ILIAS  release_5-3 Revision v5.3.23-19-g915713cf615
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 <?php
2 /* Copyright (c) 1998-2012 ILIAS open source, Extended GPL, see docs/LICENSE */
4 include_once("./Services/DataSet/classes/class.ilDataSet.php");
14 {
21  public function getSupportedVersions()
22  {
23  return array("4.3.0");
24  }
32  public function getXmlNamespace($a_entity, $a_schema_version)
33  {
34  return "" . $a_entity;
35  }
43  protected function getTypes($a_entity, $a_version)
44  {
45  // calendar
46  if ($a_entity == "calendar") {
47  switch ($a_version) {
48  case "4.3.0":
49  return array(
50  "CatId" => "integer",
51  "ObjId" => "text",
52  "Title" => "text",
53  "Color" => "text",
54  "Type" => "integer"
55  );
56  }
57  }
59  // calendar entry
60  if ($a_entity == "cal_entry") {
61  switch ($a_version) {
62  case "4.3.0":
63  return array(
64  "Id" => "integer",
65  "Title" => "text",
66  "Subtitle" => "text",
67  "Description" => "text",
68  "Location" => "text",
69  "Fullday" => "integer",
70  "Starta" => "text",
71  "Enda" => "text",
72  "Informations" => "text",
73  "AutoGenerated" => "integer",
74  "ContextId" => "integer",
75  "TranslationType" => "integer",
76  "IsMilestone" => "integer",
77  "Completion" => "integer",
78  "Notification" => "integer"
79  );
80  }
81  }
83  // calendar/entry assignment
84  if ($a_entity == "cal_assignment") {
85  switch ($a_version) {
86  case "4.3.0":
87  return array(
88  "CatId" => "integer",
89  "EntryId" => "integer"
90  );
91  }
92  }
94  // recurrence rule
95  if ($a_entity == "recurrence_rule") {
96  switch ($a_version) {
97  case "4.3.0":
98  return array(
99  "RuleId" => "integer",
100  "EntryId" => "integer",
101  "CalRecurrence" => "integer",
102  "FreqType" => "text",
103  "FreqUntilDate" => "text",
104  "FreqUntilCount" => "integer",
105  "Intervall" => "integer",
106  "Byday" => "text",
107  "Byweekno" => "text",
108  "Bymonth" => "text",
109  "Bymonthday" => "text",
110  "Byyearday" => "text",
111  "Bysetpos" => "text",
112  "Weekstart" => "text"
113  );
114  }
115  }
116  }
124  public function readData($a_entity, $a_version, $a_ids, $a_field = "")
125  {
126  global $ilDB;
128  if (!is_array($a_ids)) {
129  $a_ids = array($a_ids);
130  }
132  // calendar
133  if ($a_entity == "calendar") {
134  switch ($a_version) {
135  case "4.3.0":
136  $this->getDirectDataFromQuery("SELECT cat_id, obj_id, title, color, type " .
137  " FROM cal_categories " .
138  " WHERE " .
139  $ilDB->in("cat_id", $a_ids, false, "integer"));
140  break;
141  }
142  }
144  // cal assignments
145  if ($a_entity == "cal_assignment") {
146  switch ($a_version) {
147  case "4.3.0":
148  $this->getDirectDataFromQuery("SELECT cat_id, cal_id entry_id " .
149  " FROM cal_cat_assignments " .
150  " WHERE " .
151  $ilDB->in("cat_id", $a_ids, false, "integer"));
152  break;
153  }
154  }
156  // cal entries
157  if ($a_entity == "cal_entry") {
158  switch ($a_version) {
159  case "4.3.0":
160  $this->getDirectDataFromQuery("SELECT cal_id id, title, subtitle, description, location, fullday, " .
161  " starta, enda, informations, auto_generated, context_id, translation_type, is_milestone, completion, notification " .
162  " FROM cal_entries " .
163  " WHERE " .
164  $ilDB->in("cal_id", $a_ids, false, "integer"));
165  break;
166  }
167  }
170  // recurrence_rule
171  if ($a_entity == "recurrence_rule") {
172  switch ($a_version) {
173  case "4.3.0":
174  $this->getDirectDataFromQuery("SELECT rule_id, cal_id entry_id, cal_recurrence, freq_type, freq_until_date, freq_until_count, " .
175  " intervall, byday, byweekno, bymonth, bymonthday, byyearday, bysetpos, weekstart " .
176  " FROM cal_recurrence_rules " .
177  " WHERE " .
178  $ilDB->in("cal_id", $a_ids, false, "integer"));
179  break;
180  }
181  }
182  }
187  protected function getDependencies($a_entity, $a_version, $a_rec, $a_ids)
188  {
189  switch ($a_entity) {
190  case "calendar":
191  include_once("./Services/Calendar/classes/class.ilCalendarCategoryAssignments.php");
192  $assignmnts = ilCalendarCategoryAssignments::_getAssignedAppointments(array($a_rec["CatId"]));
193  $entries = array();
194  foreach ($assignmnts as $cal_id) {
195  $entries[$cal_id] = $cal_id;
196  }
197  return array(
198  "cal_entry" => array("ids" => $entries),
199  "cal_assignment" => array("ids" => $a_rec["CatId"])
200  );
201  case "cal_entry":
202  return array(
203  "recurrence_rule" => array("ids" => $a_rec["Id"])
204  );
205  }
207  return false;
208  }
216  public function importRecord($a_entity, $a_types, $a_rec, $a_mapping, $a_schema_version)
217  {
218  switch ($a_entity) {
219  case "calendar":
220  // please note: we currently only support private user calendars to
221  // be imported
222  if ($a_rec["Type"] == 1) {
223  $usr_id = $a_mapping->getMapping("Services/User", "usr", $a_rec["ObjId"]);
224  if ($usr_id > 0 && ilObject::_lookupType($usr_id) == "usr") {
225  include_once('./Services/Calendar/classes/class.ilCalendarCategory.php');
226  $category = new ilCalendarCategory(0);
227  $category->setTitle($a_rec["Title"]);
228  $category->setColor($a_rec["Color"]);
229  $category->setType(ilCalendarCategory::TYPE_USR);
230  $category->setObjId($usr_id);
231  $category->add();
232  $a_mapping->addMapping(
233  "Services/Calendar",
234  "calendar",
235  $a_rec["CatId"],
236  $category->getCategoryID()
237  );
238  }
239  }
240  break;
242  case "cal_entry":
243  // please note: we currently only support private user calendars to
244  // be imported
245  if ((int) $a_rec["ContextId"] == 0) {
246  include_once('./Services/Calendar/classes/class.ilCalendarEntry.php');
247  $entry = new ilCalendarEntry(0);
248  $entry->setTitle($a_rec["Title"]);
249  $entry->setSubtitle($a_rec["Subtitle"]);
250  $entry->setDescription($a_rec["Description"]);
251  $entry->setLocation($a_rec["Location"]);
252  $entry->setFullday($a_rec["Fullday"]);
253  if ($a_rec["Starta"] != "") {
254  $entry->setStart(new ilDateTime($a_rec["Starta"], IL_CAL_DATETIME, 'UTC'));
255  }
256  if ($a_rec["Enda"] != "") {
257  $entry->setEnd(new ilDateTime($a_rec["Enda"], IL_CAL_DATETIME, 'UTC'));
258  }
259  $entry->setFurtherInformations($a_rec["Informations"]);
260  $entry->setAutoGenerated($a_rec["AutoGenerated"]);
261  $entry->setContextId($a_rec["ContextId"]);
262  $entry->setMilestone($a_rec["Milestone"]);
263  $entry->setCompletion($a_rec["Completion"]);
264  $entry->setTranslationType($a_rec["TranslationType"]);
265  $entry->enableNotification($a_rec["Notification"]);
266  $entry->save();
267  $a_mapping->addMapping(
268  "Services/Calendar",
269  "cal_entry",
270  $a_rec["Id"],
271  $entry->getEntryId()
272  );
273  }
274  break;
276  case "cal_assignment":
277  $cat_id = $a_mapping->getMapping("Services/Calendar", "calendar", $a_rec["CatId"]);
278  $entry_id = $a_mapping->getMapping("Services/Calendar", "cal_entry", $a_rec["EntryId"]);
279  if ($cat_id > 0 && $entry_id > 0) {
280  include_once('./Services/Calendar/classes/class.ilCalendarCategoryAssignments.php');
281  $ass = new ilCalendarCategoryAssignments($entry_id);
282  $ass->addAssignment($cat_id);
283  }
284  break;
286  case "recurrence_rule":
287  $entry_id = $a_mapping->getMapping("Services/Calendar", "cal_entry", $a_rec["EntryId"]);
288  if ($entry_id > 0) {
289  include_once('./Services/Calendar/classes/class.ilCalendarRecurrence.php');
290  $rec = new ilCalendarRecurrence();
291  $rec->setEntryId($entry_id);
292  $rec->setRecurrence($a_rec["CalRecurrence"]);
293  $rec->setFrequenceType($a_rec["FreqType"]);
294  if ($a_rec["FreqUntilDate"] != "") {
295  $rec->setFrequenceUntilDate(new ilDateTime($a_rec["FreqUntilDate"], IL_CAL_DATETIME));
296  }
297  $rec->setFrequenceUntilCount($a_rec["FreqUntilCount"]);
298  $rec->setInterval($a_rec["Interval"]);
299  $rec->setBYDAY($a_rec["Byday"]);
300  $rec->setBYWEEKNO($a_rec["Byweekno"]);
301  $rec->setBYMONTH($a_rec["Bymonth"]);
302  $rec->setBYMONTHDAY($a_rec["Bymonthday"]);
303  $rec->setBYYEARDAY($a_rec["Byyearday"]);
304  $rec->setBYSETPOS($a_rec["Bysetpos"]);
305  $rec->setWeekstart($a_rec["Weekstart"]);
306  $rec->save();
307  $a_mapping->addMapping(
308  "Services/Calendar",
309  "recurrence_rule",
310  $a_rec["RuleId"],
311  $rec->getRecurrenceId()
312  );
313  }
314  break;
315  }
316  }
317 }
Model for a calendar entry.
Get supported versions.
getTypes($a_entity, $a_version)
Get field types for entity.
getDirectDataFromQuery($a_query, $a_convert_to_leading_upper=true, $a_set=true)
Get data from query.This is a standard procedure, all db field names are directly mapped to abstract ...
importRecord($a_entity, $a_types, $a_rec, $a_mapping, $a_schema_version)
Import record.
readData($a_entity, $a_version, $a_ids, $a_field="")
Read data.
Stores calendar categories.
Calendar data set class.
Date and time handling
getDependencies($a_entity, $a_version, $a_rec, $a_ids)
Determine the dependent sets of data.
Create styles array
The data for the language used.
static _lookupType($a_id, $a_reference=false)
lookup object type
static _getAssignedAppointments($a_cat_id)
Get assigned apointments.
global $ilDB
A dataset contains in data in a common structure that can be shared and transformed for different pur...
getXmlNamespace($a_entity, $a_schema_version)
Get xml namespace.