ILIAS  Release_4_3_x_branch Revision 61807
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ilFormat Class Reference
+ Collaboration diagram for ilFormat:

Public Member Functions

 ilFormat ()
 getDateDE ()
 input2date ($AInputDate)
 Prft eingegebes Datum und wandelt es in DB-konformen Syntax um Eingabe: TT.MM.JJJJ oder T.M.JJ oder TT.MM.JJJJ HH:MM:SS oder T.M.JJ HH:MM:SS Bei zweistelliger Jahresangabe wird bei YY > 70 19, bei YY < 70 20 vorgestellt Ausgabe: YYYY-MM-DD oder YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS OPTIONAL wird die aktuelle Systemzeit hinzugefgt (Ausgabe: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss)
 dateDB2timestamp ($ADatumSQL)
 db-datetime to timestamp
 dateDE2timestamp ($ADatum)
 German datetime to timestamp.
 fdateDB2dateDE ($t)
 formats db-datetime to german date
 ftimestamp2dateDE ($t)
 formats timestamp to german date
 ftimestamp2datetimeDE ($t)
 formats timestamp to german datetime
 ftimestamp2dateDB ($t)
 formats timestamp to db-date
 ftimestamp2datetimeDB ($aTimestamp)
 Timestamp to database datetime.
 compareDates ($ADate1, $ADate2)
 Datum vergleichen Erwartet timestamps Liefert das aktuellere Datum als Timestamp zurck.
 checkDecimal ($var)
 Prft Zahlen mit Nachkommastellen und erlaubt ein Komma als Nachstellentrenner.
 fGeld ()
 formatiert Geldwerte (Format: 00,00 + Eurosymbol).
 fProzent ()
 formatiert Prozentzahlen (Format: 00,00%).
 runden ($value)
 Floats auf 2 Nachkommastellen runden.
 fmtFloat ($a_float, $a_decimals=0, $a_dec_point=null, $a_thousands_sep=null, $a_suppress_dot_zero=false)
 format a float
 unixtimestamp2datetime ($a_unix_timestamp="")
 formatDate ($a_date, $a_mode="datetime", $a_omit_seconds=false, $a_relative=TRUE)
 format a date according to the user language shortcut for Format::fmtDateTime public
 formatUnixTime ($ut, $with_time=false)
 dateDiff ($a_ts1, $a_ts2)
 datetime2unixTS ($a_datetime)
 converts datetime to a unix timestamp
 _secondsToString ($seconds, $force_with_seconds=false, $a_lng=null)
 converts seconds to string: Long: 7 days 4 hour(s) ...
 _secondsToShortString ($seconds)
 converts seconds to string: Long: 7 days 4 hour(s) ...

Static Public Member Functions

static fmtDateTime ($a_str, $a_dateformat, $a_timeformat, $a_mode="datetime", $a_relative=TRUE)
 formatting function for dates
static _getLocalMoneyFormat ($float_number)
 converts a float number to money format, depending on system language
static _getSizeMagnitude ()
 Returns the magnitude used for size units.
static formatFloat ($size, $a_decimals, $a_suppress_dot_zero=false, $a_mode= 'short', $a_lng=null)
 Returns the specified float in human friendly form.
static formatSize ($size, $a_mode= 'short', $a_lng=null)
 Returns the specified file size value in a human friendly form.

Detailed Description

Definition at line 22 of file class.ilFormat.php.

Member Function Documentation

static ilFormat::_getLocalMoneyFormat (   $float_number)

converts a float number to money format, depending on system language

Definition at line 654 of file class.ilFormat.php.

Referenced by ilPaymentStatisticGUI\showStatistics().

global $ilias;
$language = $ilias->getSetting("language");
$money_locale = $language.'_'.strtoupper($language);
/* de_DE en_US en_EN fr_FR .UTF-8
*/ //$money_locale = 'de_DE.UTF-8';
setlocale(LC_MONETARY, $money_locale);
return $float_number;
//return money_format('%!2n', $float_number);

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

static ilFormat::_getSizeMagnitude ( )

Returns the magnitude used for size units.

This function always returns the value 1024. Thus the value returned by this function is the same value that Windows and Mac OS X return for a file. The value is a GibiBit, MebiBit, KibiBit or byte unit.

For more information about these units see:


Definition at line 681 of file class.ilFormat.php.

Referenced by formatSize(), ilObjUserGUI\getValues(), ilObjRoleGUI\loadRoleProperties(), ilObjRoleGUI\readRoleProperties(), ilObjUserGUI\saveObject(), and ilObjUserGUI\updateObject().

return 1024;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilFormat::_secondsToShortString (   $seconds)

converts seconds to string: Long: 7 days 4 hour(s) ...

integer unix timestamp

Definition at line 628 of file class.ilFormat.php.

References $lng, and $rest.

Referenced by ilUserLPTableGUI\fillRow(), and ilUserLPTableGUI\fillRowExcel().

global $lng;
$seconds = $seconds ? $seconds : 0;
global $lng;
$days = floor($seconds / 86400);
$rest = $seconds % 86400;
$hours = floor($rest / 3600);
$rest = $rest % 3600;
$minutes = floor($rest / 60);
$rest = $rest % 60;
return sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d:%02d",$days,$hours,$minutes,$rest);

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilFormat::_secondsToString (   $seconds,
  $force_with_seconds = false,
  $a_lng = null 

converts seconds to string: Long: 7 days 4 hour(s) ...


Definition at line 549 of file class.ilFormat.php.

References $lng, and $rest.

Referenced by ilLearningProgressBaseGUI\__appendLPDetails(), ilLearningProgressBaseGUI\__appendUserInfo(), ilCourseContentGUI\__renderItem(), ilCourseContentGUI\__renderUserItem(), ilLearningProgressBaseGUI\__showObjectDetails(), ilInfoScreenGUI\addMetaDataSections(), ilObjSystemFolderGUI\displayBasicSettings(), ilCourseContentGUI\editTimings(), ilCalendarAppointmentsTableGUI\fillRow(), ilTrUserObjectsPropsTableGUI\fillRow(), ilObjSCORM2004LearningModule\getTrackingDataAgg(), ilObjSystemFolderGUI\initBasicSettingsForm(), ilPersonalSettingsGUI\initGeneralSettingsForm(), ilLPTableBaseGUI\parseValue(), ilTrSummaryTableGUI\parseValue(), and ilInfoScreenGUI\showLearningProgress().

global $lng;
$lng = $a_lng;
$seconds = $seconds ? $seconds : 0;
// #13625
if($seconds > 0)
$days = floor($seconds / 86400);
$rest = $seconds % 86400;
$hours = floor($rest / 3600);
$rest = $rest % 3600;
$minutes = floor($rest / 60);
$seconds = $rest % 60;
$days = ceil($seconds / 86400);
$rest = $seconds % 86400;
$hours = ceil($rest / 3600);
$rest = $rest % 3600;
$minutes = ceil($rest / 60);
$seconds = $rest % 60;
$message = $days . ' '. ($days == 1 ? $lng->txt('day') : $lng->txt('days'));
$message .= ' ';
$message .= ($hours . ' '. ($hours == 1 ? $lng->txt('hour') : $lng->txt('hours')));
$message .= ' ';
$message .= ($minutes . ' '. ($minutes == 1 ? $lng->txt('minute') : $lng->txt('minutes')));
if($force_with_seconds && $seconds)
$message .= ' ';
$message .= ($seconds . ' '. ($seconds == 1 ? $lng->txt('second') : $lng->txt('seconds')));
if(!$days and !$hours and !$minutes)
return $seconds .' '. ($seconds == 1 ? $lng->txt('second') : $lng->txt('seconds'));
return $message;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilFormat::checkDecimal (   $var)

Prft Zahlen mit Nachkommastellen und erlaubt ein Komma als Nachstellentrenner.


Definition at line 214 of file class.ilFormat.php.

Referenced by ilPaymentCouponGUI\saveCouponForm().

return doubleval(ereg_replace (",",".",$var));

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilFormat::compareDates (   $ADate1,

Datum vergleichen Erwartet timestamps Liefert das aktuellere Datum als Timestamp zurck.


Definition at line 199 of file class.ilFormat.php.

if ($ADate1 > $ADate2)
return $ADate1;
return $ADate2;
ilFormat::dateDB2timestamp (   $ADatumSQL)

db-datetime to timestamp


Definition at line 107 of file class.ilFormat.php.

References $timestamp.

Referenced by ilObjTestGUI\savePropertiesObject().

$timestamp = substr($ADatumSQL, 0, 4).
substr($ADatumSQL, 5, 2).
substr($ADatumSQL, 8, 2).
substr($ADatumSQL, 11, 2).
substr($ADatumSQL, 14, 2).
substr($ADatumSQL, 17, 2);
return $timestamp;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilFormat::dateDE2timestamp (   $ADatum)

German datetime to timestamp.


Definition at line 123 of file class.ilFormat.php.

References $timestamp.

$timestamp = substr($ADatum, 6, 4).
substr($ADatum, 3, 2).
substr($ADatum, 0, 2).
substr($ADatum, 11, 2).
substr($ADatum, 14, 2).
substr($ADatum, 17, 2);
return $timestamp;
ilFormat::dateDiff (   $a_ts1,

Definition at line 493 of file class.ilFormat.php.

$r = $a_ts2 - $a_ts1;
$dd = floor($r/86400);
if ($dd <= 9)
$dd = "0".$dd;
$r = $r % 86400;
$hh = floor($r/3600);
if ($hh <= 9)
$hh = "0".$hh;
$r = $r % 3600;
$mm = floor($r/60) ;
if ($mm <= 9)
$mm = "0".$mm;
$r = $r % 60;
$ss = $r;
if ($ss <= 9)
$ss = "0".$ss;
return $hh.":".$mm.":".$ss;
ilFormat::datetime2unixTS (   $a_datetime)

converts datetime to a unix timestamp

integer unix timestamp

Definition at line 531 of file class.ilFormat.php.

$arrDT = explode(" ", $a_datetime);
$arrD = explode("-", $arrDT[0]);
$arrT = explode(":", $arrDT[1]);
return mktime($arrT[0], $arrT[1], $arrT[2], $arrD[1], $arrD[2], $arrD[0]);
ilFormat::fdateDB2dateDE (   $t)

formats db-datetime to german date


Definition at line 140 of file class.ilFormat.php.

References $t.

return sprintf("%02d.%02d.%04d",substr($t, 8, 2),substr($t, 5, 2),substr($t, 0, 4));
ilFormat::fGeld ( )

formatiert Geldwerte (Format: 00,00 + Eurosymbol).

Weiteres siehe fProzent

Definition at line 223 of file class.ilFormat.php.

References $test.

$num_args = func_num_args();
$geld = func_get_arg(0);
if ($num_args == 1)
$test = intval($geld);
if (!$test)
return "&nbsp;";
return number_format($geld,2,",",".")." &euro;";
static ilFormat::fmtDateTime (   $a_str,
  $a_mode = "datetime",
  $a_relative = TRUE 

formatting function for dates

In different languages, dates are formatted different. fmtDate expects a sql timestamp and a date format. Optional you may specify a time format. If you skip this parameter no time is displayed The format options follows the rules of the PHP date-function. See in the PHP manual for a list of possible formatting options public

stringdate date, given in sql-format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
stringdate format (default is Y-m-d)
stringtime format (default is H:i:s)
stringformat mode (datetime, time or date)
booleanrelative date output
string formatted date
since 3.10 - 05.03.2009

Definition at line 288 of file class.ilFormat.php.

References $d, $lng, and $timestamp.

Referenced by formatDate().

//no format defined. set to default format
if ($a_dateformat == "")
$a_dateformat = "Y-m-d";
// same for time format
if ($a_timeformat == "")
$a_timeformat = "H:i:s";
// The sql-date 0000-00-00 00:00:00 means "no-date given"
if ($a_str == '0000-00-00 00:00:00')
global $lng;
return $lng->txt('no_date');
//get values from given sql-date
$d = substr($a_str,8,2);
$m = substr($a_str,5,2);
$y = substr($a_str,0,4);
$h = substr($a_str,11,2);
$i = substr($a_str,14,2);
$s = substr($a_str,17,4);
// Minimum date is 1.1.1970
if(($y < 1970) or
($y == 1970 and ($m < 1 or $d < 1)))
$y = 1970;
$m = 1;
$d = 2;
$h = $i = $s = 0;
if ($a_mode == "time")
return date($a_timeformat,mktime($h,$i,$s,1,1,1999));
// BEGIN WebDAV: Display relative date.
$timestamp = mktime($h,$i,$s,$m,$d,$y);
$now = time();
$minuteswest = gettimeofday(false);
$minuteswest = $minuteswest['minuteswest'];
$today = $now - $now % (24 * 60 * 60) + $minuteswest * 60;
$isToday = $today <= $timestamp && $timestamp < $today + 24 * 60 * 60;
$isYesterday = $today - 24 * 60 * 60 <= $timestamp && $timestamp < $today;
$isTomorrow = $today + 24 * 60 * 60 <= $timestamp && $timestamp < $today + 48 * 60 * 60;
global $lng;
if ($a_relative)
$date = ($isToday) ? $lng->txt('today') :
(($isYesterday) ? $lng->txt('yesterday') :
(($isTomorrow) ? $lng->txt('tomorrow') :
$date = date($a_dateformat,mktime($h,$i,$s,$m,$d,$y));
return ($a_mode == "date") ? $date : $date.' '.date($a_timeformat,mktime($h,$i,$s,$m,$d,$y));
// END WebDAV: Display relative date.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilFormat::fmtFloat (   $a_float,
  $a_decimals = 0,
  $a_dec_point = null,
  $a_thousands_sep = null,
  $a_suppress_dot_zero = false 

format a float

this functions takes php's number_format function and formats the given value with appropriate thousand and decimal separator. public

floatthe float to format
integercount of decimals
integerdisplay thousands separator
booleanwhether .0 should be suppressed
string formatted number

Definition at line 373 of file class.ilFormat.php.

References $lng.

Referenced by formatFloat(), and formatSize().

global $lng;
if ($a_dec_point == null)
$a_dec_point = $lng->txt('lang_sep_decimal');
$a_dec_point = ".";
if ($a_dec_point == '-lang_sep_decimal-')
$a_dec_point = ".";
if ($a_thousands_sep == null)
$a_thousands_sep = $lng->txt('lang_sep_thousand');
$a_th = ",";
if ($a_thousands_sep == '-lang_sep_thousand-')
$a_thousands_sep = ",";
$txt = number_format($a_float, $a_decimals, $a_dec_point, $a_thousands_sep);
// remove trailing ".0"
if (($a_suppress_dot_zero == 0 || $a_decimal == 0) &&
substr($txt,-2) == $a_dec_point.'0')
$txt = substr($txt, 0, strlen($txt) - 2);
if ($a_float == 0 and $txt == "")
$txt = "0";
return $txt;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilFormat::formatDate (   $a_date,
  $a_mode = "datetime",
  $a_omit_seconds = false,
  $a_relative = TRUE 

format a date according to the user language shortcut for Format::fmtDateTime public

stringsql date
stringformat mode
booleanRelative date output
string formatted date
See Also
since 3.10 - 05.03.2009

Definition at line 440 of file class.ilFormat.php.

References $lng, and fmtDateTime().

Referenced by ilObjExercise\__formatBody(), ilFileDataImportMail\__readFiles(), ilFileDataImportGroup\__readFiles(), ilQuestionpoolExport\buildExportFileXLS(), ilTestExport\exportToCSV(), ilShopTopicsTableGUI\fillRow(), ilFileDataExercise\getFiles(), ilFileDataForum\getFiles(), ilFSStorageExercise\getFiles(), ilFileDataForum\getFilesOfPost(), ilObjUserGUI\getValues(), ilLMStatisticsGUI\listUsersGroup(), ilLMStatisticsGUI\listUsersRole(), ilLMStatisticsGUI\search(), and ilObjFileAccessSettingsGUI\viewDiskQuotaReport().

global $lng;
// return when no datetime is given
if ($a_date == "0000-00-00 00:00:00")
return $lng->txt("no_date");
$dateformat = $lng->txt("lang_dateformat");
if ($a_omit_seconds && ($lng->txt("lang_timeformat_no_sec") != "-lang_timeformat_no_sec-"))
$timeformat = $lng->txt("lang_timeformat_no_sec");
$timeformat = $lng->txt("lang_timeformat");
if ($dateformat == "-lang_dateformat-")
$dateformat = "";
if ($timeformat == "-lang_timeformat-")
$timeformat = "";
return ilFormat::fmtDateTime($a_date,$dateformat,$timeformat,$a_mode, $a_relative);

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

static ilFormat::formatFloat (   $size,
  $a_suppress_dot_zero = false,
  $a_mode = 'short',
  $a_lng = null 

Returns the specified float in human friendly form.

floata float
ilLanguageThe language object, or null if you want to use the system language.

Definition at line 692 of file class.ilFormat.php.

References $lng, $size, and fmtFloat().

Referenced by ilDiskQuotaReminderMail\replacePlaceholders().

global $lng;
if ($a_lng == null) {
$a_lng = $lng;
return self::fmtFloat($size, $a_decimals, $a_lng->txt('lang_sep_decimal'), $a_lng->txt('lang_sep_thousand', $a_suppress_dot_zero), true).' '.$a_lng->txt($scaled_unit);

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

static ilFormat::formatSize (   $size,
  $a_mode = 'short',
  $a_lng = null 

Returns the specified file size value in a human friendly form.

By default, the oder of magnitude 1024 is used. Thus the value returned by this function is the same value that Windows and Mac OS X return for a file. The value is a GibiBig, MebiBit, KibiBit or byte unit.

For more information about these units see:

integersize in bytes
stringmode: "short" is useful for display in the repository "long" is useful for display on the info page of an object
ilLanguageThe language object, or null if you want to use the system language.

Definition at line 716 of file class.ilFormat.php.

References $lng, $result, $size, _getSizeMagnitude(), and fmtFloat().

Referenced by ilInfoScreenGUI\addObjectSections(), ilTestExportTableGUI\fillRow(), ilMailAttachmentTableGUI\formatValue(), ilObjFileListGUI\getProperties(), ilObjFileGUI\infoScreenForward(), ilObjUserGUI\initForm(), outMobImageParams(), ilDiskQuotaReminderMail\replacePlaceholders(), ilDiskQuotaSummaryNotification\send(), ilMailFormGUI\showForm(), ilMailAttachmentGUI\uploadFile(), and ilObjFileAccessSettingsGUI\viewDiskQuotaReport().

global $lng;
if ($a_lng == null) {
$a_lng = $lng;
if ($size >= $mag * $mag * $mag)
$scaled_size = $size/$mag/$mag/$mag;
$scaled_unit = 'lang_size_gb';
else if ($size >= $mag * $mag)
$scaled_size = $size/$mag/$mag;
$scaled_unit = 'lang_size_mb';
else if ($size >= $mag)
$scaled_size = $size/$mag;
$scaled_unit = 'lang_size_kb';
$scaled_size = $size;
$scaled_unit = 'lang_size_bytes';
$result = self::fmtFloat($scaled_size,($scaled_unit == 'lang_size_bytes') ? 0:1, $a_lng->txt('lang_sep_decimal'), $a_lng->txt('lang_sep_thousand'), true).' '.$a_lng->txt($scaled_unit);
if ($a_mode == 'long' && $size > $mag)
$result .= ' ('.
' '.$a_lng->txt('lang_size_bytes').')';
return $result;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilFormat::formatUnixTime (   $ut,
  $with_time = false 

Definition at line 473 of file class.ilFormat.php.

References $lng.

Referenced by ilECSSettingsGUI\exportImported(), ilECSSettingsGUI\exportReleased(), ilAttendanceList\getHTML(), and ilMemberExport\write().

global $lng;
$format = $lng->txt('lang_dateformat');
$format .= (' '.$lng->txt('lang_timeformat_no_sec'));
return date($format,$ut);

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilFormat::fProzent ( )

formatiert Prozentzahlen (Format: 00,00%).

Wenn nix oder eine Null bergeben wird, wird ein Leerzeichen zurckgegeben Wenn mehr als ein Parameter bergeben wird, wird die Ausgabe auch bei Wert Null erzwungen

Definition at line 245 of file class.ilFormat.php.

References $test.

$num_args = func_num_args();
$prozent = func_get_arg(0);
if ($num_args == 1)
$test = intval($prozent);
if (!$test)
return "&nbsp;";
return number_format($prozent,2,",",".")."%";
ilFormat::ftimestamp2dateDB (   $t)

formats timestamp to db-date


Definition at line 170 of file class.ilFormat.php.

References $t.

return sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d",substr($t, 0, 4),substr($t, 4, 2),substr($t, 6, 2));
ilFormat::ftimestamp2dateDE (   $t)

formats timestamp to german date


Definition at line 150 of file class.ilFormat.php.

References $t.

return sprintf("%02d.%02d.%04d",substr($t, 6, 2),substr($t, 4, 2),substr($t, 0, 4));
ilFormat::ftimestamp2datetimeDB (   $aTimestamp)

Timestamp to database datetime.

string$aTimestampString in timestamp format
string Database datetime in format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss

Definition at line 181 of file class.ilFormat.php.

Referenced by ilTestOutputGUI\endingTimeReached(), and ilObjTest\isExecutable().

$date = "";
if (preg_match("/(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})/", $aTimestamp, $matches))
$date = "$matches[1]-$matches[2]-$matches[3] $matches[4]:$matches[5]:$matches[6]";
return $date;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilFormat::ftimestamp2datetimeDE (   $t)

formats timestamp to german datetime


Definition at line 160 of file class.ilFormat.php.

References $t.

return sprintf("%02d.%02d.%04d %02d:%02d:%02d",substr($t, 6, 2),substr($t, 4, 2),substr($t, 0, 4),substr($t, 8, 2),substr($t, 10, 2),substr($t, 12, 2));
ilFormat::getDateDE ( )

Definition at line 30 of file class.ilFormat.php.

$date = getdate();
$datum = sprintf("%02d.%02d.%04d", $date["mday"],$date["mon"],$date["year"]);
return $datum;
ilFormat::ilFormat ( )

Definition at line 24 of file class.ilFormat.php.

ilFormat::input2date (   $AInputDate)

Prft eingegebes Datum und wandelt es in DB-konformen Syntax um Eingabe: TT.MM.JJJJ oder T.M.JJ oder TT.MM.JJJJ HH:MM:SS oder T.M.JJ HH:MM:SS Bei zweistelliger Jahresangabe wird bei YY > 70 19, bei YY < 70 20 vorgestellt Ausgabe: YYYY-MM-DD oder YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS OPTIONAL wird die aktuelle Systemzeit hinzugefgt (Ausgabe: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss)


Definition at line 45 of file class.ilFormat.php.

References $d.

$date=""; $y=""; $m=""; $d="";
// if (ereg("([0-9]{1,2}).([0-9]{1,2}).([0-9]{2,4})",$idate,$p))
if (ereg("([0-9]{1,2}).([0-9]{1,2}).([0-9]{2,4})",$AInputDate,$p))
$d = $p[1];
$m = $p[2];
$y = $p[3];
if (($d>0 && $d<32) && ($m>0 && $m<13) && (strlen($y)!=3))
if (strlen($d) == 1) $d = "0".$d;
if (strlen($m) == 1) $m = "0".$m;
if (strlen($y) == 2)
if ($y>=70) $y = $y + 1900;
if ($y<70) $y = $y + 2000;
// is valid?
checkdate($m, $d, $y);
// Ausgabe mit Uhrzeit
// Uhrzeit holen
$uhrzeit = substr($AInputDate, -8);
// Uhrzeit auf Gltigkeit prfen
if (ereg("([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2})",$AInputDate,$p))
$h = $p[1];
$min = $p[2];
$s = $p[3];
if (($h>-1 && $h<24) && ($min>-1 && $min<60) && ($s>-1 && $s<60))
// Uhrzeit stimmt/ist vorhanden
$date = sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",$y,$m,$d,$h,$min,$s);
// Uhrzeit ist falsch/fehlt; hnge aktuelle Zeit an
$zeit = getdate();
$date = sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",$y,$m,$d,$zeit["hours"],$zeit["minutes"],$zeit["seconds"]);
// Ausgabe ohne Uhrzeit
//$date = sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d",$y,$m,$d);
return $date;
ilFormat::runden (   $value)

Floats auf 2 Nachkommastellen runden.


Definition at line 266 of file class.ilFormat.php.

return round($value * 100) / 100;
ilFormat::unixtimestamp2datetime (   $a_unix_timestamp = "")

Definition at line 417 of file class.ilFormat.php.

if (strlen($a_unix_timestamp) == 0)
return strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S");
return strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", $a_unix_timestamp);

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: