ILIAS  Release_4_3_x_branch Revision 61807
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HFile_framescript Class Reference
+ Inheritance diagram for HFile_framescript:
+ Collaboration diagram for HFile_framescript:

Public Member Functions

 HFile_framescript ()
 donothing ($keywordin)
- Public Member Functions inherited from HFile
 HFile ()
 parse_file ($file)
 to_perl ($stub, $tofile=1)
 to_php ($stub, $tofile=1)
 _get_categories ()
 _dump_linkscripts ()
 _dump_perl_linkscripts ()
 _dump_perl_defaultscripts ()
 _dump_colours ()
 _dump_var ($variable, $name)
 _dump_array ($array, $name)
 _dump_perl_array ($array, $name)
 _dump_hash ($hash, $name)
 _dump_perl_hash ($hash, $name)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 5 of file HFile_framescript.php.

Member Function Documentation

HFile_framescript::donothing (   $keywordin)

Definition at line 462 of file HFile_framescript.php.

return $keywordin;
HFile_framescript::HFile_framescript ( )

Definition at line 6 of file HFile_framescript.php.

References HFile\HFile().

// Beautifier Highlighting Configuration File
// Frame-/ElmScript
// Flags
$this->nocase = "0";
$this->notrim = "0";
$this->perl = "0";
// Colours
$this->colours = array("blue", "purple", "gray", "brown", "blue", "purple");
$this->quotecolour = "blue";
$this->blockcommentcolour = "green";
$this->linecommentcolour = "green";
// Indent Strings
$this->indent = array("Else");
$this->unindent = array("EndIf", "EndLoop", "EndEvent", "EndSub");
// String characters and delimiters
$this->stringchars = array("'");
$this->delimiters = array("~", "@", "%", "^", "&", "*", "(", ")", "-", "+", "=", "|", "\\", "/", "{", "}", "[", "]", ":", ";", "\"", "'", "<", ">", " ", ",", " ", ".", "?");
$this->escchar = "";
// Comment settings
$this->linecommenton = array("//");
$this->blockcommenton = array("/*");
$this->blockcommentoff = array("*/");
// Keywords (keyword mapping to colour number)
$this->keywords = array(
"Add" => "1",
"Apply" => "1",
"Clear" => "1",
"Close" => "1",
"Copy" => "1",
"Cut" => "1",
"Delete" => "1",
"DialogBox" => "1",
"Display" => "1",
"Else" => "1",
"EndEvent" => "1",
"EndIf" => "1",
"EndLoop" => "1",
"EndSub" => "1",
"Event" => "1",
"Execute" => "1",
"Find" => "1",
"Generate" => "1",
"Get" => "1",
"If" => "1",
"Import" => "1",
"Install" => "1",
"LeaveLoop" => "1",
"LeaveSub" => "1",
"Loop" => "1",
"MsgBox" => "1",
"New" => "1",
"Open" => "1",
"Paste" => "1",
"Print" => "1",
"Quit" => "1",
"Read" => "1",
"Remove" => "1",
"Replace" => "1",
"Return" => "1",
"Run" => "1",
"Save" => "1",
"Select" => "1",
"Session" => "1",
"Straddle" => "1",
"Sub" => "1",
"Uninstall" => "1",
"Update" => "1",
"Write" => "1",
"Book" => "2",
"BookFiles" => "2",
"ChangeBars" => "2",
"CommandObject" => "2",
"Document" => "2",
"File" => "2",
"Formats" => "2",
"FrameCommand" => "2",
"HyperText" => "2",
"Integer" => "2",
"Member" => "2",
"Menu" => "2",
"MenuItemSeparator" => "2",
"MenuObject" => "2",
"MenuSepObject" => "2",
"Metric" => "2",
"MetricList" => "2",
"Object" => "2",
"PageLayout" => "2",
"Property" => "2",
"PropertyList" => "2",
"QuickKeys" => "2",
"Real" => "2",
"Script" => "2",
"String" => "2",
"StringList" => "2",
"Table" => "2",
"TableCells" => "2",
"TableCols" => "2",
"TableColumns" => "2",
"TableRows" => "2",
"Text" => "2",
"TextFile" => "2",
"TextInsetContents" => "2",
"TextList" => "2",
"TextLoc" => "2",
"TextProperties" => "2",
"TextRange" => "2",
"UIntList" => "2",
"Var" => "2",
"AddTo" => "3",
"Backward" => "3",
"BodyRows" => "3",
"BookObject" => "3",
"BottomMargin" => "3",
"BottomRow" => "3",
"Button" => "3",
"Button3Label" => "3",
"Button4Label" => "3",
"Cancel" => "3",
"CellObject" => "3",
"CharFmt" => "3",
"CheckBox1" => "3",
"CheckBox1Label" => "3",
"CheckBox2" => "3",
"CheckBox2Label" => "3",
"CheckBox3" => "3",
"CheckBox3Label" => "3",
"CheckBox4" => "3",
"CheckBox4Label" => "3",
"Color" => "3",
"ColumnGap" => "3",
"Command" => "3",
"CutTblCells" => "3",
"Destpage" => "3",
"Direction" => "3",
"Directory" => "3",
"DocObject" => "3",
"DontApplyAllRows" => "3",
"DontDeleteHiddenText" => "3",
"Edit1" => "3",
"Edit2" => "3",
"Edit3" => "3",
"EndPos" => "3",
"EventProc" => "3",
"FooterRows" => "3",
"ForEach" => "3",
"Format" => "3",
"From" => "3",
"FromDocObject" => "3",
"FromString" => "3",
"HeaderRows" => "3",
"Height" => "3",
"IgnoreMods" => "3",
"In" => "3",
"Incr" => "3",
"Init" => "3",
"InitVal" => "3",
"InitValue" => "3",
"InObject" => "3",
"InRange" => "3",
"InsertBelowRight" => "3",
"InString" => "3",
"Interactive" => "3",
"Invisible" => "3",
"IOType" => "3",
"Label" => "3",
"Label1" => "3",
"Label2" => "3",
"Label3" => "3",
"Landscape" => "3",
"LeftCol" => "3",
"LeftInsideMargin" => "3",
"List" => "3",
"LoopVar" => "3",
"LowerCase" => "3",
"MarkerType" => "3",
"MasterPage" => "3",
"Mode" => "3",
"Name" => "3",
"NewVar" => "3",
"NoCase" => "3",
"Number" => "3",
"NumCols" => "3",
"NumRows" => "3",
"Offset" => "3",
"ParentObject" => "3",
"Portrait" => "3",
"Prefix" => "3",
"PrevObject" => "3",
"Prompt" => "3",
"PropertyName" => "3",
"Properties" => "3",
"PropertyValue" => "3",
"RemoveChars" => "3",
"RemoveLeading" => "3",
"RemoveTrailing" => "3",
"ReplaceCells" => "3",
"ReturnPos" => "3",
"ReturnStatus" => "3",
"ReturnString" => "3",
"ReturnRange" => "3",
"Returns" => "3",
"Reverse" => "3",
"Rewind" => "3",
"RightCol" => "3",
"RightOutsideMargin" => "3",
"RowObject" => "3",
"ScrollTo" => "3",
"SelectTable" => "3",
"ShortCut" => "3",
"SidedNess" => "3",
"SkipStep" => "3",
"Sourcepage" => "3",
"Start" => "3",
"StartCol" => "3",
"StartPos" => "3",
"Suffix" => "3",
"TableObject" => "3",
"Template" => "3",
"Title" => "3",
"Title2" => "3",
"To" => "3",
"TopMargin" => "3",
"TopRow" => "3",
"Type" => "3",
"UnanchoredFrame" => "3",
"Units" => "3",
"Until" => "3",
"UpperCase" => "3",
"Value" => "3",
"Visible" => "3",
"VisibleOnly" => "3",
"When" => "3",
"While" => "3",
"WholeWord" => "3",
"Width" => "3",
"With" => "3",
"AFrame" => "4",
"AlertUserAboutFailure" => "4",
"Append" => "4",
"Arc" => "4",
"AutoBackupOnSave" => "4",
"BeefyDoc" => "4",
"BodyPage" => "4",
"BookComponent" => "4",
"BookFileMenu" => "4",
"BookIsInUse" => "4",
"CharacterFormat" => "4",
"CharPropsChange" => "4",
"Cell" => "4",
"CellSeparator" => "4",
"ClosedDocs" => "4",
"CombinedFonts" => "4",
"Cond" => "4",
"CondFmt" => "4",
"ConditionFormat" => "4",
"DisallowBookDoc" => "4",
"DisallowBookMif" => "4",
"DisallowDoc" => "4",
"DisallowFilterTypes" => "4",
"DisallowGraphicTypes" => "4",
"DisallowMacEditions" => "4",
"DisallowMif" => "4",
"DisallowPlainText" => "4",
"DisallowSgml" => "4",
"Doc" => "4",
"DontNotifyApiClients" => "4",
"EditMenu" => "4",
"Ellipse" => "4",
"Everything" => "4",
"FileIsGraphic" => "4",
"FileIsInUse" => "4",
"FileIsMakerDoc" => "4",
"FileIsOldVersion" => "4",
"FileIsSgmlDoc" => "4",
"FileIsStructured" => "4",
"FileIsText" => "4",
"FileMenu" => "4",
"FilterFormatId" => "4",
"FitGraphicInSelectedRect" => "4",
"Flow" => "4",
"FlowBegin" => "4",
"FlowEnd" => "4",
"Fn" => "4",
"FnAnchor" => "4",
"Font" => "4",
"FontChangedMetric" => "4",
"FontNotFoundInCatalog" => "4",
"FontNotFoundInDoc" => "4",
"ForceImportAsText" => "4",
"ForceOpenAsText" => "4",
"ForceUpdate" => "4",
"FormatImportedText" => "4",
"FormatMenu" => "4",
"Formatting" => "4",
"FrameAnchor" => "4",
"GraphicDpi" => "4",
"Group" => "4",
"HowToImport" => "4",
"Hyphenating" => "4",
"ImportFlowPageSpace" => "4",
"ImportFlowTag" => "4",
"ImportTblTag" => "4",
"Inset" => "4",
"Internal" => "4",
"LanguageNotAvailable" => "4",
"LeaveHeadingRowsEmpty" => "4",
"Line" => "4",
"LineBegin" => "4",
"LineEnd" => "4",
"LockCantBeReset" => "4",
"MakeIconic" => "4",
"MakePageCount" => "4",
"MakeVisible" => "4",
"ManualUpdate" => "4",
"Marker" => "4",
"MarkerAnchor" => "4",
"Math" => "4",
"ModDateChanged" => "4",
"NameStripe" => "4",
"NumCellSeparators" => "4",
"NumColumns" => "4",
"OpenDocs" => "4",
"OpenDocViewOnly" => "4",
"OpenFileNotWritable" => "4",
"OpenId" => "4",
"Page" => "4",
"PageBegin" => "4",
"PageEnd" => "4",
"ParagraphFormat" => "4",
"Pgf" => "4",
"PgfBegin" => "4",
"PgfEnd" => "4",
"PgfFmt" => "4",
"Polygon" => "4",
"Polyline" => "4",
"ReadOnly" => "4",
"Rectangle" => "4",
"ReferencePage" => "4",
"RefFileNotFound" => "4",
"RefPage" => "4",
"RemoveExceptions" => "4",
"RemoveManualPageBreaks" => "4",
"RemoveOverrides" => "4",
"RemovePageBreaks" => "4",
"ResetEquationSettings" => "4",
"ResetRefFrames" => "4",
"RestartPgfNums" => "4",
"RetainNameStripe" => "4",
"RoundRect" => "4",
"Row" => "4",
"RulingFmt" => "4",
"RulingFormat" => "4",
"SaveFileNotWritable" => "4",
"SaveTextExtraBlankLineAtEOP" => "4",
"SaveTextTblSetting" => "4",
"ShowBrowser" => "4",
"ShowSaveTextDialog" => "4",
"SubCol" => "4",
"SubColBegin" => "4",
"SubColEnd" => "4",
"TableFormat" => "4",
"Tbl" => "4",
"TblAnchor" => "4",
"TblFmt" => "4",
"TblNumHeadingRows" => "4",
"TextFrameBegin" => "4",
"TextFrameEnd" => "4",
"TextInsetBegin" => "4",
"TextInsetEnd" => "4",
"TextInsetName" => "4",
"TextFrame" => "4",
"Textline" => "4",
"TextInset" => "4",
"TiApiClient" => "4",
"TreatParaAsRow" => "4",
"UNIXpermissions" => "4",
"UpdateBrowserDirectory" => "4",
"UpdateFRVList" => "4",
"UpdateXRefs" => "4",
"UseAutoSaveFile" => "4",
"UseDefaultUNIXpermissions" => "4",
"UseMainFlow" => "4",
"UseRecoverFile" => "4",
"VarBegin" => "4",
"VarEnd" => "4",
"VarFmt" => "4",
"Variable" => "4",
"Variables" => "4",
"VariableFormat" => "4",
"WriteOnly" => "4",
"XRef" => "4",
"XRefBegin" => "4",
"XRefEnd" => "4",
"XRefFmt" => "4",
"XRefFormat" => "4",
"XRefs" => "4",
"!BookMainMenu" => "4",
"!MakerMainMenu" => "4",
"!QuickMakerMainMenu" => "4",
"!ViewOnlyMenu" => "4",
"+" => "5",
"-" => "5",
"*" => "5",
"//" => "5",
"/" => "5",
"=" => "5",
">" => "5",
"<" => "5",
"and" => "5",
"not" => "5",
"or" => "5",
"BackSlash" => "6",
"CHARCR" => "6",
"CHARLF" => "6",
"CHARTAB" => "6",
"ClientDir" => "6",
"ErrorCode" => "6",
"ErrorMsg" => "6",
"fslVersionMajor" => "6",
"fslVersionMinor" => "6",
"MainScript" => "6",
"QUOTE" => "6",
"ThisScript" => "6");
// Special extensions
// Each category can specify a PHP function that returns an altered
// version of the keyword.
$this->linkscripts = array(
"1" => "donothing",
"2" => "donothing",
"3" => "donothing",
"4" => "donothing",
"5" => "donothing",
"6" => "donothing");

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: