ILIAS  Release_4_3_x_branch Revision 61807
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HFile_css Class Reference
+ Inheritance diagram for HFile_css:
+ Collaboration diagram for HFile_css:

Public Member Functions

 HFile_css ()
 donothing ($keywordin)
- Public Member Functions inherited from HFile
 HFile ()
 parse_file ($file)
 to_perl ($stub, $tofile=1)
 to_php ($stub, $tofile=1)
 _get_categories ()
 _dump_linkscripts ()
 _dump_perl_linkscripts ()
 _dump_perl_defaultscripts ()
 _dump_colours ()
 _dump_var ($variable, $name)
 _dump_array ($array, $name)
 _dump_perl_array ($array, $name)
 _dump_hash ($hash, $name)
 _dump_perl_hash ($hash, $name)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 5 of file HFile_css.php.

Member Function Documentation

HFile_css::donothing (   $keywordin)

Definition at line 285 of file HFile_css.php.

return $keywordin;
HFile_css::HFile_css ( )

Definition at line 6 of file HFile_css.php.

References HFile\HFile().

// Beautifier Highlighting Configuration File
// CSS
// Flags
$this->nocase = "1";
$this->notrim = "0";
$this->perl = "0";
// String characters and delimiters
$this->stringchars = array();
$this->delimiters = array(",", ".", ":", ";", "{", " ", "}", " ", " ");
$this->escchar = "";
// Comment settings
$this->blockcommenton = array("<!--");
$this->blockcommentoff = array("-->");
// Keywords (keyword mapping to colour number)
$this->keywords = array(
"A" => "1",
"ABOVE" => "1",
"ACTIVE" => "1",
"ADDRESS" => "1",
"APPLET" => "1",
"ARRAY" => "1",
"AREA" => "1",
"B" => "1",
"BASE" => "1",
"BASEFONT" => "1",
"BGSOUND" => "1",
"BIG" => "1",
"BLINK" => "1",
"BLOCKQUOTE" => "1",
"BODY" => "1",
"BR" => "1",
"CAPTION" => "1",
"CENTER" => "1",
"CITE" => "1",
"CODE" => "1",
"DD" => "1",
"DFN" => "1",
"DIR" => "1",
"DIV" => "1",
"DL" => "1",
"DT" => "1",
"EM" => "1",
"EMBED" => "1",
"FIG" => "1",
"FIRST-LETTER" => "1",
"FIRST-LINE" => "1",
"FONT" => "1",
"FORM" => "1",
"FRAME" => "1",
"FRAMESET" => "1",
"H" => "1",
"H1" => "1",
"H2" => "1",
"H3" => "1",
"H4" => "1",
"H5" => "1",
"H6" => "1",
"HEAD" => "1",
"HR" => "1",
"HTML" => "1",
"I" => "1",
"IMG" => "1",
"INPUT" => "1",
"ISINDEX" => "1",
"KBD" => "1",
"LI" => "1",
"LINK" => "1",
"MAP" => "1",
"MARQUEE" => "1",
"MENU" => "1",
"META" => "1",
"NEXTID" => "1",
"NOBR" => "1",
"NOFRAMES" => "1",
"NOTE" => "1",
"NOSCRIPT" => "1",
"OL" => "1",
"OPTION" => "1",
"P" => "1",
"PRE" => "1",
"RANGE" => "1",
"ROOT" => "1",
"SPAN" => "1",
"SAMP" => "1",
"SCRIPT" => "1",
"SELECT" => "1",
"SMALL" => "1",
"SOUND" => "1",
"SQRT" => "1",
"STYLE" => "1",
"STRIKE" => "1",
"STRONG" => "1",
"SUB" => "1",
"SUP" => "1",
"TABLE" => "1",
"TD" => "1",
"TEXT" => "1",
"TEXTAREA" => "1",
"TH" => "1",
"TITLE" => "1",
"TR" => "1",
"TT" => "1",
"U" => "1",
"UL" => "1",
"VAR" => "1",
"VISITED" => "1",
"WBR" => "1",
"background" => "2",
"background-attachment" => "2",
"background-color" => "2",
"background-image" => "2",
"background-position" => "2",
"background-repeat" => "2",
"border" => "2",
"border-bottom" => "2",
"border-bottom-width" => "2",
"border-color" => "2",
"border-left" => "2",
"border-left-width" => "2",
"border-right" => "2",
"border-right-width" => "2",
"border-style" => "2",
"border-top" => "2",
"border-top-width" => "2",
"border-width" => "2",
"clear" => "2",
"color" => "2",
"display" => "2",
"float" => "2",
"font" => "2",
"font-family" => "2",
"font-size" => "2",
"font-style" => "2",
"font-variant" => "2",
"font-weight" => "2",
"height" => "2",
"letter-spacing" => "2",
"line-height" => "2",
"list-style" => "2",
"list-style-image" => "2",
"list-style-position" => "2",
"list-style-type" => "2",
"margin" => "2",
"margin-bottom" => "2",
"margin-left" => "2",
"margin-right" => "2",
"margin-top" => "2",
"padding" => "2",
"padding-bottom" => "2",
"padding-left" => "2",
"padding-right" => "2",
"padding-top" => "2",
"text-align" => "2",
"text-decoration" => "2",
"text-indent" => "2",
"text-transform" => "2",
"vertical-align" => "2",
"white-space" => "2",
"width" => "2",
"word-spacing" => "2",
"aqua" => "3",
"auto" => "3",
"baseline" => "3",
"black" => "3",
"blink" => "3",
"block" => "3",
"blue" => "3",
"bold" => "3",
"bolder" => "3",
"both" => "3",
"bottom" => "3",
"capitalize" => "3",
"center" => "3",
"circle" => "3",
"cursive" => "3",
"dashed" => "3",
"decimal" => "3",
"disc" => "3",
"dotted" => "3",
"double" => "3",
"fantasy" => "3",
"fixed" => "3",
"fuchsia" => "3",
"gray" => "3",
"green" => "3",
"groove" => "3",
"inline" => "3",
"inset" => "3",
"inside" => "3",
"italic" => "3",
"justify" => "3",
"large" => "3",
"larger" => "3",
"left" => "3",
"lighter" => "3",
"lime" => "3",
"line-through" => "3",
"list-item" => "3",
"lower-alpha" => "3",
"lower-roman" => "3",
"lowercase" => "3",
"maroon" => "3",
"medium" => "3",
"middle" => "3",
"monospace" => "3",
"navy" => "3",
"no-repeat" => "3",
"none" => "3",
"normal" => "3",
"nowrap" => "3",
"oblique" => "3",
"olive" => "3",
"outset" => "3",
"outside" => "3",
"overline" => "3",
"pre" => "3",
"purple" => "3",
"red" => "3",
"repeat" => "3",
"repeat-x" => "3",
"repeat-y" => "3",
"rgb" => "3",
"ridge" => "3",
"right" => "3",
"sans-serif" => "3",
"scroll" => "3",
"serif" => "3",
"silver" => "3",
"small" => "3",
"small-caps" => "3",
"smaller" => "3",
"solid" => "3",
"square" => "3",
"sub" => "3",
"super" => "3",
"teal" => "3",
"text-bottom" => "3",
"text-top" => "3",
"thick" => "3",
"thin" => "3",
"top" => "3",
"transparent" => "3",
"underline" => "3",
"upper-alpha" => "3",
"upper-roman" => "3",
"uppercase" => "3",
"url" => "3",
"white" => "3",
"x-large" => "3",
"x-small" => "3",
"xx-large" => "3",
"xx-small" => "3",
"yellow" => "3");
// Special extensions
// Each category can specify a PHP function that returns an altered
// version of the keyword.
$this->linkscripts = array(
"1" => "donothing",
"2" => "donothing",
"3" => "donothing");

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: