ILIAS  release_5-3 Revision v5.3.23-19-g915713cf615
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 <?php
3 $BEAUT_PATH = realpath(".") . "/Services/COPage/syntax_highlight/php";
4 if (!isset($BEAUT_PATH)) {
5  return;
6 }
7 require_once("$BEAUT_PATH/Beautifier/HFile.php");
8  class HFile_vbscript extends HFile
9  {
10  public function HFile_vbscript()
11  {
12  $this->HFile();
14  /*************************************/
15  // Beautifier Highlighting Configuration File
16  // VBScript
17  /*************************************/
18  // Flags
20  $this->nocase = "0";
21  $this->notrim = "0";
22  $this->perl = "0";
24  // Colours
26  $this->colours = array("blue", "purple", "brown", "gray", "blue", "purple");
27  $this->quotecolour = "blue";
28  $this->blockcommentcolour = "green";
29  $this->linecommentcolour = "green";
31  // Indent Strings
33  $this->indent = array("Sub", "Private Sub", "Public Sub");
34  $this->unindent = array("End Sub");
36  // String characters and delimiters
38  $this->stringchars = array();
39  $this->delimiters = array(".", "(", ")", ",", "-", "+", "=", "|", "\\", "/", "{", "}", "[", "]", ":", ";", "\"", "'", "<", " ", ">", " ");
40  $this->escchar = "";
42  // Comment settings
44  $this->linecommenton = array("'");
45  $this->blockcommenton = array("");
46  $this->blockcommentoff = array("");
48  // Keywords (keyword mapping to colour number)
50  $this->keywords = array(
51  "And" => "1",
52  "As" => "1",
53  "Call" => "1",
54  "Case" => "1",
55  "Class" => "1",
56  "Const" => "1",
57  "Dim" => "1",
58  "Do" => "1",
59  "Each" => "1",
60  "Else" => "1",
61  "ElseIf" => "1",
62  "Empty" => "1",
63  "End" => "1",
64  "Eqv" => "1",
65  "Erase" => "1",
66  "Error" => "1",
67  "Execute" => "1",
68  "Exit" => "1",
69  "Explicit" => "1",
70  "For" => "1",
71  "Function" => "1",
72  "Get" => "1",
73  "Goto" => "1",
74  "If" => "1",
75  "Imp" => "1",
76  "Is" => "1",
77  "Let" => "1",
78  "Loop" => "1",
79  "Mod" => "1",
80  "Next" => "1",
81  "New" => "1",
82  "Not" => "1",
83  "Nothing" => "1",
84  "Null" => "1",
85  "On" => "1",
86  "Option" => "1",
87  "Or" => "1",
88  "Private" => "1",
89  "Property" => "1",
90  "Public" => "1",
91  "Randomize" => "1",
92  "ReDim" => "1",
93  "Rem" => "1",
94  "Resume" => "1",
95  "Select" => "1",
96  "Set" => "1",
97  "Stop" => "1",
98  "Sub" => "1",
99  "Then" => "1",
100  "To" => "1",
101  "Until" => "1",
102  "Wend" => "1",
103  "While" => "1",
104  "With" => "1",
105  "Abs" => "2",
106  "Array" => "2",
107  "Asc" => "2",
108  "Atn" => "2",
109  "CBool" => "2",
110  "CByte" => "2",
111  "CCur" => "2",
112  "CDate" => "2",
113  "CDbl" => "2",
114  "Chr" => "2",
115  "CInt" => "2",
116  "CLng" => "2",
117  "Cos" => "2",
118  "CSng" => "2",
119  "CStr" => "2",
120  "Date" => "2",
121  "DateAddFunction" => "2",
122  "DateDiff" => "2",
123  "DatePart" => "2",
124  "DateSerial" => "2",
125  "DateValue" => "2",
126  "Day" => "2",
127  "Eval" => "2",
128  "Exp" => "2",
129  "Filter" => "2",
130  "Fix" => "2",
131  "FormatCurrency" => "2",
132  "FormatDateTime" => "2",
133  "FormatNumber" => "2",
134  "FormatPercent" => "2",
135  "GetObject" => "2",
136  "GetRef" => "2",
137  "Hex" => "2",
138  "Hour" => "2",
139  "InputBox" => "2",
140  "InStr" => "2",
141  "InStrRev" => "2",
142  "Int" => "2",
143  "IsArray" => "2",
144  "IsDate" => "2",
145  "IsEmpty" => "2",
146  "IsNull" => "2",
147  "IsNumeric" => "2",
148  "IsObject" => "2",
149  "Join" => "2",
150  "LBound" => "2",
151  "LCase" => "2",
152  "Left" => "2",
153  "Len" => "2",
154  "LoadPicture" => "2",
155  "Log" => "2",
156  "LTrim" => "2",
157  "Mid" => "2",
158  "Minute" => "2",
159  "Month" => "2",
160  "MonthName" => "2",
161  "MsgBox" => "2",
162  "Now" => "2",
163  "Oct" => "2",
164  "Replace" => "4",
165  "RGB" => "2",
166  "Right" => "2",
167  "Rnd" => "2",
168  "Round" => "2",
169  "RTrim" => "2",
170  "ScriptEngine" => "2",
171  "ScriptEngineBuildVersion" => "2",
172  "ScriptEngineMajorVersion" => "2",
173  "ScriptEngineMinorVersion" => "2",
174  "Second" => "2",
175  "Sgn" => "2",
176  "Sin" => "2",
177  "Space" => "2",
178  "Split" => "2",
179  "Sqr" => "2",
180  "StrComp" => "2",
181  "String" => "2",
182  "StrReverse" => "2",
183  "Tan" => "2",
184  "Time" => "2",
185  "Timer" => "2",
186  "TimeSerial" => "2",
187  "TimeValue" => "2",
188  "Trim" => "2",
189  "TypeName" => "2",
190  "UBound" => "2",
191  "UCase" => "2",
192  "VarType" => "2",
193  "Weekday" => "2",
194  "WeekdayName" => "2",
195  "Year" => "2",
196  "AccountDisabled" => "3",
197  "AccountExpirationDate" => "3",
198  "Application" => "3",
199  "Arguments" => "3",
200  "AtEndOfLine" => "3",
201  "AtEndOfStream" => "3",
202  "Attributes" => "3",
203  "AutoUnlockInterval" => "3",
204  "AvailableSpace" => "3",
205  "BadPasswordAttempts" => "3",
206  "Column" => "3",
207  "CompareMode" => "3",
208  "ComputerName" => "3",
209  "Count" => "3",
210  "DateCreated" => "3",
211  "DateLastAccessed" => "3",
212  "DateLastModified" => "3",
213  "Description" => "3",
214  "Drive" => "3",
215  "DriveLetter" => "3",
216  "DriveType" => "3",
217  "Drives" => "3",
218  "Environment" => "3",
219  "FileSystem" => "3",
220  "Files" => "3",
221  "FirstIndex" => "3",
222  "FreeSpace" => "3",
223  "FullName" => "3",
224  "Global" => "3",
225  "HelpContext" => "3",
226  "HelpFile" => "3",
227  "HomeDirDrive" => "3",
228  "HomeDirectory" => "3",
229  "HotKey" => "3",
230  "IconLocation" => "3",
231  "IgnoreCase" => "3",
232  "Interactive" => "3",
233  "IsAccountLocked" => "3",
234  "IsReady" => "3",
235  "IsRootFolder" => "3",
236  "Item" => "3",
237  "Key" => "3",
238  "LastLogin" => "3",
239  "LastLogoff" => "3",
240  "Length" => "3",
241  "Line" => "3",
242  "LockoutObservationInterval" => "3",
243  "LoginHours" => "3",
244  "LoginScript" => "3",
245  "LoginWorkstations" => "3",
246  "MaxBadPasswordsAllowed" => "3",
247  "MaxLogins" => "3",
248  "MaxPasswordAge" => "3",
249  "MaxStorage" => "3",
250  "MinPasswordAge" => "3",
251  "MinPasswordLength" => "3",
252  "Name" => "3",
253  "Number" => "3",
254  "ObjectSid" => "3",
255  "Parameters" => "3",
256  "ParentFolder" => "3",
257  "PasswordAge" => "3",
258  "PasswordExpirationDate" => "3",
259  "PasswordExpired" => "3",
260  "PasswordHistoryLength" => "3",
261  "Path" => "3",
262  "Pattern" => "3",
263  "PrimaryGroupID" => "3",
264  "Profile" => "3",
265  "Remove" => "3",
266  "RootFolder" => "3",
267  "ScriptFullName" => "3",
268  "ScriptName" => "3",
269  "SerialNumber" => "3",
270  "ShareName" => "3",
271  "ShortName" => "3",
272  "ShortPath" => "3",
273  "Size" => "3",
274  "Source" => "3",
275  "SpecialFolders" => "3",
276  "Subfolders" => "3",
277  "TargetPath" => "3",
278  "TotalSize" => "3",
279  "Type" => "3",
280  "UserDomain" => "3",
281  "UserFlags" => "3",
282  "UserName" => "3",
283  "Value" => "3",
284  "Version" => "3",
285  "VolumeName" => "3",
286  "WindowStyle" => "3",
287  "WorkingDirectory" => "3",
288  "Add" => "4",
289  "AddPrinterConnection" => "4",
290  "AddWindowsPrinterConnection" => "4",
291  "AppActivate" => "4",
292  "BuildPath" => "4",
293  "Clear" => "4",
294  "Close" => "4",
295  "ConnectObject" => "4",
296  "Copy" => "4",
297  "CopyFile" => "4",
298  "CopyFolder" => "4",
299  "CreateFolder" => "4",
300  "CreateObject" => "4",
301  "CreateShortcut" => "4",
302  "CreateTextFile" => "4",
303  "Delete" => "4",
304  "DeleteFile" => "4",
305  "DeleteFolder" => "4",
306  "DisconnectObject" => "4",
307  "DriveExists" => "4",
308  "Echo" => "4",
309  "EnumNetworkDrives" => "4",
310  "EnumPrinterConnections" => "4",
311  "Exists" => "4",
312  "ExpandEnvironmentStrings" => "4",
313  "FileExists" => "4",
314  "FolderExists" => "4",
315  "GetAbsolutePathName" => "4",
316  "GetBaseName" => "4",
317  "GetDrive" => "4",
318  "GetDriveName" => "4",
319  "GetExtensionName" => "4",
320  "GetFile" => "4",
321  "GetFileName" => "4",
322  "GetFolder" => "4",
323  "GetParentFolderName" => "4",
324  "GetResource" => "4",
325  "GetSpecialFolder" => "4",
326  "GetTempName" => "4",
327  "Items" => "4",
328  "Keys" => "4",
329  "LogEvent" => "4",
330  "MapNetworkDrive" => "4",
331  "Move" => "4",
332  "MoveFile" => "4",
333  "MoveFolder" => "4",
334  "OpenAsTextStream" => "4",
335  "OpenTextFile" => "4",
336  "Popup" => "4",
337  "Put" => "4",
338  "Quit" => "4",
339  "Raise" => "4",
340  "Read" => "4",
341  "ReadAll" => "4",
342  "ReadLine" => "4",
343  "RegDelete" => "4",
344  "RegRead" => "4",
345  "RegWrite" => "4",
346  "RemoveAll" => "4",
347  "RemoveNetworkDrive" => "4",
348  "RemovePrinterConnection" => "4",
349  "Run" => "4",
350  "Save" => "4",
351  "SendKeys" => "4",
352  "SetDefaultPrinter" => "4",
353  "Skip" => "4",
354  "SkipLine" => "4",
355  "Sleep" => "4",
356  "SetInfo" => "4",
357  "Test" => "4",
358  "Write" => "4",
359  "WriteBlankLines" => "4",
360  "WriteLine" => "4",
361  "Dictionary" => "5",
362  "Err" => "5",
363  "File" => "5",
364  "FileSystemObject" => "5",
365  "Folder" => "5",
366  "Match" => "5",
367  "RegExp" => "5",
368  "TextStream" => "5",
369  "Wscript" => "5",
370  "WshNetwork" => "5",
371  "WshShell" => "5",
372  "False" => "6",
373  "FALSE" => "6",
374  "True" => "6",
375  "TRUE" => "6",
376  "vbAbort" => "6",
377  "vbAbortRetryIgnore" => "6",
378  "vbApplicationModal" => "6",
379  "vbArray" => "6",
380  "vbBinaryCompare" => "6",
381  "vbBlack" => "6",
382  "vbBlue" => "6",
383  "vbBoolean" => "6",
384  "vbByte" => "6",
385  "vbCancel" => "6",
386  "vbCr" => "6",
387  "vbCritical" => "6",
388  "vbCrLf" => "6",
389  "vbCurrency" => "6",
390  "vbCyan" => "6",
391  "vbDataObject" => "6",
392  "vbDate" => "6",
393  "vbDecimal" => "6",
394  "vbDefaultButton1" => "6",
395  "vbDefaultButton2" => "6",
396  "vbDefaultButton3" => "6",
397  "vbDefaultButton4" => "6",
398  "vbDouble" => "6",
399  "vbEmpty" => "6",
400  "vbError" => "6",
401  "vbExclamation" => "6",
402  "vbFirstFourDays" => "6",
403  "vbFirstFullWeek" => "6",
404  "vbFirstJan1" => "6",
405  "vbFormFeed" => "6",
406  "vbFriday" => "6",
407  "vbGeneralDate" => "6",
408  "vbGreen" => "6",
409  "vbIgnore" => "6",
410  "vbInformation" => "6",
411  "vbInteger" => "6",
412  "vbLf" => "6",
413  "vbLong" => "6",
414  "vbLongDate" => "6",
415  "vbLongTime" => "6",
416  "vbMagenta" => "6",
417  "vbMonday" => "6",
418  "vbNewLine" => "6",
419  "vbNo" => "6",
420  "vbNull" => "6",
421  "vbNullChar" => "6",
422  "vbNullString" => "6",
423  "vbObject" => "6",
424  "vbObjectError" => "6",
425  "vbOK" => "6",
426  "vbOKCancel" => "6",
427  "vbOKOnly" => "6",
428  "vbQuestion" => "6",
429  "vbRed" => "6",
430  "vbRetry" => "6",
431  "vbRetryCancel" => "6",
432  "vbSaturday" => "6",
433  "vbShortDate" => "6",
434  "vbShortTime" => "6",
435  "vbSingle" => "6",
436  "vbString" => "6",
437  "vbSunday" => "6",
438  "vbSystemModal" => "6",
439  "vbTab" => "6",
440  "vbTextCompare" => "6",
441  "vbThursday" => "6",
442  "vbTuesday" => "6",
443  "vbUseSystem" => "6",
444  "vbUseSystemDayOfWeek" => "6",
445  "vbVariant" => "6",
446  "vbVerticalTab" => "6",
447  "vbWednesday" => "6",
448  "vbWhite" => "6",
449  "vbYellow" => "6",
450  "vbYes" => "6",
451  "vbYesNo" => "6",
452  "vbYesNoCancel" => "6");
454  // Special extensions
456  // Each category can specify a PHP function that returns an altered
457  // version of the keyword.
461  $this->linkscripts = array(
462  "1" => "donothing",
463  "2" => "donothing",
464  "4" => "donothing",
465  "3" => "donothing",
466  "5" => "donothing",
467  "6" => "donothing");
468  }
472  public function donothing($keywordin)
473  {
474  return $keywordin;
475  }
476  }
Create styles array
The data for the language used.
Definition: HFile.php:21