ILIAS  release_5-4 Revision v5.4.26-12-gabc799a52e6
assImagemapQuestionExport Class Reference

Class for imagemap question exports. More...

+ Inheritance diagram for assImagemapQuestionExport:
+ Collaboration diagram for assImagemapQuestionExport:

Public Member Functions

 toXML ($a_include_header=true, $a_include_binary=true, $a_shuffle=false, $test_output=false, $force_image_references=false)
 Returns a QTI xml representation of the question. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from assQuestionExport
 __construct ($a_object)
 assQuestionExport constructor More...
 exportFeedbackOnly ($a_xml_writer)
 toXML ($a_include_header=true, $a_include_binary=true, $a_shuffle=false, $test_output=false, $force_image_references=false)
 Returns a QTI xml representation of the question. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Data Fields inherited from assQuestionExport
- Protected Member Functions inherited from assQuestionExport
 addAnswerSpecificFeedback (ilXmlWriter $a_xml_writer, $answers)
 addGenericFeedback (ilXmlWriter $a_xml_writer)
 addQtiMetaDataField (ilXmlWriter $a_xml_writer, $fieldLabel, $fieldValue)
 adds a qti meta data field with given name and value to the passed xml writer (xml writer must be in context of opened "qtimetadata" tag) More...
 addAdditionalContentEditingModeInformation (ilXmlWriter $a_xml_writer)
 adds a qti meta data field for ilias specific information of "additional content editing mode" (xml writer must be in context of opened "qtimetadata" tag) More...
 addGeneralMetadata (ilXmlWriter $xmlwriter)

Detailed Description

Class for imagemap question exports.

assImagemapQuestionExport is a class for imagemap question exports

Helmut Schottmüller

Definition at line 15 of file class.assImagemapQuestionExport.php.

Member Function Documentation

◆ toXML()

assImagemapQuestionExport::toXML (   $a_include_header = true,
  $a_include_binary = true,
  $a_shuffle = false,
  $test_output = false,
  $force_image_references = false 

Returns a QTI xml representation of the question.

Returns a QTI xml representation of the question and sets the internal domxml variable with the DOM XML representation of the QTI xml representation

string The QTI xml representation of the question public

Definition at line 26 of file class.assImagemapQuestionExport.php.

References $DIC, $GLOBALS, $ilErr, $index, $xml, assQuestionExport\addAdditionalContentEditingModeInformation(), assQuestionExport\addGeneralMetadata(), IMAGEMAP_QUESTION_IDENTIFIER, and ilXmlWriter\xmlHeader().

