
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ syncWithOriginal()

assImagemapQuestion::syncWithOriginal ( )

Definition at line 790 of file class.assImagemapQuestion.php.

References assQuestion\getOriginalId().

791  {
792  if ($this->getOriginalId()) {
793  parent::syncWithOriginal();
794  }
795  }
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ toJSON()

assImagemapQuestion::toJSON ( )

Returns a JSON representation of the question.

Definition at line 893 of file class.assImagemapQuestion.php.

References $answers, $key, $mobs, $result, ilObjMediaObject\_getMobsOfObject(), array, assQuestion\formatSAQuestion(), getAnswers(), assQuestion\getId(), getImageFilename(), assQuestion\getImagePathWeb(), getIsMultipleChoice(), assQuestion\getNrOfTries(), assQuestion\getQuestion(), getQuestionType(), assQuestion\getShuffle(), assQuestion\getTitle(), and string.

894  {
895  include_once("./Services/RTE/classes/class.ilRTE.php");
896  $result = array();
897  $result['id'] = (int) $this->getId();
898  $result['type'] = (string) $this->getQuestionType();
899  $result['title'] = (string) $this->getTitle();
900  $result['question'] = $this->formatSAQuestion($this->getQuestion());
901  $result['nr_of_tries'] = (int) $this->getNrOfTries();
902  $result['shuffle'] = (bool) $this->getShuffle();
903  $result['is_multiple'] = (bool) $this->getIsMultipleChoice();
904  $result['feedback'] = array(
905  'onenotcorrect' => $this->formatSAQuestion($this->feedbackOBJ->getGenericFeedbackTestPresentation($this->getId(), false)),
906  'allcorrect' => $this->formatSAQuestion($this->feedbackOBJ->getGenericFeedbackTestPresentation($this->getId(), true))
907  );
908  $result['image'] = (string) $this->getImagePathWeb() . $this->getImageFilename();
910  $answers = array();
911  $order = 0;
912  foreach ($this->getAnswers() as $key => $answer_obj) {
913  array_push($answers, array(
914  "answertext" => (string) $answer_obj->getAnswertext(),
915  "points" => (float) $answer_obj->getPoints(),
916  "points_unchecked" => (float) $answer_obj->getPointsUnchecked(),
917  "order" => (int) $order,
918  "coords" => $answer_obj->getCoords(),
919  "state" => $answer_obj->getState(),
920  "area" => $answer_obj->getArea(),
921  "feedback" => $this->formatSAQuestion(
922  $this->feedbackOBJ->getSpecificAnswerFeedbackExportPresentation($this->getId(), $key)
923  )
924  ));
925  $order++;
926  }
927  $result['answers'] = $answers;
929  $mobs = ilObjMediaObject::_getMobsOfObject("qpl:html", $this->getId());
930  $result['mobs'] = $mobs;
932  return json_encode($result);
933  }
Gets the id of the assQuestion object.
Add rich text string
static _getMobsOfObject($a_type, $a_id, $a_usage_hist_nr=0, $a_lang="-")
get mobs of object
Format self assessment question.
Returns the web image path for web accessable images of a question.
Gets the shuffle flag.
Returns true, if the imagemap question is a multiplechoice question.
Gets the question string of the question object.
Create styles array
The data for the language used.
& getAnswers()
Returns the answer array.
Gets the title string of the assQuestion object.
Returns the question type of the question.
Definition: croninfo.php:18
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ uploadImagemap()

assImagemapQuestion::uploadImagemap ( array  $shapes)

Uploads an image map and takes over the areas.

integer number of areas added

Definition at line 405 of file class.assImagemapQuestion.php.

References addAnswer().

406  {
407  $added = 0;
409  if (count($shapes) > 0) {
410  foreach ($shapes as $shape) {
411  $this->addAnswer($shape->getAnswertext(), 0.0, count($this->answers), $shape->getCoords(), $shape->getArea());
412  $added++;
413  }
414  }
416  return $added;
417  }
addAnswer( $answertext="", $points=0.0, $order=0, $coords="", $area="", $points_unchecked=0.0)
Adds a possible answer for a imagemap question.
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Field Documentation

◆ $answers


Definition at line 34 of file class.assImagemapQuestion.php.

Referenced by getAnswers(), and toJSON().

◆ $coords


Definition at line 43 of file class.assImagemapQuestion.php.

Referenced by addAnswer().

◆ $currentSolution

assImagemapQuestion::$currentSolution = array()

Definition at line 27 of file class.assImagemapQuestion.php.

◆ $image_filename


Definition at line 37 of file class.assImagemapQuestion.php.

Referenced by __construct(), getImageFilename(), and setImageFilename().

◆ $imagemap_contents


Definition at line 40 of file class.assImagemapQuestion.php.

Referenced by get_imagemap_contents().

◆ $is_multiple_choice

assImagemapQuestion::$is_multiple_choice = false

Definition at line 46 of file class.assImagemapQuestion.php.

Referenced by getIsMultipleChoice(), and setIsMultipleChoice().


const assImagemapQuestion::MODE_MULTIPLE_CHOICE = 1


const assImagemapQuestion::MODE_SINGLE_CHOICE = 0

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: