2 $BEAUT_PATH = realpath(
".") .
6 require_once(
24 $this->colours =
25 $this->quotecolour =
26 $this->blockcommentcolour =
27 $this->linecommentcolour =
31 $this->indent =
32 $this->unindent =
36 $this->stringchars =
37 $this->delimiters =
" ",
" ",
42 $this->linecommenton =
43 $this->blockcommenton =
44 $this->blockcommentoff =
48 $this->keywords =
80 "<BLOCKQUOTE>" =>
82 "</BLOCKQUOTE>" =>
107 "</COLGROUP>" =>
137 "</FIELDSET>" =>
146 "</FRAMESET>" =>
213 "</MULTICOL>" =>
218 "</NOFRAMES>" =>
224 "</NOSCRIPT>" =>
234 "</OPTGROUP>" =>
295 "</TEXTAREA>" =>
335 "BACKGROUND=" =>
378 "HTTP-EQUIV=" =>
387 "LEFTMARGIN=" =>
404 "ONKEYPRESS=" =>
412 "ONDBLCLICK=" =>
415 "ONMOUSEOUT=" =>
497 "SHM_GET_VAR" =>
498 "SHM_PUT_VAR" =>
513 "Ada_Autocommit" =>
515 "Ada_Closeall" =>
517 "Ada_Connect" =>
519 "Ada_Fetchrow" =>
520 "Ada_Fieldlen" =>
521 "Ada_Fieldname" =>
522 "Ada_Fieldtype" =>
523 "Ada_Freeresult" =>
524 "Ada_Numfields" =>
525 "Ada_Numrows" =>
527 "Ada_Resultall" =>
528 "Ada_Rollback" =>
530 "Apache_Lookup_Uri" =>
531 "Apache_Note" =>
538 "Base64_Decode" =>
539 "Base64_Encode" =>
541 "Base_Convert" =>
552 "Call_User_Func" =>
553 "Call_User_Method" =>
563 "Chunk_Split" =>
564 "Clearstatcache" =>
570 "Com_Propget" =>
571 "Com_Propput" =>
572 "Com_Propset" =>
574 "Convert_Cyr_String" =>
581 "Dav_Set_Mkcol_Handlers" =>
582 "Dbase_Add_Record" =>
583 "Dbase_Close" =>
584 "Dbase_Create" =>
585 "Dbase_Delete_Record" =>
586 "Dbase_Get_Record" =>
587 "Dbase_Get_Record_With_Names" =>
588 "Dbase_Numfields" =>
589 "Dbase_Numrecords" =>
597 "Dbmfirstkey" =>
602 "Debugger_Off" =>
603 "Debugger_On" =>
610 "Define_Syslog_Variables" =>
621 "Eregi_Replace" =>
622 "Ereg_Replace" =>
624 "Error_Reporting" =>
625 "Escapeshellcmd" =>
632 "Fdf_Get_File" =>
633 "Fdf_Get_Status" =>
634 "Fdf_Get_Value" =>
635 "Fdf_Next_Field_Name" =>
639 "Fdf_Set_File" =>
640 "Fdf_Set_Status" =>
641 "Fdf_Set_Value" =>
655 "Filepro_Fieldcount" =>
656 "Filepro_Fieldname" =>
657 "Filepro_Fieldtype" =>
658 "Filepro_Fieldwidth" =>
659 "Filepro_Retrieve" =>
660 "Filepro_Rowcount" =>
663 "File_Exists" =>
675 "Getallheaders" =>
678 "Gethostbyaddr" =>
679 "Gethostbyname" =>
680 "Gethostbynamel" =>
681 "Getimagesize" =>
682 "Getlastaccess" =>
683 "Getlastbrowser" =>
684 "Getlastemail" =>
685 "Getlasthost" =>
697 "Getstartlogging" =>
698 "Gettimeofday" =>
702 "Get_Browser" =>
703 "Get_Cfg_Var" =>
704 "Get_Current_User" =>
705 "Get_Magic_Quotes_Gpc" =>
706 "Get_Magic_Quotes_Runtime" =>
707 "Get_Meta_Tags" =>
710 "Gregoriantojd" =>
729 "Htmlentities" =>
730 "Htmlspecialchars" =>
731 "Hw_Array2Objrec" =>
732 "Hw_Changeobject" =>
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737 "Hw_Connection_Info" =>
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740 "Hw_Docbyanchor" =>
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744 "Hw_Documentsize" =>
745 "Hw_Document_Attributes" =>
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750 "Hw_Edittext" =>
752 "Hw_Errormsg" =>
753 "Hw_Free_Document" =>
754 "Hw_Getanchors" =>
755 "Hw_Getanchorsobj" =>
756 "Hw_Getandlock" =>
758 "Hw_Getchildcoll" =>
759 "Hw_Getchildcollobj" =>
760 "Hw_Getchilddoccoll" =>
761 "Hw_Getchilddoccollobj" =>
762 "Hw_Getobject" =>
763 "Hw_Getobjectbyquery" =>
764 "Hw_Getobjectbyquerycoll" =>
765 "Hw_Getobjectbyquerycollobj" =>
766 "Hw_Getobjectbyqueryobj" =>
767 "Hw_Getparents" =>
768 "Hw_Getparentsobj" =>
769 "Hw_Getrellink" =>
770 "Hw_Getremote" =>
771 "Hw_Getremotechildren" =>
772 "Hw_Getsrcbydestobj" =>
774 "Hw_Getusername" =>
775 "Hw_Identify" =>
776 "Hw_Incollections" =>
780 "Hw_Insertdocument" =>
781 "Hw_Insertobject" =>
783 "Hw_New_Document" =>
784 "Hw_Objrec2Array" =>
785 "Hw_Outputdocument" =>
786 "Hw_Output_Document" =>
787 "Hw_Pconnect" =>
789 "Hw_Pipedocument" =>
791 "Hw_Setlinkroot" =>
796 "Ibase_Close" =>
797 "Ibase_Connect" =>
798 "Ibase_Execute" =>
799 "Ibase_Fetch_Row" =>
800 "Ibase_Free_Query" =>
801 "Ibase_Free_Result" =>
802 "Ibase_Pconnect" =>
803 "Ibase_Prepare" =>
804 "Ibase_Query" =>
805 "Ibase_Timefmt" =>
806 "Ifxus_Close_Slob" =>
807 "Ifxus_Create_Slob" =>
808 "Ifxus_Free_Slob" =>
809 "Ifxus_Open_Slob" =>
810 "Ifxus_Read_Slob" =>
811 "Ifxus_Seek_Slob" =>
812 "Ifxus_Tell_Slob" =>
813 "Ifxus_Write_Slob" =>
814 "Ifx_Affected_Rows" =>
815 "Ifx_Blobinfile_Mode" =>
816 "Ifx_Byteasvarchar" =>
818 "Ifx_Connect" =>
819 "Ifx_Copy_Blob" =>
820 "Ifx_Create_Blob" =>
821 "Ifx_Create_Char" =>
824 "Ifx_Errormsg" =>
825 "Ifx_Fetch_Row" =>
826 "Ifx_Fieldproperties" =>
827 "Ifx_Fieldtypes" =>
828 "Ifx_Free_Blob" =>
829 "Ifx_Free_Char" =>
830 "Ifx_Free_Result" =>
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832 "Ifx_Get_Char" =>
833 "Ifx_Htmltbl_Result" =>
834 "Ifx_Nullformat" =>
835 "Ifx_Num_Fields" =>
836 "Ifx_Num_Rows" =>
837 "Ifx_Pconnect" =>
838 "Ifx_Prepare" =>
840 "Ifx_Textasvarchar" =>
841 "Ifx_Update_Blob" =>
842 "Ifx_Update_Char" =>
845 "Imagecharup" =>
846 "Imagecolorallocate" =>
847 "Imagecolorat" =>
848 "Imagecolorclosest" =>
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850 "Imagecolorexact" =>
851 "Imagecolorresolve" =>
852 "Imagecolorset" =>
853 "Imagecolorsforindex" =>
854 "Imagecolorstotal" =>
855 "Imagecolortransparent" =>
857 "Imagecopyresized" =>
858 "Imagecreate" =>
859 "Imagecreatefromgif" =>
860 "Imagedashedline" =>
861 "Imagedestroy" =>
863 "Imagefilledpolygon" =>
864 "Imagefilledrectangle" =>
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866 "Imagefontheight" =>
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869 "Imageinterlace" =>
871 "Imageloadfont" =>
872 "Imagepolygon" =>
873 "Imagerectangle" =>
874 "Imagesetpixel" =>
875 "Imagestring" =>
876 "Imagestringup" =>
879 "Imagettfbbox" =>
880 "Imagettftext" =>
882 "Imap_Append" =>
883 "Imap_Base64" =>
884 "Imap_Binary" =>
886 "Imap_Bodystruct" =>
888 "Imap_Clearflag_Full" =>
890 "Imap_Create" =>
891 "Imap_Createmailbox" =>
892 "Imap_Delete" =>
893 "Imap_Deletemailbox" =>
894 "Imap_Expunge" =>
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896 "Imap_Fetchheader" =>
897 "Imap_Fetchstructure" =>
898 "Imap_Fetchtext" =>
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900 "Imap_Header" =>
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902 "Imap_Headers" =>
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907 "Imap_Mailboxmsginfo" =>
908 "Imap_Mail_Compose" =>
909 "Imap_Mail_Copy" =>
910 "Imap_Mail_Move" =>
912 "Imap_Num_Msg" =>
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918 "Imap_Renamemailbox" =>
919 "Imap_Reopen" =>
920 "Imap_Rfc822_Parse_Adrlist" =>
921 "Imap_Rfc822_Write_Address" =>
923 "Imap_Scanmailbox" =>
924 "Imap_Setflag_Full" =>
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929 "Imap_Undelete" =>
930 "Imap_Unsubscribe" =>
937 "Is_Executable" =>
945 "Is_Readable" =>
948 "Is_Writeable" =>
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950 "Jdmonthname" =>
952 "Jdtogregorian" =>
963 "Ldap_Connect" =>
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966 "Ldap_Dn2Ufn" =>
967 "Ldap_Explode_Dn" =>
968 "Ldap_First_Attribute" =>
969 "Ldap_First_Entry" =>
970 "Ldap_Free_Result" =>
971 "Ldap_Get_Attributes" =>
972 "Ldap_Get_Dn" =>
973 "Ldap_Get_Entries" =>
974 "Ldap_Get_Values" =>
976 "Ldap_Modify" =>
977 "Ldap_Next_Attribute" =>
978 "Ldap_Next_Entry" =>
980 "Ldap_Search" =>
981 "Ldap_Unbind" =>
990 "Magic_Quotes_Runtime" =>
999 "Msql_Affected_Rows" =>
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1001 "Msql_Connect" =>
1002 "Msql_Createdb" =>
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1004 "Msql_Data_Seek" =>
1005 "Msql_Dbname" =>
1006 "Msql_Db_Query" =>
1007 "Msql_Dropdb" =>
1008 "Msql_Drop_Db" =>
1009 "Msql_Error" =>
1010 "Msql_Fetch_Array" =>
1011 "Msql_Fetch_Field" =>
1012 "Msql_Fetch_Object" =>
1013 "Msql_Fetch_Row" =>
1014 "Msql_Fieldflags" =>
1015 "Msql_Fieldlen" =>
1016 "Msql_Fieldname" =>
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1018 "Msql_Fieldtype" =>
1019 "Msql_Field_Seek" =>
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1021 "Msql_Free_Result" =>
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1023 "Msql_Listfields" =>
1024 "Msql_Listtables" =>
1025 "Msql_List_Dbs" =>
1026 "Msql_List_Fields" =>
1027 "Msql_List_Tables" =>
1028 "Msql_Numfields" =>
1029 "Msql_Numrows" =>
1030 "Msql_Num_Fields" =>
1031 "Msql_Num_Rows" =>
1032 "Msql_Pconnect" =>
1033 "Msql_Query" =>
1034 "Msql_Regcase" =>
1035 "Msql_Result" =>
1036 "Msql_Selectdb" =>
1037 "Msql_Select_Db" =>
1038 "Msql_Tablename" =>
1039 "Mssql_Affected_Rows" =>
1040 "Mssql_Close" =>
1041 "Mssql_Connect" =>
1042 "Mssql_Data_Seek" =>
1043 "Mssql_Fetch_Array" =>
1044 "Mssql_Fetch_Field" =>
1045 "Mssql_Fetch_Object" =>
1046 "Mssql_Fetch_Row" =>
1047 "Mssql_Field_Length" =>
1048 "Mssql_Field_Name" =>
1049 "Mssql_Field_Seek" =>
1050 "Mssql_Field_Type" =>
1051 "Mssql_Free_Result" =>
1052 "Mssql_Get_Last_Message" =>
1053 "Mssql_Min_Client_Severity" =>
1054 "Mssql_Min_Error_Severity" =>
1055 "Mssql_Min_Message_Severity" =>
1056 "Mssql_Min_Server_Severity" =>
1057 "Mssql_Num_Fields" =>
1058 "Mssql_Num_Rows" =>
1059 "Mssql_Pconnect" =>
1060 "Mssql_Query" =>
1061 "Mssql_Result" =>
1062 "Mssql_Select_Db" =>
1063 "Mt_Getrandmax" =>
1067 "Mysql_Affected_Rows" =>
1068 "Mysql_Close" =>
1069 "Mysql_Connect" =>
1070 "Mysql_Createdb" =>
1071 "Mysql_Create_Db" =>
1072 "Mysql_Data_Seek" =>
1073 "Mysql_Dbname" =>
1074 "Mysql_Db_Name" =>
1075 "Mysql_Db_Query" =>
1076 "Mysql_Dropdb" =>
1077 "Mysql_Drop_Db" =>
1078 "Mysql_Errno" =>
1079 "Mysql_Error" =>
1080 "Mysql_Fetch_Array" =>
1081 "Mysql_Fetch_Field" =>
1082 "Mysql_Fetch_Lengths" =>
1083 "Mysql_Fetch_Object" =>
1084 "Mysql_Fetch_Row" =>
1085 "Mysql_Fieldflags" =>
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1087 "Mysql_Fieldname" =>
1088 "Mysql_Fieldtable" =>
1089 "Mysql_Fieldtype" =>
1090 "Mysql_Field_Flags" =>
1091 "Mysql_Field_Len" =>
1092 "Mysql_Field_Name" =>
1093 "Mysql_Field_Seek" =>
1094 "Mysql_Field_Table" =>
1095 "Mysql_Field_Type" =>
1096 "Mysql_Freeresult" =>
1097 "Mysql_Free_Result" =>
1098 "Mysql_Insert_Id" =>
1099 "Mysql_Listdbs" =>
1100 "Mysql_Listfields" =>
1101 "Mysql_Listtables" =>
1102 "Mysql_List_Dbs" =>
1103 "Mysql_List_Fields" =>
1104 "Mysql_List_Tables" =>
1105 "Mysql_Numfields" =>
1106 "Mysql_Numrows" =>
1107 "Mysql_Num_Fields" =>
1108 "Mysql_Num_Rows" =>
1109 "Mysql_Pconnect" =>
1110 "Mysql_Query" =>
1111 "Mysql_Result" =>
1112 "Mysql_Selectdb" =>
1113 "Mysql_Select_Db" =>
1114 "Mysql_Tablename" =>
1117 "Number_Format" =>
1118 "Ocibindbyname" =>
1119 "Ocicolumnisnull" =>
1120 "Ocicolumnname" =>
1121 "Ocicolumnsize" =>
1122 "Ocicolumntype" =>
1123 "Ociexecute" =>
1125 "Ocifetchinto" =>
1126 "Ocifreestatement" =>
1127 "Ociinternaldebug" =>
1130 "Ocinumcols" =>
1133 "Ociserverversion" =>
1134 "Ocistatementtype" =>
1136 "Odbc_Autocommit" =>
1137 "Odbc_Binmode" =>
1138 "Odbc_Close" =>
1139 "Odbc_Close_All" =>
1140 "Odbc_Commit" =>
1141 "Odbc_Connect" =>
1142 "Odbc_Cursor" =>
1145 "Odbc_Execute" =>
1146 "Odbc_Fetch_Into" =>
1147 "Odbc_Fetch_Row" =>
1148 "Odbc_Field_Len" =>
1149 "Odbc_Field_Name" =>
1150 "Odbc_Field_Num" =>
1151 "Odbc_Field_Type" =>
1152 "Odbc_Free_Result" =>
1153 "Odbc_Longreadlen" =>
1154 "Odbc_Num_Fields" =>
1155 "Odbc_Num_Rows" =>
1156 "Odbc_Pconnect" =>
1157 "Odbc_Prepare" =>
1158 "Odbc_Result" =>
1159 "Odbc_Result_All" =>
1160 "Odbc_Rollback" =>
1161 "Odbc_Setoption" =>
1166 "Ora_Columnname" =>
1167 "Ora_Columnsize" =>
1168 "Ora_Columntype" =>
1169 "Ora_Commit" =>
1170 "Ora_Commitoff" =>
1171 "Ora_Commiton" =>
1174 "Ora_Errorcode" =>
1177 "Ora_Fetch_Into" =>
1178 "Ora_Getcolumn" =>
1179 "Ora_Logoff" =>
1181 "Ora_Numcols" =>
1182 "Ora_Numrows" =>
1185 "Ora_Plogon" =>
1186 "Ora_Rollback" =>
1193 "Pdf_Add_Outline" =>
1195 "Pdf_Begin_Page" =>
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1200 "Pdf_Closepath_Fill_Stroke" =>
1201 "Pdf_Closepath_Stroke" =>
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1204 "Pdf_Endpath" =>
1205 "Pdf_End_Page" =>
1207 "Pdf_Fill_Stroke" =>
1208 "Pdf_Get_Info" =>
1209 "Pdf_Lineto" =>
1210 "Pdf_Moveto" =>
1213 "Pdf_Restore" =>
1214 "Pdf_Rotate" =>
1217 "Pdf_Setdash" =>
1218 "Pdf_Setflat" =>
1219 "Pdf_Setgray" =>
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1223 "Pdf_Setlinejoin" =>
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1225 "Pdf_Setmiterlimit" =>
1226 "Pdf_Setrgbcolor" =>
1227 "Pdf_Setrgbcolor_Fill" =>
1228 "Pdf_Setrgbcolor_Stroke" =>
1229 "Pdf_Set_Char_Spacing" =>
1230 "Pdf_Set_Duration" =>
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1232 "Pdf_Set_Horiz_Scaling" =>
1233 "Pdf_Set_Info_Author" =>
1234 "Pdf_Set_Info_Creator" =>
1235 "Pdf_Set_Info_Keywords" =>
1236 "Pdf_Set_Info_Subject" =>
1237 "Pdf_Set_Info_Title" =>
1238 "Pdf_Set_Leading" =>
1239 "Pdf_Set_Text_Matrix" =>
1240 "Pdf_Set_Text_Pos" =>
1241 "Pdf_Set_Text_Rendering" =>
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1244 "Pdf_Set_Word_Spacing" =>
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1247 "Pdf_Stringwidth" =>
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1251 "Pg_Cmdtuples" =>
1252 "Pg_Connect" =>
1254 "Pg_Errormessage" =>
1256 "Pg_Fetch_Array" =>
1257 "Pg_Fetch_Object" =>
1258 "Pg_Fetch_Row" =>
1259 "Pg_Fieldisnull" =>
1260 "Pg_Fieldname" =>
1261 "Pg_Fieldnum" =>
1262 "Pg_Fieldprtlen" =>
1263 "Pg_Fieldsize" =>
1264 "Pg_Fieldtype" =>
1265 "Pg_Freeresult" =>
1266 "Pg_Getlastoid" =>
1268 "Pg_Loclose" =>
1269 "Pg_Locreate" =>
1272 "Pg_Loreadall" =>
1273 "Pg_Lounlink" =>
1274 "Pg_Lowrite" =>
1275 "Pg_Numfields" =>
1276 "Pg_Numrows" =>
1277 "Pg_Options" =>
1278 "Pg_Pconnect" =>
1283 "Phpversion" =>
1291 "Quoted_Printable_Decode" =>
