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Navigation Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for Navigation:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for Navigation:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

 __construct ($title, $url=NULL, $params=NULL)
 getImage ()
 getTitle ()
 getDescription ()
 getURL ()
 isActive ()
 isEnabled ()
 isVisible ($needs_image=false)
 setActive ($active)
 setEnabled ($enabled)
 setImage ($image, $options=array())
 setTitle ($title)
 setDescription ($description)
 setURL ($url, $params=NULL)
 activeSubNavigation ()
 addSubNavigation ($name, Navigation $navigation)
 insertSubNavigation ($name, Navigation $navigation, $where)
 getSubNavigation ()
 removeSubNavigation ($name)
 getIterator ()

Static Public Member Functions

static activateItem ($path)
static addItem ($path, Navigation $navigation)
static insertItem ($path, Navigation $navigation, $where)
static removeItem ($path)
static getItem ($path)
static hasItem ($path)
static setRootNavigation (Navigation $navigation)

Protected Member Functions

 initSubNavigation ()

Protected Attributes


Detailed Description

This is the navigation base class that maintains the global navigation structure. All navigation objects are stored in a tree and can be accessed by their "path names", just like file names in a normal file system. The "root" of the tree is '/'.

So you can do for example:

$navigation = new Navigation('Home', 'index.php'); $profilenav = new Navigation('Profile', 'profile.php');

$navigation->addSubNavigation('profile', $profilenav);

Navigation::addItem('/home', $navigation); Navigation::activateItem('/home/profile');

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

__construct (   $title,
  $url = NULL,
  $params = NULL 

Initialize a new Navigation instance with the given title and URL (optional).

Here is the call graph for this function:

Member Function Documentation

static activateItem (   $path)

Mark the navigation item at the given path as active. This is just a shortcut for doing:


string$pathpath of navigation item

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

activeSubNavigation ( )

Get the active subnavigation item of this navigation (if there is one). Returns NULL if the subnavigation has no active item.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static addItem (   $path,
Navigation  $navigation 

Add a new navigation item at the given path. If there is already an item with this path, the old one is replaced by the new item.

string$pathpath of new navigation item
object$navigationnavigation item to add

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

addSubNavigation (   $name,
Navigation  $navigation 

Add the given item to the subnavigation of this object. This also assigns a name to this subnavigation item. If there is already a subitem with this name, the old one is replaced by the new item.

string$namename of new navigation item
object$navigationnavigation item to add

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

getDescription ( )

Return the description associated with this navigation item.

string description of item or NULL (no description set)
getImage ( )

Return the current image attributes associated with this navigation item. Attributes are returned as an array with at least the 'src' key set.

array image attributes of item or NULL (no image)
static getItem (   $path)

Return the navigation item at the given path.

string$pathpath of navigation item
InvalidArgumentExceptionif the item cannot be found

Here is the caller graph for this function:

getIterator ( )

IteratorAggregate: Create interator for request parameters.

Here is the call graph for this function:

getSubNavigation ( )

Return the list of subnavigation items of this object.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

getTitle ( )

Return the current title associated with this navigation item.

string title of item or NULL (no title set)

Here is the caller graph for this function:

getURL ( )

Return the current URL associated with this navigation item. If not URL is set but there are subnavigation items, the URL of the first visible subnavigation item is returned.

string url of item or NULL (no URL set)

Reimplemented in PluginNavigation, and HelpNavigation.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static hasItem (   $path)

Test whether there is a navigation item at the given path.

string$pathpath of navigation item

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

initSubNavigation ( )

Initialize the subnavigation of this item. This method is called once before the first item is added or removed.

Reimplemented in ProfileNavigation, StartNavigation, CourseNavigation, MessagingNavigation, CommunityNavigation, BrowseNavigation, CalendarNavigation, StudipNavigation, SearchNavigation, ToolsNavigation, AdminNavigation, and LoginNavigation.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static insertItem (   $path,
Navigation  $navigation,

Add a new navigation item at the given path. The new item is inserted immediately before the item with the name given by $where (at the same level in the tree).

string$pathpath of new navigation item
object$navigationnavigation item to add
string$whereinsert it before this item

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

insertSubNavigation (   $name,
Navigation  $navigation,

Add the given item to the subnavigation of this object. The new item is inserted immediately before the item with the name given by $where (if there is one, it is appended to the end otherwise). This also assigns a name to this subnavigation item.

string$namename of new navigation item
object$navigationnavigation item to add
string$whereinsert it before this item

Here is the call graph for this function:

isActive ( )

Determine whether this navigation item is active.

Reimplemented in ProfileNavigation, StartNavigation, and AutoNavigation.

Here is the call graph for this function:

isEnabled ( )

Return whether this navigation item is enabled.

isVisible (   $needs_image = false)

Return whether this navigation item is visible.

boolean$needs_imagerequires an image

Here is the call graph for this function:

static removeItem (   $path)

Remove the navigation item at the given path (if there is an item with this path).

string$pathpath of item to remove

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

removeSubNavigation (   $name)

Remove the given item from the subnavigation of this object (if there is an item with this name).

string$namename of item to remove

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

setActive (   $active)

Set the active status of this item. This can be used to override heuristics used by the class to determine this automatically.

boolean$activenew active status

Reimplemented in PluginNavigation.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

setDescription (   $description)

Set the description of this navigation item.

string$descriptiondescription text
setEnabled (   $enabled)

Set the enabled status of this item. Disabled items are still visible but cannot be clicked.

boolean$enablednew enabled status

Here is the caller graph for this function:

setImage (   $image,
  $options = array() 

Set the image of this navigation item. Additional HTML attributes can be passed using the $options parameter (like 'title', 'style' or 'onclick').

string$imagepath to image file
array$optionsadditional image attributes

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static setRootNavigation ( Navigation  $navigation)

Set the root of the navigation tree. Must be called before any further items can be added to the tree.

object$navigationroot navigation item
setTitle (   $title)

Set the title of this navigation item.

string$titledisplay title

Here is the caller graph for this function:

setURL (   $url,
  $params = NULL 

Set the URL of this navigation item. Additional URL parameters can be passed using the (optional) second parameter.

string$titledisplay title
array$paramsadditional URL parameters

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Field Documentation


The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: