ILIAS  release_5-3 Revision v5.3.23-19-g915713cf615
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1 <?php
2 /*************************************************************************************
3  * octave.php
4  * -----------
5  * Author: CarnĂ« Draug (
6  * Juan Pablo Carbajal (
7  * Copyright: (c) 2012 CarnĂ« Draug
8  * (c) 2012 Juan Pablo Carbajal
9  * Release Version:
10  * Date Started: 2012/05/22
11  *
12  * GNU/Octave M-file language file for GeSHi.
13  *
14  * This file was heavily based on octave.lang from gtksourceview. If bugs are
15  * found and/or fixed on this file, please send them to the gtksourceview
16  * project or e-mail them to this file authors. Thanks in advance
17  *
19  * -------
20  * 2012/05/22 (
21  * - First Release
22  *
23  *************************************************************************************
24  *
25  * This file is part of GeSHi.
26  *
27  * GeSHi is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
28  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
29  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
30  * (at your option) any later version.
31  *
32  * GeSHi is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
33  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
35  * GNU General Public License for more details.
36  *
37  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
38  * along with GeSHi; if not, write to the Free Software
39  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
40  *
41  ************************************************************************************/
44  'LANG_NAME' => 'GNU/Octave',
45  'COMMENT_SINGLE' => array(1 => '#', 2 => '%'),
46  // we can't use COMMENT_MULTI since start and end of block comments need to
47  // be alone on the line (optionally, with whitespace). See COMMENT_REGEXP
48  'COMMENT_MULTI' => array(),
49  // we can't use QUOTEMARKS, not even HARDQUOTE, see COMMENT_REGEXP
50  'QUOTEMARKS' => array(),
51  'ESCAPE_CHAR' => '',
52  'COMMENT_REGEXP' => array(
53  // Single quote strings: we can't use QUOTEMARKS here since new
54  // lines will break the string. Plus, single quote strings do not even
55  // allow for continuation markers, only double quote strings allow it.
56  // Also, to do not misdetect the transpose operator ' as the start of a
57  // string we assert to not follow a variable name (letters, digits and
58  // underscores) or a closing bracket (round, square or curly) or a dot
59  // (to form the array transpose operator ".'" ).
60  3 => "/(?<![0-9a-zA-Z_\)\]}\.])'.*?'/",
61  // Double quote strings: we also can't use QUOTEMARKS here (see single
62  // line quotes). However, with double quote strings both \ and ... can
63  // be used to make multiline strings. Continuation markers can be
64  // followed by whitespace
65  4 => '/"(.|(\.\.\.|\\\)(\s)*?\n)*?(?<!\\\)"/',
66  // Block comments: the ms modifiers treat strings as multiple lines (to
67  // be able to use ^ and $ instead of newline and thus support block
68  // comments on the first and last line of source) and make . also match
69  // a newline
70  5 => "/^\s*?[%#]{\s*?$.*?^\s*?[%#]}\s*?$/ms",
71  // Packaging system: comes here so that pkg can also be used in the
72  // function form. The list of pkg commands is optional to the match so
73  // that at least pkg is highlighted if new commands are implemented
74  6 => "/\bpkg(?!\s*\()\s+((un)?install|update|(un)?load|list|(global|local)_list|describe|prefix|(re)?build)?\b/",
75  // Function handles
76  7 => "/@([a-z_][a-z1-9_]*)?/i",
77  ),
78  'NUMBERS' =>
84  'KEYWORDS' => array(
85  // Reserved words
86  1 => array(
87  'break', 'case', 'catch', 'continue', 'do', 'else', 'elseif', 'end',
88  'end_try_catch', 'end_unwind_protect', 'endfor', 'endfunction',
89  'endif', 'endparfor', 'endswitch', 'endwhile', 'for', 'function',
90  'if', 'otherwise', 'parfor', 'return',
91  'switch', 'try', 'until', 'unwind_protect',
92  'unwind_protect_cleanup', 'varargin', 'varargout', 'while'
93  ),
94  // Storage type
95  2 => array(
96  'global', 'persistent', 'static'
97  ),
98  // Internal variable
99  3 => array(
100  'ans'
101  ),
102  // Data types
103  4 => array(
104  'cell', 'char', 'double', 'uint8', 'uint16', 'uint32', 'uint64',
105  'int8','int16', 'int32', 'int64', 'logical', 'single', 'struct'
106  ),
107  // Built in
108  5 => array(
109  'P_tmpdir', 'abs', 'acos', 'acosh',
110  'add_input_event_hook', 'addlistener', 'addpath', 'addproperty',
111  'all', 'allow_noninteger_range_as_index', 'and', 'angle', 'any',
112  'arg', 'argnames', 'argv', 'asin', 'asinh', 'assignin', 'atan',
113  'atan2', 'atanh', 'atexit', 'autoload', 'available_graphics_toolkits',
114  'beep_on_error', 'bitand', 'bitmax', 'bitor', 'bitshift', 'bitxor',
115  'builtin', 'canonicalize_file_name', 'cat', 'cbrt', 'cd', 'ceil',
116  'cell2struct', 'cellstr', 'chdir', 'class', 'clc',
117  'clear', 'columns', 'command_line_path', 'completion_append_char',
118  'completion_matches', 'complex', 'confirm_recursive_rmdir', 'conj',
119  'cos', 'cosh', 'cputime', 'crash_dumps_octave_core', 'ctranspose',
120  'cumprod', 'cumsum', 'dbclear', 'dbcont', 'dbdown', 'dbnext',
121  'dbquit', 'dbstack', 'dbstatus', 'dbstep', 'dbstop', 'dbtype', 'dbup',
122  'dbwhere', 'debug_on_error', 'debug_on_interrupt', 'debug_on_warning',
123  'default_save_options', 'dellistener', 'diag', 'diary', 'diff',
124  'disp', 'do_braindead_shortcircuit_evaluation', 'do_string_escapes',
125  'doc_cache_file', 'drawnow', 'dup2', 'echo',
126  'echo_executing_commands', 'edit_history','eq', 'erf', 'erfc',
127  'erfcx', 'erfinv', 'errno', 'errno_list', 'error', 'eval', 'evalin',
128  'exec', 'exist', 'exit', 'exp', 'expm1', 'eye', 'fclear',
129  'fclose', 'fcntl', 'fdisp', 'feof', 'ferror', 'feval', 'fflush',
130  'fgetl', 'fgets', 'fieldnames', 'file_in_loadpath', 'file_in_path',
131  'filemarker', 'filesep', 'find_dir_in_path', 'finite', 'fix',
132  'fixed_point_format', 'floor', 'fmod', 'fnmatch', 'fopen', 'fork',
133  'format', 'formula', 'fprintf', 'fputs', 'fread', 'freport',
134  'frewind', 'fscanf', 'fseek', 'fskipl', 'ftell', 'full', 'func2str',
135  'functions', 'fwrite', 'gamma', 'gammaln', 'ge', 'genpath', 'get',
136  'get_help_text', 'get_help_text_from_file', 'getegid', 'getenv',
137  'geteuid', 'getgid', 'gethostname', 'getpgrp', 'getpid', 'getppid',
138  'getuid', 'glob', 'gt', 'history', 'history_control', 'history_file',
139  'history_size', 'history_timestamp_format_string', 'home', 'horzcat',
140  'hypot', 'ifelse', 'ignore_function_time_stamp', 'imag',
141  'inferiorto', 'info_file', 'info_program', 'inline', 'input',
142  'intmax', 'intmin', 'ipermute',
143  'is_absolute_filename', 'is_dq_string', 'is_function_handle',
144  'is_rooted_relative_filename', 'is_sq_string', 'isalnum', 'isalpha',
145  'isargout', 'isascii', 'isbool', 'iscell', 'iscellstr', 'ischar',
146  'iscntrl', 'iscomplex', 'isdebugmode', 'isdigit', 'isempty',
147  'isfield', 'isfinite', 'isfloat', 'isglobal', 'isgraph', 'ishandle',
148  'isieee', 'isindex', 'isinf', 'isinteger', 'iskeyword', 'islogical',
149  'islower', 'ismatrix', 'ismethod', 'isna', 'isnan', 'isnull',
150  'isnumeric', 'isobject', 'isprint', 'ispunct', 'isreal', 'issorted',
151  'isspace', 'issparse', 'isstruct', 'isupper', 'isvarname', 'isxdigit',
152  'kbhit', 'keyboard', 'kill', 'lasterr', 'lasterror', 'lastwarn',
153  'ldivide', 'le', 'length', 'lgamma', 'link', 'linspace',
154  'list_in_columns', 'load', 'loaded_graphics_toolkits', 'log', 'log10',
155  'log1p', 'log2', 'lower', 'lstat', 'lt',
156  'make_absolute_filename', 'makeinfo_program', 'max_recursion_depth',
157  'merge', 'methods', 'mfilename', 'minus', 'mislocked',
158  'missing_function_hook', 'mkdir', 'mkfifo', 'mkstemp', 'mldivide',
159  'mlock', 'mod', 'more', 'mpower', 'mrdivide', 'mtimes', 'munlock',
160  'nargin', 'nargout', 'native_float_format', 'ndims', 'ne',
161  'nfields', 'nnz', 'norm', 'not', 'nth_element', 'numel', 'nzmax',
162  'octave_config_info', 'octave_core_file_limit',
163  'octave_core_file_name', 'octave_core_file_options',
164  'octave_tmp_file_name', 'onCleanup', 'ones',
165  'optimize_subsasgn_calls', 'or', 'output_max_field_width',
166  'output_precision', 'page_output_immediately', 'page_screen_output',
167  'path', 'pathsep', 'pause', 'pclose', 'permute', 'pipe', 'plus',
168  'popen', 'popen2', 'power', 'print_empty_dimensions',
169  'print_struct_array_contents', 'printf', 'prod',
170  'program_invocation_name', 'program_name', 'putenv', 'puts', 'pwd',
171  'quit', 'rats', 'rdivide', 're_read_readline_init_file',
172  'read_readline_init_file', 'readdir', 'readlink', 'real', 'realmax',
173  'realmin', 'register_graphics_toolkit', 'rehash', 'rem',
174  'remove_input_event_hook', 'rename', 'repelems', 'reset', 'reshape',
175  'resize', 'restoredefaultpath', 'rethrow', 'rmdir', 'rmfield',
176  'rmpath', 'round', 'roundb', 'rows', 'run_history', 'save',
177  'save_header_format_string', 'save_precision', 'saving_history',
178  'scanf', 'set', 'setenv', 'sighup_dumps_octave_core', 'sign',
179  'sigterm_dumps_octave_core', 'silent_functions', 'sin',
180  'sinh', 'size', 'size_equal', 'sizemax', 'sizeof', 'sleep', 'sort',
181  'source', 'spalloc', 'sparse', 'sparse_auto_mutate',
182  'split_long_rows', 'sprintf', 'sqrt', 'squeeze', 'sscanf', 'stat',
183  'stderr', 'stdin', 'stdout', 'str2func', 'strcmp', 'strcmpi',
184  'string_fill_char', 'strncmp', 'strncmpi', 'struct2cell',
185  'struct_levels_to_print', 'strvcat', 'subsasgn', 'subsref', 'sum',
186  'sumsq', 'superiorto', 'suppress_verbose_help_message', 'symlink',
187  'system', 'tan', 'tanh', 'terminal_size', 'tic', 'tilde_expand',
188  'times', 'tmpfile', 'tmpnam', 'toascii', 'toc', 'tolower', 'toupper',
189  'transpose', 'typeinfo',
190  'umask', 'uminus', 'uname', 'undo_string_escapes', 'unlink',
191  'uplus', 'upper', 'usage', 'usleep', 'vec', 'vectorize', 'vertcat',
192  'waitfor', 'waitpid', 'warning', 'warranty', 'who', 'whos',
193  'whos_line_format', 'yes_or_no', 'zeros'
194  ),
195  // Octave functions
196  6 => array(
197  'accumarray', 'accumdim', 'acosd', 'acot', 'acotd', 'acoth', 'acsc',
198  'acscd', 'acsch', 'addpref', 'addtodate', 'allchild', 'amd',
199  'ancestor', 'anova', 'arch_fit', 'arch_rnd', 'arch_test',
200  'area', 'arma_rnd', 'asctime', 'asec', 'asecd', 'asech', 'asind',
201  'assert', 'atand', 'autoreg_matrix', 'autumn',
202  'axes', 'axis', 'balance', 'bar', 'barh', 'bartlett', 'bartlett_test',
203  'base2dec', 'beep', 'bessel', 'besselj', 'beta', 'betacdf',
204  'betainc', 'betainv', 'betaln', 'betapdf', 'betarnd', 'bicg',
205  'bicgstab', 'bicubic', 'bin2dec', 'bincoeff', 'binocdf', 'binoinv',
206  'binopdf', 'binornd', 'bitcmp', 'bitget', 'bitset', 'blackman',
207  'blanks', 'blkdiag', 'bone', 'box', 'brighten', 'bsxfun',
208  'bug_report', 'bunzip2', 'bzip2', 'calendar', 'cart2pol', 'cart2sph',
209  'cast', 'cauchy_cdf', 'cauchy_inv', 'cauchy_pdf', 'cauchy_rnd',
210  'caxis', 'ccolamd', 'cell2mat', 'celldisp', 'cellfun',
211  'center', 'cgs', 'chi2cdf', 'chi2inv', 'chi2pdf', 'chi2rnd',
212  'chisquare_test_homogeneity', 'chisquare_test_independence', 'chol',
213  'chop', 'circshift', 'cla', 'clabel', 'clf', 'clock',
214  'cloglog', 'close', 'closereq', 'colamd', 'colloc', 'colon',
215  'colorbar', 'colormap', 'colperm', 'colstyle', 'comet', 'comet3',
216  'comma', 'common_size', 'commutation_matrix', 'compan',
217  'compare_versions', 'compass', 'computer', 'cond', 'condest',
218  'contour', 'contour3', 'contourc', 'contourf', 'contrast', 'conv',
219  'conv2', 'convhull', 'convhulln', 'cool', 'copper', 'copyfile',
220  'cor_test', 'corr', 'cosd', 'cot', 'cotd', 'coth', 'cov',
221  'cplxpair', 'cross', 'csc', 'cscd', 'csch', 'cstrcat',
222  'csvread', 'csvwrite', 'ctime', 'cumtrapz', 'curl', 'cylinder',
223  'daspect', 'daspk', 'dasrt', 'dassl', 'date', 'datenum', 'datestr',
224  'datetick', 'datevec', 'dblquad', 'deal', 'deblank', 'debug',
225  'dec2base', 'dec2bin', 'dec2hex', 'deconv', 'del2', 'delaunay',
226  'delaunay3', 'delaunayn', 'delete', 'demo', 'det', 'detrend',
227  'diffpara', 'diffuse', 'dir', 'discrete_cdf', 'discrete_inv',
228  'discrete_pdf', 'discrete_rnd', 'display', 'divergence',
229  'dlmread', 'dlmwrite', 'dmperm', 'doc', 'dos', 'dot', 'dsearch',
230  'dsearchn', 'dump_prefs', 'duplication_matrix', 'durbinlevinson',
231  'edit', 'eig', 'eigs', 'ellipsoid', 'empirical_cdf', 'empirical_inv',
232  'empirical_pdf', 'empirical_rnd', 'eomday', 'errorbar',
233  'etime', 'etreeplot', 'example', 'expcdf', 'expinv', 'expm', 'exppdf',
234  'exprnd', 'ezcontour', 'ezcontourf', 'ezmesh', 'ezmeshc', 'ezplot',
235  'ezplot3', 'ezpolar', 'ezsurf', 'ezsurfc', 'f_test_regression',
236  'fact', 'factor', 'factorial', 'fail', 'fcdf', 'feather', 'fft',
237  'fft2', 'fftconv', 'fftfilt', 'fftn', 'fftshift', 'fftw', 'figure',
238  'fileattrib', 'fileparts', 'fileread', 'fill', 'filter', 'filter2',
239  'find', 'findall', 'findobj', 'findstr', 'finv', 'flag', 'flipdim',
240  'fliplr', 'flipud', 'fminbnd', 'fminunc', 'fpdf', 'fplot',
241  'fractdiff', 'freqz', 'freqz_plot', 'frnd', 'fsolve',
242  'fullfile', 'fzero', 'gamcdf', 'gaminv', 'gammainc',
243  'gampdf', 'gamrnd', 'gca', 'gcbf', 'gcbo', 'gcd', 'gcf',
244  'gen_doc_cache', 'genvarname', 'geocdf', 'geoinv', 'geopdf', 'geornd',
245  'get_first_help_sentence', 'getappdata', 'getfield', 'getgrent',
246  'getpref', 'getpwent', 'getrusage', 'ginput', 'givens', 'glpk',
247  'gls', 'gmap40', 'gmres', 'gnuplot_binary', 'gplot',
248  'gradient', 'graphics_toolkit', 'gray', 'gray2ind', 'grid',
249  'griddata', 'griddata3', 'griddatan', 'gtext', 'guidata',
250  'guihandles', 'gunzip', 'gzip', 'hadamard', 'hamming', 'hankel',
251  'hanning', 'help', 'hess', 'hex2dec', 'hex2num', 'hggroup', 'hidden',
252  'hilb', 'hist', 'histc', 'hold', 'hot', 'hotelling_test',
253  'hotelling_test_2', 'housh', 'hsv', 'hsv2rgb', 'hurst', 'hygecdf',
254  'hygeinv', 'hygepdf', 'hygernd', 'idivide', 'ifftshift', 'image',
255  'imagesc', 'imfinfo', 'imread', 'imshow', 'imwrite', 'ind2gray',
256  'ind2rgb', 'index', 'info', 'inpolygon', 'inputname', 'int2str',
257  'interp1', 'interp1q', 'interp2', 'interp3', 'interpft', 'interpn',
258  'intersect', 'inv', 'invhilb', 'iqr',
259  'is_leap_year', 'is_valid_file_id',
260  'isa', 'isappdata', 'iscolumn', 'isdefinite', 'isdeployed', 'isdir',
261  'isequal', 'isequalwithequalnans', 'isfigure', 'ishermitian',
262  'ishghandle', 'ishold', 'isletter', 'ismac', 'ismember', 'isocolors',
263  'isonormals', 'isosurface', 'ispc', 'ispref', 'isprime', 'isprop',
264  'isrow', 'isscalar', 'issquare', 'isstrprop', 'issymmetric',
265  'isunix', 'isvector', 'jet', 'kendall', 'kolmogorov_smirnov_cdf',
266  'kolmogorov_smirnov_test', 'kolmogorov_smirnov_test_2', 'kron',
267  'kruskal_wallis_test', 'krylov', 'kurtosis', 'laplace_cdf',
268  'laplace_inv', 'laplace_pdf', 'laplace_rnd', 'lcm', 'legend',
269  'legendre', 'license', 'lin2mu', 'line', 'linkprop', 'list_primes',
270  'loadaudio', 'loadobj', 'logistic_cdf', 'logistic_inv',
271  'logistic_pdf', 'logistic_regression', 'logistic_rnd', 'logit',
272  'loglog', 'loglogerr', 'logm', 'logncdf', 'logninv', 'lognpdf',
273  'lognrnd', 'logspace', 'lookfor', 'lookup', 'ls', 'ls_command',
274  'lsode', 'lsqnonneg', 'lu', 'luinc', 'magic', 'mahalanobis', 'manova',
275  'mat2str', 'matlabroot', 'matrix_type', 'max', 'mcnemar_test',
276  'md5sum', 'mean', 'meansq', 'median', 'menu', 'mesh', 'meshc',
277  'meshgrid', 'meshz', 'mex', 'mexext', 'mgorth', 'mkoctfile', 'mkpp',
278  'mode', 'moment', 'movefile', 'mpoles', 'mu2lin', 'namelengthmax',
279  'nargchk', 'narginchk', 'nargoutchk', 'nbincdf', 'nbininv', 'nbinpdf',
280  'nbinrnd', 'nchoosek', 'ndgrid', 'newplot', 'news', 'nextpow2',
281  'nonzeros', 'normcdf', 'normest', 'norminv', 'normpdf', 'normrnd',
282  'now', 'nproc', 'nthargout', 'nthroot', 'ntsc2rgb', 'null', 'num2str',
283  'ocean', 'ols', 'onenormest', 'optimget', 'optimset', 'orderfields',
284  'orient', 'orth', 'pack', 'paren', 'pareto', 'parseparams', 'pascal',
285  'patch', 'pathdef', 'pbaspect', 'pcg', 'pchip', 'pcolor', 'pcr',
286  'peaks', 'periodogram', 'perl', 'perms', 'pie', 'pie3',
287  'pink', 'pinv', 'pkg', 'planerot', 'playaudio', 'plot', 'plot3',
288  'plotmatrix', 'plotyy', 'poisscdf', 'poissinv', 'poisspdf',
289  'poissrnd', 'pol2cart', 'polar', 'poly', 'polyaffine', 'polyarea',
290  'polyder', 'polyfit', 'polygcd', 'polyint', 'polyout',
291  'polyreduce', 'polyval', 'polyvalm', 'postpad', 'pow2', 'powerset',
292  'ppder', 'ppint', 'ppjumps', 'ppplot', 'ppval', 'pqpnonneg',
293  'prctile', 'prepad', 'primes', 'print', 'printAllBuiltins',
294  'print_usage', 'prism', 'probit', 'profexplore', 'profile',
295  'profshow', 'prop_test_2', 'python', 'qp', 'qqplot', 'qr', 'quad',
296  'quadcc', 'quadgk', 'quadl', 'quadv', 'quantile', 'quiver', 'quiver3',
297  'qz', 'qzhess', 'rainbow', 'rand', 'randi', 'range', 'rank', 'ranks',
298  'rat', 'rcond', 'reallog', 'realpow', 'realsqrt', 'record',
299  'rectangle', 'rectint', 'recycle', 'refresh', 'refreshdata', 'regexp',
300  'regexptranslate', 'repmat', 'residue', 'rgb2hsv',
301  'rgb2ind', 'rgb2ntsc', 'ribbon', 'rindex', 'rmappdata', 'rmpref',
302  'roots', 'rose', 'rosser', 'rot90', 'rotdim', 'rref', 'run',
303  'run_count', 'run_test', 'rundemos', 'runlength', 'runtests',
304  'saveas', 'saveaudio', 'saveobj', 'savepath', 'scatter',
305  'scatter3', 'schur', 'sec', 'secd', 'sech', 'semicolon', 'semilogx',
306  'semilogxerr', 'semilogy', 'semilogyerr', 'setappdata', 'setaudio',
307  'setdiff', 'setfield', 'setpref', 'setxor', 'shading',
308  'shg', 'shift', 'shiftdim', 'sign_test', 'sinc', 'sind',
309  'sinetone', 'sinewave', 'skewness', 'slice', 'sombrero', 'sortrows',
310  'spaugment', 'spconvert', 'spdiags', 'spearman', 'spectral_adf',
311  'spectral_xdf', 'specular', 'speed', 'spencer', 'speye', 'spfun',
312  'sph2cart', 'sphere', 'spinmap', 'spline', 'spones', 'spparms',
313  'sprand', 'sprandn', 'sprandsym', 'spring', 'spstats', 'spy', 'sqp',
314  'sqrtm', 'stairs', 'statistics', 'std', 'stdnormal_cdf',
315  'stdnormal_inv', 'stdnormal_pdf', 'stdnormal_rnd', 'stem', 'stem3',
316  'stft', 'str2double', 'str2num', 'strcat', 'strchr',
317  'strfind', 'strjust', 'strmatch', 'strread', 'strsplit', 'strtok',
318  'strtrim', 'strtrunc', 'structfun', 'sub2ind',
319  'subplot', 'subsindex', 'subspace', 'substr', 'substruct', 'summer',
320  'surf', 'surface', 'surfc', 'surfl', 'surfnorm', 'svd', 'svds',
321  'swapbytes', 'syl', 'symbfact', 'symrcm',
322  'symvar', 'synthesis', 't_test', 't_test_2', 't_test_regression',
323  'table', 'tand', 'tar', 'tcdf', 'tempdir', 'tempname', 'test', 'text',
324  'textread', 'textscan', 'time', 'tinv', 'title', 'toeplitz', 'tpdf',
325  'trace', 'trapz', 'treelayout', 'treeplot', 'tril', 'trimesh',
326  'triplequad', 'triplot', 'trisurf', 'trnd', 'tsearch', 'tsearchn',
327  'type', 'typecast', 'u_test', 'uicontextmenu', 'uicontrol',
328  'uigetdir', 'uigetfile', 'uimenu', 'uipanel', 'uipushtool',
329  'uiputfile', 'uiresume', 'uitoggletool', 'uitoolbar', 'uiwait',
330  'unidcdf', 'unidinv', 'unidpdf', 'unidrnd', 'unifcdf', 'unifinv',
331  'unifpdf', 'unifrnd', 'unimplemented', 'union', 'unique', 'unix',
332  'unmkpp', 'unpack', 'untabify', 'untar', 'unwrap', 'unzip',
333  'urlwrite', 'usejava', 'validatestring', 'vander', 'var',
334  'var_test', 'vech', 'ver', 'version', 'view', 'voronoi', 'voronoin',
335  'waitbar', 'waitforbuttonpress', 'warning_ids', 'wavread', 'wavwrite',
336  'wblcdf', 'wblinv', 'wblpdf', 'wblrnd', 'weekday',
337  'welch_test', 'what', 'which',
338  'white', 'whitebg', 'wienrnd', 'wilcoxon_test', 'wilkinson', 'winter',
339  'xlabel', 'xlim', 'xor', 'ylabel', 'ylim', 'yulewalker', 'z_test',
340  'z_test_2', 'zip', 'zlabel', 'zlim', 'zscore', 'airy', 'arrayfun',
341  'besselh', 'besseli', 'besselk', 'bessely', 'bitpack', 'bitunpack',
342  'blkmm', 'cellindexmat', 'cellslices', 'chol2inv', 'choldelete',
343  'cholinsert', 'cholinv', 'cholshift', 'cholupdate', 'convn',
344  'csymamd', 'cummax', 'cummin', 'daspk_options', 'dasrt_options',
345  'dassl_options', 'endgrent', 'endpwent', 'etree', 'getgrgid',
346  'getgrnam', 'getpwnam', 'getpwuid', 'gmtime', 'gui_mode', 'ifft',
347  'ifft2', 'ifftn', 'ind2sub', 'inverse', 'localtime', 'lsode_options',
348  'luupdate', 'mat2cell', 'min', 'mktime', 'mouse_wheel_zoom',
349  'num2cell', 'num2hex', 'qrdelete', 'qrinsert', 'qrshift', 'qrupdate',
350  'quad_options', 'rande', 'randg', 'randn', 'randp', 'randperm',
351  'regexpi', 'regexprep', 'rsf2csf', 'setgrent', 'setpwent', 'sprank',
352  'strftime', 'strptime', 'strrep', 'svd_driver', 'symamd', 'triu',
353  'urlread'
354  ),
355  // Private builtin
356  7 => array(
357  '__accumarray_max__', '__accumarray_min__', '__accumarray_sum__',
358  '__accumdim_sum__', '__builtins__', '__calc_dimensions__',
359  '__current_scope__', '__display_tokens__', '__dump_symtab_info__',
360  '__end__', '__get__', '__go_axes__', '__go_axes_init__',
361  '__go_delete__', '__go_execute_callback__', '__go_figure__',
362  '__go_figure_handles__', '__go_handles__', '__go_hggroup__',
363  '__go_image__', '__go_line__', '__go_patch__', '__go_surface__',
364  '__go_text__', '__go_uicontextmenu__', '__go_uicontrol__',
365  '__go_uimenu__', '__go_uipanel__', '__go_uipushtool__',
366  '__go_uitoggletool__', '__go_uitoolbar__', '__gud_mode__',
367  '__image_pixel_size__', '__is_handle_visible__', '__isa_parent__',
368  '__keywords__', '__lexer_debug_flag__', '__list_functions__',
369  '__operators__', '__parent_classes__', '__parser_debug_flag__',
370  '__pathorig__', '__profiler_data__', '__profiler_enable__',
371  '__profiler_reset__', '__request_drawnow__', '__sort_rows_idx__',
372  '__token_count__', '__varval__', '__version_info__', '__which__'
373  ),
374  // Private Octave functions
375  8 => array(
376  '__all_opts__', '__contourc__', '__delaunayn__', '__dispatch__',
377  '__dsearchn__', '__finish__', '__fltk_uigetfile__',
378  '__glpk__', '__gnuplot_drawnow__', '__init_fltk__',
379  '__init_gnuplot__', '__lin_interpn__', '__magick_read__',
380  '__makeinfo__', '__pchip_deriv__', '__plt_get_axis_arg__', '__qp__',
381  '__voronoi__', '__fltk_maxtime__', '__fltk_redraw__', '__ftp__',
382  '__ftp_ascii__', '__ftp_binary__', '__ftp_close__', '__ftp_cwd__',
383  '__ftp_delete__', '__ftp_dir__', '__ftp_mget__', '__ftp_mkdir__',
384  '__ftp_mode__', '__ftp_mput__', '__ftp_pwd__', '__ftp_rename__',
385  '__ftp_rmdir__', '__magick_finfo__', '__magick_format_list__',
386  '__magick_write__'
387  ),
388  // Builtin Global Variables
389  9 => array(
394  'PAGER', 'PAGER_FLAGS', 'PS1', 'PS2', 'PS4', 'SEEK_CUR', 'SEEK_END',
399  ),
400  // Constant functions
401  10 => array (
402  'e', 'eps', 'inf', 'Inf', 'nan', 'NaN', 'NA', 'pi', 'i', 'I', 'j',
403  'J', 'true', 'false'
404  ),
405  ),
406  'SYMBOLS' => array(
407  // Comparison & logical
408  0 => array(
409  '!', '!=', '&', '&&','|', '||', '~', '~=',
410  '<', '<=', '==', '>', '>='
411  ),
412  // Aritmethical
413  1 => array(
414  '*', '**', '+', '++', '-', '--', '/', "\\","'"
415  ),
416  // Elementwise arithmetical
417  2 => array(
418  '.*', '.**','./', '.^', '^',".\\",".'"
419  ),
420  // Arithmetical & assignation
421  3 => array(
422  '*=','+=','-=','/=','\=','**=','^=',
423  '.*=','.+=','.-=','./=','.\=','.**=','.^=','='
424  ),
425  // Indexer
426  4 => array(
427  ':'
428  ),
429  // Delimiters
430  5 => array(
431  ',', '...', ';'
432  ),
433  ),
434  'CASE_SENSITIVE' => array(
435  GESHI_COMMENTS => true,
436  1 => true,
437  2 => true,
438  3 => true,
439  4 => true,
440  5 => true,
441  6 => true,
442  7 => true,
443  8 => true,
444  9 => true,
445  10 => true,
446  ),
447  'URLS' => array(
448  1 => '',
449  2 => '',
450  3 => '',
451  4 => '{FNAME}.html',
452  5 => '{FNAME}.html',
453  6 => '{FNAME}.html',
454  7 => '',
455  8 => '',
456  9 => '{FNAME}.html',
457  10 => '{FNAME}.html',
458  ),
459  'OOLANG' => true,
460  'OBJECT_SPLITTERS' => array(
461  1 => '.',
462  ),
463  'REGEXPS' => array(),
465  'SCRIPT_DELIMITERS' => array(),
466  'HIGHLIGHT_STRICT_BLOCK' => array(),
467  'STYLES' => array(
468  'COMMENTS' => array(
469  1 => 'color: #0000FF; font-style: italic;', // comments with #
470  2 => 'color: #0000FF; font-style: italic;', // comments with %
471  3 => 'color: #FF00FF; font-style: italic;', // single quote strings
472  4 => 'color: #FF00FF; font-style: italic;', // double quote strings
473  5 => 'color: #0000FF; font-style: italic;', // block comments
474  6 => 'color: #996600; font-weight:bold;', // packaging system
475  7 => 'color: #006600; font-weight:bold;', // function handles
476  'MULTI' => 'color: #0000FF; font-style: italic;',
477  ),
478  'KEYWORDS' => array(
479  1 => 'color: #990000; font-weight:bold;', // Reserved words
480  2 => 'color: #2E8B57;', // Storage type
481  3 => 'color: #0000FF; font-weight:bold;', // Internal variable
482  4 => 'color: #2E8B57; font-weight:bold;', // Data types
483  5 => 'color: #008A8C; font-weight:bold;', // Built-in
484  6 => 'color: #008A8C;', // Octave functions
485  9 => 'color: #000000; font-weight:bold;', // Builtin Global Variables
486  10 => 'color: #008A8C; font-weight:bold;', // Constant functions
487  ),
488  'ESCAPE_CHAR' => array(),
489  'BRACKETS' => array(
490  0 => 'color: #080;',
491  ),
492  'STRINGS' => array(
493  // strings were specified on the COMMENT_REGEXP section
494  ),
495  'NUMBERS' => array(
496  0 => 'color: #cc66cc;',
497  GESHI_NUMBER_OCT_PREFIX => 'color: #208080;',
498  GESHI_NUMBER_HEX_PREFIX => 'color: #208080;',
499  GESHI_NUMBER_FLT_SCI_ZERO => 'color:#800080;',
500  ),
501  'METHODS' => array(),
502  'SYMBOLS' => array(
503  0 => 'color: #FF9696; font-weight:bold;', // Comparison & logical
504  1 => 'color: #CC0000; font-weight:bold;', // Aritmethical
505  2 => 'color: #993333; font-weight:bold;', // Elementwise arithmetical
506  3 => 'color: #FF0000; font-weight:bold;', // Arithmetical & assignation
507  4 => 'color: #33F;', // Indexer
508  5 => 'color: #33F;', // Delimiters
509  ),
510  'REGEXPS' => array(),
511  'SCRIPT' => array(),
512  )
513 );
Number format to highlight floating-point numbers with support for scientific notation (E) and requir...
Definition: geshi.php:195
Used in language files to mark comments.
Definition: geshi.php:149
Number format to highlight hex numbers with a prefix 0x.
Definition: geshi.php:183
Definition: octave.php:43
Create styles array
The data for the language used.
#+ private
Definition: geshi.php:123
Basic number format for integers.
Definition: geshi.php:165
Lowercase keywords found.
Definition: geshi.php:94
Number format to highlight octal numbers with a leading zero.
Definition: geshi.php:175