ILIAS  Release_4_3_x_branch Revision 61807
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HFile_clariontemplate Class Reference
+ Inheritance diagram for HFile_clariontemplate:
+ Collaboration diagram for HFile_clariontemplate:

Public Member Functions

 HFile_clariontemplate ()
 donothing ($keywordin)
- Public Member Functions inherited from HFile
 HFile ()
 parse_file ($file)
 to_perl ($stub, $tofile=1)
 to_php ($stub, $tofile=1)
 _get_categories ()
 _dump_linkscripts ()
 _dump_perl_linkscripts ()
 _dump_perl_defaultscripts ()
 _dump_colours ()
 _dump_var ($variable, $name)
 _dump_array ($array, $name)
 _dump_perl_array ($array, $name)
 _dump_hash ($hash, $name)
 _dump_perl_hash ($hash, $name)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 5 of file HFile_clariontemplate.php.

Member Function Documentation

HFile_clariontemplate::donothing (   $keywordin)

Definition at line 570 of file HFile_clariontemplate.php.

return $keywordin;
HFile_clariontemplate::HFile_clariontemplate ( )

Definition at line 6 of file HFile_clariontemplate.php.

References HFile\HFile().

// Beautifier Highlighting Configuration File
// Clarion-Template
// Flags
$this->nocase = "1";
$this->notrim = "0";
$this->perl = "0";
// Colours
$this->colours = array("blue", "purple", "gray", "brown", "blue", "purple", "gray", "brown");
$this->quotecolour = "blue";
$this->blockcommentcolour = "green";
$this->linecommentcolour = "green";
// Indent Strings
$this->indent = array("#IF", "#LOOP", "#FOR");
$this->unindent = array("#ENDIF", "#ENDLOOP", "#ENDFOR");
// String characters and delimiters
$this->stringchars = array("'");
$this->delimiters = array("~", "{", "}", "@", "^", "&", "*", "(", ")", "-", "+", "=", "|", "\\", "/", "[", "]", ";", "\"", "'", ">", ".", ",");
$this->escchar = "";
// Comment settings
$this->linecommenton = array("#!");
$this->blockcommenton = array("");
$this->blockcommentoff = array("");
// Keywords (keyword mapping to colour number)
$this->keywords = array(
"#ACCEPT" => "1",
"#APPLICATION" => "1",
"#AT" => "1",
"#ATEND" => "1",
"#ATSTART" => "1",
"#CODE" => "1",
"#CONTROL" => "1",
"#CONTEXT" => "1",
"#EMBED" => "1",
"#EMPTYEMBED" => "1",
"#ENDAT" => "1",
"#ENDCONTEXT" => "1",
"#ENDRESTRICT" => "1",
"#EXTENSION" => "1",
"#GROUP" => "1",
"#MODULE" => "1",
"#POSTEMBED" => "1",
"#PREEMBED" => "1",
"#PROCEDURE" => "1",
"#PROGRAM" => "1",
"#PRIORITY" => "1",
"#RESTRICT" => "1",
"#REJECT" => "1",
"#TEMPLATE" => "1",
"#UTILITY" => "1",
"#WHERE" => "1",
"#ADD" => "2",
"#ALIAS" => "2",
"#CLEAR" => "2",
"#DECLARE" => "2",
"#DELETE" => "2",
"#DELETEALL" => "2",
"#DEFAULT" => "2",
"#ENDDEFAULT" => "2",
"#ENDREPORTS" => "2",
"#ENDWINDOWS" => "2",
"#FIND" => "2",
"#FIX" => "2",
"#FREE" => "2",
"#GLOBALDATA" => "2",
"#LOCALDATA" => "2",
"#LINK" => "2",
"#ORIG" => "2",
"#POP" => "2",
"#PURGE" => "2",
"#REPORTS" => "2",
"#REQ" => "2",
"#SELECT" => "2",
"#SET" => "2",
"#UNFIX" => "2",
"#WINDOWS" => "2",
"SAVE" => "2",
"UNIQUE" => "2",
"#BOXED" => "3",
"#BUTTON" => "3",
"#DISPLAY" => "3",
"#ENABLE" => "3",
"#ENDBOXED" => "3",
"#ENDBUTTON" => "3",
"#ENDCASE" => "4",
"#ENDENABLE" => "3",
"#ENDFIELD" => "3",
"#ENDPREPARE" => "3",
"#ENDSHEET" => "3",
"#ENDTAB" => "3",
"#ENDWITH" => "3",
"#FIELD" => "3",
"#IMAGE" => "3",
"#PREPARE" => "3",
"#PROMPT" => "3",
"#SHEET" => "3",
"#TAB" => "3",
"#VALIDATE" => "3",
"#WITH" => "3",
"#?" => "4",
"#ABORT" => "4",
"#APPEND" => "4",
"#BREAK" => "4",
"#CALL" => "4",
"#CASE" => "4",
"#CLOSE" => "4",
"#CYCLE" => "4",
"#CREATE" => "4",
"#ELSE" => "4",
"#ELSIF" => "4",
"#ENDFOR" => "4",
"#ENDIF" => "4",
"#ENDLOOP" => "4",
"#ENDSECTION" => "4",
"#FOR" => "4",
"#GENERATE" => "4",
"#IF" => "4",
"#INVOKE" => "4",
"#INDENT" => "4",
"#INSERT" => "4",
"#LOOP" => "4",
"#OF" => "4",
"#OROF" => "4",
"#OPEN" => "4",
"#PRINT" => "4",
"#READ" => "4",
"#REDIRECT" => "4",
"#RELEASE" => "4",
"#REMOVE" => "4",
"#REPLACE" => "4",
"#RESUME" => "4",
"#RETURN" => "4",
"#RUN" => "4",
"#RUNDLL" => "4",
"#SERVICE" => "4",
"#SUSPEND" => "4",
"#SECTION" => "4",
"#<" => "5",
"#ASSERT" => "5",
"#CLASS" => "5",
"#COMMENT" => "5",
"#DEBUG" => "5",
"#ERROR" => "5",
"#EXPORT" => "5",
"#HELP" => "5",
"#IMPORT" => "5",
"#INCLUDE" => "5",
"#MESSAGE" => "5",
"#PROJECT" => "5",
"#PROTOTYPE" => "5",
"%ActiveTemplate" => "6",
"%ActiveTemplateInstance" => "6",
"%ActiveTemplateOwnerInstance" => "6",
"%ActiveTemplateParentInstance" => "6",
"%ActiveTemplatePrimaryInstance" => "6",
"%AliasFile" => "6",
"%Application" => "6",
"%ApplicationDebug" => "6",
"%ApplicationLocalLibrary" => "6",
"%ApplicationTemplate" => "6",
"%ApplicationTemplateInstance" => "6",
"%ApplicationTemplateParentInstance" => "6",
"%BytesOutput" => "6",
"%ConditionalGenerate" => "6",
"%Control" => "6",
"%ControlAlert" => "6",
"%ControlDefaultHeight" => "6",
"%ControlDefaultWidth" => "6",
"%ControlEvent" => "6",
"%ControlField" => "6",
"%ControlFieldFormat" => "6",
"%ControlFieldHasColor" => "6",
"%ControlFieldHasIcon" => "6",
"%ControlFieldHasLocator" => "6",
"%ControlFieldHasTree" => "6",
"%ControlFieldHeading" => "6",
"%ControlFieldPicture" => "6",
"%ControlFrom" => "6",
"%ControlIndent" => "6",
"%ControlInstance" => "6",
"%ControlMenu" => "6",
"%ControlMenuBar" => "6",
"%ControlOriginal" => "6",
"%ControlParameter" => "6",
"%ControlParent" => "6",
"%ControlParentTab" => "6",
"%ControlParentType" => "6",
"%ControlStatement" => "6",
"%ControlTemplate" => "6",
"%ControlTool" => "6",
"%ControlToolBar" => "6",
"%ControlType" => "6",
"%ControlUnsplitStatement" => "6",
"%ControlUse" => "6",
"%CreateLocalMap" => "6",
"%DictionaryChanged" => "6",
"%DictionaryFile" => "6",
"%Driver" => "6",
"%DriverBinMemo" => "6",
"%DriverCreate" => "6",
"%DriverDescription" => "6",
"%DriverDLL" => "6",
"%DriverEncrypt" => "6",
"%DriverLIB" => "6",
"%DriverMaxKeys" => "6",
"%DriverMemo" => "6",
"%DriverOpcode" => "6",
"%DriverOwner" => "6",
"%DriverReclaim" => "6",
"%DriverRequired" => "6",
"%DriverSQL" => "6",
"%DriverType" => "6",
"%DriverUniqueKey" => "6",
"%EditFilename" => "6",
"%EditProcedure" => "6",
"%EmbedDescription" => "6",
"%EmbedID" => "6",
"%EmbedParameters" => "6",
"%EOF" => "6",
"%False" => "6",
"%Field" => "6",
"%FieldChoices" => "6",
"%FieldDescription" => "6",
"%FieldDimension1" => "6",
"%FieldDimension2" => "6",
"%FieldDimension3" => "6",
"%FieldDimension4" => "6",
"%FieldDisplayPicture" => "6",
"%FieldFile" => "6",
"%FieldFormatWidth" => "6",
"%FieldHeader" => "6",
"%FieldHelpID" => "6",
"%FieldID" => "6",
"%FieldIdent" => "6",
"%FieldInitial" => "6",
"%FieldJustIndent" => "6",
"%FieldJustType" => "6",
"%FieldLongDesc" => "6",
"%FieldLookup" => "6",
"%FieldMemoImage" => "6",
"%FieldMemoSize" => "6",
"%FieldName" => "6",
"%FieldPicture" => "6",
"%FieldPlaces" => "6",
"%FieldQuickOptions" => "6",
"%FieldRangeHigh" => "6",
"%FieldRangeLow" => "6",
"%FieldRecordPicture" => "6",
"%FieldReportControl" => "6",
"%FieldReportControlHeight" => "6",
"%FieldReportControlWidth" => "6",
"%FieldScreenControl" => "6",
"%FieldScreenControlHeight" => "6",
"%FieldScreenControlWidth" => "6",
"%FieldStatement" => "6",
"%FieldStruct" => "6",
"%FieldType" => "6",
"%FieldUserOptions" => "6",
"%FieldValidation" => "6",
"%File" => "6",
"%File32BitOnly" => "6",
"%FileBindable" => "6",
"%FileCreate" => "6",
"%FileDescription" => "6",
"%FileDriver" => "6",
"%FileDriverParameter" => "6",
"%FileEncrypt" => "6",
"%FileExternal" => "6",
"%FileExternalModule" => "6",
"%FileIdent" => "6",
"%FileKey" => "6",
"%FileKeyField" => "6",
"%FileKeyFieldLink" => "6",
"%FileLongDesc" => "6",
"%FileName" => "6",
"%FileOwner" => "6",
"%FilePrefix" => "6",
"%FilePrimaryKey" => "6",
"%FileQuickOptions" => "6",
"%FileReclaim" => "6",
"%FileRelationType" => "6",
"%FileStatement" => "6",
"%FileStruct" => "6",
"%FileStructEnd" => "6",
"%FileStructRec" => "6",
"%FileStructRecEnd" => "6",
"%FileThreaded" => "6",
"%FileType" => "6",
"%FileUserOptions" => "6",
"%FirstProcedure" => "6",
"%Formula" => "6",
"%FormulaClass" => "6",
"%FormulaDescription" => "6",
"%FormulaExpression" => "6",
"%FormulaExpressionCase" => "6",
"%FormulaExpressionFalse" => "6",
"%FormulaExpressionTrue" => "6",
"%FormulaExpressionType" => "6",
"%FormulaInstance" => "6",
"%GlobalData" => "6",
"%GlobalDataStatement" => "6",
"%HelpFile" => "6",
"%Key" => "6",
"%KeyAuto" => "6",
"%KeyDescription" => "6",
"%KeyDuplicate" => "6",
"%KeyExcludeNulls" => "6",
"%KeyField" => "6",
"%KeyFieldSequence" => "6",
"%KeyFile" => "6",
"%KeyID" => "6",
"%KeyIdent" => "6",
"%KeyIndex" => "6",
"%KeyLongDesc" => "6",
"%KeyName" => "6",
"%KeyNoCase" => "6",
"%KeyPrimary" => "6",
"%KeyQuickOptions" => "6",
"%KeyStatement" => "6",
"%KeyStruct" => "6",
"%KeyUserOptions" => "6",
"%LocalData" => "6",
"%LocalDataStatement" => "6",
"%MenuBarStatement" => "6",
"%Module" => "6",
"%ModuleBase" => "6",
"%ModuleChanged" => "6",
"%ModuleData" => "6",
"%ModuleDataStatement" => "6",
"%ModuleExtension" => "6",
"%ModuleExternal" => "6",
"%ModuleInclude" => "6",
"%ModuleLanguage" => "6",
"%ModuleProcedure" => "6",
"%ModuleReadOnly" => "6",
"%ModuleTemplate" => "6",
"%Null" => "6",
"%OtherFiles" => "6",
"%Primary" => "6",
"%PrimaryInstance" => "6",
"%PrimaryKey" => "6",
"%Procedure" => "6",
"%ProcedureCalled" => "6",
"%ProcedureDateChanged" => "6",
"%ProcedureDateCreated" => "6",
"%ProcedureDescription" => "6",
"%ProcedureExported" => "6",
"%ProcedureIsGlobal" => "6",
"%ProcedureLanguage" => "6",
"%ProcedureLongDescription" => "6",
"%ProcedureReadOnly" => "6",
"%ProcedureReturnType" => "6",
"%ProcedureTemplate" => "6",
"%ProcedureTimeChanged" => "6",
"%ProcedureTimeCreated" => "6",
"%ProcedureToDo" => "6",
"%ProcedureType" => "6",
"%Program" => "6",
"%ProgramDateChanged" => "6",
"%ProgramDateCreated" => "6",
"%ProgramExtension" => "6",
"%ProgramTimeChanged" => "6",
"%ProgramTimeCreated" => "6",
"%Prototype" => "6",
"%QuickProcedure" => "6",
"%RegistryChanged" => "6",
"%Relation" => "6",
"%RelationAlias" => "6",
"%RelationConstraintDelete" => "6",
"%RelationConstraintUpdate" => "6",
"%RelationKey" => "6",
"%RelationKeyField" => "6",
"%RelationKeyFieldLink" => "6",
"%RelationPrefix" => "6",
"%RelationQuickOptions" => "6",
"%RelationUserOptions" => "6",
"%Report" => "6",
"%ReportControl" => "6",
"%ReportControlField" => "6",
"%ReportControlIndent" => "6",
"%ReportControlInstance" => "6",
"%ReportControlLabel" => "6",
"%ReportControlOriginal" => "6",
"%ReportControlStatement" => "6",
"%ReportControlTemplate" => "6",
"%ReportControlType" => "6",
"%ReportControlUse" => "6",
"%ReportStatement" => "6",
"%Secondary" => "6",
"%SecondaryTo" => "6",
"%SecondaryType" => "6",
"%Target32" => "6",
"%ToolbarStatement" => "6",
"%True" => "6",
"%ViewFile" => "6",
"%ViewFileField" => "6",
"%ViewFileFields" => "6",
"%ViewFiles" => "6",
"%ViewFileStruct" => "6",
"%ViewFileStructEnd" => "6",
"%ViewFilter" => "6",
"%ViewJoinedTo" => "6",
"%ViewPrimary" => "6",
"%ViewPrimaryField" => "6",
"%ViewPrimaryFields" => "6",
"%ViewStatement" => "6",
"%ViewStruct" => "6",
"%ViewStructEnd" => "6",
"%Window" => "6",
"%WindowEvent" => "6",
"%WindowStatement" => "6",
"%pClassName" => "7",
"%pClassIncFile" => "7",
"%pClassMethod" => "7",
"%pClassMethodPrototype" => "7",
"%pClassMethodPrivate" => "7",
"%pClassMethodVirtual" => "7",
"%pClassMethodProtected" => "7",
"%pClassMethodProcAttribute" => "7",
"%pClassMethodInherited" => "7",
"%pClassMethodReturnType" => "7",
"%pClassMethodParentCall" => "7",
"%pClassProperty" => "7",
"%pClassPropertyPrototype" => "7",
"%pClassPropertyPrivate" => "7",
"%pClassPropertyProtected" => "7",
"%pClassPropertyInherited" => "7",
"%ClassMethodList" => "7",
"%SysActiveInvisible" => "7",
"%SysAllowUnfilled" => "7",
"%SysRetainRow" => "7",
"%SysResetOnGainFocus" => "7",
"%SysAutoToolbar" => "7",
"%SysAutoRefresh" => "7",
"%PropertyList" => "7",
"%MethodList" => "7",
"%ObjectList" => "7",
"%ObjectListType" => "7",
"%CWTemplateVersion" => "7",
"%IsExternal" => "7",
"%SaveCreateLocalMap" => "7",
"%GlobalIncludeList" => "7",
"%ModuleIncludeList" => "7",
"%CalloutModules" => "7",
"%ClassDeclarations" => "7",
"%OOPConstruct" => "7",
"%ByteCount" => "7",
"%IncludePrototype" => "7",
"%UsedFile" => "7",
"%ProcFilesUsed" => "7",
"%UsedDriverDLLs" => "7",
"%PrintPreviewUsed" => "7",
"%FileExternalFlag" => "7",
"%FileThreadedFlag" => "7",
"%IniFileName" => "7",
"%GenerationCompleted" => "7",
"%GenerateModule" => "7",
"%VBXList" => "7",
"%OLENeeded" => "7",
"%OCXList" => "7",
"%LastTarget32" => "7",
"%LastProgramExtension" => "7",
"%LastApplicationDebug" => "7",
"%LastApplicationLocalLibrary" => "7",
"%CustomGlobalMapModule" => "7",
"%CustomGlobalMapProcedure" => "7",
"%CustomGlobalMapProcedurePrototype" => "7",
"%CustomGlobalData" => "7",
"%CustomGlobalDataDeclaration" => "7",
"%CustomGlobalDataBeforeFiles" => "7",
"%CustomGlobalDataComponent" => "7",
"%CustomGlobalDataComponentIndent" => "7",
"%CustomGlobalDataComponentDeclaration" => "7",
"%CustomModuleMapModule" => "7",
"%CustomModuleMapProcedure" => "7",
"%CustomModuleMapProcedurePrototype" => "7",
"%CustomModuleData" => "7",
"%CustomModuleDataDeclaration" => "7",
"%CustomModuleDataComponent" => "7",
"%CustomModuleDataComponentIndent" => "7",
"%CustomModuleDataComponentDeclaration" => "7",
"%CustomGlobalMapIncludes" => "7",
"%CustomGlobalDeclarationIncludes" => "7",
"%CustomFlags" => "7",
"%CustomFlagSetting" => "7",
"%AccessMode" => "7",
"%BuildFile" => "7",
"%BuildHeader" => "7",
"%BuildInclude" => "7",
"%ExportFile" => "7",
"%ValueConstruct" => "7",
"%HoldConstruct" => "7",
"%RegenerateGlobalModule" => "7",
"%ClipName" => "7",
"%UpdateRelationPrimary" => "7",
"%UpdateRelationSecondary" => "7",
"%UpdateAttachedFile" => "7",
"%DeleteRelationPrimary" => "7",
"%DeleteRelationSecondary" => "7",
"%DeleteAttachedFile" => "7",
"%AllFile" => "7",
"%BRWList" => "7",
"%GlobalRegenerate" => "7",
"%FilesPerBCModule" => "7",
"%RelatesPerRoutine" => "7",
"**" => "8",
"BEEP:" => "8",
"BUTTON:" => "8",
"COLOR:" => "8",
"CREATE:" => "8",
"CURSOR:" => "8",
"DDE:" => "8",
"EVENT:" => "8",
"ff_:" => "8",
"FILE:" => "8",
"FONT:" => "8",
"ICON:" => "8",
"LISTZONE:" => "8",
"PEN:" => "8",
"PROP:" => "8",
"PROPLIST:" => "8",
"PROPPRINT:" => "8",
"REJECT:" => "8",
"STD:" => "8",
"VBXEVENT:" => "8",
"#FIELDS" => "8",
"FALSE" => "8",
"TRUE" => "8");
// Special extensions
// Each category can specify a PHP function that returns an altered
// version of the keyword.
$this->linkscripts = array(
"1" => "donothing",
"2" => "donothing",
"3" => "donothing",
"4" => "donothing",
"5" => "donothing",
"6" => "donothing",
"7" => "donothing",
"8" => "donothing");

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: