ILIAS  Release_4_3_x_branch Revision 61807
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HFile_dxl Class Reference
+ Inheritance diagram for HFile_dxl:
+ Collaboration diagram for HFile_dxl:

Public Member Functions

 HFile_dxl ()
 donothing ($keywordin)
- Public Member Functions inherited from HFile
 HFile ()
 parse_file ($file)
 to_perl ($stub, $tofile=1)
 to_php ($stub, $tofile=1)
 _get_categories ()
 _dump_linkscripts ()
 _dump_perl_linkscripts ()
 _dump_perl_defaultscripts ()
 _dump_colours ()
 _dump_var ($variable, $name)
 _dump_array ($array, $name)
 _dump_perl_array ($array, $name)
 _dump_hash ($hash, $name)
 _dump_perl_hash ($hash, $name)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 5 of file HFile_dxl.php.

Member Function Documentation

HFile_dxl::donothing (   $keywordin)

Definition at line 547 of file HFile_dxl.php.

return $keywordin;
HFile_dxl::HFile_dxl ( )

Definition at line 6 of file HFile_dxl.php.

References HFile\HFile().

// Beautifier Highlighting Configuration File
// DXL
// Flags
$this->nocase = "1";
$this->notrim = "0";
$this->perl = "0";
// Colours
$this->colours = array("blue", "purple", "gray", "brown", "blue");
$this->quotecolour = "blue";
$this->blockcommentcolour = "green";
$this->linecommentcolour = "green";
// Indent Strings
$this->indent = array();
$this->unindent = array();
// String characters and delimiters
$this->stringchars = array();
$this->delimiters = array("~", "!", "@", "%", "^", "&", "*", "(", ")", "-", "+", "=", "|", "\\", "/", "{", "}", "[", "]", ":", ";", "\"", "'", "<", ">", " ", ",", " ", ".", "?");
$this->escchar = "";
// Comment settings
$this->linecommenton = array("//");
$this->blockcommenton = array("/*");
$this->blockcommentoff = array("*/");
// Keywords (keyword mapping to colour number)
$this->keywords = array(
"break" => "1",
"by" => "1",
"change" => "1",
"const" => "1",
"continue" => "1",
"do" => "1",
"else" => "1",
"for" => "1",
"if" => "1",
"in" => "1",
"return" => "1",
"then" => "1",
"while" => "1",
"AccessRec" => "2",
"Array" => "2",
"AttrDef" => "2",
"AttrType" => "2",
"Baseline" => "2",
"Bitmap" => "2",
"Buffer" => "2",
"bool" => "2",
"Column" => "2",
"char" => "2",
"Date" => "2",
"DB" => "2",
"DBE" => "2",
"Filter" => "2",
"History" => "2",
"HistoryType" => "2",
"int" => "2",
"InPlaceEditEvent" => "2",
"IPC" => "2",
"Link" => "2",
"Linkset" => "2",
"Module" => "2",
"Object" => "2",
"OleAutoArgs" => "2",
"OleAutoObj" => "2",
"Permission" => "2",
"Project" => "2",
"real" => "2",
"Regexp" => "2",
"ScrollEvent" => "2",
"ScrollSide" => "2",
"Sensitivity" => "2",
"Skip" => "2",
"Sort" => "2",
"Stat" => "2",
"Stream" => "2",
"string" => "2",
"Template" => "2",
"ToolType" => "2",
"Trigger" => "2",
"void" => "2",
"above" => "3",
"accept" => "3",
"ack" => "3",
"activateURL" => "3",
"active" => "3",
"addToolTip" => "3",
"addUser" => "3",
"addMenu" => "3",
"after" => "3",
"all" => "3",
"alternative" => "3",
"alternatives" => "3",
"ancestors" => "3",
"append" => "3",
"apply" => "3",
"arrow" => "3",
"attribute" => "3",
"attributeValue" => "3",
"attributes" => "3",
"background" => "3",
"before" => "3",
"below" => "3",
"beside" => "3",
"block" => "3",
"box" => "3",
"button" => "3",
"canDelete" => "3",
"canRead" => "3",
"canvas" => "3",
"canWrite" => "3",
"centered" => "3",
"charOf" => "3",
"changeBars" => "3",
"checkBox" => "3",
"choice" => "3",
"clear" => "3",
"clearClipboard" => "3",
"clearToolTips" => "3",
"client" => "3",
"clipboardIsEmpty" => "3",
"clipboardIsTransient" => "3",
"close" => "3",
"closeProject" => "3",
"color" => "3",
"confirm" => "3",
"confAppend" => "3",
"confDeleteFile" => "3",
"confMkdir" => "3",
"confRead" => "3",
"confRenameFile" => "3",
"confWrite" => "3",
"contents" => "3",
"copyFile" => "3",
"copyFlat" => "3",
"copyHier" => "3",
"cos" => "3",
"create" => "3",
"createString" => "3",
"current" => "3",
"cut" => "3",
"database" => "3",
"default" => "3",
"delete" => "3",
"deleteFile" => "3",
"deselect" => "3",
"destroyBitmap" => "3",
"directory" => "3",
"disconnect" => "3",
"display" => "3",
"doorsname" => "3",
"double" => "3",
"down" => "3",
"downgrade" => "3",
"draw" => "3",
"drawBitmap" => "3",
"du" => "3",
"dxl" => "3",
"edit" => "3",
"editor" => "3",
"ellipse" => "3",
"end" => "3",
"eval_" => "3",
"exists" => "3",
"exit_" => "3",
"false" => "3",
"field" => "3",
"fileExists_" => "3",
"fileOverwriteOK_" => "3",
"fileReadable_" => "3",
"fileWriteable_" => "3",
"fileName" => "3",
"filtering" => "3",
"find" => "3",
"first" => "3",
"flushDeletions" => "3",
"font" => "3",
"formal" => "3",
"full" => "3",
"get" => "3",
"getenv" => "3",
"getSelection" => "3",
"getSize" => "3",
"goodFileName" => "3",
"graphics" => "3",
"halt" => "3",
"hardDelete" => "3",
"hasInPlace" => "3",
"hasScrollbars" => "3",
"height" => "3",
"hide" => "3",
"home" => "3",
"identifier" => "3",
"inactive" => "3",
"info" => "3",
"inherit" => "3",
"inPlaceChoiceAdd" => "3",
"inPlaceCopy" => "3",
"inPlaceCut" => "3",
"inPlaceGet" => "3",
"inPlaceMove" => "3",
"inPlacePaste" => "3",
"inPlaceReset" => "3",
"inPlaceSet" => "3",
"inPlaceShow" => "3",
"inPlaceTextHeight" => "3",
"insert" => "3",
"intOf" => "3",
"isAdmin" => "3",
"isBatch" => "3",
"isDeleted" => "3",
"isEdit" => "3",
"isLocked" => "3",
"isLockedByUser" => "3",
"isNull" => "3",
"isRead" => "3",
"isSelected" => "3",
"isShare" => "3",
"isValidName" => "3",
"isVisible" => "3",
"isVisibleAttribute" => "3",
"justify" => "3",
"key" => "3",
"label" => "3",
"last" => "3",
"lastError" => "3",
"leaf" => "3",
"left" => "3",
"leftAligned" => "3",
"length" => "3",
"level" => "3",
"line" => "3",
"linkIndicators" => "3",
"list" => "3",
"load" => "3",
"loadBitmap" => "3",
"lock" => "3",
"lower" => "3",
"main" => "3",
"manyToMany" => "3",
"manyToOne" => "3",
"margins" => "3",
"match" => "3",
"matches" => "3",
"menuBar" => "3",
"mkdir" => "3",
"modified" => "3",
"move" => "3",
"multiList" => "3",
"name" => "3",
"next" => "3",
"noElems" => "3",
"noError" => "3",
"notNull" => "3",
"null" => "3",
"number" => "3",
"of" => "3",
"off" => "3",
"ok" => "3",
"oleCloseAutoObject" => "3",
"oleCopy" => "3",
"oleCreateAutoObject" => "3",
"oleCut" => "3",
"oleGet" => "3",
"oleInsert" => "3",
"oleIsObject" => "3",
"oleMethod" => "3",
"olePaste" => "3",
"olePut" => "3",
"on" => "3",
"oneToMany" => "3",
"oneToOne" => "3",
"open" => "3",
"openProject" => "3",
"opposite" => "3",
"outline" => "3",
"outlining" => "3",
"pageBottomMargin" => "3",
"pageBreakLevel" => "3",
"pageChangeBars" => "3",
"pageColumns" => "3",
"pageFormat" => "3",
"pageHeaderFooter" => "3",
"pageHeight" => "3",
"pageLayout" => "3",
"pageLeftMargin" => "3",
"pageName" => "3",
"pagePortrait" => "3",
"pageRepeatTitles" => "3",
"pageRightMargin" => "3",
"pageSize" => "3",
"pageTitlePage" => "3",
"pageTOCLevel" => "3",
"pageTopMargin" => "3",
"pageWidth" => "3",
"parent" => "3",
"parentOf" => "3",
"pasteDown" => "3",
"pasteSame" => "3",
"pi" => "3",
"platform" => "3",
"polygon" => "3",
"previous" => "3",
"print" => "3",
"progressCancelled" => "3",
"progressMessage" => "3",
"progressRange" => "3",
"progressStart" => "3",
"progressStep" => "3",
"progressStop" => "3",
"purgeObjects_" => "3",
"put" => "3",
"query" => "3",
"radioBox" => "3",
"radioButton" => "3",
"raise" => "3",
"random" => "3",
"read" => "3",
"readFile" => "3",
"realise" => "3",
"realize" => "3",
"realOf" => "3",
"rectangle" => "3",
"recv" => "3",
"refresh" => "3",
"reject" => "3",
"release" => "3",
"renameFile" => "3",
"return_" => "3",
"richText" => "3",
"right" => "3",
"runLim" => "3",
"save" => "3",
"scroll" => "3",
"scrollSet" => "3",
"selected" => "3",
"send" => "3",
"separator" => "3",
"server" => "3",
"set" => "3",
"setDef" => "3",
"setDefaultViewForModule" => "3",
"setempty" => "3",
"setFocus" => "3",
"setPos" => "3",
"setSelection" => "3",
"setSize" => "3",
"setVal" => "3",
"share" => "3",
"show" => "3",
"showDeletedModules" => "3",
"showDeletedObjects" => "3",
"showDeletedProjects" => "3",
"showing" => "3",
"sibling" => "3",
"sin" => "3",
"sizeof" => "3",
"slider" => "3",
"softDelete" => "3",
"sorting" => "3",
"source" => "3",
"spell" => "3",
"stacked" => "3",
"start" => "3",
"static" => "3",
"statusBar" => "3",
"stringOf" => "3",
"switch" => "3",
"sync" => "3",
"tan" => "3",
"target" => "3",
"tempFileName" => "3",
"text" => "3",
"title" => "3",
"today" => "3",
"toggle" => "3",
"toolBar" => "3",
"toolBarComboAdd" => "3",
"toolBarComboCount" => "3",
"toolBarComboEmpty" => "3",
"toolBarComboGetItem" => "3",
"toolBarComboGetSelection" => "3",
"toolBarComboSelect" => "3",
"toolButton" => "3",
"toolCombo" => "3",
"toolSpacer" => "3",
"toolToggle" => "3",
"top" => "3",
"topMost" => "3",
"true" => "3",
"type" => "3",
"undelete" => "3",
"unload" => "3",
"unlockSaveSection" => "3",
"unlockSaveAll" => "3",
"unlockDiscardSection" => "3",
"unlockDiscardAll" => "3",
"up" => "3",
"updateToolBars" => "3",
"upper" => "3",
"useraccess" => "3",
"varchar" => "3",
"verticalCheckBox" => "3",
"verticalRadioBox" => "3",
"view" => "3",
"width" => "3",
"write" => "3",
"attrDate" => "4",
"attrEnumeration" => "4",
"attrInteger" => "4",
"attrReal" => "4",
"attrString" => "4",
"attrText" => "4",
"colorBlack" => "4",
"colorBlue" => "4",
"colorBrown" => "4",
"colorCyan" => "4",
"colorDarkTurquoise" => "4",
"colorGreen" => "4",
"colorGrey" => "4",
"colorGrey77" => "4",
"colorGrey82" => "4",
"colorLightBlue" => "4",
"colorMagenta" => "4",
"colorMaroon" => "4",
"colorMediumLightBlue" => "4",
"colorOrange" => "4",
"colorPink" => "4",
"colorRed" => "4",
"colorRedGrey" => "4",
"colorWhite" => "4",
"colorYellow" => "4",
"ddbAvailable" => "4",
"ddbChecked" => "4",
"ddbNone" => "4",
"ddbUnavailable" => "4",
"ICD_LEVEL1" => "4",
"ICD_LEVEL2" => "4",
"ICD_LEVEL3" => "4",
"ICD_LEVEL4" => "4",
"ICD_LEVEL5" => "4",
"ICD_LEVEL6" => "4",
"ICD_LEVEL7" => "4",
"ICD_LEVEL8" => "4",
"ICD_LEVEL10" => "4",
"ICD_LEVELALL" => "4",
"ICD_OPEN_PROJ" => "4",
"inPlaceChoice" => "4",
"inPlaceString" => "4",
"inPlaceText" => "4",
"inPlaceTextChange" => "4",
"inPlaceTextFilled" => "4",
"keyDelete" => "4",
"keyDown" => "4",
"keyEnd" => "4",
"keyF1" => "4",
"keyF2" => "4",
"keyF3" => "4",
"keyF4" => "4",
"keyF5" => "4",
"keyF6" => "4",
"keyF7" => "4",
"keyF8" => "4",
"keyF9" => "4",
"keyF10" => "4",
"keyF11" => "4",
"keyF12" => "4",
"keyHelp" => "4",
"keyHome" => "4",
"keyInsert" => "4",
"keyLeft" => "4",
"keyPageDown" => "4",
"keyPageUp" => "4",
"keyRight" => "4",
"keyUp" => "4",
"logicalDefaultColor" => "4",
"logical0IndicatorColor" => "4",
"logical11IndicatorColor" => "4",
"logical22IndicatorColor" => "4",
"logical33IndicatorColor" => "4",
"logical44IndicatorColor" => "4",
"logical55IndicatorColor" => "4",
"logical66IndicatorColor" => "4",
"logical77IndicatorColor" => "4",
"logical88IndicatorColor" => "4",
"logical100IndicatorColor" => "4",
"logicalCurrentBackgroundColor" => "4",
"logicalDataTextColor" => "4",
"logicalDeletedTextColor" => "4",
"logicalHighIndicatorColor" => "4",
"logicalInPlaceBackgroundColor" => "4",
"logicalLinksInIndicatorColor" => "4",
"logicalLowIndicatorColor" => "4",
"logicalMediumIndicatorColor" => "4",
"logicalPageBackgroundColor" => "4",
"logicalReadOnlyTextColor" => "4",
"logicalSelectedTextColor" => "4",
"logicalTextBackgroundColor" => "4",
"logicalTitleBackgroundColor" => "4",
"logicalTitleTextColor" => "4",
"scrollDown" => "4",
"scrollPageDown" => "4",
"scrollPageUp" => "4",
"scrollToEnd" => "4",
"scrollToHome" => "4",
"scrollToPos" => "4",
"scrollUp" => "4",
"#include" => "5",
"pragma" => "5");
// Special extensions
// Each category can specify a PHP function that returns an altered
// version of the keyword.
$this->linkscripts = array(
"1" => "donothing",
"2" => "donothing",
"3" => "donothing",
"4" => "donothing",
"5" => "donothing");

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: