ILIAS  release_5-4 Revision v5.4.26-12-gabc799a52e6
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 <?php
3 /* Copyright (c) 1998-2010 ILIAS open source, Extended GPL, see docs/LICENSE */
26 class ilLTIToolProvider extends ToolProvider\ToolProvider
27 {
31  protected $logger = null;
34  public $debugMode = true; //ACHTUNG weg bei Produktiv-Umgebung
38  private static $LTI_VERSIONS = array(self::LTI_VERSION1, self::LTI_VERSION2);
42  private static $MESSAGE_TYPES = array('basic-lti-launch-request' => 'onLaunch',
43  'ContentItemSelectionRequest' => 'onContentItem',
44  'ToolProxyRegistrationRequest' => 'register');
50  private static $METHOD_NAMES = array('basic-lti-launch-request' => 'onLaunch',
51  'ContentItemSelectionRequest' => 'onContentItem',
52  'ToolProxyRegistrationRequest' => 'onRegister');
58  private static $LTI_CONSUMER_SETTING_NAMES = array('custom_tc_profile_url', 'custom_system_setting_url');
64  private static $LTI_CONTEXT_SETTING_NAMES = array('custom_context_setting_url',
65  'custom_lineitems_url', 'custom_results_url',
66  'custom_context_memberships_url');
72  private static $LTI_RESOURCE_LINK_SETTING_NAMES = array('lis_result_sourcedid', 'lis_outcome_service_url',
73  'ext_ims_lis_basic_outcome_url', 'ext_ims_lis_resultvalue_sourcedids',
74  'ext_ims_lis_memberships_id', 'ext_ims_lis_memberships_url',
75  'ext_ims_lti_tool_setting', 'ext_ims_lti_tool_setting_id', 'ext_ims_lti_tool_setting_url',
76  'custom_link_setting_url',
77  'custom_lineitem_url', 'custom_result_url');
83  private static $CUSTOM_SUBSTITUTION_VARIABLES = array('' => 'user_id',
84  'User.image' => 'user_image',
85  'User.username' => 'username',
86  'User.scope.mentor' => 'role_scope_mentor',
87  'Membership.role' => 'roles',
88  'Person.sourcedId' => 'lis_person_sourcedid',
89  '' => 'lis_person_name_full',
90  '' => 'lis_person_name_family',
91  '' => 'lis_person_name_given',
92  '' => 'lis_person_contact_email_primary',
93  '' => 'context_id',
94  'Context.type' => 'context_type',
95  'Context.title' => 'context_title',
96  'Context.label' => 'context_label',
97  'CourseOffering.sourcedId' => 'lis_course_offering_sourcedid',
98  'CourseSection.sourcedId' => 'lis_course_section_sourcedid',
99  'CourseSection.label' => 'context_label',
100  'CourseSection.title' => 'context_title',
101  '' => 'resource_link_id',
102  'ResourceLink.title' => 'resource_link_title',
103  'ResourceLink.description' => 'resource_link_description',
104  'Result.sourcedId' => 'lis_result_sourcedid',
105  'BasicOutcome.url' => 'lis_outcome_service_url',
106  'ToolConsumerProfile.url' => 'custom_tc_profile_url',
107  'ToolProxy.url' => 'tool_proxy_url',
108  'ToolProxy.custom.url' => 'custom_system_setting_url',
109  'ToolProxyBinding.custom.url' => 'custom_context_setting_url',
110  'LtiLink.custom.url' => 'custom_link_setting_url',
111  'LineItems.url' => 'custom_lineitems_url',
112  'LineItem.url' => 'custom_lineitem_url',
113  'Results.url' => 'custom_results_url',
114  'Result.url' => 'custom_result_url',
115  'ToolProxyBinding.memberships.url' => 'custom_context_memberships_url');
122  public function __construct(DataConnector $dataConnector)
123  {
124  global $DIC;
126  $this->logger = $DIC->logger()->lti();
127  parent::__construct($dataConnector);
128  }
134  public function handleRequest()
135  {
136  if ($this->ok) {
137  if ($this->authenticate()) {
138  $this->doCallback();
139  }
140  }
141  // if return url is given, this redirects in case of errors
142  $this->result();
143  return $this->ok;
144  }
146  ###
148  ###
155  protected function onLaunch()
156  {
157  // save/update current user
158  if ($this->user instanceof User) {
159  $this->user->save();
160  }
162  if ($this->context instanceof Context) {
163  $this->context->save();
164  }
166  if ($this->resourceLink instanceof ResourceLink) {
167  $this->resourceLink->save();
168  }
169  }
176  protected function onContentItem()
177  {
178  $this->onError();
179  }
186  protected function onRegister()
187  {
188  $this->onError();
189  }
196  protected function onError()
197  {
198  // only return error status
199  return $this->ok;
201  //$this->doCallback('onError');
202  // return parent::onError(); //Stefan M.
203  }
205  ###
207  ###
216  private function doCallback($method = null)
217  {
218  $callback = $method;
219  if (is_null($callback)) {
220  $callback = self::$METHOD_NAMES[$_POST['lti_message_type']];
221  }
222  if (method_exists($this, $callback)) {
223  $result = $this->$callback(); // ACHTUNG HIER PROBLEM UK
224  } elseif (is_null($method) && $this->ok) {
225  $this->ok = false;
226  $this->reason = "Message type not supported: {$_POST['lti_message_type']}";
227  }
228  if ($this->ok && ($_POST['lti_message_type'] == 'ToolProxyRegistrationRequest')) {
229  $this->consumer->save();
230  }
231  }
240  private function result()
241  {
242  $ok = false;
243  if (!$this->ok) {
244  $ok = $this->onError();
245  }
246  if (!$ok) {
247  if (!$this->ok) {
248  // If not valid, return an error message to the tool consumer if a return URL is provided
249  if (!empty($this->returnUrl)) {
250  $errorUrl = $this->returnUrl;
251  if (strpos($errorUrl, '?') === false) {
252  $errorUrl .= '?';
253  } else {
254  $errorUrl .= '&';
255  }
256  if ($this->debugMode && !is_null($this->reason)) {
257  $errorUrl .= 'lti_errormsg=' . urlencode("Debug error: $this->reason");
258  } else {
259  $errorUrl .= 'lti_errormsg=' . urlencode($this->message);
260  if (!is_null($this->reason)) {
261  $errorUrl .= '&lti_errorlog=' . urlencode("Debug error: $this->reason");
262  }
263  }
264  if (!is_null($this->consumer) && isset($_POST['lti_message_type']) && ($_POST['lti_message_type'] === 'ContentItemSelectionRequest')) {
265  $formParams = array();
266  if (isset($_POST['data'])) {
267  $formParams['data'] = $_POST['data'];
268  }
269  $version = (isset($_POST['lti_version'])) ? $_POST['lti_version'] : self::LTI_VERSION1;
270  $formParams = $this->consumer->signParameters($errorUrl, 'ContentItemSelection', $version, $formParams);
271  $page = self::sendForm($errorUrl, $formParams);
272  echo $page;
273  } else {
274  header("Location: {$errorUrl}");
275  }
277  } else {
278  if (!is_null($this->errorOutput)) {
279  echo $this->errorOutput;
280  } elseif ($this->debugMode && !empty($this->reason)) {
281  echo "Debug error: {$this->reason}";
282  } else {
283  echo "Error: {$this->message}";
284  }
285  }
286  } elseif (!is_null($this->redirectUrl)) {
287  header("Location: {$this->redirectUrl}");
288  exit;
289  } elseif (!is_null($this->output)) {
291  }
292  }
293  }
302  private function authenticate()
303  {
305 // Get the consumer
306  $doSaveConsumer = false;
307  // Check all required launch parameters
308  $this->ok = isset($_POST['lti_message_type']) && array_key_exists($_POST['lti_message_type'], self::$MESSAGE_TYPES);
309  if (!$this->ok) {
310  $this->reason = 'Invalid or missing lti_message_type parameter.';
311  }
312  if ($this->ok) {
313  $this->ok = isset($_POST['lti_version']) && in_array($_POST['lti_version'], self::$LTI_VERSIONS);
314  if (!$this->ok) {
315  $this->reason = 'Invalid or missing lti_version parameter.';
316  }
317  }
318  if ($this->ok) {
319  if ($_POST['lti_message_type'] === 'basic-lti-launch-request') {
320  $this->ok = isset($_POST['resource_link_id']) && (strlen(trim($_POST['resource_link_id'])) > 0);
321  if (!$this->ok) {
322  $this->reason = 'Missing resource link ID.';
323  }
324  } elseif ($_POST['lti_message_type'] === 'ContentItemSelectionRequest') {
325  if (isset($_POST['accept_media_types']) && (strlen(trim($_POST['accept_media_types'])) > 0)) {
326  $mediaTypes = array_filter(explode(',', str_replace(' ', '', $_POST['accept_media_types'])), 'strlen');
327  $mediaTypes = array_unique($mediaTypes);
328  $this->ok = count($mediaTypes) > 0;
329  if (!$this->ok) {
330  $this->reason = 'No accept_media_types found.';
331  } else {
332  $this->mediaTypes = $mediaTypes;
333  }
334  } else {
335  $this->ok = false;
336  }
337  if ($this->ok && isset($_POST['accept_presentation_document_targets']) && (strlen(trim($_POST['accept_presentation_document_targets'])) > 0)) {
338  $documentTargets = array_filter(explode(',', str_replace(' ', '', $_POST['accept_presentation_document_targets'])), 'strlen');
339  $documentTargets = array_unique($documentTargets);
340  $this->ok = count($documentTargets) > 0;
341  if (!$this->ok) {
342  $this->reason = 'Missing or empty accept_presentation_document_targets parameter.';
343  } else {
344  foreach ($documentTargets as $documentTarget) {
345  $this->ok = $this->checkValue(
346  $documentTarget,
347  array('embed', 'frame', 'iframe', 'window', 'popup', 'overlay', 'none'),
348  'Invalid value in accept_presentation_document_targets parameter: %s.'
349  );
350  if (!$this->ok) {
351  break;
352  }
353  }
354  if ($this->ok) {
355  $this->documentTargets = $documentTargets;
356  }
357  }
358  } else {
359  $this->ok = false;
360  }
361  if ($this->ok) {
362  $this->ok = isset($_POST['content_item_return_url']) && (strlen(trim($_POST['content_item_return_url'])) > 0);
363  if (!$this->ok) {
364  $this->reason = 'Missing content_item_return_url parameter.';
365  }
366  }
367  } elseif ($_POST['lti_message_type'] == 'ToolProxyRegistrationRequest') {
368  $this->ok = ((isset($_POST['reg_key']) && (strlen(trim($_POST['reg_key'])) > 0)) &&
369  (isset($_POST['reg_password']) && (strlen(trim($_POST['reg_password'])) > 0)) &&
370  (isset($_POST['tc_profile_url']) && (strlen(trim($_POST['tc_profile_url'])) > 0)) &&
371  (isset($_POST['launch_presentation_return_url']) && (strlen(trim($_POST['launch_presentation_return_url'])) > 0)));
372  if ($this->debugMode && !$this->ok) {
373  $this->reason = 'Missing message parameters.';
374  }
375  }
376  }
377  $now = time();
379  $this->logger->debug('Checking consumer key...');
381  // Check consumer key
382  if ($this->ok && ($_POST['lti_message_type'] != 'ToolProxyRegistrationRequest')) {
383  $this->ok = isset($_POST['oauth_consumer_key']);
384  if (!$this->ok) {
385  $this->reason = 'Missing consumer key.';
386  }
387  if ($this->ok) {
388  // $this->consumer = new ToolConsumer($_POST['oauth_consumer_key'], $this->dataConnector);
389  $this->consumer = new ilLTIToolConsumer($_POST['oauth_consumer_key'], $this->dataConnector);
390  $this->ok = !is_null($this->consumer->created);
391  if (!$this->ok) {
392  $this->reason = 'Invalid consumer key.';
393  }
394  }
395  if ($this->ok) {
396  $today = date('Y-m-d', $now);
397  if (is_null($this->consumer->lastAccess)) {
398  $doSaveConsumer = true;
399  } else {
400  $last = date('Y-m-d', $this->consumer->lastAccess);
401  $doSaveConsumer = $doSaveConsumer || ($last !== $today);
402  }
403  $this->consumer->last_access = $now;
404  try {
405  $store = new OAuthDataStore($this);
406  $server = new OAuth\OAuthServer($store);
407  $method = new OAuth\OAuthSignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1();
408  $server->add_signature_method($method);
409  $request = OAuth\OAuthRequest::from_request();
410  $res = $server->verify_request($request);
411  } catch (\Exception $e) {
412  $this->ok = false;
413  if (empty($this->reason)) {
414  if ($this->debugMode) {
415  $consumer = new OAuth\OAuthConsumer($this->consumer->getKey(), $this->consumer->secret);
416  $signature = $request->build_signature($method, $consumer, false);
417  $this->reason = $e->getMessage();
418  if (empty($this->reason)) {
419  $this->reason = 'OAuth exception';
420  }
421  $this->details[] = 'Timestamp: ' . time();
422  $this->details[] = "Signature: {$signature}";
423  $this->details[] = "Base string: {$request->base_string}]";
424  } else {
425  $this->reason = 'OAuth signature check failed - perhaps an incorrect secret or timestamp.';
426  }
427  }
428  }
429  }
430  // $this->ok = true; //ACHTUNG Problem Signature bei M.
431  if ($this->ok) {
432  $today = date('Y-m-d', $now);
433  if (is_null($this->consumer->lastAccess)) {
434  $doSaveConsumer = true;
435  } else {
436  $last = date('Y-m-d', $this->consumer->lastAccess);
437  $doSaveConsumer = $doSaveConsumer || ($last !== $today);
438  }
439  $this->consumer->last_access = $now;
440  if ($this->consumer->protected) {
441  if (!is_null($this->consumer->consumerGuid)) {
442  $this->ok = empty($_POST['tool_consumer_instance_guid']) ||
443  ($this->consumer->consumerGuid === $_POST['tool_consumer_instance_guid']);
444  if (!$this->ok) {
445  $this->reason = 'Request is from an invalid tool consumer.';
446  }
447  } else {
448  $this->ok = isset($_POST['tool_consumer_instance_guid']);
449  if (!$this->ok) {
450  $this->reason = 'A tool consumer GUID must be included in the launch request.';
451  }
452  }
453  }
454  if ($this->ok) {
455  $this->ok = $this->consumer->enabled;
456  if (!$this->ok) {
457  $this->reason = 'Tool consumer has not been enabled by the tool provider.';
458  }
459  }
460  if ($this->ok) {
461  $this->ok = is_null($this->consumer->enableFrom) || ($this->consumer->enableFrom <= $now);
462  if ($this->ok) {
463  $this->ok = is_null($this->consumer->enableUntil) || ($this->consumer->enableUntil > $now);
464  if (!$this->ok) {
465  $this->reason = 'Tool consumer access has expired.';
466  }
467  } else {
468  $this->reason = 'Tool consumer access is not yet available.';
469  }
470  }
471  }
472  // Validate other message parameter values
473  if ($this->ok) {
474  if ($_POST['lti_message_type'] === 'ContentItemSelectionRequest') {
475  if (isset($_POST['accept_unsigned'])) {
476  $this->ok = $this->checkValue($_POST['accept_unsigned'], array('true', 'false'), 'Invalid value for accept_unsigned parameter: %s.');
477  }
478  if ($this->ok && isset($_POST['accept_multiple'])) {
479  $this->ok = $this->checkValue($_POST['accept_multiple'], array('true', 'false'), 'Invalid value for accept_multiple parameter: %s.');
480  }
481  if ($this->ok && isset($_POST['accept_copy_advice'])) {
482  $this->ok = $this->checkValue($_POST['accept_copy_advice'], array('true', 'false'), 'Invalid value for accept_copy_advice parameter: %s.');
483  }
484  if ($this->ok && isset($_POST['auto_create'])) {
485  $this->ok = $this->checkValue($_POST['auto_create'], array('true', 'false'), 'Invalid value for auto_create parameter: %s.');
486  }
487  if ($this->ok && isset($_POST['can_confirm'])) {
488  $this->ok = $this->checkValue($_POST['can_confirm'], array('true', 'false'), 'Invalid value for can_confirm parameter: %s.');
489  }
490  } elseif (isset($_POST['launch_presentation_document_target'])) {
491  $this->ok = $this->checkValue(
492  $_POST['launch_presentation_document_target'],
493  array('embed', 'frame', 'iframe', 'window', 'popup', 'overlay'),
494  'Invalid value for launch_presentation_document_target parameter: %s.'
495  );
496  }
497  }
498  }
500  if ($this->ok && ($_POST['lti_message_type'] === 'ToolProxyRegistrationRequest')) {
501  $this->ok = $_POST['lti_version'] == self::LTI_VERSION2;
502  if (!$this->ok) {
503  $this->reason = 'Invalid lti_version parameter';
504  }
505  if ($this->ok) {
506  $http = new HTTPMessage($_POST['tc_profile_url'], 'GET', null, 'Accept: application/vnd.ims.lti.v2.toolconsumerprofile+json');
507  $this->ok = $http->send();
508  if (!$this->ok) {
509  $this->reason = 'Tool consumer profile not accessible.';
510  } else {
511  $tcProfile = json_decode($http->response);
512  $this->ok = !is_null($tcProfile);
513  if (!$this->ok) {
514  $this->reason = 'Invalid JSON in tool consumer profile.';
515  }
516  }
517  }
518  // Check for required capabilities
519  if ($this->ok) {
520  // $this->consumer = new ToolConsumer($_POST['reg_key'], $this->dataConnector);
521  $this->consumer = new ilLTIToolConsumer($_POST['oauth_consumer_key'], $this->dataConnector);
522  $this->consumer->profile = $tcProfile;
523  $capabilities = $this->consumer->profile->capability_offered;
524  $missing = array();
525  foreach ($this->resourceHandlers as $resourceHandler) {
526  foreach ($resourceHandler->requiredMessages as $message) {
527  if (!in_array($message->type, $capabilities)) {
528  $missing[$message->type] = true;
529  }
530  }
531  }
532  foreach ($this->constraints as $name => $constraint) {
533  if ($constraint['required']) {
534  if (!in_array($name, $capabilities) && !in_array($name, array_flip($capabilities))) {
535  $missing[$name] = true;
536  }
537  }
538  }
539  if (!empty($missing)) {
540  ksort($missing);
541  $this->reason = 'Required capability not offered - \'' . implode('\', \'', array_keys($missing)) . '\'';
542  $this->ok = false;
543  }
544  }
545  // Check for required services
546  if ($this->ok) {
547  foreach ($this->requiredServices as $service) {
548  foreach ($service->formats as $format) {
549  if (!$this->findService($format, $service->actions)) {
550  if ($this->ok) {
551  $this->reason = 'Required service(s) not offered - ';
552  $this->ok = false;
553  } else {
554  $this->reason .= ', ';
555  }
556  $this->reason .= "'{$format}' [" . implode(', ', $service->actions) . ']';
557  }
558  }
559  }
560  }
561  if ($this->ok) {
562  if ($_POST['lti_message_type'] === 'ToolProxyRegistrationRequest') {
563  $this->consumer->profile = $tcProfile;
564  $this->consumer->secret = $_POST['reg_password'];
565  $this->consumer->ltiVersion = $_POST['lti_version'];
566  $this->consumer->name = $tcProfile->product_instance->service_owner->service_owner_name->default_value;
567  $this->consumer->consumerName = $this->consumer->name;
568  $this->consumer->consumerVersion = "{$tcProfile->product_instance->product_info->product_family->code}-{$tcProfile->product_instance->product_info->product_version}";
569  $this->consumer->consumerGuid = $tcProfile->product_instance->guid;
570  $this->consumer->enabled = true;
571  $this->consumer->protected = true;
572  $doSaveConsumer = true;
573  }
574  }
575  } elseif ($this->ok && !empty($_POST['custom_tc_profile_url']) && empty($this->consumer->profile)) {
576  $http = new HTTPMessage($_POST['custom_tc_profile_url'], 'GET', null, 'Accept: application/vnd.ims.lti.v2.toolconsumerprofile+json');
577  if ($http->send()) {
578  $tcProfile = json_decode($http->response);
579  if (!is_null($tcProfile)) {
580  $this->consumer->profile = $tcProfile;
581  $doSaveConsumer = true;
582  }
583  }
584  }
586  // Validate message parameter constraints
587  // if ($this->ok) {
588  // $invalidParameters = array();
589  // foreach ($this->constraints as $name => $constraint) {
590  // // if (empty($constraint['messages']) || in_array($_POST['lti_message_type'], $constraint['messages'])) {
591  // // $ok = true;
592  // // if ($constraint['required']) {
593  // // if (!isset($_POST[$name]) || (strlen(trim($_POST[$name])) <= 0)) {
594  // // $invalidParameters[] = "{$name} (missing)";
595  // // $ok = false;
596  // // }
597  // // }
598  // // if ($ok && !is_null($constraint['max_length']) && isset($_POST[$name])) {
599  // // if (strlen(trim($_POST[$name])) > $constraint['max_length']) {
600  // // $invalidParameters[] = "{$name} (too long)";
601  // // }
602  // // }
603  // // }
604  // }
605  // if (count($invalidParameters) > 0) {
606  // $this->ok = false;
607  // if (empty($this->reason)) {
608  // $this->reason = 'Invalid parameter(s): ' . implode(', ', $invalidParameters) . '.';
609  // }
610  // }
611  // }
613  $this->logger->debug('Still ok: ' . ($this->ok ? '1' : '0'));
614  if (!$this->ok) {
615  $this->logger->debug('Reason: ' . $this->reason);
616  }
618  if ($this->ok) {
620 // Set the request context
621  if (isset($_POST['context_id'])) {
622  $this->context = Context::fromConsumer($this->consumer, trim($_POST['context_id']));
623  $title = '';
624  if (isset($_POST['context_title'])) {
625  $title = trim($_POST['context_title']);
626  }
627  if (empty($title)) {
628  $title = "Course {$this->context->getId()}";
629  }
630  $this->context->title = $title;
631  }
633  // Set the request resource link
634  if (isset($_POST['resource_link_id'])) {
635  $contentItemId = '';
636  if (isset($_POST['custom_content_item_id'])) {
637  $contentItemId = $_POST['custom_content_item_id'];
638  }
639  $this->resourceLink = ResourceLink::fromConsumer($this->consumer, trim($_POST['resource_link_id']), $contentItemId);
640  if (!empty($this->context)) {
641  $this->resourceLink->setContextId($this->context->getRecordId());
642  }
643  $title = '';
644  if (isset($_POST['resource_link_title'])) {
645  $title = trim($_POST['resource_link_title']);
646  }
647  if (empty($title)) {
648  $title = "Resource {$this->resourceLink->getId()}";
649  }
650  $this->resourceLink->title = $title;
651  // Delete any existing custom parameters
652  foreach ($this->consumer->getSettings() as $name => $value) {
653  if (strpos($name, 'custom_') === 0) {
654  $this->consumer->setSetting($name);
655  $doSaveConsumer = true;
656  }
657  }
658  if (!empty($this->context)) {
659  foreach ($this->context->getSettings() as $name => $value) {
660  if (strpos($name, 'custom_') === 0) {
661  $this->context->setSetting($name);
662  }
663  }
664  }
665  foreach ($this->resourceLink->getSettings() as $name => $value) {
666  if (strpos($name, 'custom_') === 0) {
667  $this->resourceLink->setSetting($name);
668  }
669  }
670  // Save LTI parameters
671  foreach (self::$LTI_CONSUMER_SETTING_NAMES as $name) {
672  if (isset($_POST[$name])) {
673  $this->consumer->setSetting($name, $_POST[$name]);
674  } else {
675  $this->consumer->setSetting($name);
676  }
677  }
678  if (!empty($this->context)) {
679  foreach (self::$LTI_CONTEXT_SETTING_NAMES as $name) {
680  if (isset($_POST[$name])) {
681  $this->context->setSetting($name, $_POST[$name]);
682  } else {
683  $this->context->setSetting($name);
684  }
685  }
686  }
687  foreach (self::$LTI_RESOURCE_LINK_SETTING_NAMES as $name) {
688  if (isset($_POST[$name])) {
689  $this->resourceLink->setSetting($name, $_POST[$name]);
690  } else {
691  $this->resourceLink->setSetting($name);
692  }
693  }
694  // Save other custom parameters
695  foreach ($_POST as $name => $value) {
696  if ((strpos($name, 'custom_') === 0) &&
697  !in_array($name, array_merge(self::$LTI_CONSUMER_SETTING_NAMES, self::$LTI_CONTEXT_SETTING_NAMES, self::$LTI_RESOURCE_LINK_SETTING_NAMES))) {
698  $this->resourceLink->setSetting($name, $value);
699  }
700  }
701  }
703  // Set the user instance
704  $userId = '';
705  if (isset($_POST['user_id'])) {
706  $userId = trim($_POST['user_id']);
707  }
709  $this->user = User::fromResourceLink($this->resourceLink, $userId);
711  // Set the user name
712  $firstname = (isset($_POST['lis_person_name_given'])) ? $_POST['lis_person_name_given'] : '';
713  $lastname = (isset($_POST['lis_person_name_family'])) ? $_POST['lis_person_name_family'] : '';
714  $fullname = (isset($_POST['lis_person_name_full'])) ? $_POST['lis_person_name_full'] : '';
715  $this->user->setNames($firstname, $lastname, $fullname);
717  // Set the user email
718  $email = (isset($_POST['lis_person_contact_email_primary'])) ? $_POST['lis_person_contact_email_primary'] : '';
719  $this->user->setEmail($email, $this->defaultEmail);
721  // Set the user image URI
722  if (isset($_POST['user_image'])) {
723  $this->user->image = $_POST['user_image'];
724  }
726  // Set the user roles
727  if (isset($_POST['roles'])) {
728  $this->user->roles = self::parseRoles($_POST['roles']);
729  }
731  // Initialise the consumer and check for changes
732  $this->consumer->defaultEmail = $this->defaultEmail;
733  if ($this->consumer->ltiVersion !== $_POST['lti_version']) {
734  $this->consumer->ltiVersion = $_POST['lti_version'];
735  $doSaveConsumer = true;
736  }
737  if (isset($_POST['tool_consumer_instance_name'])) {
738  if ($this->consumer->consumerName !== $_POST['tool_consumer_instance_name']) {
739  $this->consumer->consumerName = $_POST['tool_consumer_instance_name'];
740  $doSaveConsumer = true;
741  }
742  }
743  if (isset($_POST['tool_consumer_info_product_family_code'])) {
744  $version = $_POST['tool_consumer_info_product_family_code'];
745  if (isset($_POST['tool_consumer_info_version'])) {
746  $version .= "-{$_POST['tool_consumer_info_version']}";
747  }
748  // do not delete any existing consumer version if none is passed
749  if ($this->consumer->consumerVersion !== $version) {
750  $this->consumer->consumerVersion = $version;
751  $doSaveConsumer = true;
752  }
753  } elseif (isset($_POST['ext_lms']) && ($this->consumer->consumerName !== $_POST['ext_lms'])) {
754  $this->consumer->consumerVersion = $_POST['ext_lms'];
755  $doSaveConsumer = true;
756  }
757  if (isset($_POST['tool_consumer_instance_guid'])) {
758  if (is_null($this->consumer->consumerGuid)) {
759  $this->consumer->consumerGuid = $_POST['tool_consumer_instance_guid'];
760  $doSaveConsumer = true;
761  } elseif (!$this->consumer->protected) {
762  $doSaveConsumer = ($this->consumer->consumerGuid !== $_POST['tool_consumer_instance_guid']);
763  if ($doSaveConsumer) {
764  $this->consumer->consumerGuid = $_POST['tool_consumer_instance_guid'];
765  }
766  }
767  }
768  if (isset($_POST['launch_presentation_css_url'])) {
769  if ($this->consumer->cssPath !== $_POST['launch_presentation_css_url']) {
770  $this->consumer->cssPath = $_POST['launch_presentation_css_url'];
771  $doSaveConsumer = true;
772  }
773  } elseif (isset($_POST['ext_launch_presentation_css_url']) &&
774  ($this->consumer->cssPath !== $_POST['ext_launch_presentation_css_url'])) {
775  $this->consumer->cssPath = $_POST['ext_launch_presentation_css_url'];
776  $doSaveConsumer = true;
777  } elseif (!empty($this->consumer->cssPath)) {
778  $this->consumer->cssPath = null;
779  $doSaveConsumer = true;
780  }
781  }
783  // Persist changes to consumer
784  if ($doSaveConsumer) {
785  $this->consumer->save();
786  }
787  if ($this->ok && isset($this->context)) {
788  $this->context->save();//ACHTUNG TODO UWE
789  }
791  // $this->logger->dump(get_class($this->context));
794  if ($this->ok && isset($this->resourceLink)) {
796 // Check if a share arrangement is in place for this resource link
797  // $this->ok = $this->checkForShare();//ACHTUNG TODO UWE
798  // Persist changes to resource link
799  $this->resourceLink->save();
801  // Save the user instance
802  if (isset($_POST['lis_result_sourcedid'])) {
803  if ($this->user->ltiResultSourcedId !== $_POST['lis_result_sourcedid']) {
804  $this->user->ltiResultSourcedId = $_POST['lis_result_sourcedid'];
805  $this->user->save();
806  }
807  } elseif (!empty($this->user->ltiResultSourcedId)) {
808  $this->user->ltiResultSourcedId = '';
809  $this->user->save();
810  }
811  }
812  // die ($this->reason.'---'.$this->ok);//ACHTUNG WEG!
813  return $this->ok;
814  }
821  private function checkForShare()
822  {
823  $ok = true;
824  $doSaveResourceLink = true;
826  $id = $this->resourceLink->primaryResourceLinkId;
828  $shareRequest = isset($_POST['custom_share_key']) && !empty($_POST['custom_share_key']);
829  if ($shareRequest) {
830  if (!$this->allowSharing) {
831  $ok = false;
832  $this->reason = 'Your sharing request has been refused because sharing is not being permitted.';
833  } else {
834  // Check if this is a new share key
835  $shareKey = new ResourceLinkShareKey($this->resourceLink, $_POST['custom_share_key']);
836  if (!is_null($shareKey->primaryConsumerKey) && !is_null($shareKey->primaryResourceLinkId)) {
837  // Update resource link with sharing primary resource link details
838  $key = $shareKey->primaryConsumerKey;
839  $id = $shareKey->primaryResourceLinkId;
840  $ok = ($key !== $this->consumer->getKey()) || ($id != $this->resourceLink->getId());
841  if ($ok) {
842  $this->resourceLink->primaryConsumerKey = $key;
843  $this->resourceLink->primaryResourceLinkId = $id;
844  $this->resourceLink->shareApproved = $shareKey->autoApprove;
845  $ok = $this->resourceLink->save();
846  if ($ok) {
847  $doSaveResourceLink = false;
848  $this->user->getResourceLink()->primaryConsumerKey = $key;
849  $this->user->getResourceLink()->primaryResourceLinkId = $id;
850  $this->user->getResourceLink()->shareApproved = $shareKey->autoApprove;
851  $this->user->getResourceLink()->updated = time();
852  // Remove share key
853  $shareKey->delete();
854  } else {
855  $this->reason = 'An error occurred initialising your share arrangement.';
856  }
857  } else {
858  $this->reason = 'It is not possible to share your resource link with yourself.';
859  }
860  }
861  if ($ok) {
862  $ok = !is_null($key);
863  if (!$ok) {
864  $this->reason = 'You have requested to share a resource link but none is available.';
865  } else {
866  $ok = (!is_null($this->user->getResourceLink()->shareApproved) && $this->user->getResourceLink()->shareApproved);
867  if (!$ok) {
868  $this->reason = 'Your share request is waiting to be approved.';
869  }
870  }
871  }
872  }
873  } else {
874  // Check no share is in place
875  $ok = is_null($id);
876  if (!$ok) {
877  $this->reason = 'You have not requested to share a resource link but an arrangement is currently in place.';
878  }
879  }
880  // Look up primary resource link
881  if ($ok && !is_null($id)) {
882  // $consumer = new ToolConsumer($key, $this->dataConnector);
883  $consumer = new ilLTIToolConsumer($_POST['oauth_consumer_key'], $this->dataConnector);
884  $ok = !is_null($consumer->created);
885  if ($ok) {
886  $resourceLink = ResourceLink::fromConsumer($consumer, $id);
887  $ok = !is_null($resourceLink->created);
888  }
889  if ($ok) {
890  if ($doSaveResourceLink) {
891  $this->resourceLink->save();
892  }
893  $this->resourceLink = $resourceLink;
894  } else {
895  $this->reason = 'Unable to load resource link being shared.';
896  }
897  }
899  return $ok;
900  }
906  private function checkValue($value, $values, $reason)
907  {
908  $ok = in_array($value, $values);
909  if (!$ok && !empty($reason)) {
910  $this->reason = sprintf($reason, $value);
911  }
913  return $ok;
914  }
915 }
Process an incoming request.
Check the authenticity of the LTI launch request.
if($orgName !==null) if($spconfig->hasValue('contacts')) $email
Definition: metadata.php:201
Definition: metadata.php:141
Class to represent an OAuth Data Store.
foreach($paths as $path) $request
Definition: asyncclient.php:32
global $DIC
Definition: saml.php:7
Process a valid content-item request.
checkValue($value, $values, $reason)
Validate a parameter value from an array of permitted values.
LTI provider for LTI launch.
Process a valid launch request.
List of supported message types and associated class methods.
if(!array_key_exists('StateId', $_REQUEST)) $id
List of supported message types and associated class methods.
Definition: sabredav.php:48
if(! $oauthconfig->getBoolean('getUserInfo.enable', FALSE)) $store
Definition: getUserInfo.php:11
Definition: user.php:4
Definition: build.php:27
Process a response to an invalid request.
Names of LTI parameters to be retained in the context settings property.
catch(Exception $e) $message
LTI provider for LTI launch.
foreach($_POST as $key=> $value) $res
Perform the result of an action.
Call any callback function for the requested action.
Class to provide a connection to a persistent store for LTI objects.
Class to represent a tool consumer resource link share key.
Definition: raiseError.php:7
Names of LTI parameters to be retained in the consumer settings property.
Names of LTI parameters to be retained in the resource link settings property.
Names of LTI custom parameter substitution variables (or capabilities) and their associated default m...
Definition: backend.php:16
__construct(DataConnector $dataConnector)
ilLTIToolProvider constructor.
Check if a share arrangement is in place.
Permitted LTI versions for messages.
Process a valid tool proxy registration request.
Class to represent a tool consumer context.
Definition: Context.php:17
Definition: croninfo.php:18
Class to represent an HTTP message.
Definition: HTTPMessage.php:14
Class to represent a tool consumer user.
Definition: User.php:15