ILIAS  Release_4_3_x_branch Revision 61807
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HFile_wil Class Reference
+ Inheritance diagram for HFile_wil:
+ Collaboration diagram for HFile_wil:

Public Member Functions

 HFile_wil ()
 donothing ($keywordin)
- Public Member Functions inherited from HFile
 HFile ()
 parse_file ($file)
 to_perl ($stub, $tofile=1)
 to_php ($stub, $tofile=1)
 _get_categories ()
 _dump_linkscripts ()
 _dump_perl_linkscripts ()
 _dump_perl_defaultscripts ()
 _dump_colours ()
 _dump_var ($variable, $name)
 _dump_array ($array, $name)
 _dump_perl_array ($array, $name)
 _dump_hash ($hash, $name)
 _dump_perl_hash ($hash, $name)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 5 of file HFile_wil.php.

Member Function Documentation

HFile_wil::donothing (   $keywordin)

Definition at line 424 of file HFile_wil.php.

return $keywordin;
HFile_wil::HFile_wil ( )

Definition at line 6 of file HFile_wil.php.

References HFile\HFile().

// Beautifier Highlighting Configuration File
// Flags
$this->nocase = "0";
$this->notrim = "0";
$this->perl = "0";
// Colours
$this->colours = array("blue");
$this->quotecolour = "blue";
$this->blockcommentcolour = "green";
$this->linecommentcolour = "green";
// Indent Strings
$this->indent = array("(");
$this->unindent = array(")");
// String characters and delimiters
$this->stringchars = array();
$this->delimiters = array("~", "!", "@", "%", "^", "&", "*", "(", ")", "-", "+", "=", "|", "\\", "/", "{", "}", "[", "]", ":", ";", "\"", "'", "<", ">", " ", ",", " ", ".", "?");
$this->escchar = "";
// Comment settings
$this->linecommenton = array("");
$this->blockcommenton = array("");
$this->blockcommentoff = array("");
// Keywords (keyword mapping to colour number)
$this->keywords = array(
"/L10" => "",
"\"WIL\"" => "",
"Line" => "",
"Comment" => "",
"=" => "",
";" => "",
"String" => "",
"Chars" => "",
"\"'" => "",
"File" => "",
"Extensions" => "",
"WBT" => "",
"WIL" => "",
"About" => "1",
"Abs" => "1",
"Acos" => "1",
"AddExtender" => "1",
"AppExist" => "1",
"AppWaitClose" => "1",
"Asin" => "1",
"AskDirectory" => "1",
"AskFileName" => "1",
"AskFileText" => "1",
"AskItemList" => "1",
"AskLine" => "1",
"AskPassword" => "1",
"AskYesNo" => "1",
"Atan" => "1",
"Average" => "1",
"Beep" => "1",
"BinaryAlloc" => "1",
"BinaryAnd" => "1",
"BinaryClipGet" => "1",
"BinaryClipPut" => "1",
"BinaryCompare" => "1",
"BinaryConvert" => "1",
"BinaryCopy" => "1",
"BinaryEodGet" => "1",
"BinaryEodSet" => "1",
"BinaryFree" => "1",
"BinaryHashRec" => "1",
"BinaryIncr" => "1",
"BinaryIncr2" => "1",
"BinaryIncr4" => "1",
"BinaryIncrFlt" => "1",
"BinaryIndex" => "1",
"BinaryIndexEx" => "1",
"BinaryOleType" => "1",
"BinaryOr" => "1",
"BinaryPeek" => "1",
"BinaryPeek2" => "1",
"BinaryPeek4" => "1",
"BinaryPeekFlt" => "1",
"BinaryPeekStr" => "1",
"BinaryPoke" => "1",
"BinaryPoke2" => "1",
"BinaryPoke4" => "1",
"BinaryPokeFlt" => "1",
"BinaryPokeStr" => "1",
"BinaryRead" => "1",
"BinaryReadEx" => "1",
"BinarySort" => "1",
"BinaryStrCnt" => "1",
"BinaryTagExtr" => "1",
"BinaryTagFind" => "1",
"BinaryTagInit" => "1",
"BinaryTagRepl" => "1",
"BinaryWrite" => "1",
"BinaryWriteEx" => "1",
"BinaryXor" => "1",
"Break" => "1",
"ButtonNames" => "1",
"Call" => "1",
"Ceiling" => "1",
"Char2Num" => "1",
"ClipAppend" => "1",
"ClipGet" => "1",
"ClipGetEx" => "1",
"ClipPut" => "1",
"Continue" => "1",
"Cos" => "1",
"Cosh" => "1",
"CurrentFile" => "1",
"CurrFilePath" => "1",
"CurrentPath" => "1",
"DDEExecute" => "1",
"DDEInitiate" => "1",
"DDEPoke" => "1",
"DDERequest" => "1",
"DDETerminate" => "1",
"DDETimeout" => "1",
"Debug" => "1",
"DebugData" => "1",
"DebugTrace" => "1",
"Decimals" => "1",
"Dialog" => "1",
"DirAttrGet" => "1",
"DirAttrSet" => "1",
"DirChange" => "1",
"DirExist" => "1",
"DirGet" => "1",
"DirHome" => "1",
"DirItemize" => "1",
"DirMake" => "1",
"DirRemove" => "1",
"DirRename" => "1",
"DirSize" => "1",
"DirWindows" => "1",
"DiskExist" => "1",
"DiskFree" => "1",
"DiskInfo" => "1",
"DiskScan" => "1",
"DiskSize" => "1",
"DiskVolInfo" => "1",
"Display" => "1",
"DllCall" => "1",
"DllFree" => "1",
"DllHinst" => "1",
"DllHwnd" => "1",
"DllLoad" => "1",
"DOSVersion" => "1",
"Drop" => "1",
"DropWild" => "1",
"Else" => "1",
"Endif" => "1",
"EndSession" => "1",
"Environment" => "1",
"EnvironSet" => "1",
"EnvItemize" => "1",
"ErrorMode" => "1",
"Exclusive" => "1",
"Executestatement" => "1",
"ExeTypeInfo" => "1",
"Exit" => "1",
"Exp" => "1",
"Fabs" => "1",
"FileAppend" => "1",
"FileAttrGet" => "1",
"FileAttrSet" => "1",
"FileClose" => "1",
"FileCompare" => "1",
"FileCopy" => "1",
"FileCopyAttr" => "1",
"FileDelete" => "1",
"FileExist" => "1",
"FileExtension" => "1",
"FileFullName" => "1",
"FileItemize" => "1",
"FileLocate" => "1",
"FileMapName" => "1",
"FileMove" => "1",
"FileMoveAttr" => "1",
"FileNameLong" => "1",
"FileNameShort" => "1",
"FileOpen" => "1",
"FilePath" => "1",
"FileRead" => "1",
"FileRename" => "1",
"FileRoot" => "1",
"FileSize" => "1",
"FileTimeCode" => "1",
"FileTimeGet" => "1",
"FileTimeGetEx" => "1",
"FileTimeSet" => "1",
"FileTimeSetEx" => "1",
"FileTimeTouch" => "1",
"FileVerInfo" => "1",
"FileWrite" => "1",
"FileYmdHms" => "1",
"FindWindow" => "1",
"Floor" => "1",
"For" => "1",
"GetExactTime" => "1",
"GetTickCount" => "1",
"GoSub" => "1",
"Gotolabel" => "1",
"IconReplace" => "1",
"If" => "1",
"IniDelete" => "1",
"IniDeletePvt" => "1",
"IniItemize" => "1",
"IniItemizePvt" => "1",
"IniRead" => "1",
"IniReadPvt" => "1",
"IniWrite" => "1",
"IniWritePvt" => "1",
"InstallFile" => "1",
"Int" => "1",
"IntControl" => "1",
"IsDefined" => "1",
"IsFloat" => "1",
"IsInt" => "1",
"IsKeyDown" => "1",
"IsLicensed" => "1",
"IsMenuChecked" => "1",
"IsMenuEnabled" => "1",
"IsNumber" => "1",
"ItemCount" => "1",
"ItemExtract" => "1",
"ItemInsert" => "1",
"ItemLocate" => "1",
"ItemRemove" => "1",
"ItemSort" => "1",
"KeyToggleGet" => "1",
"KeyToggleSet" => "1",
"LastError" => "1",
"Log10" => "1",
"LogDisk" => "1",
"LogE" => "1",
"Max" => "1",
"MenuChange" => "1",
"Message" => "1",
"Min" => "1",
"MouseClick" => "1",
"MouseClickBtn" => "1",
"MouseCoords" => "1",
"MouseInfo" => "1",
"MouseMove" => "1",
"MsgTextGet" => "1",
"NetInfo" => "1",
"Num2Char" => "1",
"ParseData" => "1",
"Pause" => "1",
"PlayMedia" => "1",
"PlayMidi" => "1",
"PlayWaveForm" => "1",
"Print" => "1",
"Random" => "1",
"RegApp" => "1",
"RegCloseKey" => "1",
"RegConnect" => "1",
"RegCreateKey" => "1",
"RegDeleteKey" => "1",
"RegDelValue" => "1",
"RegEntryType" => "1",
"RegExistKey" => "1",
"RegExistValue" => "1",
"RegLoadHive" => "1",
"RegOpenKey" => "1",
"RegQueryBin" => "1",
"RegQueryDword" => "1",
"RegQueryEx" => "1",
"RegQueryExpSz" => "1",
"RegQueryItem" => "1",
"RegQueryKey" => "1",
"RegQueryKeys" => "1",
"RegQueryMulSz" => "1",
"RegQueryValue" => "1",
"RegSetBin" => "1",
"RegSetDword" => "1",
"RegSetEx" => "1",
"RegSetExpSz" => "1",
"RegSetMulSz" => "1",
"RegSetValue" => "1",
"RegUnloadHive" => "1",
"Reload" => "1",
"Return" => "1",
"Run" => "1",
"RunEnviron" => "1",
"RunHide" => "1",
"RunHideWait" => "1",
"RunIcon" => "1",
"RunIconWait" => "1",
"RunShell" => "1",
"RunWait" => "1",
"RunZoom" => "1",
"RunZoomWait" => "1",
"Selectvarname" => "1",
"SendKey" => "1",
"SendKeysChild" => "1",
"SendKeysTo" => "1",
"SendMenusTo" => "1",
"ShellExecute" => "1",
"ShortcutDir" => "1",
"ShortcutEdit" => "1",
"ShortcutExtra" => "1",
"ShortcutInfo" => "1",
"ShortcutMake" => "1",
"Sin" => "1",
"Sinh" => "1",
"SnapShot" => "1",
"Sounds" => "1",
"Sqrt" => "1",
"StrCat" => "1",
"StrCharCount" => "1",
"StrCmp" => "1",
"StrFill" => "1",
"StrFix" => "1",
"StrFixChars" => "1",
"StrFixCharsL" => "1",
"StrFixLeft" => "1",
"StriCmp" => "1",
"StrIndex" => "1",
"StrIndexNc" => "1",
"StrIndexWild" => "1",
"StrLen" => "1",
"StrLenWild" => "1",
"StrLower" => "1",
"StrReplace" => "1",
"StrScan" => "1",
"StrSub" => "1",
"StrSubWild" => "1",
"StrTrim" => "1",
"StrUpper" => "1",
"Switchvarname" => "1",
"Tan" => "1",
"Tanh" => "1",
"Terminate" => "1",
"TimeAdd" => "1",
"TimeDate" => "1",
"TimeDayofWeek" => "1",
"TimeDayofYear" => "1",
"TimeDelay" => "1",
"TimeDiff" => "1",
"TimeDiffDays" => "1",
"TimeDiffSecs" => "1",
"TimeJulianDay" => "1",
"TimeJulToYmd" => "1",
"TimeSubtract" => "1",
"TimeWait" => "1",
"TimeYmdHms" => "1",
"to" => "1",
"Version" => "1",
"VersionDLL" => "1",
"WaitForKey" => "1",
"WallPaper" => "1",
"While" => "1",
"WinActivate" => "1",
"WinActivChild" => "1",
"WinArrange" => "1",
"WinClose" => "1",
"WinExeName" => "1",
"WinExist" => "1",
"WinExistChild" => "1",
"WinGetActive" => "1",
"WinHelp" => "1",
"WinHide" => "1",
"WinIconize" => "1",
"WinIdGet" => "1",
"WinIsDOS" => "1",
"WinItemChild" => "1",
"WinItemize" => "1",
"WinItemizeEx" => "1",
"WinItemNameId" => "1",
"WinItemProcID" => "1",
"WinMetrics" => "1",
"WinName" => "1",
"WinParmGet" => "1",
"WinParmSet" => "1",
"WinPlace" => "1",
"WinPlaceGet" => "1",
"WinPlaceSet" => "1",
"WinPosition" => "1",
"WinResources" => "1",
"WinShow" => "1",
"WinState" => "1",
"WinSysInfo" => "1",
"WinTitle" => "1",
"WinVersion" => "1",
"WinWaitChild" => "1",
"WinWaitClose" => "1",
"WinWaitExist" => "1",
"WinZoom" => "1",
"Yield" => "1",
"Yields" => "1");
// Special extensions
// Each category can specify a PHP function that returns an altered
// version of the keyword.
$this->linkscripts = array(
"" => "donothing",
"1" => "donothing");

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: