ILIAS  Release_4_3_x_branch Revision 61807
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HFile_lpc Class Reference
+ Inheritance diagram for HFile_lpc:
+ Collaboration diagram for HFile_lpc:

Public Member Functions

 HFile_lpc ()
 donothing ($keywordin)
- Public Member Functions inherited from HFile
 HFile ()
 parse_file ($file)
 to_perl ($stub, $tofile=1)
 to_php ($stub, $tofile=1)
 _get_categories ()
 _dump_linkscripts ()
 _dump_perl_linkscripts ()
 _dump_perl_defaultscripts ()
 _dump_colours ()
 _dump_var ($variable, $name)
 _dump_array ($array, $name)
 _dump_perl_array ($array, $name)
 _dump_hash ($hash, $name)
 _dump_perl_hash ($hash, $name)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 5 of file HFile_lpc.php.

Member Function Documentation

HFile_lpc::donothing (   $keywordin)

Definition at line 537 of file HFile_lpc.php.

return $keywordin;
HFile_lpc::HFile_lpc ( )

Definition at line 6 of file HFile_lpc.php.

References HFile\HFile().

// Beautifier Highlighting Configuration File
// LPC
// Flags
$this->nocase = "0";
$this->notrim = "0";
$this->perl = "0";
// Colours
$this->colours = array("blue", "purple", "gray", "brown", "blue", "purple", "gray");
$this->quotecolour = "blue";
$this->blockcommentcolour = "green";
$this->linecommentcolour = "green";
// Indent Strings
$this->indent = array("{");
$this->unindent = array("}");
// String characters and delimiters
$this->stringchars = array("\"");
$this->delimiters = array("~", "!", "@", "%", "^", "&", "*", "(", ")", "[", "]", "{", "}", "-", "+", "=", "|", "\\", "/", ":", ";", "\"", "'", "<", ">", " ", ",", " ", ".", "?");
$this->escchar = "";
// Comment settings
$this->linecommenton = array("//");
$this->blockcommenton = array("/*");
$this->blockcommentoff = array("*/");
// Keywords (keyword mapping to colour number)
$this->keywords = array(
"array" => "1",
"class" => "1",
"double" => "1",
"float" => "1",
"function" => "1",
"int" => "1",
"mixed" => "1",
"mapping" => "1",
"nomask" => "1",
"object" => "1",
"public" => "1",
"private" => "1",
"static" => "1",
"string" => "1",
"void" => "1",
"varargs" => "1",
"break" => "2",
"case" => "2",
"continue" => "2",
"default" => "2",
"do" => "2",
"else" => "2",
"for" => "2",
"foreach" => "2",
"if" => "2",
"in" => "2",
"return" => "2",
"switch" => "2",
"while" => "2",
"abs" => "3",
"absolute_path" => "3",
"adlog_file" => "3",
"adminlist" => "3",
"adminp" => "3",
"arch" => "3",
"assure_save_dir" => "3",
"assure_user_save_dir" => "3",
"base_name" => "3",
"cat" => "3",
"clone_object" => "4",
"creator_file" => "3",
"data_dir" => "3",
"data_file" => "3",
"debug_info" => "4",
"directory_exists" => "3",
"exclude_array" => "3",
"exclude_element" => "3",
"exec" => "3",
"expand" => "3",
"export_uid" => "4",
"extract" => "3",
"file_exists" => "3",
"filter" => "4",
"find_items" => "3",
"find_short" => "3",
"first_inventory" => "3",
"format_string" => "3",
"format_time" => "3",
"get_logdir" => "3",
"get_logdir_logname" => "3",
"get_logfile" => "3",
"get_object" => "3",
"get_objects" => "3",
"getoid" => "3",
"gettype" => "3",
"hiddenp" => "3",
"identify" => "3",
"int_string" => "3",
"intl_date_stamp" => "3",
"log_file" => "3",
"max" => "3",
"maxelt" => "3",
"min" => "3",
"minelt" => "3",
"mkdirs" => "3",
"mud_name" => "3",
"mud_port" => "3",
"mudlib_name" => "3",
"mudlib_version" => "3",
"next_inventory" => "3",
"objective" => "3",
"possessive" => "3",
"ppossessive" => "3",
"previous_living" => "3",
"process_string" => "3",
"process_value" => "3",
"query_snoop" => "3",
"query_snooping" => "3",
"reduce_to_tilde_path" => "3",
"seniorlist" => "3",
"seniorp" => "3",
"set_default_fail_msg" => "3",
"set_eval_limit" => "4",
"shadowp" => "3",
"shutdown" => "3",
"snoop" => "3",
"sorted_inventory" => "3",
"strtype" => "3",
"subjective" => "3",
"sumofarr" => "3",
"tail" => "3",
"temp_file" => "3",
"testcharp" => "3",
"transfer" => "3",
"trim_spaces" => "3",
"trimpath" => "3",
"uniq_array" => "3",
"update_file" => "3",
"user_data_dir" => "3",
"user_data_file" => "3",
"user_path" => "3",
"userp" => "3",
"version" => "3",
"wizardp" => "3",
"wrap" => "3",
"write_log_file" => "3",
"allocate" => "4",
"allocate_buffer" => "4",
"acos" => "4",
"asin" => "4",
"atan" => "4",
"add_action" => "4",
"allocate_mapping" => "4",
"arrayp" => "4",
"author_stats" => "4",
"all_inventory" => "4",
"all_previous_objects" => "4",
"bind" => "4",
"bufferp" => "4",
"crc32" => "4",
"call_other" => "4",
"call_out" => "4",
"call_stack" => "4",
"catch" => "4",
"cp" => "4",
"ceil" => "4",
"cos" => "4",
"copy" => "4",
"command" => "4",
"commands" => "4",
"cache_stats" => "4",
"classp" => "4",
"children" => "4",
"clonep" => "4",
"capitalize" => "4",
"clear_bit" => "4",
"crypt" => "4",
"call_out_info" => "4",
"check_memory" => "4",
"ctime" => "4",
"disable_commands" => "4",
"disable_wizard" => "4",
"debugmalloc" => "4",
"dump_file_descriptors" => "4",
"dump_prog" => "4",
"dump_socket_status" => "4",
"dumpallobj" => "4",
"domain_stats" => "4",
"deep_inventory" => "4",
"destruct" => "4",
"deep_inherit_list" => "4",
"evaluate" => "4",
"exp" => "4",
"ed" => "4",
"ed_cmd" => "4",
"ed_start" => "4",
"enable_commands" => "4",
"enable_wizard" => "4",
"environment" => "4",
"explode" => "4",
"error" => "4",
"eval_cost" => "4",
"external_start" => "4",
"filter_array" => "4",
"file_length" => "4",
"file_name" => "4",
"file_size" => "4",
"floor" => "4",
"function_owner" => "4",
"fetch_variable" => "4",
"find_player" => "4",
"filter_mapping" => "4",
"floatp" => "4",
"functionp" => "4",
"find_living" => "4",
"find_object" => "4",
"find_call_out" => "4",
"flush_messages" => "4",
"function_exists" => "4",
"function_profile" => "4",
"functions" => "4",
"generate_source" => "4",
"get_dir" => "4",
"get_char" => "4",
"get_config" => "4",
"geteuid" => "4",
"getuid" => "4",
"heart_beat_info" => "4",
"heart_beats" => "4",
"in_edit" => "4",
"in_input" => "4",
"input_to" => "4",
"interactive" => "4",
"intp" => "4",
"implode" => "4",
"inherit_list" => "4",
"inherits" => "4",
"keys" => "4",
"link" => "4",
"log" => "4",
"living" => "4",
"livings" => "4",
"load_object" => "4",
"lower_case" => "4",
"localtime" => "4",
"lpc_info" => "4",
"map_array" => "4",
"member_array" => "4",
"mkdir" => "4",
"map" => "4",
"message" => "4",
"malloc_status" => "4",
"memory_info" => "4",
"mud_status" => "4",
"map_delete" => "4",
"map_mapping" => "4",
"match_path" => "4",
"mapp" => "4",
"master" => "4",
"move_object" => "4",
"max_eval_cost" => "4",
"memory_summary" => "4",
"new" => "4",
"notify_fail" => "4",
"named_livings" => "4",
"origin" => "4",
"opcprof" => "4",
"objectp" => "4",
"objects" => "4",
"previous_object" => "4",
"pow" => "4",
"printf" => "4",
"pointerp" => "4",
"present" => "4",
"pluralize" => "4",
"program_info" => "4",
"query_shadowing" => "4",
"query_ed_mode" => "4",
"query_host_name" => "4",
"query_idle" => "4",
"query_ip_name" => "4",
"query_ip_number" => "4",
"query_ip_port" => "4",
"query_notify_fail" => "4",
"query_verb" => "4",
"query_load_average" => "4",
"query_privs" => "4",
"query_heart_beat" => "4",
"read_buffer" => "4",
"remove_call_out" => "4",
"remove_shadow" => "4",
"read_bytes" => "4",
"read_file" => "4",
"rename" => "4",
"rm" => "4",
"rmdir" => "4",
"restore_variable" => "4",
"receive" => "4",
"remove_action" => "4",
"remove_interactive" => "4",
"resolve" => "4",
"refs" => "4",
"rusage" => "4",
"random" => "4",
"reload_object" => "4",
"restore_object" => "4",
"reg_assoc" => "4",
"regexp" => "4",
"repeat_string" => "4",
"replace_string" => "4",
"reclaim_objects" => "4",
"replace_program" => "4",
"replaceable" => "4",
"reset_eval_cost" => "4",
"sort_array" => "4",
"shadow" => "4",
"stat" => "4",
"sin" => "4",
"sqrt" => "4",
"save_variable" => "4",
"sizeof" => "4",
"store_variable" => "4",
"say" => "4",
"set_this_player" => "4",
"shout" => "4",
"set_debug_level" => "4",
"set_malloc_mask" => "4",
"swap" => "4",
"stringp" => "4",
"set_author" => "4",
"set_light" => "4",
"set_living_name" => "4",
"set_privs" => "4",
"seteuid" => "4",
"save_object" => "4",
"set_heart_beat" => "4",
"set_hide" => "4",
"socket_accept" => "4",
"socket_acquire" => "4",
"socket_address" => "4",
"socket_bind" => "4",
"socket_close" => "4",
"socket_create" => "4",
"socket_error" => "4",
"socket_listen" => "4",
"socket_release" => "4",
"socket_write" => "4",
"set_bit" => "4",
"sprintf" => "4",
"sscanf" => "4",
"strcmp" => "4",
"strlen" => "4",
"strsrch" => "4",
"set_reset" => "4",
"shallow_inherit_list" => "4",
"this_object" => "4",
"throw" => "4",
"tan" => "4",
"to_float" => "4",
"to_int" => "4",
"typeof" => "4",
"this_interactive" => "4",
"this_player" => "4",
"this_user" => "4",
"time_expression" => "4",
"trace" => "4",
"traceprefix" => "4",
"tell_object" => "4",
"tell_room" => "4",
"terminal_colour" => "4",
"test_bit" => "4",
"time" => "4",
"unique_array" => "4",
"users" => "4",
"unique_mapping" => "4",
"undefinedp" => "4",
"upper_case" => "4",
"uptime" => "4",
"values" => "4",
"virtualp" => "4",
"variables" => "4",
"write_buffer" => "4",
"write_bytes" => "4",
"write_file" => "4",
"write" => "4",
"inherit" => "5",
"#define" => "5",
"#include" => "5",
"#if" => "5",
"#else" => "5",
"#ifdef" => "5",
"#pragma" => "5",
"#endif" => "5",
"#ifndef" => "5",
"#undef//" => "5",
"{" => "6",
"}" => "6",
"attack" => "7",
"add_boost" => "7",
"add_hp" => "7",
"add_sp" => "7",
"add_money" => "7",
"add_extra_attack" => "7",
"add_name" => "7",
"create" => "7",
"clear_opponents" => "7",
"do_command" => "7",
"evade_attack" => "7",
"get_weapon" => "7",
"heart_beat" => "7",
"hit_player" => "7",
"hold_attack" => "7",
"init" => "7",
"load_chat" => "7",
"load_a_chat" => "7",
"move_living" => "7",
"move" => "7",
"move_or_destruct" => "7",
"notify_died" => "7",
"notify_killed" => "7",
"notify_softkilled" => "7",
"notify_got_hit" => "7",
"notify_sold" => "7",
"notify_softdied" => "7",
"notify_moved" => "7",
"query_guild_data" => "7",
"query_objective" => "7",
"query_opponents" => "7",
"query_possessive" => "7",
"query_name" => "7",
"query_pronoun" => "7",
"query_short" => "7",
"query_long" => "7",
"query_fightable" => "7",
"query_use" => "7",
"query_ac" => "7",
"query_sc" => "7",
"query_wc" => "7",
"query_hp" => "7",
"query_sp" => "7",
"query_no_get" => "7",
"query_no_drop" => "7",
"query_opponent" => "7",
"query_npc" => "7",
"query_living" => "7",
"query_vis" => "7",
"query_value" => "7",
"query_light" => "7",
"query_total_boost" => "7",
"query_origin" => "7",
"query_level" => "7",
"query_str" => "7",
"query_dex" => "7",
"query_con" => "7",
"query_int" => "7",
"query_wis" => "7",
"query_cha" => "7",
"query_protection" => "7",
"query_location" => "7",
"remove_object" => "7",
"receive_object" => "7",
"remove_item_boost" => "7",
"reset" => "7",
"remove_boost" => "7",
"remove_extra_short" => "7",
"register_notify" => "7",
"register_prevent" => "7",
"release_object" => "7",
"set_ac" => "7",
"set_al" => "7",
"set_gender" => "7",
"set_guild_data" => "7",
"set_female" => "7",
"set_male" => "7",
"set_name" => "7",
"set_neuter" => "7",
"set_race" => "7",
"set_sc" => "7",
"set_stats" => "7",
"set_value" => "7",
"set_wc" => "7",
"set_weight" => "7",
"set_type" => "7",
"set_long" => "7",
"set_short" => "7",
"set_softkill" => "7",
"set_fightable_msg" => "7",
"set_weapon" => "7",
"set_locations" => "7",
"set_location_prob" => "7",
"spell_player" => "7",
"stop_attack" => "7",
"start_attack" => "7",
"start_attack_allowed" => "7",
"set_immunity" => "7",
"set_humanoid" => "7",
"set_aggressive" => "7",
"second_life" => "7",
"set_property" => "7",
"set_no_drop" => "7",
"set_no_get" => "7",
"unregister_notify" => "7",
"unregister_prevent" => "7");
// Special extensions
// Each category can specify a PHP function that returns an altered
// version of the keyword.
$this->linkscripts = array(
"1" => "donothing",
"2" => "donothing",
"3" => "donothing",
"4" => "donothing",
"5" => "donothing",
"6" => "donothing",
"7" => "donothing");

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: