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ExternEditGeneric Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for ExternEditGeneric:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for ExternEditGeneric:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

 ExternEditGeneric (&$config, $form_values="", $faulty_values="", $edit_element="")
 editFaceGeneric ($attribute, $title, $info)
 editTextfieldGeneric ($attribute, $title, $info, $size, $maxlength)
 editTextareaGeneric ($attribute, $title, $info, $rows, $cols)
 editCheckboxGeneric ($attribute, $title, $info, $check_values, $check_names)
 editRadioGeneric ($attribute, $title, $info, $radio_values, $radio_names)
 editOptionGeneric ($attribute, $title, $info, $option_values, $option_names, $size=1, $multiple=FALSE)
- Public Member Functions inherited from ExternEdit
 ExternEdit (&$config, $form_values="", $faulty_values="", $edit_element="")
 setElementName ($element_name)
 getValue ($attribute)
 getEditFormContent ($attributes, $tag_headlines=NULL)
 editHeader ()
 editFooter ()
 editSubmit ($module_name, $config_id, $element_name="", $hidden=NULL)
 editHeadline ($headline)
 editElementHeadline ($element_real_name, $module_name, $config_id, $open=TRUE)
 editContentTable ($header, $body)
 editContent ($content, $submit, $class="")
 editBlankContent ($class="")
 editBlankContentTable ($class="")
 editBlank ($class="")
 editTextblock ($text, $class="")

Additional Inherited Members

- Data Fields inherited from ExternEdit
 $form_values = array()
 $faulty_values = array()
 $element_name = "main"
 $is_post_vars = FALSE
 $width_1 = " width=\"20%\""
 $width_2 = " width=\"80%\""
 $error_sign = "<font size=\"4\" color=\"ff0000\">&nbsp; &nbsp;<b>*</b></font>"

Member Function Documentation

editCheckboxGeneric (   $attribute,

Prints out a Form with checkboxes.

stringattribute The name of the attribute (Syntax: [tag-name]_[attribute_name])
stringtitle The title of this form with checkboxes.
stringinfo The info text.
arraycheck_values The values of the checkboxes.
arraycheck_names The names of the checkboxes.

Here is the call graph for this function:

editFaceGeneric (   $attribute,

Prints out a form with a pull-down field for different font-faces.

stringattribute The name of the attribute (Syntax: [tag-name]_[attribute_name])
stringtitle The title of this form.
stringinfo The info text.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

editOptionGeneric (   $attribute,
  $size = 1,
  $multiple = FALSE 

Prints out a Form with an option-list.

stringattribute The name of the attribute (Syntax: [tag-name]_[attribute_name])
stringtitle The title of this option-list.
stringinfo The info text.
arrayradio_values The values of the options.
arrayradio_names The names of the options.
intlength The visible size of the option-list (default 1, pull-down).
booleanmultiple Set this TRUE, if you want a multiple option-list (default FALSE)

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

editRadioGeneric (   $attribute,

Prints out a Form with radio-buttons.

stringattribute The name of the attribute (Syntax: [tag-name]_[attribute_name])
stringtitle The title of this form with radio-buttons.
stringinfo The info text.
arrayradio_values The values of the radio-buttons.
arrayradio_names The names of the radio-buttons.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

editTextareaGeneric (   $attribute,

Prints out a Form with a textarea.

stringattribute The name of the attribute (Syntax: [tag-name]_[attribute_name])
stringtitle The title of this textarea.
stringinfo The info text.
introws The number of rows of this textarea.
intcols The number of columns of this textarea.

Here is the call graph for this function:

editTextfieldGeneric (   $attribute,

Prints out a form with a text field.

stringattribute The name of the attribute (Syntax: [tag-name]_[attribute_name])
mixedtitle The title(s) of the textfield(s).
stringinfo The info text.
intsize The size (length) of this textfield.
intmaxlength The maximal length of the text.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

ExternEditGeneric ( $config,
  $form_values = "",
  $faulty_values = "",
  $edit_element = "" 

Here is the call graph for this function:

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: