release_5-3 Revision v5.3.23-19-g915713cf615
The SurveyMatrixQuestion class defines and encapsulates basic methods and attributes for matrix question types. More...
Public Member Functions | |
__construct ($title="", $description="", $author="", $questiontext="", $owner=-1) | |
SurveyMatrixQuestion constructor The constructor takes possible arguments an creates an instance of the SurveyMatrixQuestion object. More... | |
getColumnCount () | |
Returns the number of columns. More... | |
removeColumn ($index) | |
Removes a column from the list of columns. More... | |
removeColumns ($array) | |
Removes many columns from the list of columns. More... | |
removeColumnWithName ($name) | |
Removes a column from the list of columns. More... | |
getColumns () | |
Return the columns. More... | |
getColumn ($index) | |
Returns the name of a column for a given index. More... | |
getColumnForScale ($scale) | |
getColumnIndex ($name) | |
Returns the index of a column with a given name. More... | |
flushColumns () | |
Empties the columns list. More... | |
getRowCount () | |
Returns the number of rows in the question. More... | |
addRow ($a_text, $a_other, $a_label) | |
Adds a row to the question. More... | |
addRowAtPosition ($a_text, $a_other, $a_position) | |
Adds a row at a given position. More... | |
flushRows () | |
Empties the row list. More... | |
getRow ($a_index) | |
Returns a specific row. More... | |
moveRowUp ($index) | |
moveRowDown ($index) | |
removeRows ($array) | |
Removes rows from the question. More... | |
removeRow ($index) | |
Removes a row. More... | |
getBipolarAdjective ($a_index) | |
Returns one of the bipolar adjectives. More... | |
setBipolarAdjective ($a_index, $a_value) | |
Sets one of the bipolar adjectives. More... | |
addPhrase ($phrase_id) | |
Adds a phrase to the question. More... | |
getQuestionDataArray ($id) | |
Returns the question data fields from the database. More... | |
loadFromDb ($id) | |
Loads a SurveyMatrixQuestion object from the database. More... | |
isComplete () | |
Returns 1 if the question is complete for use. More... | |
saveToDb ($original_id=null, $withanswers=true) | |
Saves a SurveyMatrixQuestion object to a database. More... | |
saveBipolarAdjectives ($adjective1, $adjective2) | |
saveColumnToDb ($columntext, $neutral=0) | |
Saves a column to the database. More... | |
saveColumnsToDb ($original_id="") | |
saveRowsToDb ($original_id="") | |
toXML ($a_include_header=true, $obligatory_state="") | |
Returns an xml representation of the question. More... | |
insertXML (&$a_xml_writer, $a_include_header=true) | |
Adds the question XML to a given XMLWriter object. More... | |
syncWithOriginal () | |
addStandardNumbers ($lower_limit, $upper_limit) | |
Adds standard numbers as columns. More... | |
savePhrase ($title) | |
Saves a set of columns to a default phrase. More... | |
getQuestionType () | |
Returns the question type of the question. More... | |
getAdditionalTableName () | |
Returns the name of the additional question data table in the database. More... | |
& | getWorkingDataFromUserInput ($post_data) |
Creates the user data of the svy_answer table from the POST data. More... | |
checkUserInput ($post_data, $survey_id) | |
Checks the input of the active user for obligatory status and entered values. More... | |
saveUserInput ($post_data, $active_id, $a_return=false) | |
deleteAdditionalTableData ($question_id) | |
Deletes datasets from the additional question table in the database. More... | |
getSubtype () | |
Returns the subtype of the matrix question. More... | |
setSubtype ($a_subtype=0) | |
Sets the subtype of the matrix question. More... | |
setColumnSeparators ($enable=0) | |
Enables/Disables separators for the matrix columns. More... | |
getColumnSeparators () | |
Gets the separators enable state for the matrix columns. More... | |
setRowSeparators ($enable=0) | |
Enables/Disables separators for the matrix rows. More... | |
getRowSeparators () | |
Gets the separators enable state for the matrix rows. More... | |
setNeutralColumnSeparator ($enable=0) | |
Enables/Disables a separator for the neutral column. More... | |
getNeutralColumnSeparator () | |
Gets the separator enable state for the neutral column. More... | |
importAdditionalMetadata ($a_meta) | |
Import additional meta data from the question import file. More... | |
importAdjectives ($a_data) | |
Import bipolar adjectives from the question import file. More... | |
importMatrix ($a_data) | |
Import matrix rows from the question import file. More... | |
importResponses ($a_data) | |
Import response data from the question import file. More... | |
usableForPrecondition () | |
Returns if the question is usable for preconditions. More... | |
getPreconditionValueOutput ($value) | |
Returns the output for a precondition value. More... | |
getPreconditionSelectValue ($default="", $title, $variable) | |
Creates a form property for the precondition value. More... | |
saveLayout ($percent_row, $percent_columns, $percent_bipolar_adjective1="", $percent_bipolar_adjective2="", $percent_neutral) | |
Saves the layout of a matrix question. More... | |
getLayout () | |
setLayout ($layout) | |
hasBipolarAdjectives () | |
Returns TRUE if bipolar adjectives exist. More... | |
hasNeutralColumn () | |
Returns TRUE if a neutral column exists. More... | |
setColumnPlaceholders ($a_value=0) | |
Set whether placeholders should be used for the column titles or not. More... | |
getColumnPlaceholders () | |
Get whether placeholders should be used for the column titles or not. More... | |
setLegend ($a_value=0) | |
Set whether the legend should be shown or not. More... | |
getLegend () | |
Get whether the legend should be shown or not. More... | |
setSingleLineRowCaption ($a_value=0) | |
getSingleLineRowCaption () | |
setRepeatColumnHeader ($a_value=0) | |
getRepeatColumnHeader () | |
setColumnHeaderPosition ($a_value) | |
getColumnHeaderPosition () | |
setRandomRows ($a_value=0) | |
getRandomRows () | |
setColumnOrder ($a_value) | |
getColumnOrder () | |
setColumnImages ($a_value=0) | |
getColumnImages () | |
setRowImages ($a_value=0) | |
getRowImages () | |
getRows () | |
![]() | |
__construct ($title="", $description="", $author="", $questiontext="", $owner=-1) | |
SurveyQuestion constructor The constructor takes possible arguments an creates an instance of the SurveyQuestion object. More... | |
setComplete ($a_complete) | |
Sets the complete state of the question. More... | |
isComplete () | |
Returns 1, if a question is complete for use. More... | |
questionTitleExists ($title, $questionpool_object="") | |
Returns TRUE if the question title exists in the database. More... | |
setTitle ($title="") | |
Sets the title string of the SurveyQuestion object. More... | |
setObligatory ($obligatory=1) | |
Sets the obligatory state of the question. More... | |
setOrientation ($orientation=0) | |
Sets the orientation of the question output. More... | |
setId ($id=-1) | |
Sets the id of the SurveyQuestion object. More... | |
setSurveyId ($id=-1) | |
Sets the survey id of the SurveyQuestion object. More... | |
setDescription ($description="") | |
Sets the description string of the SurveyQuestion object. More... | |
addMaterials ($materials_file, $materials_name="") | |
Sets the materials uri. More... | |
setMaterialsfile ($materials_filename, $materials_tempfilename="", $materials_name="") | |
Sets and uploads the materials uri. More... | |
deleteMaterial ($materials_name="") | |
Deletes a materials uri with a given name. More... | |
flushMaterials () | |
Deletes all materials uris. More... | |
setAuthor ($author="") | |
Sets the authors name of the SurveyQuestion object. More... | |
setQuestiontext ($questiontext="") | |
Sets the questiontext of the SurveyQuestion object. More... | |
setOwner ($owner="") | |
Sets the creator/owner ID of the SurveyQuestion object. More... | |
getTitle () | |
Gets the title string of the SurveyQuestion object. More... | |
getLabel () | |
getId () | |
Gets the id of the SurveyQuestion object. More... | |
getObligatory ($survey_id="") | |
Gets the obligatory state of the question. More... | |
getSurveyId () | |
Gets the survey id of the SurveyQuestion object. More... | |
getOrientation () | |
Gets the orientation of the question output. More... | |
getDescription () | |
Gets the description string of the SurveyQuestion object. More... | |
getAuthor () | |
Gets the authors name of the SurveyQuestion object. More... | |
getOwner () | |
Gets the creator/owner ID of the SurveyQuestion object. More... | |
getQuestiontext () | |
Gets the questiontext of the SurveyQuestion object. More... | |
getObjId () | |
Get the reference id of the container object. More... | |
setObjId ($obj_id=0) | |
Set the reference id of the container object. More... | |
duplicate ($for_survey=true, $title="", $author="", $owner="", $a_survey_id=0) | |
Duplicates a survey question. More... | |
copyObject ($target_questionpool, $title="") | |
Copies an assOrderingQuestion object. More... | |
copyXHTMLMediaObjectsOfQuestion ($a_q_id) | |
Increases the media object usage counter when a question is duplicated. More... | |
loadFromDb ($question_id) | |
Loads a SurveyQuestion object from the database. More... | |
saveCompletionStatus ($original_id="") | |
Saves the complete flag to the database. More... | |
saveToDb ($original_id="") | |
Saves a SurveyQuestion object to a database. More... | |
saveMaterial () | |
save material to db More... | |
createNewQuestion () | |
Creates a new question with a 0 timestamp when a new question is created This assures that an ID is given to the question if a file upload or something else occurs. More... | |
saveWorkingData ($limit_to=LIMIT_NO_LIMIT) | |
Saves the learners input of the question to the database. More... | |
getImagePath () | |
Returns the image path for web accessable images of a question. More... | |
getMaterialsPath () | |
Returns the materials path for web accessable materials of a question. More... | |
getImagePathWeb () | |
Returns the web image path for web accessable images of a question. More... | |
getMaterialsPathWeb () | |
Returns the web image path for web accessable images of a question. More... | |
saveCategoryToDb ($categorytext, $neutral=0) | |
Saves a category to the database. More... | |
deleteAdditionalTableData ($question_id) | |
Deletes datasets from the additional question table in the database. More... | |
delete ($question_id) | |
Deletes a question and all materials from the database. More... | |
syncWithOriginal () | |
getPhrase ($phrase_id) | |
Returns a phrase for a given database id. More... | |
phraseExists ($title) | |
Returns true if the phrase title already exists for the current user. More... | |
addInternalLink ($material_id, $title="") | |
deleteMaterials ($a_array) | |
Deletes materials. More... | |
duplicateMaterials ($question_id) | |
Duplicates the materials of a question. More... | |
addMaterial ($obj_material) | |
setMaterial ($material_id="", $is_import=false, $material_title="") | |
Sets a material link for the question. More... | |
getQuestionTypeID () | |
Returns the question type ID of the question. More... | |
getQuestionType () | |
Returns the question type of the question. More... | |
isHTML ($a_text) | |
Checks if a given string contains HTML or not. More... | |
QTIMaterialToString ($a_material) | |
Reads an QTI material tag an creates a text string. More... | |
addMaterialTag (&$a_xml_writer, $a_material, $close_material_tag=true, $add_mobs=true, $a_attrs=null) | |
Creates an XML material tag from a plain text or xhtml text. More... | |
prepareTextareaOutput ($txt_output, $prepare_for_latex_output=false) | |
Prepares a string for a text area output in surveys. More... | |
getQuestionDataArray ($id) | |
Returns the question data fields from the database. More... | |
& | getWorkingDataFromUserInput ($post_data) |
Creates the user data of the svy_answer table from the POST data. More... | |
importAdditionalMetadata ($a_meta) | |
Import additional meta data from the question import file. More... | |
importResponses ($a_data) | |
Import response data from the question import file. More... | |
importAdjectives ($a_data) | |
Import bipolar adjectives from the question import file. More... | |
importMatrix ($a_data) | |
Import matrix rows from the question import file. More... | |
usableForPrecondition () | |
Returns if the question is usable for preconditions. More... | |
getAvailableRelations () | |
Returns the available relations for the question. More... | |
getPreconditionOptions () | |
Returns the options for preconditions. More... | |
getPreconditionValueOutput ($value) | |
Returns the output for a precondition value. More... | |
getPreconditionSelectValue ($default="", $title, $variable) | |
Creates a form property for the precondition value. More... | |
setOriginalId ($original_id) | |
getOriginalId () | |
getMaterial () | |
setSubtype ($a_subtype) | |
getSubtype () | |
__get ($value) | |
Object getter. More... | |
__set ($key, $value) | |
Object setter. More... | |
getCopyIds ($a_group_by_survey=false) | |
hasCopies () | |
stripSlashesAddSpaceFallback ($a_str) | |
Strip slashes with add space fallback, see and More... | |
Protected Attributes | |
$user | |
$db | |
![]() | |
$user | |
$db | |
$cumulated | |
An array containing the cumulated results of the question for a given survey. More... | |
$log | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
static | _isComplete ($question_id) |
Checks whether the question is complete or not. More... | |
static | _getQuestionType ($question_id) |
Returns the question type of a question with a given id. More... | |
static | _getTitle ($question_id) |
Returns the question title of a question with a given id. More... | |
static | _getOriginalId ($question_id, $a_return_question_id_if_no_original=true) |
Returns the original id of a question. More... | |
static | _questionExists ($question_id) |
Returns true if the question already exists in the database. More... | |
static | _resolveInternalLink ($internal_link) |
static | _resolveIntLinks ($question_id) |
static | _getInternalLinkHref ($target="", $a_parent_ref_id=null) |
static | _isWriteable ($question_id, $user_id) |
Returns true if the question is writeable by a certain user. More... | |
static | _includeClass ($question_type, $gui=0) |
Include the php class file for a given question type. More... | |
static | _getQuestionTypeName ($type_tag) |
Return the translation for a given question type tag. More... | |
static | _instanciateQuestion ($question_id) |
Creates an instance of a question with a given question id. More... | |
static | _instanciateQuestionGUI ($question_id) |
Creates an instance of a question GUI with a given question id. More... | |
static | _instanciateQuestionEvaluation ($question_id, array $a_finished_ids=null) |
Creates an instance of a question evaluation with a given question id. More... | |
static | _changeOriginalId ($a_question_id, $a_original_id, $a_object_id) |
Change original id of existing question in db. More... | |
static | _lookupSurveyObjId ($a_question_id) |
static | lookupObjFi ($a_qid) |
Lookip obj fi. More... | |
The SurveyMatrixQuestion class defines and encapsulates basic methods and attributes for matrix question types.
Definition at line 35 of file class.SurveyMatrixQuestion.php.
SurveyMatrixQuestion::__construct | ( | $title = "" , |
$description = "" , |
$author = "" , |
$questiontext = "" , |
$owner = -1 |
) |
SurveyMatrixQuestion constructor The constructor takes possible arguments an creates an instance of the SurveyMatrixQuestion object.
string | $title | A title string to describe the question |
string | $description | A description string to describe the question |
string | $author | A string containing the name of the questions author |
integer | $owner | A numerical ID to identify the owner/creator public |
Definition at line 168 of file class.SurveyMatrixQuestion.php.
References SurveyQuestion\$author, SurveyQuestion\$description, $DIC, SurveyQuestion\$owner, SurveyQuestion\$questiontext, SurveyQuestion\$title, columns, rows, and user().
SurveyMatrixQuestion::addPhrase | ( | $phrase_id | ) |
Adds a phrase to the question.
integer | $phrase_id | The database id of the given phrase public |
Definition at line 418 of file class.SurveyMatrixQuestion.php.
References $db, $ilDB, $ilUser, $result, $row, $user, array, and columns.
SurveyMatrixQuestion::addRow | ( | $a_text, | |
$a_other, | |||
$a_label | |||
) |
Adds a row to the question.
string | $a_text | The text of the row |
Definition at line 301 of file class.SurveyMatrixQuestion.php.
References rows.
Referenced by importMatrix(), and loadFromDb().
SurveyMatrixQuestion::addRowAtPosition | ( | $a_text, | |
$a_other, | |||
$a_position | |||
) |
Adds a row at a given position.
string | $a_text | The text of the row |
integer | $a_position | The row position |
Definition at line 312 of file class.SurveyMatrixQuestion.php.
References rows.
SurveyMatrixQuestion::addStandardNumbers | ( | $lower_limit, | |
$upper_limit | |||
) |
Adds standard numbers as columns.
integer | $lower_limit | The lower limit |
integer | $upper_limit | The upper limit public |
Definition at line 883 of file class.SurveyMatrixQuestion.php.
SurveyMatrixQuestion::checkUserInput | ( | $post_data, | |
$survey_id | |||
) |
Checks the input of the active user for obligatory status and entered values.
array | $post_data | The contents of the $_POST array |
integer | $survey_id | The database ID of the active survey |
Definition at line 998 of file class.SurveyMatrixQuestion.php.
References $counter, $key, SurveyQuestion\$survey_id, SurveyQuestion\getId(), SurveyQuestion\getObligatory(), getRowCount(), and getSubtype().
SurveyMatrixQuestion::deleteAdditionalTableData | ( | $question_id | ) |
Deletes datasets from the additional question table in the database.
integer | $question_id | The question id which should be deleted in the additional question table public |
Definition at line 1108 of file class.SurveyMatrixQuestion.php.
References $db, $ilDB, and array.
SurveyMatrixQuestion::flushColumns | ( | ) |
Empties the columns list.
Definition at line 280 of file class.SurveyMatrixQuestion.php.
References columns.
Referenced by loadFromDb().
SurveyMatrixQuestion::flushRows | ( | ) |
Empties the row list.
Definition at line 323 of file class.SurveyMatrixQuestion.php.
References rows.
SurveyMatrixQuestion::getAdditionalTableName | ( | ) |
Returns the name of the additional question data table in the database.
Definition at line 946 of file class.SurveyMatrixQuestion.php.
Referenced by getQuestionDataArray(), loadFromDb(), saveBipolarAdjectives(), saveLayout(), and saveToDb().
SurveyMatrixQuestion::getBipolarAdjective | ( | $a_index | ) |
Returns one of the bipolar adjectives.
integer | $a_index | The number of the bipolar adjective (0 for the first and 1 for the second adjective) |
Definition at line 378 of file class.SurveyMatrixQuestion.php.
Referenced by hasBipolarAdjectives(), insertXML(), and saveToDb().
SurveyMatrixQuestion::getColumn | ( | $index | ) |
Returns the name of a column for a given index.
integer | $index | The index of the column |
Definition at line 251 of file class.SurveyMatrixQuestion.php.
References $index, and columns.
Referenced by hasNeutralColumn(), insertXML(), and saveColumnsToDb().
SurveyMatrixQuestion::getColumnCount | ( | ) |
Returns the number of columns.
Definition at line 194 of file class.SurveyMatrixQuestion.php.
References columns.
Referenced by hasNeutralColumn(), insertXML(), isComplete(), and saveColumnsToDb().
SurveyMatrixQuestion::getColumnForScale | ( | $scale | ) |
Definition at line 256 of file class.SurveyMatrixQuestion.php.
References columns.
SurveyMatrixQuestion::getColumnHeaderPosition | ( | ) |
Definition at line 1532 of file class.SurveyMatrixQuestion.php.
Referenced by saveToDb().
SurveyMatrixQuestion::getColumnImages | ( | ) |
Definition at line 1562 of file class.SurveyMatrixQuestion.php.
Referenced by saveToDb().
SurveyMatrixQuestion::getColumnIndex | ( | $name | ) |
Returns the index of a column with a given name.
string | $name | The name of the column public |
Definition at line 268 of file class.SurveyMatrixQuestion.php.
References $name, and columns.
SurveyMatrixQuestion::getColumnOrder | ( | ) |
Definition at line 1552 of file class.SurveyMatrixQuestion.php.
Referenced by saveToDb().
SurveyMatrixQuestion::getColumnPlaceholders | ( | ) |
Get whether placeholders should be used for the column titles or not.
Definition at line 1482 of file class.SurveyMatrixQuestion.php.
Referenced by saveToDb().
SurveyMatrixQuestion::getColumns | ( | ) |
Return the columns.
Definition at line 238 of file class.SurveyMatrixQuestion.php.
References $columns.
SurveyMatrixQuestion::getColumnSeparators | ( | ) |
Gets the separators enable state for the matrix columns.
Definition at line 1180 of file class.SurveyMatrixQuestion.php.
Referenced by insertXML(), and saveToDb().
SurveyMatrixQuestion::getLayout | ( | ) |
Definition at line 1388 of file class.SurveyMatrixQuestion.php.
References $layout, array, hasBipolarAdjectives(), and hasNeutralColumn().
Referenced by insertXML(), and saveToDb().
SurveyMatrixQuestion::getLegend | ( | ) |
Get whether the legend should be shown or not.
Definition at line 1502 of file class.SurveyMatrixQuestion.php.
Referenced by saveToDb().
SurveyMatrixQuestion::getNeutralColumnSeparator | ( | ) |
Gets the separator enable state for the neutral column.
Definition at line 1240 of file class.SurveyMatrixQuestion.php.
Referenced by insertXML(), and saveToDb().
SurveyMatrixQuestion::getPreconditionSelectValue | ( | $default = "" , |
$title, | |||
$variable | |||
) |
Creates a form property for the precondition value.
Definition at line 1351 of file class.SurveyMatrixQuestion.php.
References $options, SurveyQuestion\$title, and SurveyQuestion\getPreconditionOptions().
SurveyMatrixQuestion::getPreconditionValueOutput | ( | $value | ) |
Returns the output for a precondition value.
string | $value | The precondition value |
Definition at line 1340 of file class.SurveyMatrixQuestion.php.
SurveyMatrixQuestion::getQuestionDataArray | ( | $id | ) |
Returns the question data fields from the database.
integer | $id | The question ID from the database |
Definition at line 445 of file class.SurveyMatrixQuestion.php.
References $db, SurveyQuestion\$id, $ilDB, $result, array, and getAdditionalTableName().
SurveyMatrixQuestion::getQuestionType | ( | ) |
Returns the question type of the question.
Definition at line 935 of file class.SurveyMatrixQuestion.php.
SurveyMatrixQuestion::getRandomRows | ( | ) |
Definition at line 1542 of file class.SurveyMatrixQuestion.php.
Referenced by saveToDb().
SurveyMatrixQuestion::getRepeatColumnHeader | ( | ) |
Definition at line 1522 of file class.SurveyMatrixQuestion.php.
Referenced by saveToDb().
SurveyMatrixQuestion::getRow | ( | $a_index | ) |
Returns a specific row.
integer | $a_index | The index position of the row public |
Definition at line 334 of file class.SurveyMatrixQuestion.php.
References rows.
Referenced by insertXML(), and saveRowsToDb().
SurveyMatrixQuestion::getRowCount | ( | ) |
Returns the number of rows in the question.
Definition at line 291 of file class.SurveyMatrixQuestion.php.
References rows.
Referenced by checkUserInput(), insertXML(), isComplete(), and saveRowsToDb().
SurveyMatrixQuestion::getRowImages | ( | ) |
Definition at line 1572 of file class.SurveyMatrixQuestion.php.
Referenced by saveToDb().
SurveyMatrixQuestion::getRows | ( | ) |
SurveyMatrixQuestion::getRowSeparators | ( | ) |
Gets the separators enable state for the matrix rows.
Definition at line 1210 of file class.SurveyMatrixQuestion.php.
Referenced by insertXML(), and saveToDb().
SurveyMatrixQuestion::getSingleLineRowCaption | ( | ) |
Definition at line 1512 of file class.SurveyMatrixQuestion.php.
Referenced by saveToDb().
SurveyMatrixQuestion::getSubtype | ( | ) |
Returns the subtype of the matrix question.
Definition at line 1126 of file class.SurveyMatrixQuestion.php.
References $subtype.
Referenced by checkUserInput(), getWorkingDataFromUserInput(), insertXML(), saveToDb(), and saveUserInput().
& SurveyMatrixQuestion::getWorkingDataFromUserInput | ( | $post_data | ) |
Creates the user data of the svy_answer table from the POST data.
Definition at line 957 of file class.SurveyMatrixQuestion.php.
References $data, $key, array, SurveyQuestion\getId(), and getSubtype().
SurveyMatrixQuestion::hasBipolarAdjectives | ( | ) |
Returns TRUE if bipolar adjectives exist.
Definition at line 1442 of file class.SurveyMatrixQuestion.php.
References getBipolarAdjective().
Referenced by getLayout().
SurveyMatrixQuestion::hasNeutralColumn | ( | ) |
Returns TRUE if a neutral column exists.
Definition at line 1456 of file class.SurveyMatrixQuestion.php.
References $column, $i, getColumn(), and getColumnCount().
Referenced by getLayout().
SurveyMatrixQuestion::importAdditionalMetadata | ( | $a_meta | ) |
Import additional meta data from the question import file.
Usually the meta data section is used to store question elements which are not part of the standard XML schema.
Definition at line 1253 of file class.SurveyMatrixQuestion.php.
References $key, setColumnSeparators(), setLayout(), setNeutralColumnSeparator(), and setRowSeparators().
SurveyMatrixQuestion::importAdjectives | ( | $a_data | ) |
Import bipolar adjectives from the question import file.
Definition at line 1279 of file class.SurveyMatrixQuestion.php.
References $i, and setBipolarAdjective().
SurveyMatrixQuestion::importMatrix | ( | $a_data | ) |
Import matrix rows from the question import file.
Definition at line 1298 of file class.SurveyMatrixQuestion.php.
References $row, and addRow().
SurveyMatrixQuestion::importResponses | ( | $a_data | ) |
Import response data from the question import file.
Definition at line 1311 of file class.SurveyMatrixQuestion.php.
References $column, $data, SurveyQuestion\$id, SurveyQuestion\$material, and columns.
SurveyMatrixQuestion::insertXML | ( | & | $a_xml_writer, |
$a_include_header = true |
) |
Adds the question XML to a given XMLWriter object.
object | $a_xml_writer | The XMLWriter object |
boolean | $a_include_header | Determines wheather or not the XML should be used public |
Definition at line 748 of file class.SurveyMatrixQuestion.php.
References $i, SurveyQuestion\addMaterialTag(), array, SurveyQuestion\getAuthor(), getBipolarAdjective(), getColumn(), getColumnCount(), getColumnSeparators(), SurveyQuestion\getDescription(), SurveyQuestion\getId(), getLayout(), getNeutralColumnSeparator(), SurveyQuestion\getObligatory(), SurveyQuestion\getQuestiontext(), getRow(), getRowCount(), getRowSeparators(), getSubtype(), and SurveyQuestion\getTitle().
Referenced by toXML().
SurveyMatrixQuestion::isComplete | ( | ) |
Returns 1 if the question is complete for use.
Definition at line 536 of file class.SurveyMatrixQuestion.php.
References SurveyQuestion\getAuthor(), getColumnCount(), SurveyQuestion\getQuestiontext(), getRowCount(), and SurveyQuestion\getTitle().
SurveyMatrixQuestion::loadFromDb | ( | $id | ) |
Loads a SurveyMatrixQuestion object from the database.
integer | $id | The database id of the matrix question public |
Definition at line 467 of file class.SurveyMatrixQuestion.php.
References $data, $db, SurveyQuestion\$id, $ilDB, $result, $row, ilRTE\_replaceMediaObjectImageSrc(), addRow(), array, columns, flushColumns(), getAdditionalTableName(), SurveyQuestion\setAuthor(), setBipolarAdjective(), setColumnHeaderPosition(), setColumnImages(), setColumnOrder(), setColumnPlaceholders(), setColumnSeparators(), SurveyQuestion\setComplete(), SurveyQuestion\setDescription(), SurveyQuestion\setId(), setLayout(), setLegend(), setNeutralColumnSeparator(), SurveyQuestion\setObjId(), SurveyQuestion\setObligatory(), SurveyQuestion\setOriginalId(), SurveyQuestion\setOwner(), SurveyQuestion\setQuestiontext(), setRandomRows(), setRepeatColumnHeader(), setRowImages(), setRowSeparators(), setSingleLineRowCaption(), setSubtype(), and SurveyQuestion\setTitle().
SurveyMatrixQuestion::moveRowDown | ( | $index | ) |
Definition at line 344 of file class.SurveyMatrixQuestion.php.
SurveyMatrixQuestion::moveRowUp | ( | $index | ) |
Definition at line 339 of file class.SurveyMatrixQuestion.php.
SurveyMatrixQuestion::removeColumn | ( | $index | ) |
Removes a column from the list of columns.
integer | $index | The index of the column to be removed public |
Definition at line 206 of file class.SurveyMatrixQuestion.php.
References $index, and columns.
SurveyMatrixQuestion::removeColumns | ( | $array | ) |
Removes many columns from the list of columns.
array | $array | An array containing the index positions of the columns to be removed public |
Definition at line 218 of file class.SurveyMatrixQuestion.php.
References columns.
SurveyMatrixQuestion::removeColumnWithName | ( | $name | ) |
Removes a column from the list of columns.
string | $name | The name of the column to be removed public |
Definition at line 230 of file class.SurveyMatrixQuestion.php.
References $name, and columns.
SurveyMatrixQuestion::removeRow | ( | $index | ) |
Removes a row.
integer | $index | The index of the row to be removed |
Definition at line 366 of file class.SurveyMatrixQuestion.php.
SurveyMatrixQuestion::removeRows | ( | $array | ) |
Removes rows from the question.
array | $array | An array containing the index positions of the rows to be removed public |
Definition at line 356 of file class.SurveyMatrixQuestion.php.
References rows.
SurveyMatrixQuestion::saveBipolarAdjectives | ( | $adjective1, | |
$adjective2 | |||
) |
Definition at line 608 of file class.SurveyMatrixQuestion.php.
References $db, $ilDB, array, getAdditionalTableName(), and SurveyQuestion\getId().
SurveyMatrixQuestion::saveColumnsToDb | ( | $original_id = "" | ) |
Definition at line 662 of file class.SurveyMatrixQuestion.php.
References $db, $i, $ilDB, array, getColumn(), getColumnCount(), SurveyQuestion\getId(), saveColumnToDb(), SurveyQuestion\saveCompletionStatus(), and time.
Referenced by saveToDb(), and syncWithOriginal().
SurveyMatrixQuestion::saveColumnToDb | ( | $columntext, | |
$neutral = 0 |
) |
Saves a column to the database.
string | $columntext | The text of the column |
Definition at line 627 of file class.SurveyMatrixQuestion.php.
References $db, $ilDB, $ilUser, $insert, $result, $row, $user, array, and time.
Referenced by saveColumnsToDb().
SurveyMatrixQuestion::saveLayout | ( | $percent_row, | |
$percent_columns, | |||
$percent_bipolar_adjective1 = "" , |
$percent_bipolar_adjective2 = "" , |
$percent_neutral | |||
) |
Saves the layout of a matrix question.
double | $percent_row | The width in percent for the matrix rows |
double | $percent_columns | The width in percent for the matrix columns |
double | $percent_bipolar_adjective1 | The width in percent for the first bipolar adjective |
double | $percent_bipolar_adjective2 | The width in percent for the second bipolar adjective |
Definition at line 1370 of file class.SurveyMatrixQuestion.php.
References $db, $ilDB, $layout, array, getAdditionalTableName(), and SurveyQuestion\getId().
SurveyMatrixQuestion::savePhrase | ( | $title | ) |
Saves a set of columns to a default phrase.
array | $phrases | The database ids of the seleted phrases |
string | $title | The title of the default phrase public |
Definition at line 897 of file class.SurveyMatrixQuestion.php.
References $_SESSION, $counter, $data, $db, $ilDB, $ilUser, SurveyQuestion\$title, $user, array, and time.
SurveyMatrixQuestion::saveRowsToDb | ( | $original_id = "" | ) |
Definition at line 692 of file class.SurveyMatrixQuestion.php.
References $db, $i, $ilDB, $row, array, SurveyQuestion\getId(), getRow(), getRowCount(), and SurveyQuestion\saveCompletionStatus().
Referenced by saveToDb(), and syncWithOriginal().
SurveyMatrixQuestion::saveToDb | ( | $original_id = null , |
$withanswers = true |
) |
Saves a SurveyMatrixQuestion object to a database.
Definition at line 556 of file class.SurveyMatrixQuestion.php.
References $db, $ilDB, array, getAdditionalTableName(), getBipolarAdjective(), getColumnHeaderPosition(), getColumnImages(), getColumnOrder(), getColumnPlaceholders(), getColumnSeparators(), SurveyQuestion\getId(), getLayout(), getLegend(), getNeutralColumnSeparator(), getRandomRows(), getRepeatColumnHeader(), getRowImages(), getRowSeparators(), getSingleLineRowCaption(), getSubtype(), saveColumnsToDb(), SurveyQuestion\saveMaterial(), saveRowsToDb(), and time.
SurveyMatrixQuestion::saveUserInput | ( | $post_data, | |
$active_id, | |||
$a_return = false |
) |
Definition at line 1039 of file class.SurveyMatrixQuestion.php.
References $db, $ilDB, $key, array, SurveyQuestion\getId(), getSubtype(), and time.
SurveyMatrixQuestion::setBipolarAdjective | ( | $a_index, | |
$a_value | |||
) |
Sets one of the bipolar adjectives.
integer | $a_index | The number of the bipolar adjective (0 for the first and 1 for the second adjective) |
string | $a_value | The text of the bipolar adjective public |
Definition at line 399 of file class.SurveyMatrixQuestion.php.
Referenced by importAdjectives(), and loadFromDb().
SurveyMatrixQuestion::setColumnHeaderPosition | ( | $a_value | ) |
Definition at line 1527 of file class.SurveyMatrixQuestion.php.
Referenced by loadFromDb().
SurveyMatrixQuestion::setColumnImages | ( | $a_value = 0 | ) |
Definition at line 1557 of file class.SurveyMatrixQuestion.php.
Referenced by loadFromDb().
SurveyMatrixQuestion::setColumnOrder | ( | $a_value | ) |
Definition at line 1547 of file class.SurveyMatrixQuestion.php.
Referenced by loadFromDb().
SurveyMatrixQuestion::setColumnPlaceholders | ( | $a_value = 0 | ) |
Set whether placeholders should be used for the column titles or not.
integer | $a_value | 1 for placeholders, 0 otherwise |
Definition at line 1472 of file class.SurveyMatrixQuestion.php.
Referenced by loadFromDb().
SurveyMatrixQuestion::setColumnSeparators | ( | $enable = 0 | ) |
Enables/Disables separators for the matrix columns.
integer | $enable | 1 if the separators should be enabled, 0 otherwise public |
Definition at line 1161 of file class.SurveyMatrixQuestion.php.
Referenced by importAdditionalMetadata(), and loadFromDb().
SurveyMatrixQuestion::setLayout | ( | $layout | ) |
Definition at line 1428 of file class.SurveyMatrixQuestion.php.
References $layout.
Referenced by importAdditionalMetadata(), and loadFromDb().
SurveyMatrixQuestion::setLegend | ( | $a_value = 0 | ) |
Set whether the legend should be shown or not.
integer | $a_value | Show legend |
Definition at line 1492 of file class.SurveyMatrixQuestion.php.
Referenced by loadFromDb().
SurveyMatrixQuestion::setNeutralColumnSeparator | ( | $enable = 0 | ) |
Enables/Disables a separator for the neutral column.
integer | $enable | 1 if the separator should be enabled, 0 otherwise public |
Definition at line 1221 of file class.SurveyMatrixQuestion.php.
Referenced by importAdditionalMetadata(), and loadFromDb().
SurveyMatrixQuestion::setRandomRows | ( | $a_value = 0 | ) |
Definition at line 1537 of file class.SurveyMatrixQuestion.php.
Referenced by loadFromDb().
SurveyMatrixQuestion::setRepeatColumnHeader | ( | $a_value = 0 | ) |
Definition at line 1517 of file class.SurveyMatrixQuestion.php.
Referenced by loadFromDb().
SurveyMatrixQuestion::setRowImages | ( | $a_value = 0 | ) |
Definition at line 1567 of file class.SurveyMatrixQuestion.php.
Referenced by loadFromDb().
SurveyMatrixQuestion::setRowSeparators | ( | $enable = 0 | ) |
Enables/Disables separators for the matrix rows.
integer | $enable | 1 if the separators should be enabled, 0 otherwise public |
Definition at line 1191 of file class.SurveyMatrixQuestion.php.
Referenced by importAdditionalMetadata(), and loadFromDb().
SurveyMatrixQuestion::setSingleLineRowCaption | ( | $a_value = 0 | ) |
Definition at line 1507 of file class.SurveyMatrixQuestion.php.
Referenced by loadFromDb().
SurveyMatrixQuestion::setSubtype | ( | $a_subtype = 0 | ) |
Sets the subtype of the matrix question.
Definition at line 1137 of file class.SurveyMatrixQuestion.php.
Referenced by loadFromDb().
SurveyMatrixQuestion::syncWithOriginal | ( | ) |
Definition at line 866 of file class.SurveyMatrixQuestion.php.
References SurveyQuestion\getOriginalId(), saveColumnsToDb(), and saveRowsToDb().
SurveyMatrixQuestion::toXML | ( | $a_include_header = true , |
$obligatory_state = "" |
) |
Returns an xml representation of the question.
Definition at line 727 of file class.SurveyMatrixQuestion.php.
References $xml, insertXML(), and ilXmlWriter\xmlHeader().
SurveyMatrixQuestion::usableForPrecondition | ( | ) |
Returns if the question is usable for preconditions.
Definition at line 1328 of file class.SurveyMatrixQuestion.php.
SurveyMatrixQuestion::$bipolar_adjective1 |
Definition at line 66 of file class.SurveyMatrixQuestion.php.
SurveyMatrixQuestion::$bipolar_adjective2 |
Definition at line 73 of file class.SurveyMatrixQuestion.php.
SurveyMatrixQuestion::$columnHeaderPosition |
Definition at line 124 of file class.SurveyMatrixQuestion.php.
SurveyMatrixQuestion::$columnImages |
Definition at line 135 of file class.SurveyMatrixQuestion.php.
SurveyMatrixQuestion::$columnOrder |
Definition at line 133 of file class.SurveyMatrixQuestion.php.
SurveyMatrixQuestion::$columnPlaceholders |
Definition at line 111 of file class.SurveyMatrixQuestion.php.
SurveyMatrixQuestion::$columns |
Definition at line 52 of file class.SurveyMatrixQuestion.php.
Referenced by getColumns().
SurveyMatrixQuestion::$columnSeparators |
Definition at line 81 of file class.SurveyMatrixQuestion.php.
protected |
Definition at line 45 of file class.SurveyMatrixQuestion.php.
Referenced by addPhrase(), deleteAdditionalTableData(), getQuestionDataArray(), loadFromDb(), saveBipolarAdjectives(), saveColumnsToDb(), saveColumnToDb(), saveLayout(), savePhrase(), saveRowsToDb(), saveToDb(), and saveUserInput().
SurveyMatrixQuestion::$layout |
Definition at line 104 of file class.SurveyMatrixQuestion.php.
Referenced by getLayout(), saveLayout(), and setLayout().
SurveyMatrixQuestion::$legend |
Definition at line 118 of file class.SurveyMatrixQuestion.php.
SurveyMatrixQuestion::$neutralColumnSeparator |
Definition at line 97 of file class.SurveyMatrixQuestion.php.
SurveyMatrixQuestion::$openRows |
Definition at line 139 of file class.SurveyMatrixQuestion.php.
SurveyMatrixQuestion::$randomRows |
Definition at line 131 of file class.SurveyMatrixQuestion.php.
SurveyMatrixQuestion::$repeatColumnHeader |
Definition at line 122 of file class.SurveyMatrixQuestion.php.
SurveyMatrixQuestion::$rowImages |
Definition at line 137 of file class.SurveyMatrixQuestion.php.
SurveyMatrixQuestion::$rows |
Definition at line 59 of file class.SurveyMatrixQuestion.php.
Referenced by getRows().
SurveyMatrixQuestion::$rowSeparators |
Definition at line 89 of file class.SurveyMatrixQuestion.php.
SurveyMatrixQuestion::$singleLineRowCaption |
Definition at line 120 of file class.SurveyMatrixQuestion.php.
SurveyMatrixQuestion::$subtype |
Definition at line 156 of file class.SurveyMatrixQuestion.php.
Referenced by getSubtype().
protected |
Definition at line 40 of file class.SurveyMatrixQuestion.php.
Referenced by addPhrase(), saveColumnToDb(), and savePhrase().