1295 "Rawurldecode" =>
1296 "Rawurlencode" =>
1299 "Readgzfile" =>
1301 "Register_Shutdown_Function" =>
1310 "Sem_Acquire" =>
1312 "Sem_Release" =>
1317 "Set_Magic_Quotes_Runtime" =>
1318 "Set_Socket_Blocking" =>
1319 "Set_Socket_Timeout" =>
1320 "Set_Time_Limit" =>
1321 "Short_Tags" =>
1327 "Solid_Close" =>
1328 "Solid_Connect" =>
1329 "Solid_Exec" =>
1330 "Solid_Fetchrow" =>
1331 "Solid_Fetch_Prev" =>
1332 "Solid_Fieldname" =>
1333 "Solid_Fieldnum" =>
1334 "Solid_Freeresult" =>
1335 "Solid_Numfields" =>
1336 "Solid_Numrows" =>
1337 "Solid_Result" =>
1342 "Sqlconnect" =>
1343 "Sqldisconnect" =>
1344 "Sqlexecdirect" =>
1347 "Sqlgetdata" =>
1348 "Sqlrowcount" =>
1349 "Sql_Regcase" =>
1353 "Strcasecmp" =>
1358 "Stripslashes" =>
1368 "Strtolower" =>
1369 "Strtoupper" =>
1372 "Str_Replace" =>
1374 "Sybase_Affected_Rows" =>
1375 "Sybase_Close" =>
1376 "Sybase_Connect" =>
1377 "Sybase_Data_Seek" =>
1378 "Sybase_Fetch_Array" =>
1379 "Sybase_Fetch_Field" =>
1380 "Sybase_Fetch_Object" =>
1381 "Sybase_Fetch_Row" =>
1382 "Sybase_Field_Seek" =>
1383 "Sybase_Free_Result" =>
1384 "Sybase_Get_Last_Message" =>
1385 "Sybase_Min_Client_Severity" =>
1386 "Sybase_Min_Error_Severity" =>
1387 "Sybase_Min_Message_Severity" =>
1388 "Sybase_Min_Server_Severity" =>
1389 "Sybase_Num_Fields" =>
1390 "Sybase_Num_Rows" =>
1391 "Sybase_Pconnect" =>
1392 "Sybase_Query" =>
1393 "Sybase_Result" =>
1394 "Sybase_Select_Db" =>
1411 "Unserialize" =>
1416 "Utf8_Decode" =>
1417 "Utf8_Encode" =>
1419 "Velocis_Autocommit" =>
1420 "Velocis_Close" =>
1421 "Velocis_Commit" =>
1422 "Velocis_Connect" =>
1423 "Velocis_Exec" =>
1424 "Velocis_Fetch" =>
1425 "Velocis_Fieldname" =>
1426 "Velocis_Fieldnum" =>
1427 "Velocis_Freeresult" =>
1428 "Velocis_Off_Autocommit" =>
1429 "Velocis_Result" =>
1430 "Velocis_Rollback" =>
1432 "Vm_Addalias" =>
1433 "Vm_Adduser" =>
1434 "Vm_Delalias" =>
1435 "Vm_Deluser" =>
1437 "Xml_Error_String" =>
1438 "Xml_Get_Current_Byte_Index" =>
1439 "Xml_Get_Current_Column_Number" =>
1440 "Xml_Get_Current_Line_Number" =>
1441 "Xml_Get_Error_Code" =>
1443 "Xml_Parser_Create" =>
1444 "Xml_Parser_Free" =>
1445 "Xml_Parser_Get_Option" =>
1446 "Xml_Parser_Set_Option" =>
1447 "Xml_Set_Character_Data_Handler" =>
1448 "Xml_Set_Default_Handler" =>
1449 "Xml_Set_Element_Handler" =>
1450 "Xml_Set_External_Entity_Ref_Handler" =>
1451 "Xml_Set_Notation_Decl_Handler" =>
1452 "Xml_Set_Processing_Instruction_Handler" =>
1453 "Xml_Set_Unparsed_Entity_Decl_Handler" =>
1471 "auto_increment" =>
1502 "identified" =>
1518 "low_priority" =>
1527 "optionally" =>
1532 "proceedure" =>
1534 "references" =>
1545 "straight_join" =>
1572 $this->linkscripts =
1580 "8" =>
Create styles array
The data for the language used.