21 101 =>
'Switching Protocols',
26 203 =>
'Non-Authorative Information',
28 205 =>
'Reset Content',
29 206 =>
'Partial Content',
30 207 =>
31 208 =>
'Already Reported',
33 300 =>
'Multiple Choices',
34 301 =>
'Moved Permanently',
37 304 =>
'Not Modified',
39 307 =>
'Temporary Redirect',
40 308 =>
'Permanent Redirect',
42 401 =>
43 402 =>
'Payment Required',
46 405 =>
'Method Not Allowed',
47 406 =>
'Not Acceptable',
48 407 =>
'Proxy Authentication Required',
49 408 =>
'Request Timeout',
52 411 =>
'Length Required',
53 412 =>
'Precondition failed',
54 413 =>
'Request Entity Too Large',
55 414 =>
'Request-URI Too Long',
56 415 =>
'Unsupported Media Type',
57 416 =>
'Requested Range Not Satisfiable',
58 417 =>
'Expectation Failed',
59 418 =>
'I\'m a teapot',
60 421 =>
'Misdirected Request',
61 422 =>
'Unprocessable Entity',
63 424 =>
'Failed Dependency',
64 426 =>
'Upgrade Required',
65 428 =>
'Precondition Required',
66 429 =>
'Too Many Requests',
67 431 =>
'Request Header Fields Too Large',
68 451 =>
'Unavailable For Legal Reasons',
69 500 =>
'Internal Server Error',
70 501 =>
'Not Implemented',
72 503 =>
'Service Unavailable',
73 504 =>
'Gateway Timeout',
74 505 =>
'HTTP Version not supported',
75 506 =>
'Variant Also Negotiates',
76 507 =>
'Insufficient Storage',
77 508 =>
'Loop Detected',
78 509 =>
'Bandwidth Limit Exceeded',
79 510 =>
'Not extended',
80 511 =>
'Network Authentication Required',
163 if ($statusCode < 100 || $statusCode > 999) {
164 throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
'The HTTP status code must be exactly 3 digits');
167 $this->status = $statusCode;
183 foreach ($value as $v) {
184 $str .=
$key .
": " . $v .
This interface represents a HTTP response.
This is the abstract base class for both the Request and Response objects.
Returns the current HTTP status code.
Sets the HTTP status code.
Replaces the body resource with a new stream or string.
This class represents a single HTTP response.
Returns all the HTTP headers as an array.
__construct($status=null, array $headers=null, $body=null)
Creates the response object.
Returns the body as a string.
Returns the human-readable status string.
setHeaders(array $headers)
Sets a new set of HTTP headers.
Serializes the response object as a string.