static | mb_convert_encoding ($s, $toEncoding, $fromEncoding=null) |
static | mb_convert_variables ($toEncoding, $fromEncoding, &$a=null, &$b=null, &$c=null, &$d=null, &$e=null, &$f=null) |
static | mb_decode_mimeheader ($s) |
static | mb_encode_mimeheader ($s, $charset=null, $transferEncoding=null, $linefeed=null, $indent=null) |
static | mb_decode_numericentity ($s, $convmap, $encoding=null) |
static | mb_encode_numericentity ($s, $convmap, $encoding=null, $is_hex=false) |
static | mb_convert_case ($s, $mode, $encoding=null) |
static | mb_internal_encoding ($encoding=null) |
static | mb_language ($lang=null) |
static | mb_list_encodings () |
static | mb_encoding_aliases ($encoding) |
static | mb_check_encoding ($var=null, $encoding=null) |
static | mb_detect_encoding ($str, $encodingList=null, $strict=false) |
static | mb_detect_order ($encodingList=null) |
static | mb_strlen ($s, $encoding=null) |
static | mb_strpos ($haystack, $needle, $offset=0, $encoding=null) |
static | mb_strrpos ($haystack, $needle, $offset=0, $encoding=null) |
static | mb_str_split ($string, $split_length=1, $encoding=null) |
static | mb_strtolower ($s, $encoding=null) |
static | mb_strtoupper ($s, $encoding=null) |
static | mb_substitute_character ($c=null) |
static | mb_substr ($s, $start, $length=null, $encoding=null) |
static | mb_stripos ($haystack, $needle, $offset=0, $encoding=null) |
static | mb_stristr ($haystack, $needle, $part=false, $encoding=null) |
static | mb_strrchr ($haystack, $needle, $part=false, $encoding=null) |
static | mb_strrichr ($haystack, $needle, $part=false, $encoding=null) |
static | mb_strripos ($haystack, $needle, $offset=0, $encoding=null) |
static | mb_strstr ($haystack, $needle, $part=false, $encoding=null) |
static | mb_get_info ($type='all') |
static | mb_http_input ($type='') |
static | mb_http_output ($encoding=null) |
static | mb_strwidth ($s, $encoding=null) |
static | mb_substr_count ($haystack, $needle, $encoding=null) |
static | mb_output_handler ($contents, $status) |
static | mb_chr ($code, $encoding=null) |
static | mb_ord ($s, $encoding=null) |
Partial mbstring implementation in PHP, iconv based, UTF-8 centric.
- mb_chr - Returns a specific character from its Unicode code point
- mb_convert_encoding - Convert character encoding
- mb_convert_variables - Convert character code in variable(s)
- mb_decode_mimeheader - Decode string in MIME header field
- mb_encode_mimeheader - Encode string for MIME header XXX NATIVE IMPLEMENTATION IS REALLY BUGGED
- mb_decode_numericentity - Decode HTML numeric string reference to character
- mb_encode_numericentity - Encode character to HTML numeric string reference
- mb_convert_case - Perform case folding on a string
- mb_detect_encoding - Detect character encoding
- mb_get_info - Get internal settings of mbstring
- mb_http_input - Detect HTTP input character encoding
- mb_http_output - Set/Get HTTP output character encoding
- mb_internal_encoding - Set/Get internal character encoding
- mb_list_encodings - Returns an array of all supported encodings
- mb_ord - Returns the Unicode code point of a character
- mb_output_handler - Callback function converts character encoding in output buffer
- mb_scrub - Replaces ill-formed byte sequences with substitute characters
- mb_strlen - Get string length
- mb_strpos - Find position of first occurrence of string in a string
- mb_strrpos - Find position of last occurrence of a string in a string
- mb_str_split - Convert a string to an array
- mb_strtolower - Make a string lowercase
- mb_strtoupper - Make a string uppercase
- mb_substitute_character - Set/Get substitution character
- mb_substr - Get part of string
- mb_stripos - Finds position of first occurrence of a string within another, case insensitive
- mb_stristr - Finds first occurrence of a string within another, case insensitive
- mb_strrchr - Finds the last occurrence of a character in a string within another
- mb_strrichr - Finds the last occurrence of a character in a string within another, case insensitive
- mb_strripos - Finds position of last occurrence of a string within another, case insensitive
- mb_strstr - Finds first occurrence of a string within another
- mb_strwidth - Return width of string
- mb_substr_count - Count the number of substring occurrences
Not implemented:
- mb_convert_kana - Convert "kana" one from another ("zen-kaku", "han-kaku" and more)
- mb_ereg_* - Regular expression with multibyte support
- mb_parse_str - Parse GET/POST/COOKIE data and set global variable
- mb_preferred_mime_name - Get MIME charset string
- mb_regex_encoding - Returns current encoding for multibyte regex as string
- mb_regex_set_options - Set/Get the default options for mbregex functions
- mb_send_mail - Send encoded mail
- mb_split - Split multibyte string using regular expression
- mb_strcut - Get part of string
- mb_strimwidth - Get truncated string with specified width
- Author
- Nicolas Grekas p@tch.nosp@m.work.nosp@m..com
Definition at line 68 of file Mbstring.php.