27  {
28  global $DIC;
29  $ilias = $DIC['ilias'];
31  include_once("./Services/Xml/classes/class.ilXmlWriter.php");
32  $a_xml_writer = new ilXmlWriter;
33  // set xml header
34  $a_xml_writer->xmlHeader();
35  $a_xml_writer->xmlStartTag("questestinterop");
36  $attrs = array(
37  "ident" => "il_" . IL_INST_ID . "_qst_" . $this->object->getId(),
38  "title" => $this->object->getTitle(),
39  "maxattempts" => $this->object->getNrOfTries()
40  );
41  $a_xml_writer->xmlStartTag("item", $attrs);
42  // add question description
43  $a_xml_writer->xmlElement("qticomment", null, $this->object->getComment());
44  // add estimated working time
45  $workingtime = $this->object->getEstimatedWorkingTime();
46  $duration = sprintf("P0Y0M0DT%dH%dM%dS", $workingtime["h"], $workingtime["m"], $workingtime["s"]);
47  $a_xml_writer->xmlElement("duration", null, $duration);
48  // add ILIAS specific metadata
49  $a_xml_writer->xmlStartTag("itemmetadata");
50  $a_xml_writer->xmlStartTag("qtimetadata");
51  $a_xml_writer->xmlStartTag("qtimetadatafield");
52  $a_xml_writer->xmlElement("fieldlabel", null, "ILIAS_VERSION");
53  $a_xml_writer->xmlElement("fieldentry", null, $ilias->getSetting("ilias_version"));
54  $a_xml_writer->xmlEndTag("qtimetadatafield");
55  $a_xml_writer->xmlStartTag("qtimetadatafield");
56  $a_xml_writer->xmlElement("fieldlabel", null, "QUESTIONTYPE");
57  $a_xml_writer->xmlElement("fieldentry", null, IMAGEMAP_QUESTION_IDENTIFIER);
58  $a_xml_writer->xmlEndTag("qtimetadatafield");
59  $a_xml_writer->xmlStartTag("qtimetadatafield");
60  $a_xml_writer->xmlElement("fieldlabel", null, "IS_MULTIPLE_CHOICE");
61  $a_xml_writer->xmlElement("fieldentry", null, ($this->object->getIsMultipleChoice())? "1": "0");
62  $a_xml_writer->xmlEndTag("qtimetadatafield");
63  $a_xml_writer->xmlStartTag("qtimetadatafield");
64  $a_xml_writer->xmlElement("fieldlabel", null, "AUTHOR");
65  $a_xml_writer->xmlElement("fieldentry", null, $this->object->getAuthor());
66  $a_xml_writer->xmlEndTag("qtimetadatafield");
68  // additional content editing information
69  $this->addAdditionalContentEditingModeInformation($a_xml_writer);
70  $this->addGeneralMetadata($a_xml_writer);
72  $a_xml_writer->xmlEndTag("qtimetadata");
73  $a_xml_writer->xmlEndTag("itemmetadata");
75  // PART I: qti presentation
76  $attrs = array(
77  "label" => $this->object->getTitle()
78  );
79  $a_xml_writer->xmlStartTag("presentation", $attrs);
80  // add flow to presentation
81  $a_xml_writer->xmlStartTag("flow");
82  // add material with question text to presentation
83  $this->object->addQTIMaterial($a_xml_writer, $this->object->getQuestion());
84  // add answers to presentation
85  $attrs = array(
86  "ident" => "IM",
87  "rcardinality" => "Single"
88  );
89  $a_xml_writer->xmlStartTag("response_xy", $attrs);
90  $solution = $this->object->getSuggestedSolution(0);
91  if (count($solution)) {
92  if (preg_match("/il_(\d*?)_(\w+)_(\d+)/", $solution["internal_link"], $matches)) {
93  $a_xml_writer->xmlStartTag("material");
94  $intlink = "il_" . IL_INST_ID . "_" . $matches[2] . "_" . $matches[3];
95  if (strcmp($matches[1], "") != 0) {
96  $intlink = $solution["internal_link"];
97  }
98  $attrs = array(
99  "label" => "suggested_solution"
100  );
101  $a_xml_writer->xmlElement("mattext", $attrs, $intlink);
102  $a_xml_writer->xmlEndTag("material");
103  }
104  }
105  $a_xml_writer->xmlStartTag("render_hotspot");
106  $a_xml_writer->xmlStartTag("material");
107  $imagetype = "image/jpeg";
108  if (preg_match("/.*\.(png|gif)$/i", $this->object->getImageFilename(), $matches)) {
109  $imagetype = "image/" . strtolower($matches[1]);
110  }
111  $attrs = array(
112  "imagtype" => $imagetype,
113  "label" => $this->object->getImageFilename()
114  );
115  if ($a_include_binary) {
116  if ($force_image_references) {
117  $attrs["uri"] = $this->object->getImagePathWeb() . $this->object->getImageFilename();
118  $a_xml_writer->xmlElement("matimage", $attrs);
119  } else {
120  $attrs["embedded"] = "base64";
121  $imagepath = $this->object->getImagePath() . $this->object->getImageFilename();
122  $fh = fopen($imagepath, "rb");
123  if ($fh == false) {
124  global $DIC;
125  $ilErr = $DIC['ilErr'];
126  $ilErr->raiseError($GLOBALS['DIC']['lng']->txt("error_open_image_file"), $ilErr->MESSAGE);
127  return;
128  }
129  $imagefile = fread($fh, filesize($imagepath));
130  fclose($fh);
131  $base64 = base64_encode($imagefile);
132  $a_xml_writer->xmlElement("matimage", $attrs, $base64, false, false);
133  }
134  } else {
135  $a_xml_writer->xmlElement("matimage", $attrs);
136  }
137  $a_xml_writer->xmlEndTag("material");
139  // add answers
140  foreach ($this->object->getAnswers() as $index => $answer) {
141  $rared = "";
142  switch ($answer->getArea()) {
143  case "rect":
144  $rarea = "Rectangle";
145  break;
146  case "circle":
147  $rarea = "Ellipse";
148  break;
149  case "poly":
150  $rarea = "Bounded";
151  break;
152  }
153  $attrs = array(
154  "ident" => $index,
155  "rarea" => $rarea
156  );
157  $a_xml_writer->xmlStartTag("response_label", $attrs);
158  $a_xml_writer->xmlData($answer->getCoords());
159  $a_xml_writer->xmlStartTag("material");
160  $a_xml_writer->xmlElement("mattext", null, $answer->getAnswertext());
161  $a_xml_writer->xmlEndTag("material");
162  $a_xml_writer->xmlEndTag("response_label");
163  }
164  $a_xml_writer->xmlEndTag("render_hotspot");
165  $a_xml_writer->xmlEndTag("response_xy");
166  $a_xml_writer->xmlEndTag("flow");
167  $a_xml_writer->xmlEndTag("presentation");
169  // PART II: qti resprocessing
170  $a_xml_writer->xmlStartTag("resprocessing");
171  $a_xml_writer->xmlStartTag("outcomes");
172  $a_xml_writer->xmlStartTag("decvar");
173  $a_xml_writer->xmlEndTag("decvar");
174  $a_xml_writer->xmlEndTag("outcomes");
175  // add response conditions
176  foreach ($this->object->getAnswers() as $index => $answer) {
177  $attrs = array(
178  "continue" => "Yes"
179  );
180  $a_xml_writer->xmlStartTag("respcondition", $attrs);
181  // qti conditionvar
182  $a_xml_writer->xmlStartTag("conditionvar");
183  if (!$answer->isStateSet()) {
184  $a_xml_writer->xmlStartTag("not");
185  }
186  $areatype = "";
187  switch ($answer->getArea()) {
188  case "rect":
189  $areatype = "Rectangle";
190  break;
191  case "circle":
192  $areatype = "Ellipse";
193  break;
194  case "poly":
195  $areatype = "Bounded";
196  break;
197  }
198  $attrs = array(
199  "respident" => "IM",
200  "areatype" => $areatype
201  );
202  $a_xml_writer->xmlElement("varequal", $attrs, $answer->getCoords());
203  if (!$answer->isStateSet()) {
204  $a_xml_writer->xmlEndTag("not");
205  }
206  $a_xml_writer->xmlEndTag("conditionvar");
207  // qti setvar
208  $attrs = array(
209  "action" => "Add"
210  );
211  $a_xml_writer->xmlElement("setvar", $attrs, $answer->getPoints());
212  $linkrefid = "response_$index";
213  $attrs = array(
214  "feedbacktype" => "Response",
215  "linkrefid" => $linkrefid
216  );
217  $a_xml_writer->xmlElement("displayfeedback", $attrs);
218  $a_xml_writer->xmlEndTag("respcondition");
219  $attrs = array(
220  "continue" => "Yes"
221  );
222  $a_xml_writer->xmlStartTag("respcondition", $attrs);
223  // qti conditionvar
224  $a_xml_writer->xmlStartTag("conditionvar");
225  $attrs = array(
226  "respident" => "IM"
227  );
228  $a_xml_writer->xmlStartTag("not");
229  $a_xml_writer->xmlElement("varequal", $attrs, $answer->getCoords());
230  $a_xml_writer->xmlEndTag("not");
231  $a_xml_writer->xmlEndTag("conditionvar");
232  // qti setvar
233  $attrs = array(
234  "action" => "Add"
235  );
236  $a_xml_writer->xmlElement("setvar", $attrs, $answer->getPointsUnchecked());
237  $a_xml_writer->xmlEndTag("respcondition");
238  }
240  $answers = $this->object->getAnswers();
241  $feedback_allcorrect = $this->object->feedbackOBJ->getGenericFeedbackExportPresentation(
242  $this->object->getId(),
243  true
244  );
245  if (strlen($feedback_allcorrect)) {
246  $attrs = array(
247  "continue" => "Yes"
248  );
249  $a_xml_writer->xmlStartTag("respcondition", $attrs);
250  // qti conditionvar
251  $a_xml_writer->xmlStartTag("conditionvar");
252  if (!$this->object->getIsMultipleChoice()) {
253  $bestindex = 0;
254  $maxpoints = 0;
255  foreach ($answers as $index => $answer) {
256  if ($answer->getPoints() > $maxpoints) {
257  $maxpoints = $answer->getPoints();
258  $bestindex = $index;
259  }
260  }
261  $attrs = array(
262  "respident" => "IM"
263  );
265  $areatype = "";
266  $answer = $answers[$bestindex];
267  switch ($answer->getArea()) {
268  case "rect":
269  $areatype = "Rectangle";
270  break;
271  case "circle":
272  $areatype = "Ellipse";
273  break;
274  case "poly":
275  $areatype = "Bounded";
276  break;
277  }
278  $attrs = array(
279  "respident" => "IM",
280  "areatype" => $areatype
281  );
282  $a_xml_writer->xmlElement("varinside", $attrs, $answer->getCoords());
283  } else {
284  foreach ($answers as $index => $answer) {
285  if ($answer->getPoints() < $answer->getPointsUnchecked()) {
286  $a_xml_writer->xmlStartTag("not");
287  }
288  switch ($answer->getArea()) {
289  case "rect":
290  $areatype = "Rectangle";
291  break;
292  case "circle":
293  $areatype = "Ellipse";
294  break;
295  case "poly":
296  $areatype = "Bounded";
297  break;
298  }
299  $attrs = array(
300  "respident" => "IM",
301  "areatype" => $areatype
302  );
303  $a_xml_writer->xmlElement("varequal", $attrs, $index);
304  if ($answer->getPoints() < $answer->getPointsUnchecked()) {
305  $a_xml_writer->xmlEndTag("not");
306  }
307  }
308  }
310  $a_xml_writer->xmlEndTag("conditionvar");
311  // qti displayfeedback
312  $attrs = array(
313  "feedbacktype" => "Response",
314  "linkrefid" => "response_allcorrect"
315  );
316  $a_xml_writer->xmlElement("displayfeedback", $attrs);
317  $a_xml_writer->xmlEndTag("respcondition");
318  }
320  $feedback_onenotcorrect = $this->object->feedbackOBJ->getGenericFeedbackExportPresentation(
321  $this->object->getId(),
322  false
323  );
324  if (strlen($feedback_onenotcorrect)) {
325  $attrs = array(
326  "continue" => "Yes"
327  );
328  $a_xml_writer->xmlStartTag("respcondition", $attrs);
329  // qti conditionvar
330  $a_xml_writer->xmlStartTag("conditionvar");
331  if (!$this->object->getIsMultipleChoice()) {
332  $bestindex = 0;
333  $maxpoints = 0;
334  foreach ($answers as $index => $answer) {
335  if ($answer->getPoints() > $maxpoints) {
336  $maxpoints = $answer->getPoints();
337  $bestindex = $index;
338  }
339  }
340  $attrs = array(
341  "respident" => "IM"
342  );
343  $a_xml_writer->xmlStartTag("not");
345  $areatype = "";
346  $answer = $answers[$bestindex];
347  switch ($answer->getArea()) {
348  case "rect":
349  $areatype = "Rectangle";
350  break;
351  case "circle":
352  $areatype = "Ellipse";
353  break;
354  case "poly":
355  $areatype = "Bounded";
356  break;
357  }
358  $attrs = array(
359  "respident" => "IM",
360  "areatype" => $areatype
361  );
362  $a_xml_writer->xmlElement("varinside", $attrs, $answer->getCoords());
364  $a_xml_writer->xmlEndTag("not");
365  } else {
366  foreach ($answers as $index => $answer) {
367  if ($index > 0) {
368  $a_xml_writer->xmlStartTag("or");
369  }
370  if ($answer->getPoints() >= $answer->getPointsUnchecked()) {
371  $a_xml_writer->xmlStartTag("not");
372  }
373  switch ($answer->getArea()) {
374  case "rect":
375  $areatype = "Rectangle";
376  break;
377  case "circle":
378  $areatype = "Ellipse";
379  break;
380  case "poly":
381  $areatype = "Bounded";
382  break;
383  }
384  $attrs = array(
385  "respident" => "IM",
386  "areatype" => $areatype
387  );
388  $a_xml_writer->xmlElement("varequal", $attrs, $index);
389  if ($answer->getPoints() >= $answer->getPointsUnchecked()) {
390  $a_xml_writer->xmlEndTag("not");
391  }
392  if ($index > 0) {
393  $a_xml_writer->xmlEndTag("or");
394  }
395  }
396  }
397  $a_xml_writer->xmlEndTag("conditionvar");
398  // qti displayfeedback
399  $attrs = array(
400  "feedbacktype" => "Response",
401  "linkrefid" => "response_onenotcorrect"
402  );
403  $a_xml_writer->xmlElement("displayfeedback", $attrs);
404  $a_xml_writer->xmlEndTag("respcondition");
405  }
407  $a_xml_writer->xmlEndTag("resprocessing");
409  // PART III: qti itemfeedback
410  foreach ($this->object->getAnswers() as $index => $answer) {
411  $linkrefid = "";
412  $linkrefid = "response_$index";
413  $attrs = array(
414  "ident" => $linkrefid,
415  "view" => "All"
416  );
417  $a_xml_writer->xmlStartTag("itemfeedback", $attrs);
418  // qti flow_mat
419  $a_xml_writer->xmlStartTag("flow_mat");
420  $fb = $this->object->feedbackOBJ->getSpecificAnswerFeedbackExportPresentation(
421  $this->object->getId(),
422  0,
423  $index
424  );
425  $this->object->addQTIMaterial($a_xml_writer, $fb);
426  $a_xml_writer->xmlEndTag("flow_mat");
427  $a_xml_writer->xmlEndTag("itemfeedback");
428  }
429  if (strlen($feedback_allcorrect)) {
430  $attrs = array(
431  "ident" => "response_allcorrect",
432  "view" => "All"
433  );
434  $a_xml_writer->xmlStartTag("itemfeedback", $attrs);
435  // qti flow_mat
436  $a_xml_writer->xmlStartTag("flow_mat");
437  $this->object->addQTIMaterial($a_xml_writer, $feedback_allcorrect);
438  $a_xml_writer->xmlEndTag("flow_mat");
439  $a_xml_writer->xmlEndTag("itemfeedback");
440  }
441  if (strlen($feedback_onenotcorrect)) {
442  $attrs = array(
443  "ident" => "response_onenotcorrect",
444  "view" => "All"
445  );
446  $a_xml_writer->xmlStartTag("itemfeedback", $attrs);
447  // qti flow_mat
448  $a_xml_writer->xmlStartTag("flow_mat");
449  $this->object->addQTIMaterial($a_xml_writer, $feedback_onenotcorrect);
450  $a_xml_writer->xmlEndTag("flow_mat");
451  $a_xml_writer->xmlEndTag("itemfeedback");
452  }
454  $a_xml_writer->xmlEndTag("item");
455  $a_xml_writer->xmlEndTag("questestinterop");
457  $xml = $a_xml_writer->xmlDumpMem(false);
458  if (!$a_include_header) {
459  $pos = strpos($xml, "?>");
460  $xml = substr($xml, $pos + 2);
461  }
462  return $xml;
463  }
global $DIC
Definition: saml.php:7
XML writer class.
Definition: metadata.php:60
addGeneralMetadata(ilXmlWriter $xmlwriter)
Definition: raiseError.php:18
Writes xml header public.
addAdditionalContentEditingModeInformation(ilXmlWriter $a_xml_writer)
adds a qti meta data field for ilias specific information of "additional content editing mode" (xml w...
Global Variable: XMP_tag_captions.
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: