ILIAS  release_5-3 Revision v5.3.23-19-g915713cf615
HFile_SearchScript Class Reference
+ Inheritance diagram for HFile_SearchScript:
+ Collaboration diagram for HFile_SearchScript:

Public Member Functions

 HFile_SearchScript ()
 donothing ($keywordin)
- Public Member Functions inherited from HFile
 __construct ()
 parse_file ($file)
 to_perl ($stub, $tofile=1)
 to_php ($stub, $tofile=1)
 _get_categories ()
 _dump_linkscripts ()
 _dump_perl_linkscripts ()
 _dump_perl_defaultscripts ()
 _dump_colours ()
 _dump_var ($variable, $name)
 _dump_array ($array, $name)
 _dump_perl_array ($array, $name)
 _dump_hash ($hash, $name)
 _dump_perl_hash ($hash, $name)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 7 of file HFile_SearchScript.php.

Member Function Documentation

◆ donothing()

HFile_SearchScript::donothing (   $keywordin)

Definition at line 444 of file HFile_SearchScript.php.

445  {
446  return $keywordin;
447  }

◆ HFile_SearchScript()

HFile_SearchScript::HFile_SearchScript ( )

Definition at line 9 of file HFile_SearchScript.php.

References array.

10  {
11  $this->HFile();
12  /*************************************/
13  // Beautifier Highlighting Configuration File
14  // SearchScript
15  /*************************************/
16  // Flags
18  $this->nocase = "1";
19  $this->notrim = "0";
20  $this->perl = "0";
22  // Colours
24  $this->colours = array("blue", "purple", "gray", "brown", "blue");
25  $this->quotecolour = "blue";
26  $this->blockcommentcolour = "green";
27  $this->linecommentcolour = "green";
29  // Indent Strings
31  $this->indent = array();
32  $this->unindent = array();
34  // String characters and delimiters
36  $this->stringchars = array();
37  $this->delimiters = array("~", "!", "@", "$", "%", "^", "&", "*", "(", ")", "-", "+", "=", "|", "\\", "{", "}", "[", "]", ":", ";", "\"", "'", "<", ">", " ", ",", " ", ".", "?");
38  $this->escchar = "";
40  // Comment settings
42  $this->linecommenton = array("");
43  $this->blockcommenton = array("%-");
44  $this->blockcommentoff = array("-%");
46  // Keywords (keyword mapping to colour number)
48  $this->keywords = array(
49  "<A" => "1",
50  "</A>" => "1",
51  "<ABOVE>" => "1",
52  "<ADDRESS>" => "1",
53  "</ADDRESS>" => "1",
54  "<APPLET" => "1",
55  "</APPLET>" => "1",
56  "<ARRAY>" => "1",
57  "<AREA" => "1",
58  "</AREA" => "1",
59  "<B>" => "1",
60  "</B>" => "1",
61  "<BASE" => "1",
62  "<BASEFONT" => "1",
63  "<BGSOUND" => "1",
64  "<BIG>" => "1",
65  "</BIG>" => "1",
66  "<BLINK>" => "1",
67  "</BLINK>" => "1",
68  "<BLOCKQUOTE>" => "1",
69  "</BLOCKQUOTE>" => "1",
70  "<BODY" => "1",
71  "<BODY>" => "1",
72  "</BODY>" => "1",
73  "<BOX>" => "1",
74  "<BR" => "1",
75  "<BR>" => "1",
76  "<CAPTION>" => "1",
77  "</CAPTION>" => "1",
78  "<CENTER>" => "1",
79  "</CENTER>" => "1",
80  "<CITE>" => "1",
81  "</CITE>" => "1",
82  "<CODE>" => "1",
83  "</CODE>" => "1",
84  "<DD>" => "1",
85  "<DFN>" => "1",
86  "<DIR>" => "1",
87  "</DIR>" => "1",
88  "<DIV" => "1",
89  "</DIV>" => "1",
90  "<DL>" => "1",
91  "</DL>" => "1",
92  "<DT>" => "1",
93  "<EM>" => "1",
94  "</EM>" => "1",
95  "<EMBED" => "1",
96  "<FIG>" => "1",
97  "<FONT" => "1",
98  "</FONT>" => "1",
99  "<FORM>" => "1",
100  "<FORM" => "1",
101  "</FORM>" => "1",
102  "<FRAME" => "1",
103  "<FRAMESET" => "1",
104  "</FRAMESET>" => "1",
105  "<H" => "1",
106  "<H1>" => "1",
107  "<H2>" => "1",
108  "<H3>" => "1",
109  "<H4>" => "1",
110  "<H5>" => "1",
111  "<H6>" => "1",
112  "</H1>" => "1",
113  "</H2>" => "1",
114  "</H3>" => "1",
115  "</H4>" => "1",
116  "</H5>" => "1",
117  "</H6>" => "1",
118  "<HEAD>" => "1",
119  "</HEAD>" => "1",
120  "<HR>" => "1",
121  "<HR" => "1",
122  "<HTML>" => "1",
123  "</HTML>" => "1",
124  "<I>" => "1",
125  "</I>" => "1",
126  "<IMG" => "1",
127  "<INPUT>" => "1",
128  "<INPUT" => "1",
129  "<ISINDEX>" => "1",
130  "<KBD>" => "1",
131  "</KBD>" => "1",
132  "<LI>" => "1",
133  "<LINK" => "1",
134  "</LI>" => "1",
135  "<MAP" => "1",
136  "</MAP>" => "1",
137  "<MARQUEE" => "1",
138  "</MARQUEE>" => "1",
139  "<MENU>" => "1",
140  "</MENU>" => "1",
141  "<META" => "1",
142  "<NEXTID" => "1",
143  "<NOBR>" => "1",
144  "</NOBR>" => "1",
145  "<NOFRAMES>" => "1",
146  "</NOFRAMES>" => "1",
147  "<NOTE>" => "1",
148  "</NOTE>" => "1",
149  "<OL>" => "1",
150  "</OL>" => "1",
151  "<OPTION>" => "1",
152  "<OPTION" => "1",
153  "<P" => "1",
154  "<P>" => "1",
155  "</P>" => "1",
156  "<PRE>" => "1",
157  "</PRE>" => "1",
158  "<PARAM>" => "1",
159  "<RANGE>" => "1",
160  "<ROOT>" => "1",
161  "<SAMP>" => "1",
162  "</SAMP>" => "1",
163  "<SCRIPT" => "1",
164  "</SCRIPT>" => "1",
165  "<SELECT>" => "1",
166  "</SELECT>" => "1",
167  "<SMALL>" => "1",
168  "</SMALL>" => "1",
169  "<SOUND" => "1",
170  "<SQRT>" => "1",
171  "<STYLE>" => "1",
172  "<STRIKE>" => "1",
173  "</STRIKE>" => "1",
174  "<STRONG>" => "1",
175  "</STRONG>" => "1",
176  "<SUB>" => "1",
177  "</SUB>" => "1",
178  "<SUP>" => "1",
179  "</SUP>" => "1",
180  "<SELECT" => "1",
181  "<TABLE>" => "1",
182  "<TABLE" => "1",
183  "</TABLE>" => "1",
184  "<TD" => "1",
185  "<TD>" => "1",
186  "</TD>" => "1",
187  "<TEXT>" => "1",
188  "<TEXTAREA" => "1",
189  "<TEXTAREA>" => "1",
190  "</TEXTAREA>" => "1",
191  "<TH" => "1",
192  "<TH>" => "1",
193  "</TH>" => "1",
194  "<TITLE>" => "1",
195  "</TITLE>" => "1",
196  "<TR" => "1",
197  "<TR>" => "1",
198  "</TR>" => "1",
199  "<TT>" => "1",
200  "</TT>" => "1",
201  "<U>" => "1",
202  "</U>" => "1",
203  "<UL>" => "1",
204  "</UL>" => "1",
205  "<VAR>" => "1",
206  "</VAR>" => "1",
207  "<WBR>" => "1",
208  "ACTION=" => "2",
209  "ALIGN=" => "2",
210  "ALINK" => "2",
211  "ALT" => "2",
212  "BACKGROUND=" => "2",
213  "BEHAVIOR" => "2",
214  "BELOW" => "2",
215  "BGCOLOR=" => "2",
216  "BORDER=" => "2",
217  "CELLPADDING" => "2",
218  "CELLSPACING" => "2",
219  "COLOR=" => "2",
220  "COLS" => "2",
221  "COLSPAN" => "2",
222  "CONTENT=" => "2",
223  "DIRECTION" => "2",
224  "FACE=" => "2",
225  "FRAMEBORDER=" => "2",
226  "FRAMESPACING=" => "2",
227  "HEIGHT=" => "2",
228  "HREF=" => "2",
229  "HSPACE=" => "2",
230  "HTTP-EQUIV=" => "2",
231  "ISMAP" => "2",
232  "LANGUAGE" => "2",
233  "LINK" => "2",
234  "METHOD=" => "2",
235  "MARGINHEIGHT=" => "2",
236  "MARGINWIDTH=" => "2",
237  "MULTIPLE" => "2",
238  "NAME=" => "2",
239  "NORESIZE" => "2",
240  "NOSHADE" => "2",
241  "ONBLUR" => "2",
242  "ONCLICK" => "2",
243  "ONFOCUS" => "2",
244  "ONLOAD" => "2",
245  "ONMOUSEOUT" => "2",
246  "ONMOUSEOVER" => "2",
247  "REV=" => "2",
248  "ROWS" => "2",
249  "ROWSPAN" => "2",
250  "SCROLLING" => "2",
251  "SIZE=" => "2",
252  "SRC=" => "2",
253  "START" => "2",
254  "TARGET=" => "2",
255  "TEXT=" => "2",
256  "TOPMARGIN" => "2",
257  "TYPE=" => "2",
258  "URL=" => "2",
259  "VALIGN=" => "2",
260  "VALUE=" => "2",
261  "VLINK=" => "2",
262  "VSPACE=" => "2",
263  "WIDTH=" => "2",
264  "and" => "3",
265  "Boolplus" => "3",
266  "Course" => "3",
267  "else" => "3",
268  "endif" => "3",
269  "endfor" => "3",
270  "exit" => "3",
271  "exitfor" => "3",
272  "Fine" => "3",
273  "Fixed" => "3",
274  "for" => "3",
275  "foreach" => "3",
276  "Freetext" => "3",
277  "if" => "3",
278  "in" => "3",
279  "Medium" => "3",
280  "not" => "3",
281  "or" => "3",
282  "Simple" => "3",
283  "stop" => "3",
284  "then" => "3",
285  "to" => "3",
286  "abs" => "4",
287  "AddHeader" => "4",
288  "asc" => "4",
289  "date" => "4",
290  "count" => "4",
291  "eval" => "4",
292  "exists" => "4",
293  "GetCookie" => "4",
294  "getenvvariable" => "4",
295  "GetNextPageURLKeys" => "4",
296  "GetPageURLKeys" => "4",
297  "GetSummary" => "4",
298  "GetURLKeys" => "4",
299  "instr" => "4",
300  "int" => "4",
301  "isempty" => "4",
302  "lcase" => "4",
303  "left" => "4",
304  "len" => "4",
305  "log" => "4",
306  "ltrim" => "4",
307  "mid" => "4",
308  "now" => "4",
309  "print" => "4",
310  "printhtmlesc" => "4",
311  "printurlesc" => "4",
312  "reverse" => "4",
313  "right" => "4",
314  "rtrim" => "4",
315  "setenvvariable" => "4",
316  "SetContentType" => "4",
317  "SetCookie" => "4",
318  "str" => "4",
319  "strcomp" => "4",
320  "trim" => "4",
321  "ucase" => "4",
322  "undate" => "4",
323  "urlesc" => "4",
324  "urlescpath" => "4",
325  "val" => "4",
326  "AccessQueryMode" => "5",
327  "AccessQueryText" => "5",
328  "Alias" => "5",
329  "Author" => "5",
330  "BeginHighlight" => "5",
331  "ClientHost" => "5",
332  "ClientSoftware" => "5",
333  "Cluster" => "5",
334  "Clusters" => "5",
335  "ClusterKeywordCount" => "5",
336  "ClusterCount" => "5",
337  "ClusterEffort" => "5",
338  "ClusterOrder" => "5",
339  "ClusterPageSize" => "5",
340  "ClusterScore" => "5",
341  "ClusterStyle" => "5",
342  "Collection" => "5",
343  "CollectionName" => "5",
344  "Comments" => "5",
345  "Created" => "5",
346  "Config" => "5",
347  "Cookie" => "5",
348  "DefaultList" => "5",
349  "Description" => "5",
350  "DocsCount" => "5",
351  "DocsEnd" => "5",
352  "DocsFound" => "5",
353  "DocsSearched" => "5",
354  "DocsStart" => "5",
355  "Document" => "5",
356  "DocumentPrint" => "5",
357  "Documents" => "5",
358  "EndHighlight" => "5",
359  "Ext" => "5",
360  "Filter" => "5",
361  "HLBookmark" => "5",
362  "HLFirstURL" => "5",
363  "HLNavigate" => "5",
364  "HLNextLabel" => "5",
365  "HLPrevLabel" => "5",
366  "HTMLBodyPrint" => "5",
367  "HGMLBodyPrintPre" => "5",
368  "HTMLHeadPrint" => "5",
369  "Index" => "5",
370  "Keywords" => "5",
371  "KeywordSummary" => "5",
372  "Mime-Type" => "5",
373  "Modified" => "5",
374  "Name" => "5",
375  "NextDocMime" => "5",
376  "NextDocURL" => "5",
377  "NextDocXML" => "5",
378  "NextPageURL" => "5",
379  "PageNumber" => "5",
380  "PageURLs" => "5",
381  "Path" => "5",
382  "PrevDocMime" => "5",
383  "PrevDocURL" => "5",
384  "PrevDocXML" => "5",
385  "PrevPageURL" => "5",
386  "QBEDOC" => "5",
387  "QBE_Key" => "5",
388  "QBE_Input" => "5",
389  "QueryMode" => "5",
390  "QueryText" => "5",
391  "QueryWeight" => "5",
392  "QueryZip" => "5",
393  "Rank" => "5",
394  "RefinedQueryZip" => "5",
395  "Request" => "5",
396  "Result" => "5",
397  "ResultCount" => "5",
398  "ResultErrorTemplate" => "5",
399  "ResultField" => "5",
400  "ResultMaxDocs" => "5",
401  "ResultStart" => "5",
402  "ResultTemplate" => "5",
403  "Score" => "5",
404  "ScoreThreshold" => "5",
405  "ScriptName" => "5",
406  "SearchURL" => "5",
407  "ServerHost" => "5",
408  "ServerKB" => "5",
409  "ServerPort" => "5",
410  "ServerURL" => "5",
411  "Size" => "5",
412  "Snippet" => "5",
413  "SortSpec" => "5",
414  "SourceQueryMode" => "5",
415  "SourceQueryText" => "5",
416  "State" => "5",
417  "StoredKeywords" => "5",
418  "StoredSummary" => "5",
419  "Subject" => "5",
420  "Title" => "5",
421  "URL" => "5",
422  "URL_HTML" => "5",
423  "URL_QBE" => "5",
424  "URL_XML" => "5",
425  "ViewTemplate" => "5",
426  "Web" => "5");
428  // Special extensions
430  // Each category can specify a PHP function that returns an altered
431  // version of the keyword.
435  $this->linkscripts = array(
436  "1" => "donothing",
437  "2" => "donothing",
438  "3" => "donothing",
439  "4" => "donothing",
440  "5" => "donothing");
441  }
Create styles array
The data for the language used.
Definition: HFile.php:21

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: