ILIAS  Release_4_3_x_branch Revision 61807
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HFile_mssql7 Class Reference
+ Inheritance diagram for HFile_mssql7:
+ Collaboration diagram for HFile_mssql7:

Public Member Functions

 HFile_mssql7 ()
 donothing ($keywordin)
- Public Member Functions inherited from HFile
 HFile ()
 parse_file ($file)
 to_perl ($stub, $tofile=1)
 to_php ($stub, $tofile=1)
 _get_categories ()
 _dump_linkscripts ()
 _dump_perl_linkscripts ()
 _dump_perl_defaultscripts ()
 _dump_colours ()
 _dump_var ($variable, $name)
 _dump_array ($array, $name)
 _dump_perl_array ($array, $name)
 _dump_hash ($hash, $name)
 _dump_perl_hash ($hash, $name)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 5 of file HFile_mssql7.php.

Member Function Documentation

HFile_mssql7::donothing (   $keywordin)

Definition at line 1160 of file HFile_mssql7.php.

return $keywordin;
HFile_mssql7::HFile_mssql7 ( )

Definition at line 6 of file HFile_mssql7.php.

References HFile\HFile().

// Beautifier Highlighting Configuration File
// SQL
// Flags
$this->nocase = "1";
$this->notrim = "0";
$this->perl = "0";
// Colours
$this->colours = array("blue", "purple", "gray", "brown");
$this->quotecolour = "blue";
$this->blockcommentcolour = "green";
$this->linecommentcolour = "green";
// Indent Strings
$this->indent = array("BEGIN");
$this->unindent = array("END");
// String characters and delimiters
$this->stringchars = array("\"", "'");
$this->delimiters = array("!", "@", "%", "^", "&", "*", "(", ")", "-", "+", "=", "|", "\\", "/", "[", "]", ";", "\"", "'", "<", ">", " ", ",", " ", ".");
$this->escchar = "";
// Comment settings
$this->linecommenton = array("");
$this->blockcommenton = array("/*");
$this->blockcommentoff = array("*/");
// Keywords (keyword mapping to colour number)
$this->keywords = array(
"add" => "1",
"all" => "1",
"alter" => "1",
"and" => "1",
"any" => "1",
"as" => "1",
"asc" => "1",
"authorization" => "1",
"avg" => "1",
"backup" => "1",
"begin" => "1",
"between" => "1",
"break" => "1",
"browse" => "1",
"bulk" => "1",
"by" => "1",
"cascade" => "1",
"case" => "1",
"check" => "1",
"checkpoint" => "1",
"close" => "1",
"clustered" => "1",
"coalesce" => "1",
"column" => "1",
"commit" => "1",
"committed" => "1",
"compute" => "1",
"confirm" => "1",
"constraint" => "1",
"contains" => "1",
"containstable" => "1",
"continue" => "1",
"controlrow" => "1",
"convert" => "1",
"count" => "1",
"create" => "1",
"cross" => "1",
"current" => "1",
"current_date" => "1",
"current_time" => "1",
"current_timestamp" => "1",
"current_user" => "1",
"cursor" => "1",
"database" => "1",
"dbcc" => "1",
"deallocate" => "1",
"declare" => "1",
"default" => "1",
"delete" => "1",
"deny" => "1",
"desc" => "1",
"disk" => "1",
"distinct" => "1",
"distributed" => "1",
"double" => "1",
"drop" => "1",
"dummy" => "1",
"dump" => "1",
"else" => "1",
"end" => "1",
"errlvl" => "1",
"errorexit" => "1",
"escape" => "1",
"except" => "1",
"exec" => "1",
"execute" => "1",
"exists" => "1",
"exit" => "1",
"fetch" => "1",
"file" => "1",
"fillfactor" => "1",
"floppy" => "1",
"for" => "1",
"foreign" => "1",
"freetext" => "1",
"freetexttable" => "1",
"from" => "1",
"full" => "1",
"go" => "1",
"goto" => "1",
"grant" => "1",
"group" => "1",
"having" => "1",
"holdlock" => "1",
"identity" => "1",
"identity_insert" => "1",
"identitycol" => "1",
"if" => "1",
"in" => "1",
"index" => "1",
"inner" => "1",
"insert" => "1",
"intersect" => "1",
"into" => "1",
"is" => "1",
"isolation" => "1",
"join" => "1",
"key" => "1",
"kill" => "1",
"left" => "1",
"level" => "1",
"like" => "1",
"lineno" => "1",
"load" => "1",
"max" => "1",
"min" => "1",
"mirrorexit" => "1",
"national" => "1",
"nocheck" => "1",
"nonclustered" => "1",
"not" => "1",
"null" => "1",
"nullif" => "1",
"of" => "1",
"off" => "1",
"offsets" => "1",
"on" => "1",
"once" => "1",
"only" => "1",
"open" => "1",
"opendatasource" => "1",
"openquery" => "1",
"openrowset" => "1",
"option" => "1",
"or" => "1",
"order" => "1",
"outer" => "1",
"over" => "1",
"percent" => "1",
"perm" => "1",
"permanent" => "1",
"pipe" => "1",
"plan" => "1",
"precision" => "1",
"prepare" => "1",
"primary" => "1",
"print" => "1",
"privileges" => "1",
"proc" => "1",
"procedure" => "1",
"processexit" => "1",
"public" => "1",
"raiserror" => "1",
"read" => "1",
"readtext" => "1",
"reconfigure" => "1",
"references" => "1",
"repeatable" => "1",
"replication" => "1",
"restore" => "1",
"restrict" => "1",
"return" => "1",
"revoke" => "1",
"right" => "1",
"rollback" => "1",
"rowcount" => "1",
"rowguidcol" => "1",
"rule" => "1",
"save" => "1",
"schema" => "1",
"select" => "1",
"serializable" => "1",
"session_user" => "1",
"set" => "1",
"setuser" => "1",
"shutdown" => "1",
"some" => "1",
"statistics" => "1",
"sum" => "1",
"system_user" => "1",
"table" => "1",
"tape" => "1",
"temp" => "1",
"temporary" => "1",
"textsize" => "1",
"then" => "1",
"to" => "1",
"top" => "1",
"tran" => "1",
"transaction" => "1",
"trigger" => "1",
"truncate" => "1",
"tsequal" => "1",
"uncommitted" => "1",
"union" => "1",
"unique" => "1",
"update" => "1",
"updatetext" => "1",
"use" => "1",
"user" => "1",
"values" => "1",
"varying" => "1",
"view" => "1",
"waitfor" => "1",
"when" => "1",
"where" => "1",
"while" => "1",
"with" => "1",
"work" => "1",
"writetext" => "1",
"binary" => "2",
"bit" => "2",
"char" => "2",
"character" => "2",
"datetime" => "2",
"dec" => "2",
"decimal" => "2",
"float" => "2",
"image" => "2",
"int" => "2",
"integer" => "2",
"money" => "2",
"nchar" => "2",
"ntext" => "2",
"numeric" => "2",
"nvarchar" => "2",
"real" => "2",
"smalldatetime" => "2",
"smallint" => "2",
"smallmoney" => "2",
"text" => "2",
"timestamp" => "2",
"tinyint" => "2",
"uniqueidentifier" => "2",
"varbinary" => "2",
"varchar" => "2",
"sp_abort_xact" => "3",
"sp_add_agent_parameter" => "3",
"sp_add_agent_profile" => "3",
"sp_add_server_sortinfo" => "3",
"sp_addalias" => "3",
"sp_addapprole" => "3",
"sp_addarticle" => "3",
"sp_adddistpublisher" => "3",
"sp_adddistributiondb" => "3",
"sp_adddistributor" => "3",
"sp_addextendedproc" => "3",
"sp_addgroup" => "3",
"sp_addlinkedserver" => "3",
"sp_addlinkedsrvlogin" => "3",
"sp_addlogin" => "3",
"sp_addmergearticle" => "3",
"sp_addmergefilter" => "3",
"sp_addmergepublication" => "3",
"sp_addmergepullsubscription" => "3",
"sp_addmergepullsubscription_agent" => "3",
"sp_addmergesubscription" => "3",
"sp_addmessage" => "3",
"sp_addpublication" => "3",
"sp_addpublication_snaHFileot" => "3",
"sp_addpublisher" => "3",
"sp_addpullsubscription" => "3",
"sp_addpullsubscription_agent" => "3",
"sp_addremotelogin" => "3",
"sp_addrole" => "3",
"sp_addrolemember" => "3",
"sp_addserver" => "3",
"sp_addsrvrolemember" => "3",
"sp_addsubscriber" => "3",
"sp_addsubscriber_schedule" => "3",
"sp_addsubscription" => "3",
"sp_addsynctriggers" => "3",
"sp_addtype" => "3",
"sp_addumpdevice" => "3",
"sp_adduser" => "3",
"sp_altermessage" => "3",
"sp_approlepassword" => "3",
"sp_article_validation" => "3",
"sp_articlecolumn" => "3",
"sp_articlefilter" => "3",
"sp_articlesynctranprocs" => "3",
"sp_articleview" => "3",
"sp_attach_db" => "3",
"sp_attach_single_file_db" => "3",
"sp_autostats" => "3",
"sp_bindefault" => "3",
"sp_bindrule" => "3",
"sp_bindsession" => "3",
"sp_blockcnt" => "3",
"sp_catalogs" => "3",
"sp_catalogs_rowset" => "3",
"sp_certify_removable" => "3",
"sp_change_subscription_properties" => "3",
"sp_change_users_login" => "3",
"sp_changearticle" => "3",
"sp_changedbowner" => "3",
"sp_changedistpublisher" => "3",
"sp_changedistributiondb" => "3",
"sp_changedistributor_password" => "3",
"sp_changedistributor_property" => "3",
"sp_changegroup" => "3",
"sp_changemergearticle" => "3",
"sp_changemergefilter" => "3",
"sp_changemergepublication" => "3",
"sp_changemergepullsubscription" => "3",
"sp_changemergesubscription" => "3",
"sp_changeobjectowner" => "3",
"sp_changepublication" => "3",
"sp_changesubscriber" => "3",
"sp_changesubscriber_schedule" => "3",
"sp_changesubscription" => "3",
"sp_changesubstatus" => "3",
"sp_check_for_sync_trigger" => "3",
"sp_check_removable" => "3",
"sp_check_removable_sysusers" => "3",
"sp_check_sync_trigger" => "3",
"sp_checknames" => "3",
"sp_cleanupwebtask" => "3",
"sp_column_privileges" => "3",
"sp_column_privileges_ex" => "3",
"sp_column_privileges_rowset" => "3",
"sp_columns" => "3",
"sp_columns_ex" => "3",
"sp_columns_rowset" => "3",
"sp_commit_xact" => "3",
"sp_configure" => "3",
"sp_create_removable" => "3",
"sp_createorphan" => "3",
"sp_createstats" => "3",
"sp_cursor" => "3",
"sp_cursor_list" => "3",
"sp_cursorclose" => "3",
"sp_cursorexecute" => "3",
"sp_cursorfetch" => "3",
"sp_cursoropen" => "3",
"sp_cursoroption" => "3",
"sp_cursorprepare" => "3",
"sp_cursorunprepare" => "3",
"sp_databases" => "3",
"sp_datatype_info" => "3",
"sp_db_upgrade" => "3",
"sp_dbcmptlevel" => "3",
"sp_dbfixedrolepermission" => "3",
"sp_dboption" => "3",
"sp_dbremove" => "3",
"sp_ddopen" => "3",
"sp_defaultdb" => "3",
"sp_defaultlanguage" => "3",
"sp_deletemergeconflictrow" => "3",
"sp_denylogin" => "3",
"sp_depends" => "3",
"sp_describe_cursor" => "3",
"sp_describe_cursor_columns" => "3",
"sp_describe_cursor_tables" => "3",
"sp_detach_db" => "3",
"sp_diskdefault" => "3",
"sp_distcounters" => "3",
"sp_drop_agent_parameter" => "3",
"sp_drop_agent_profile" => "3",
"sp_dropalias" => "3",
"sp_dropapprole" => "3",
"sp_droparticle" => "3",
"sp_dropdevice" => "3",
"sp_dropdistpublisher" => "3",
"sp_dropdistributiondb" => "3",
"sp_dropdistributor" => "3",
"sp_dropextendedproc" => "3",
"sp_dropgroup" => "3",
"sp_droplinkedsrvlogin" => "3",
"sp_droplogin" => "3",
"sp_dropmergearticle" => "3",
"sp_dropmergefilter" => "3",
"sp_dropmergepublication" => "3",
"sp_dropmergepullsubscription" => "3",
"sp_dropmergesubscription" => "3",
"sp_dropmessage" => "3",
"sp_droporphans" => "3",
"sp_droppublication" => "3",
"sp_droppublisher" => "3",
"sp_droppullsubscription" => "3",
"sp_dropremotelogin" => "3",
"sp_droprole" => "3",
"sp_droprolemember" => "3",
"sp_dropserver" => "3",
"sp_dropsrvrolemember" => "3",
"sp_dropsubscriber" => "3",
"sp_dropsubscription" => "3",
"sp_droptype" => "3",
"sp_dropuser" => "3",
"sp_dropwebtask" => "3",
"sp_dsninfo" => "3",
"sp_enumcodepages" => "3",
"sp_enumcustomresolvers" => "3",
"sp_enumdsn" => "3",
"sp_enumfullsubscribers" => "3",
"sp_enumoledbdatasources" => "3",
"sp_execute" => "3",
"sp_executesql" => "3",
"sp_fallback_MS_sel_fb_svr" => "3",
"sp_fetchshowcmdsinput" => "3",
"sp_fixindex" => "3",
"sp_fkeys" => "3",
"sp_foreign_keys_rowset" => "3",
"sp_foreignkeys" => "3",
"sp_fulltext_catalog" => "3",
"sp_fulltext_column" => "3",
"sp_fulltext_database" => "3",
"sp_fulltext_getdata" => "3",
"sp_fulltext_service" => "3",
"sp_fulltext_table" => "3",
"sp_generatefilters" => "3",
"sp_get_distributor" => "3",
"sp_getarticlepkcolbitmap" => "3",
"sp_getbindtoken" => "3",
"sp_GetMBCSCharLen" => "3",
"sp_getmergedeletetype" => "3",
"sp_gettypestring" => "3",
"sp_grant_publication_access" => "3",
"sp_grantdbaccess" => "3",
"sp_grantlogin" => "3",
"sp_help" => "3",
"sp_help_agent_default" => "3",
"sp_help_agent_parameter" => "3",
"sp_help_agent_profile" => "3",
"sp_help_fulltext_catalogs" => "3",
"sp_help_fulltext_catalogs_cursor" => "3",
"sp_help_fulltext_columns" => "3",
"sp_help_fulltext_columns_cursor" => "3",
"sp_help_fulltext_tables" => "3",
"sp_help_fulltext_tables_cursor" => "3",
"sp_help_publication_access" => "3",
"sp_helpallowmerge_publication" => "3",
"sp_helparticle" => "3",
"sp_helparticlecolumns" => "3",
"sp_helpconstraint" => "3",
"sp_helpdb" => "3",
"sp_helpdbfixedrole" => "3",
"sp_helpdevice" => "3",
"sp_helpdistpublisher" => "3",
"sp_helpdistributiondb" => "3",
"sp_helpdistributor" => "3",
"sp_helpdistributor_properties" => "3",
"sp_helpextendedproc" => "3",
"sp_helpfile" => "3",
"sp_helpfilegroup" => "3",
"sp_helpgroup" => "3",
"sp_helpindex" => "3",
"sp_helplanguage" => "3",
"sp_helplog" => "3",
"sp_helplogins" => "3",
"sp_helpmergearticle" => "3",
"sp_helpmergearticleconflicts" => "3",
"sp_helpmergeconflictrows" => "3",
"sp_helpmergedeleteconflictrows" => "3",
"sp_helpmergefilter" => "3",
"sp_helpmergepublication" => "3",
"sp_helpmergepullsubscription" => "3",
"sp_helpmergesubscription" => "3",
"sp_helpntgroup" => "3",
"sp_helppublication" => "3",
"sp_helppublication_snaHFileot" => "3",
"sp_helppublicationsync" => "3",
"sp_helppullsubscription" => "3",
"sp_helpremotelogin" => "3",
"sp_helpreplicationdb" => "3",
"sp_helpreplicationdboption" => "3",
"sp_helpreplicationoption" => "3",
"sp_helprole" => "3",
"sp_helprolemember" => "3",
"sp_helprotect" => "3",
"sp_helpserver" => "3",
"sp_helpsort" => "3",
"sp_helpsql" => "3",
"sp_helpsrvrole" => "3",
"sp_helpsrvrolemember" => "3",
"sp_helpstartup" => "3",
"sp_helpsubscriber" => "3",
"sp_helpsubscriberinfo" => "3",
"sp_helpsubscription" => "3",
"sp_helpsubscription_properties" => "3",
"sp_helptext" => "3",
"sp_helptrigger" => "3",
"sp_helpuser" => "3",
"sp_indexes" => "3",
"sp_indexes_rowset" => "3",
"sp_indexoption" => "3",
"sp_isarticlecolbitset" => "3",
"sp_IsMBCSLeadByte" => "3",
"sp_link_publication" => "3",
"sp_linkedservers" => "3",
"sp_linkedservers_rowset" => "3",
"sp_lock" => "3",
"sp_lockinfo" => "3",
"sp_logdevice" => "3",
"sp_makestartup" => "3",
"sp_makewebtask" => "3",
"sp_mergedummyupdate" => "3",
"sp_mergesubscription_cleanup" => "3",
"sp_mergesubscriptioncleanup" => "3",
"sp_monitor" => "3",
"sp_MS_marksystemobject" => "3",
"sp_MS_replication_installed" => "3",
"sp_MS_upd_sysobj_category" => "3",
"sp_MSactivate_auto_sub" => "3",
"sp_MSadd_distributor_alerts_and_responses" => "3",
"sp_MSadd_mergereplcommand" => "3",
"sp_MSadd_repl_job" => "3",
"sp_MSaddanonymousreplica" => "3",
"sp_MSaddarticletocontents" => "3",
"sp_MSaddexecarticle" => "3",
"sp_MSaddguidcolumn" => "3",
"sp_MSaddguidindex" => "3",
"sp_MSaddinitialarticle" => "3",
"sp_MSaddinitialpublication" => "3",
"sp_MSaddinitialsubscription" => "3",
"sp_MSaddlogin_implicit_ntlogin" => "3",
"sp_MSaddmergepub_snaHFileot" => "3",
"sp_MSaddmergetriggers" => "3",
"sp_MSaddpub_snaHFileot" => "3",
"sp_MSaddpubtocontents" => "3",
"sp_MSaddupdatetrigger" => "3",
"sp_MSadduser_implicit_ntlogin" => "3",
"sp_MSarticlecleanup" => "3",
"sp_MSarticletextcol" => "3",
"sp_MSbelongs" => "3",
"sp_MSchange_priority" => "3",
"sp_MSchangearticleresolver" => "3",
"sp_MScheck_agent_instance" => "3",
"sp_MScheck_uid_owns_anything" => "3",
"sp_MScheckatpublisher" => "3",
"sp_MScheckexistsgeneration" => "3",
"sp_MScheckmetadatamatch" => "3",
"sp_MScleanup_subscription" => "3",
"sp_MScleanuptask" => "3",
"sp_MScontractsubsnb" => "3",
"sp_MScreate_dist_tables" => "3",
"sp_MScreate_distributor_tables" => "3",
"sp_MScreate_mergesystables" => "3",
"sp_MScreate_pub_tables" => "3",
"sp_MScreate_replication_checkup_agent" => "3",
"sp_MScreate_replication_status_table" => "3",
"sp_MScreate_sub_tables" => "3",
"sp_MScreateglobalreplica" => "3",
"sp_MScreateretry" => "3",
"sp_MSdbuseraccess" => "3",
"sp_MSdbuserpriv" => "3",
"sp_MSdeletecontents" => "3",
"sp_MSdeletepushagent" => "3",
"sp_MSdeleteretry" => "3",
"sp_MSdelrow" => "3",
"sp_MSdelsubrows" => "3",
"sp_MSdependencies" => "3",
"sp_MSdoesfilterhaveparent" => "3",
"sp_MSdrop_6x_replication_agent" => "3",
"sp_MSdrop_distributor_alerts_and_responses" => "3",
"sp_MSdrop_mergesystables" => "3",
"sp_MSdrop_object" => "3",
"sp_MSdrop_pub_tables" => "3",
"sp_MSdrop_replcom" => "3",
"sp_MSdrop_repltran" => "3",
"sp_MSdrop_rladmin" => "3",
"sp_MSdrop_rlcore" => "3",
"sp_MSdrop_rlrecon" => "3",
"sp_MSdroparticleprocs" => "3",
"sp_MSdroparticletombstones" => "3",
"sp_MSdroparticletriggers" => "3",
"sp_MSdropconstraints" => "3",
"sp_MSdropmergepub_snaHFileot" => "3",
"sp_MSdropretry" => "3",
"sp_MSdummyupdate" => "3",
"sp_MSenum_replication_agents" => "3",
"sp_MSenum_replication_job" => "3",
"sp_MSenum3rdpartypublications" => "3",
"sp_MSenumallpublications" => "3",
"sp_MSenumchanges" => "3",
"sp_MSenumcolumns" => "3",
"sp_MSenumdeletesmetadata" => "3",
"sp_MSenumgenerations" => "3",
"sp_MSenummergepublications" => "3",
"sp_MSenumpartialchanges" => "3",
"sp_MSenumpartialdeletes" => "3",
"sp_MSenumpubreferences" => "3",
"sp_MSenumreplicas" => "3",
"sp_MSenumretries" => "3",
"sp_MSenumschemachange" => "3",
"sp_MSenumtranpublications" => "3",
"sp_MSexists_file" => "3",
"sp_MSexpandbelongs" => "3",
"sp_MSexpandnotbelongs" => "3",
"sp_MSexpandsubsnb" => "3",
"sp_MSfilterclause" => "3",
"sp_MSflush_access_cache" => "3",
"sp_MSflush_command" => "3",
"sp_MSforeach_worker" => "3",
"sp_MSforeachdb" => "3",
"sp_MSforeachtable" => "3",
"sp_MSgen_sync_tran_procs" => "3",
"sp_MSgenreplnickname" => "3",
"sp_MSgentablenickname" => "3",
"sp_MSget_col_position" => "3",
"sp_MSget_colinfo" => "3",
"sp_MSget_oledbinfo" => "3",
"sp_MSget_publisher_rpc" => "3",
"sp_MSget_qualifed_name" => "3",
"sp_MSget_synctran_commands" => "3",
"sp_MSget_type" => "3",
"sp_MSgetalertinfo" => "3",
"sp_MSgetchangecount" => "3",
"sp_MSgetconflictinsertproc" => "3",
"sp_MSgetlastrecgen" => "3",
"sp_MSgetlastsentgen" => "3",
"sp_MSgetonerow" => "3",
"sp_MSgetreplicainfo" => "3",
"sp_MSgetreplnick" => "3",
"sp_MSgetrowmetadata" => "3",
"sp_MSguidtostr" => "3",
"sp_MShelp_distdb" => "3",
"sp_MShelp_replication_status" => "3",
"sp_MShelpcolumns" => "3",
"sp_MShelpfulltextindex" => "3",
"sp_MShelpindex" => "3",
"sp_MShelpmergearticles" => "3",
"sp_MShelpobjectpublications" => "3",
"sp_MShelptype" => "3",
"sp_MSIfExistsRemoteLogin" => "3",
"sp_MSindexcolfrombin" => "3",
"sp_MSindexspace" => "3",
"sp_MSinit_replication_perfmon" => "3",
"sp_MSinsertcontents" => "3",
"sp_MSinsertdeleteconflict" => "3",
"sp_MSinsertgenhistory" => "3",
"sp_MSinsertschemachange" => "3",
"sp_MSis_col_replicated" => "3",
"sp_MSis_pk_col" => "3",
"sp_MSkilldb" => "3",
"sp_MSload_replication_status" => "3",
"sp_MSlocktable" => "3",
"sp_MSloginmappings" => "3",
"sp_MSmakearticleprocs" => "3",
"sp_MSmakeconflictinsertproc" => "3",
"sp_MSmakeexpandproc" => "3",
"sp_MSmakegeneration" => "3",
"sp_MSmakeinsertproc" => "3",
"sp_MSmakejoinfilter" => "3",
"sp_MSmakeselectproc" => "3",
"sp_MSmakesystableviews" => "3",
"sp_MSmaketempinsertproc" => "3",
"sp_MSmakeupdateproc" => "3",
"sp_MSmakeviewproc" => "3",
"sp_MSmaptype" => "3",
"sp_MSmark_proc_norepl" => "3",
"sp_MSmatchkey" => "3",
"sp_MSmergepublishdb" => "3",
"sp_MSmergesubscribedb" => "3",
"sp_MSobjectprivs" => "3",
"sp_MSpad_command" => "3",
"sp_MSproxiedmetadata" => "3",
"sp_MSpublicationcleanup" => "3",
"sp_MSpublicationview" => "3",
"sp_MSpublishdb" => "3",
"sp_MSrefcnt" => "3",
"sp_MSregistersubscription" => "3",
"sp_MSreinit_failed_subscriptions" => "3",
"sp_MSrepl_addrolemember" => "3",
"sp_MSrepl_dbrole" => "3",
"sp_MSrepl_droprolemember" => "3",
"sp_MSrepl_encrypt" => "3",
"sp_MSrepl_linkedservers_rowset" => "3",
"sp_MSrepl_startup" => "3",
"sp_MSreplcheck_connection" => "3",
"sp_MSreplcheck_publish" => "3",
"sp_MSreplcheck_pull" => "3",
"sp_MSreplcheck_subscribe" => "3",
"sp_MSreplicationcompatlevel" => "3",
"sp_MSreplrole" => "3",
"sp_MSreplsup_table_has_pk" => "3",
"sp_MSscript_beginproc" => "3",
"sp_MSscript_begintrig1" => "3",
"sp_MSscript_begintrig2" => "3",
"sp_MSscript_delete_statement" => "3",
"sp_MSscript_dri" => "3",
"sp_MSscript_endproc" => "3",
"sp_MSscript_endtrig" => "3",
"sp_MSscript_insert_statement" => "3",
"sp_MSscript_multirow_trigger" => "3",
"sp_MSscript_params" => "3",
"sp_MSscript_security" => "3",
"sp_MSscript_singlerow_trigger" => "3",
"sp_MSscript_sync_del_proc" => "3",
"sp_MSscript_sync_del_trig" => "3",
"sp_MSscript_sync_ins_proc" => "3",
"sp_MSscript_sync_ins_trig" => "3",
"sp_MSscript_sync_upd_proc" => "3",
"sp_MSscript_sync_upd_trig" => "3",
"sp_MSscript_trigger_assignment" => "3",
"sp_MSscript_trigger_exec_rpc" => "3",
"sp_MSscript_trigger_fetch_statement" => "3",
"sp_MSscript_trigger_update_checks" => "3",
"sp_MSscript_trigger_updates" => "3",
"sp_MSscript_trigger_variables" => "3",
"sp_MSscript_update_statement" => "3",
"sp_MSscript_where_clause" => "3",
"sp_MSscriptdatabase" => "3",
"sp_MSscriptdb_worker" => "3",
"sp_MSsetaccesslist" => "3",
"sp_MSsetalertinfo" => "3",
"sp_MSsetartprocs" => "3",
"sp_MSsetbit" => "3",
"sp_MSsetconflictscript" => "3",
"sp_MSsetconflicttable" => "3",
"sp_MSsetfilteredstatus" => "3",
"sp_MSsetfilterparent" => "3",
"sp_MSsetlastrecgen" => "3",
"sp_MSsetlastsentgen" => "3",
"sp_MSsetreplicainfo" => "3",
"sp_MSsetreplicastatus" => "3",
"sp_MSsetrowmetadata" => "3",
"sp_MSsettopology" => "3",
"sp_MSsetupbelongs" => "3",
"sp_MSSQLDMO70_version" => "3",
"sp_MSSQLOLE_version" => "3",
"sp_MSSQLOLE65_version" => "3",
"sp_MSsubscribedb" => "3",
"sp_MSsubscriptions" => "3",
"sp_MSsubscriptionvalidated" => "3",
"sp_MSsubsetpublication" => "3",
"sp_MStable_has_unique_index" => "3",
"sp_MStable_not_modifiable" => "3",
"sp_MStablechecks" => "3",
"sp_MStablekeys" => "3",
"sp_MStablenamefromnick" => "3",
"sp_MStablenickname" => "3",
"sp_MStablerefs" => "3",
"sp_MStablespace" => "3",
"sp_MStestbit" => "3",
"sp_MStextcolstatus" => "3",
"sp_MSunc_to_drive" => "3",
"sp_MSuniquecolname" => "3",
"sp_MSuniquename" => "3",
"sp_MSuniqueobjectname" => "3",
"sp_MSuniquetempname" => "3",
"sp_MSunmarkreplinfo" => "3",
"sp_MSunregistersubscription" => "3",
"sp_MSupdate_agenttype_default" => "3",
"sp_MSupdate_replication_status" => "3",
"sp_MSupdatecontents" => "3",
"sp_MSupdategenhistory" => "3",
"sp_MSupdateschemachange" => "3",
"sp_MSupdatesysmergearticles" => "3",
"sp_msupg_createcatalogcomputedcols" => "3",
"sp_msupg_dosystabcatalogupgrades" => "3",
"sp_msupg_dropcatalogcomputedcols" => "3",
"sp_msupg_recreatecatalogfaketables" => "3",
"sp_msupg_recreatesystemviews" => "3",
"sp_msupg_removesystemcomputedcolumns" => "3",
"sp_msupg_upgradecatalog" => "3",
"sp_MSuplineageversion" => "3",
"sp_MSvalidatearticle" => "3",
"sp_OACreate" => "3",
"sp_OADestroy" => "3",
"sp_OAGetErrorInfo" => "3",
"sp_OAGetProperty" => "3",
"sp_OAMethod" => "3",
"sp_OASetProperty" => "3",
"sp_OAStop" => "3",
"sp_objectfilegroup" => "3",
"sp_oledbinfo" => "3",
"sp_password" => "3",
"sp_pkeys" => "3",
"sp_prepare" => "3",
"sp_primary_keys_rowset" => "3",
"sp_primarykeys" => "3",
"sp_probe_xact" => "3",
"sp_procedure_params_rowset" => "3",
"sp_procedures_rowset" => "3",
"sp_processinfo" => "3",
"sp_processmail" => "3",
"sp_procoption" => "3",
"sp_provider_types_rowset" => "3",
"sp_publication_validation" => "3",
"sp_publishdb" => "3",
"sp_recompile" => "3",
"sp_refreshsubscriptions" => "3",
"sp_refreshview" => "3",
"sp_reinitmergepullsubscription" => "3",
"sp_reinitmergesubscription" => "3",
"sp_reinitpullsubscription" => "3",
"sp_reinitsubscription" => "3",
"sp_remoteoption" => "3",
"sp_remove_tempdb_file" => "3",
"sp_remove_xact" => "3",
"sp_removedbreplication" => "3",
"sp_removesrvreplication" => "3",
"sp_rename" => "3",
"sp_renamedb" => "3",
"sp_replcmds" => "3",
"sp_replcounters" => "3",
"sp_repldone" => "3",
"sp_replflush" => "3",
"sp_replica" => "3",
"sp_replication_agent_checkup" => "3",
"sp_replicationdboption" => "3",
"sp_replicationoption" => "3",
"sp_replincrementlsn" => "3",
"sp_replpostcmd" => "3",
"sp_replsetoriginator" => "3",
"sp_replshowcmds" => "3",
"sp_replsync" => "3",
"sp_repltrans" => "3",
"sp_replupdateschema" => "3",
"sp_reset_connection" => "3",
"sp_revoke_publication_access" => "3",
"sp_revokedbaccess" => "3",
"sp_revokelogin" => "3",
"sp_runwebtask" => "3",
"sp_scan_xact" => "3",
"sp_schemata_rowset" => "3",
"sp_script_synctran_commands" => "3",
"sp_scriptdelproc" => "3",
"sp_scriptinsproc" => "3",
"sp_scriptmappedupdproc" => "3",
"sp_scriptpkwhereclause" => "3",
"sp_scriptupdateparams" => "3",
"sp_scriptupdproc" => "3",
"sp_sdidebug" => "3",
"sp_sem_start_mail" => "3",
"sp_server_info" => "3",
"sp_serveroption" => "3",
"sp_setapprole" => "3",
"sp_setnetname" => "3",
"sp_spaceused" => "3",
"sp_special_columns" => "3",
"sp_sproc_columns" => "3",
"sp_sqlexec" => "3",
"sp_sqlregister" => "3",
"sp_srvrolepermission" => "3",
"sp_start_xact" => "3",
"sp_stat_xact" => "3",
"sp_statistics" => "3",
"sp_statistics_rowset" => "3",
"sp_stored_procedures" => "3",
"sp_subscribe" => "3",
"sp_subscription_cleanup" => "3",
"sp_subscriptioncleanup" => "3",
"sp_table_privileges" => "3",
"sp_table_privileges_ex" => "3",
"sp_table_privileges_rowset" => "3",
"sp_table_validation" => "3",
"sp_tableoption" => "3",
"sp_tables" => "3",
"sp_tables_ex" => "3",
"sp_tables_info_rowset" => "3",
"sp_tables_rowset" => "3",
"sp_tempdbspace" => "3",
"sp_unbindefault" => "3",
"sp_unbindrule" => "3",
"sp_unmakestartup" => "3",
"sp_unprepare" => "3",
"sp_unsubscribe" => "3",
"sp_updatestats" => "3",
"sp_user_counter1" => "3",
"sp_user_counter10" => "3",
"sp_user_counter2" => "3",
"sp_user_counter3" => "3",
"sp_user_counter4" => "3",
"sp_user_counter5" => "3",
"sp_user_counter6" => "3",
"sp_user_counter7" => "3",
"sp_user_counter8" => "3",
"sp_user_counter9" => "3",
"sp_validatelogins" => "3",
"sp_validlang" => "3",
"sp_validname" => "3",
"sp_who" => "3",
"sp_who2" => "3",
"spt_committab" => "3",
"spt_datatype_info" => "3",
"spt_datatype_info_ext" => "3",
"spt_fallback_db" => "3",
"spt_fallback_dev" => "3",
"spt_fallback_usg" => "3",
"spt_monitor" => "3",
"spt_provider_types" => "3",
"spt_server_info" => "3",
"spt_values" => "3",
"sysallocations" => "3",
"sysalternates" => "3",
"sysaltfiles" => "3",
"syscacheobjects" => "3",
"syscharsets" => "3",
"syscolumns" => "3",
"syscomments" => "3",
"sysconfigures" => "3",
"sysconstraints" => "3",
"syscurconfigs" => "3",
"syscursorcolumns" => "3",
"syscursorrefs" => "3",
"syscursors" => "3",
"syscursortables" => "3",
"sysdatabases" => "3",
"sysdepends" => "3",
"sysdevices" => "3",
"sysfilegroups" => "3",
"sysfiles" => "3",
"sysfiles1" => "3",
"sysforeignkeys" => "3",
"sysfulltextcatalogs" => "3",
"sysindexes" => "3",
"sysindexkeys" => "3",
"syslanguages" => "3",
"syslockinfo" => "3",
"syslocks" => "3",
"syslogins" => "3",
"sysmembers" => "3",
"sysmessages" => "3",
"sysobjects" => "3",
"sysoledbusers" => "3",
"sysperfinfo" => "3",
"syspermissions" => "3",
"sysprocesses" => "3",
"sysprotects" => "3",
"sysreferences" => "3",
"sysremotelogins" => "3",
"syssegments" => "3",
"sysservers" => "3",
"systypes" => "3",
"sysusers" => "3",
"sysxlogins" => "3",
"xp_availablemedia" => "3",
"xp_check_query_results" => "3",
"xp_cleanupwebtask" => "3",
"xp_cmdshell" => "3",
"xp_deletemail" => "3",
"xp_dirtree" => "3",
"xp_displayparamstmt" => "3",
"xp_dropwebtask" => "3",
"xp_dsninfo" => "3",
"xp_enum_activescriptengines" => "3",
"xp_enum_oledb_providers" => "3",
"xp_enumcodepages" => "3",
"xp_enumdsn" => "3",
"xp_enumerrorlogs" => "3",
"xp_enumgroups" => "3",
"xp_eventlog" => "3",
"xp_execresultset" => "3",
"xp_fileexist" => "3",
"xp_findnextmsg" => "3",
"xp_fixeddrives" => "3",
"xp_get_mapi_default_profile" => "3",
"xp_get_mapi_profiles" => "3",
"xp_get_tape_devices" => "3",
"xp_getfiledetails" => "3",
"xp_getnetname" => "3",
"xp_grantlogin" => "3",
"xp_initcolvs" => "3",
"xp_intersectbitmaps" => "3",
"xp_load_dummy_handlers" => "3",
"xp_logevent" => "3",
"xp_loginconfig" => "3",
"xp_logininfo" => "3",
"xp_makewebtask" => "3",
"xp_mergexpusage" => "3",
"xp_msver" => "3",
"xp_msx_enlist" => "3",
"xp_ntsec_enumdomains" => "3",
"xp_ntsec_enumgroups" => "3",
"xp_ntsec_enumusers" => "3",
"xp_oledbinfo" => "3",
"xp_param_dump" => "3",
"xp_perfend" => "3",
"xp_perfmonitor" => "3",
"xp_perfsample" => "3",
"xp_perfstart" => "3",
"xp_printstatements" => "3",
"xp_proxiedmetadata" => "3",
"xp_qv" => "3",
"xp_readerrorlog" => "3",
"xp_readmail" => "3",
"xp_regaddmultistring" => "3",
"xp_regdeletekey" => "3",
"xp_regdeletevalue" => "3",
"xp_regenumvalues" => "3",
"xp_regread" => "3",
"xp_regremovemultistring" => "3",
"xp_regwrite" => "3",
"xp_revokelogin" => "3",
"xp_runwebtask" => "3",
"xp_sendmail" => "3",
"xp_servicecontrol" => "3",
"xp_showcolv" => "3",
"xp_showlineage" => "3",
"xp_snmp_getstate" => "3",
"xp_snmp_raisetrap" => "3",
"xp_sprintf" => "3",
"xp_sqlagent_enum_jobs" => "3",
"xp_sqlagent_is_starting" => "3",
"xp_sqlagent_monitor" => "3",
"xp_sqlagent_notify" => "3",
"xp_sqlinventory" => "3",
"xp_sqlmaint" => "3",
"xp_sqlregister" => "3",
"xp_sqltrace" => "3",
"xp_sscanf" => "3",
"xp_startmail" => "3",
"xp_stopmail" => "3",
"xp_subdirs" => "3",
"xp_terminate_process" => "3",
"xp_test_mapi_profile" => "3",
"xp_trace_addnewqueue" => "3",
"xp_trace_deletequeuedefinition" => "3",
"xp_trace_destroyqueue" => "3",
"xp_trace_enumqueuedefname" => "3",
"xp_trace_enumqueuehandles" => "3",
"xp_trace_eventclassrequired" => "3",
"xp_trace_flushqueryhistory" => "3",
"xp_trace_generate_event" => "3",
"xp_trace_getappfilter" => "3",
"xp_trace_getconnectionidfilter" => "3",
"xp_trace_getcpufilter" => "3",
"xp_trace_getdbidfilter" => "3",
"xp_trace_getdurationfilter" => "3",
"xp_trace_geteventfilter" => "3",
"xp_trace_geteventnames" => "3",
"xp_trace_getevents" => "3",
"xp_trace_gethostfilter" => "3",
"xp_trace_gethpidfilter" => "3",
"xp_trace_getindidfilter" => "3",
"xp_trace_getntdmfilter" => "3",
"xp_trace_getntnmfilter" => "3",
"xp_trace_getobjidfilter" => "3",
"xp_trace_getqueueautostart" => "3",
"xp_trace_getqueuecreateinfo" => "3",
"xp_trace_getqueuedestination" => "3",
"xp_trace_getqueueproperties" => "3",
"xp_trace_getreadfilter" => "3",
"xp_trace_getserverfilter" => "3",
"xp_trace_getseverityfilter" => "3",
"xp_trace_getspidfilter" => "3",
"xp_trace_gettextfilter" => "3",
"xp_trace_getuserfilter" => "3",
"xp_trace_getwritefilter" => "3",
"xp_trace_loadqueuedefinition" => "3",
"xp_trace_opentracefile" => "3",
"xp_trace_pausequeue" => "3",
"xp_trace_restartqueue" => "3",
"xp_trace_savequeuedefinition" => "3",
"xp_trace_setappfilter" => "3",
"xp_trace_setconnectionidfilter" => "3",
"xp_trace_setcpufilter" => "3",
"xp_trace_setdbidfilter" => "3",
"xp_trace_setdurationfilter" => "3",
"xp_trace_seteventclassrequired" => "3",
"xp_trace_seteventfilter" => "3",
"xp_trace_sethostfilter" => "3",
"xp_trace_sethpidfilter" => "3",
"xp_trace_setindidfilter" => "3",
"xp_trace_setntdmfilter" => "3",
"xp_trace_setntnmfilter" => "3",
"xp_trace_setobjidfilter" => "3",
"xp_trace_setqueryhistory" => "3",
"xp_trace_setqueueautostart" => "3",
"xp_trace_setqueuecreateinfo" => "3",
"xp_trace_setqueuedestination" => "3",
"xp_trace_setreadfilter" => "3",
"xp_trace_setserverfilter" => "3",
"xp_trace_setseverityfilter" => "3",
"xp_trace_setspidfilter" => "3",
"xp_trace_settextfilter" => "3",
"xp_trace_setuserfilter" => "3",
"xp_trace_setwritefilter" => "3",
"xp_trace_startconsumer" => "3",
"xp_trace_toeventlogconsumer" => "3",
"xp_trace_tofileconsumer" => "3",
"xp_unc_to_drive" => "3",
"xp_unload_dummy_handlers" => "3",
"xp_updatecolvbm" => "3",
"xp_updatelineage" => "3",
"xp_varbintohexstr" => "3",
"xp_writesqlinfo" => "3",
"+" => "4",
"-" => "4",
"=" => "4",
"//" => "4",
"/" => "4",
"%" => "4",
">" => "4",
"<" => "4",
"!" => "4",
"|" => "4",
"[" => "4",
"]" => "4",
"(" => "4",
")" => "4",
"!=" => "4",
"<=" => "4",
">=" => "4",
"LIKE" => "4");
// Special extensions
// Each category can specify a PHP function that returns an altered
// version of the keyword.
$this->linkscripts = array(
"1" => "donothing",
"2" => "donothing",
"3" => "donothing",
"4" => "donothing");

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: