27'offset' => 60*60*2 + 60*60*24*3, // Two hours offset to match epoch and norwegian winter time.
29'datestart' => 1,
30'datelength' => 15,
31'offsetspan' => 21,
33// Dimensions on graph from Google Charts in pixels...
34'dimension.x' => 800,
35'dimension.y' => 350,
38 * Do you want to generate statistics using the cron module? If so, specify which cron tag to use.
39 * Examples: daily, weekly
40 * To not run statistics in cron, set value to
41 * 'cron_tag' => null,
42 */
43'cron_tag' => 'daily',
46 * Set max running time for this script. This is also controlle by max_execution_time in php.ini
47 * and is defalut set to 30 sec. Your web server can have other timeout configurations that may
48 * also interrupt PHP execution. Apache has a Timeout directive and IIS has a
49 * CGI timeout function. Both default to 300 seconds.
50 */
51'time_limit' => 300,
53'timeres' => array(
54'day' => array(
55'name' => 'Day',
56'slot' => 60*15, // Slots of 15 minutes
57'fileslot' => 60*60*24, // One day (24 hours) file slots
58'axislabelint' => 6*4, // Number of slots per label. 4 per hour *6 = 6 hours
59'dateformat-period' => 'j. M', // 4. Mars
60'dateformat-intra' => 'j. M H:i', // 4. Mars 12:30
61 ),
62'week' => array(
63'name' => 'Week',
64'slot' => 60*60, // Slots of one hour
65'fileslot' => 60*60*24*7, // 7 days of data in each file
66'axislabelint' => 24, // Number of slots per label. 24 is one each day
67'dateformat-period' => 'j. M', // 4. Mars
68'dateformat-intra' => 'j. M H:i', // 4. Mars 12:30
69 ),
70'month' => array(
71'name' => 'Month',
72'slot' => 60*60*24, // Slots of one day
73'fileslot' => 60*60*24*30, // 30 days of data in each file
74'axislabelint' => 7, // Number of slots per label. 7 days => 1 week
75'dateformat-period' => 'j. M Y H:i', // 4. Mars 12:30
76'dateformat-intra' => 'j. M', // 4. Mars
77 ),
78'monthaligned' => array(
79'name' => 'AlignedMonth',
80'slot' => 60*60*24, // Slots of one day
81'fileslot' => null, // 30 days of data in each file
82'customDateHandler' => 'month',
83'axislabelint' => 7, // Number of slots per label. 7 days => 1 week
84'dateformat-period' => 'j. M Y H:i', // 4. Mars 12:30
85'dateformat-intra' => 'j. M', // 4. Mars
86 ),
87'days180' => array(
88'name' => '180 days',
89'slot' => 60*60*24, // Slots of 1 day (24 hours)
90'fileslot' => 60*60*24*180, // 80 days of data in each file
91'axislabelint' => 30, // Number of slots per label. 7 days => 1 week
92'dateformat-period' => 'j. M', // 4. Mars
93'dateformat-intra' => 'j. M', // 4. Mars
94 ),
95 ),
97'statrules' => array(
98'sloratio' => array(
99'name' => 'SLO to SSO ratio',
100'descr' => 'Comparison of the number of Single Log-Out compared to Single Sign-On. Graph shows how many logouts where initiated for each Single Sign-On.',
101'type' => 'calculated',
102'presenter' => 'statistics:Ratio',
103'ref' => array('slo', 'sso'),
104'fieldPresentation' => array(
105'class' => 'statistics:Entity',
106'config' => 'saml20-sp-remote',
107 ),
108 ),
109'ssomulti' => array(
110'name' => 'Requests per session',
111'descr' => 'Number of SSO request pairs exchanged between IdP and SP within the same IdP session. A high number indicates that the session at the SP is timing out faster than at the IdP.',
112'type' => 'calculated',
113'presenter' => 'statistics:Ratio',
114'ref' => array('sso', 'ssofirst'),
115'fieldPresentation' => array(
116'class' => 'statistics:Entity',
117'config' => 'saml20-sp-remote',
118 ),
119 ),
120'sso' => array(
121'name' => 'SSO to service',
122'descr' => 'The number of logins at a Service Provider.',
123'action' => 'saml20-idp-SSO',
124'col' => 6, // Service Provider EntityID
125'fieldPresentation' => array(
126'class' => 'statistics:Entity',
127'config' => 'saml20-sp-remote',
128 ),
129 ),
130'ssofirst' => array(
131'name' => 'SSO-first to service',
132'descr' => 'The number of logins at a Service Provider.',
133'action' => 'saml20-idp-SSO-first',
134'col' => 6, // Service Provider EntityID
135'fieldPresentation' => array(
136'class' => 'statistics:Entity',
137'config' => 'saml20-sp-remote',
138 ),
139 ),
140'slo' => array(
141'name' => 'SLO initiated from service',
142'descr' => 'The number of initated Sinlge Logout from each of the service providers.',
143'action' => 'saml20-idp-SLO',
144'col' => 7, // Service Provider EntityID that initiated the logout.
145'fieldPresentation' => array(
146'class' => 'statistics:Entity',
147'config' => 'saml20-sp-remote',
148 ),
149 ),
150'consent' => array(
151'name' => 'Consent',
152'descr' => 'Consent statistics. Everytime a user logs in to a service an entry is logged for one of three states: consent was found, consent was not found or consent storage was not available.',
153'action' => 'consent',
154'col' => 6,
155'fieldPresentation' => array(
156'class' => 'statistics:Entity',
157'config' => 'saml20-sp-remote',
158 ),
159 ),
160'consentresponse' => array(
161'name' => 'Consent response',
162'descr' => 'Consent response statistics. Everytime a user accepts consent, it is logged whether the user selected to remember the consent to next time.',
163'action' => 'consentResponse',
164'col' => 6,
165'fieldPresentation' => array(
166'class' => 'statistics:Entity',
167'config' => 'saml20-sp-remote',
168 ),
169 ),
170'slopages' => array(
171'name' => 'SLO iframe pages',
172'descr' => 'The varioust IFrame SLO pages a user visits',
173'action' => 'slo-iframe',
174'col' => 6, // Page the user visits.
175 ),
176'slofail' => array(
177'name' => 'Failed iframe IdP-init SLOs',
178'descr' => 'The number of logout failures from various SPs',
179'action' => 'slo-iframe-fail',
180'col' => 6, // Service Provider EntityID that wasn't logged out.