2 $BEAUT_PATH = realpath(
".") .
6 require_once(
24 $this->colours =
25 $this->quotecolour =
26 $this->blockcommentcolour =
27 $this->linecommentcolour =
31 $this->indent =
32 $this->unindent =
36 $this->stringchars =
37 $this->delimiters =
42 $this->linecommenton =
43 $this->blockcommenton =
44 $this->blockcommentoff =
48 $this->keywords =
104 "curvecenters" =>
111 "dimminustol" =>
114 "domplustolang" =>
115 "dimimustolang" =>
117 "dimtolerance" =>
120 "dimcontrolpts" =>
121 "dimtxtcolor" =>
123 "dimticcolor" =>
124 "distancesync" =>
167 "layoutextents" =>
168 "layerswitch" =>
204 "pltpenspeed" =>
205 "pltpenwidth" =>
208 "pltrotcentx" =>
209 "pltrotcenty" =>
210 "plotscalenum" =>
234 "snaplyrsearch" =>
235 "snapsymfast" =>
257 "wallhiliteout" =>
258 "wallhilitecolor" =>
259 "wallhilitewidth" =>
272 "arc_to_bulge" =>
274 "angnormalize" =>
279 "atr_add2ent" =>
280 "atr_add2lyr" =>
281 "atr_add2sym" =>
282 "atr_add2sys" =>
287 "atr_entfind" =>
288 "atr_entfirst" =>
291 "atr_lyrFind" =>
292 "atr_lyrfirst" =>
294 "atr_symfind" =>
295 "atr_symfirst" =>
296 "atr_sysfind" =>
297 "atr_sysfirst" =>
306 "bulge_to_arc" =>
307 "cart_cylind" =>
308 "cart_sphere" =>
337 "cylind_cart" =>
346 "dis_from_arc" =>
347 "dis_from_line" =>
348 "disfrompolyvert" =>
349 "dis_from_seg" =>
354 "dragBoxMove" =>
359 "dragModeMove" =>
360 "dragModeRot" =>
368 "ent_draw_2d" =>
369 "ent_draw_dl" =>
370 "ent_drawmode" =>
371 "ent_enlarge" =>
372 "ent_explode" =>
382 "ent_setunused" =>
386 "ent2polyvert" =>
399 "file_pattern" =>
422 "getcurrfont" =>
423 "getCurrInMat" =>
436 "getpolyline" =>
452 "intr_arcarc" =>
453 "intr_crcarc" =>
454 "intr_crccrc" =>
455 "intr_linarc" =>
456 "intr_lincrc" =>
457 "intr_linlin" =>
464 "keyForceExit" =>
488 "lyr_viewfile" =>
492 "menu1lntrim" =>
493 "menu2lntrim" =>
497 "menuArccentang" =>
498 "menuArccentarc" =>
499 "menuArccentchrd" =>
501 "menuArraycirc" =>
502 "menuArrayrect" =>
504 "menuChamfer" =>
506 "menuChange3d" =>
507 "menuCleanup" =>
508 "menuClipCube" =>
510 "menuControls" =>
517 "menuCutwall" =>
518 "menuCylnHori" =>
519 "menuCylnVert" =>
520 "menuDataCAD3" =>
521 "menuDirectry" =>
522 "menuDisplay" =>
524 "menuDmension" =>
526 "menuDoorswng" =>
528 "menuEditPlane" =>
529 "menuElevation" =>
530 "menuEllipse" =>
531 "menuEnlarge" =>
532 "menuEnlarge3d" =>
533 "menuEntity3d" =>
535 "menuErase3d" =>
536 "menuExplode3d" =>
538 "menuFillets" =>
539 "menuFreehand" =>
540 "menuGoodies" =>
541 "menuGotoview" =>
542 "menuGotoView3d" =>
546 "menuIdentify" =>
547 "menuIntrsect" =>
549 "menuLinetype" =>
550 "menuLinkline" =>
551 "menuLintsct" =>
553 "menuMeasures" =>
554 "menuMeshSurf" =>
558 "menuMovedrag" =>
559 "menuObjsnap" =>
560 "menuPartial" =>
561 "menuPlaneSnap" =>
562 "menuPlotter" =>
563 "menuPolygon" =>
564 "menuPolygons" =>
565 "menuPolyHori" =>
566 "menuPolyIncl" =>
567 "menuPolyRect" =>
568 "menuPolyVert" =>
569 "menuRevSurf" =>
571 "menuRotate3d" =>
572 "menuSaveImage" =>
573 "menuSetObliq" =>
574 "menuSetPersp" =>
575 "menuSettings" =>
576 "menuSettings3d" =>
578 "menuSlabHori" =>
579 "menuSlabIncl" =>
580 "menuSlabRect" =>
581 "menuSlabVert" =>
583 "menuStretch" =>
584 "menuStretch3d" =>
585 "menuTangents" =>
586 "menuTemplate" =>
588 "menuTintsct" =>
590 "menuToscale" =>
591 "menuTruncCone" =>
594 "menuWalkThru" =>
595 "menuWeldline" =>
596 "menuWindowin" =>
597 "menuWindows" =>
602 "mode_enttype" =>
605 "mode_ignore" =>
622 "pline_centroid" =>
623 "pline_perim" =>
627 "pnt_in_poly" =>
630 "polyvert2ent" =>
631 "polyvert_add" =>
632 "polyvert_copy" =>
633 "polyvert_count" =>
634 "polyvert_del" =>
635 "polyvert_get" =>
636 "polyvert_init" =>
637 "polyvert_ins" =>
638 "polyvert_update" =>
643 "pntscolinear" =>
656 "setcurrfont" =>
671 "sphere_cart" =>
695 "sym_clearref" =>
701 "sym_get_atr" =>
716 "view_calcoblq" =>
717 "view_calcorth" =>
718 "view_calcpara" =>
719 "view_calcpers" =>
720 "view_checkmode" =>
721 "view_currmode" =>
725 "view_getcurr" =>
728 "view_setcurr" =>
729 "view_setmode" =>
730 "view_update" =>
733 "void_del_all" =>
735 "void_get_di" =>
737 "void_update" =>
750 "atr_name_len" =>
773 "drmode_black" =>
774 "drmode_flip" =>
775 "drmode_white" =>
800 "fl_access_denice" =>
801 "fl_invalid_access_code" =>
802 "fl_invalid_function" =>
803 "fl_invalid_handle" =>
804 "fl_no_handles_left" =>
805 "fl_not_found" =>
807 "fl_path_not_found" =>
809 "fmode_read_write" =>
810 "fmode_write" =>
822 "htype_normal" =>
823 "htype_outer" =>
824 "htype_ignore" =>
828 "ltype_solid" =>
829 "ltype_dotted" =>
830 "ltype_dashed" =>
831 "ltype_dotdash" =>
834 "osnap_center" =>
835 "osnap_endpoint" =>
836 "osnap_intsect" =>
837 "osnap_midpoint" =>
838 "osnap_nearest" =>
839 "osnap_npoint" =>
842 "osnap_quick" =>
965 "dimarration" =>
966 "dimtxtaspect" =>
969 "dimtxtslant" =>
973 "dimtxtweight" =>
983 "dimnolftmrk" =>
984 "dimnorhtmrk" =>
985 "dimticweight" =>
1062 "plyfrstvoid" =>
1063 "plylastvoid" =>
1095 "slbfrstvoid" =>
1096 "slblastvoid" =>
1103 "scanlinetype" =>
1145 $this->linkscripts =
1150 "5" =>
Create styles array
The data for the language used.