| __construct ($a_file, $a_callback_obj, $a_callback_func) |
| Constructor. More...
| setHandlers ($a_xml_parser) |
| Set event handlers. More...
| startParsing () |
| Start parser. More...
| handleBeginTag ($a_xml_parser, $a_name, $a_attribs) |
| Begin Tag. More...
| handleEndTag ($a_xml_parser, $a_name) |
| End Tag. More...
| handleCharacterData ($a_xml_parser, $a_data) |
| End Tag. More...
| __construct ($a_xml_file='', $throwException=false) |
| Constructor setup ILIAS global object public. More...
| setXMLContent ($a_xml_content) |
| getXMLContent () |
| getInputType () |
| startParsing () |
| stores xml data in array More...
| createParser () |
| create parser More...
| setOptions ($a_xml_parser) |
| set parser options More...
| setHandlers ($a_xml_parser) |
| set event handler should be overwritten by inherited class private More...
| openXMLFile () |
| open xml file More...
| parse ($a_xml_parser, $a_fp=null) |
| parse xml file More...
| freeParser ($a_xml_parser) |
| free xml parser handle More...
| setThrowException ($throwException) |
| set error handling More...
| __construct ($error_class=null) |
| Constructor. More...
| _PEAR () |
| Destructor (the emulated type of...). More...
| registerShutdownFunc ($func, $args=array()) |
| Use this function to register a shutdown method for static classes. More...
| isError ($data, $code=null) |
| Tell whether a value is a PEAR error. More...
| expectError ($code=' *') |
| This method is used to tell which errors you expect to get. More...
| popExpect () |
| This method pops one element off the expected error codes stack. More...
| _checkDelExpect ($error_code) |
| This method checks unsets an error code if available. More...
| delExpect ($error_code) |
| This method deletes all occurences of the specified element from the expected error codes stack. More...
& | raiseError ($message=null, $code=null, $mode=null, $options=null, $userinfo=null, $error_class=null, $skipmsg=false) |
| This method is a wrapper that returns an instance of the configured error class with this object's default error handling applied. More...
& | throwError ($message=null, $code=null, $userinfo=null) |
| Simpler form of raiseError with fewer options. More...
| staticPushErrorHandling ($mode, $options=null) |
| staticPopErrorHandling () |
| pushErrorHandling ($mode, $options=null) |
| Push a new error handler on top of the error handler options stack. More...
| popErrorHandling () |
| Pop the last error handler used. More...
| loadExtension ($ext) |
| OS independant PHP extension load. More...
Export file parser.
- Author
- Aleex Killing alex..nosp@m.kill.nosp@m.ing@g.nosp@m.mx.d.nosp@m.e
- Version
- $Id$
Definition at line 14 of file class.ilExportFileParser.php.