| getCurrentUserPrivilegeSet ($node) |
| getFeatures () |
| Returns a list of features added by this plugin. More...
| getMethods ($uri) |
| Returns a list of available methods for a given url. More...
| getPluginName () |
| Returns a plugin name. More...
| getSupportedReportSet ($uri) |
| Returns a list of reports this plugin supports. More...
| checkPrivileges ($uri, $privileges, $recursion=self::R_PARENT, $throwExceptions=true) |
| Checks if the current user has the specified privilege(s). More...
| getCurrentUserPrincipals () |
| Returns a list of principals that's associated to the current user, either directly or through group membership. More...
| setDefaultAcl (array $acl) |
| Sets the default ACL rules. More...
| getDefaultAcl () |
| Returns the default ACL rules. More...
| getPrincipalMembership ($mainPrincipal) |
| Returns all the principal groups the specified principal is a member of. More...
| principalMatchesPrincipal ($checkPrincipal, $currentPrincipal=null) |
| Find out of a principal equals another principal. More...
| getSupportedPrivilegeSet ($node) |
| Returns a tree of supported privileges for a resource. More...
| getFlatPrivilegeSet ($node) |
| Returns the supported privilege set as a flat list. More...
| getAcl ($node) |
| Returns the full ACL list. More...
| getCurrentUserPrivilegeSet ($node) |
| Returns a list of privileges the current user has on a particular node. More...
| getPrincipalByUri ($uri) |
| Returns a principal based on its uri. More...
| principalSearch (array $searchProperties, array $requestedProperties, $collectionUri=null, $test='allof') |
| Principal property search. More...
| initialize (DAV\Server $server) |
| Sets up the plugin. More...
| beforeMethod (RequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response) |
| Triggered before any method is handled. More...
| beforeBind ($uri) |
| Triggered before a new node is created. More...
| beforeUnbind ($uri) |
| Triggered before a node is deleted. More...
| beforeUnlock ($uri, DAV\Locks\LockInfo $lock) |
| Triggered before a node is unlocked. More...
| propFind (DAV\PropFind $propFind, DAV\INode $node) |
| Triggered before properties are looked up in specific nodes. More...
| propPatch ($path, DAV\PropPatch $propPatch) |
| This method intercepts PROPPATCH methods and make sure the group-member-set is updated correctly. More...
| report ($reportName, $report, $path) |
| This method handles HTTP REPORT requests. More...
| httpAcl (RequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response) |
| This method is responsible for handling the 'ACL' event. More...
| htmlActionsPanel (DAV\INode $node, &$output) |
| This method is used to generate HTML output for the DAV. More...
| getPluginInfo () |
| Returns a bunch of meta-data about the plugin. More...
| initialize (Server $server) |
| This initializes the plugin. More...
| getFeatures () |
| This method should return a list of server-features. More...
| getHTTPMethods ($path) |
| Use this method to tell the server this plugin defines additional HTTP methods. More...
| getPluginName () |
| Returns a plugin name. More...
| getSupportedReportSet ($uri) |
| Returns a list of reports this plugin supports. More...
| getPluginInfo () |
| Returns a bunch of meta-data about the plugin. More...