ILIAS  Release_4_3_x_branch Revision 61807
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HFile_hugo Class Reference
+ Inheritance diagram for HFile_hugo:
+ Collaboration diagram for HFile_hugo:

Public Member Functions

 HFile_hugo ()
 donothing ($keywordin)
- Public Member Functions inherited from HFile
 HFile ()
 parse_file ($file)
 to_perl ($stub, $tofile=1)
 to_php ($stub, $tofile=1)
 _get_categories ()
 _dump_linkscripts ()
 _dump_perl_linkscripts ()
 _dump_perl_defaultscripts ()
 _dump_colours ()
 _dump_var ($variable, $name)
 _dump_array ($array, $name)
 _dump_perl_array ($array, $name)
 _dump_hash ($hash, $name)
 _dump_perl_hash ($hash, $name)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 5 of file HFile_hugo.php.

Member Function Documentation

HFile_hugo::donothing (   $keywordin)

Definition at line 549 of file HFile_hugo.php.

return $keywordin;
HFile_hugo::HFile_hugo ( )

Definition at line 6 of file HFile_hugo.php.

References HFile\HFile().

// Beautifier Highlighting Configuration File
// Hugo
// Flags
$this->nocase = "1";
$this->notrim = "0";
$this->perl = "0";
// Colours
$this->colours = array("blue", "purple", "gray", "brown", "blue", "brown", "purple", "gray");
$this->quotecolour = "blue";
$this->blockcommentcolour = "green";
$this->linecommentcolour = "green";
// Indent Strings
$this->indent = array("{");
$this->unindent = array("}");
// String characters and delimiters
$this->stringchars = array("!");
$this->delimiters = array("!", "*", "(", ")", "-", "+", "=", "|", "/", "{", "}", "[", "]", ":", ";", "\"", "'", "<", ">", " ", ",", " ", ".", "?");
$this->escchar = "";
// Comment settings
$this->linecommenton = array("");
$this->blockcommenton = array("\"");
$this->blockcommentoff = array("\"");
// Keywords (keyword mapping to colour number)
$this->keywords = array(
"Below" => "",
"is" => "1",
"a" => "",
"new" => "",
"UltraEdit" => "",
"word" => "",
"file" => "",
"for" => "1",
"Hugo." => "",
"Since" => "",
"doesn\'t" => "",
"yet" => "",
"support" => "",
"multi-line" => "",
"string" => "1",
"coloring," => "",
"I" => "",
"have" => "",
"hacked" => "",
"around" => "",
"that" => "",
"by" => "",
"defining" => "",
"strings" => "",
"as" => "",
"the" => "",
"default" => "",
"block" => "",
"comment," => "",
"which" => "",
"Inform" => "",
"lacks" => "",
"anyway." => "",
"However," => "",
"this" => "",
"means" => "",
"any" => "",
"enclosed" => "",
"\"" => "",
"must" => "",
"be" => "",
"preceded" => "",
"with" => "",
"space," => "",
"i.e." => "",
"print" => "1",
"\"Hello," => "",
"world^^" => "",
"You" => "",
"died\"" => "",
"will" => "",
"work," => "",
"but" => "",
"Format(\"Hello" => "",
"World\")" => "",
"not." => "",
"To" => "",
"use" => "",
"syntax" => "",
"coloring" => "",
"mode," => "",
"cut-and-paste" => "",
"all" => "",
"below" => "",
"\"dotted" => "",
"line\"" => "",
"and" => "1",
"drop" => "",
"it" => "",
"into" => "",
"your" => "",
"WORDFILE.TXT." => "",
"Depending" => "",
"on" => "",
"how" => "",
"few/many" => "",
"languages" => "",
"you" => "",
"defined," => "",
"might" => "",
"to" => "1",
"change" => "",
"\"/L10\"" => "",
"an" => "",
"unused" => "",
"number." => "",
"Also" => "",
"note" => "",
"definition" => "",
"(starting" => "",
"\"/L10\")" => "",
"*all*" => "",
"*on*" => "",
"*one*" => "",
"*line*" => "",
"up" => "",
"including" => "",
"\"File" => "",
"Extensions" => "",
"=" => "",
"H" => "",
"G" => "",
"HUG\"" => "",
"or" => "1",
"won\'t" => "",
"work." => "",
"If" => "",
"find" => "",
"useful" => "",
"library" => "",
"routines," => "",
"constants" => "",
"anything" => "1",
"else" => "1",
"I\'ve" => "",
"missed," => "",
"if" => "1",
"comments" => "",
"at" => "",
"all," => "",
"contact" => "",
"me!" => "",
"Version" => "",
"2.19991201" => "",
"Gunther" => "",
"Schmidl" => "",
"<>" => "",
"---cut" => "",
"here---cut" => "",
"here---" => "",
"array" => "1",
"attribute" => "1",
"break" => "1",
"call" => "1",
"capital" => "1",
"case" => "1",
"child" => "1",
"children" => "1",
"cls" => "1",
"color" => "1",
"colour" => "1",
"constant" => "1",
"class" => "1",
"dict" => "1",
"do" => "1",
"elder" => "1",
"eldest" => "1",
"elseif" => "1",
"false" => "1",
"global" => "1",
"held" => "1",
"hex" => "1",
"in" => "1",
"input" => "1",
"jump" => "1",
"local" => "1",
"locate" => "1",
"move" => "1",
"multi" => "1",
"multiheld" => "1",
"multinotheld" => "1",
"music" => "1",
"nearby" => "1",
"newline" => "1",
"not" => "1",
"notheld" => "1",
"number" => "1",
"object" => "1",
"parent" => "1",
"parse$" => "1",
"pause" => "1",
"picture" => "1",
"playback" => "1",
"printchar" => "1",
"player_character" => "1",
"property" => "1",
"quit" => "1",
"random" => "1",
"readfile" => "1",
"readval" => "1",
"recordoff" => "1",
"recordon" => "1",
"remove" => "1",
"restart" => "1",
"restore" => "1",
"return" => "1",
"run" => "1",
"runevents" => "1",
"routine" => "1",
"replace" => "1",
"room" => "1",
"removal" => "1",
"save" => "1",
"scriptoff" => "1",
"scripton" => "1",
"select" => "1",
"serial$" => "1",
"sibling" => "1",
"sound" => "1",
"system" => "1",
"text" => "1",
"true" => "1",
"undo" => "1",
"verb" => "1",
"while" => "1",
"window" => "1",
"writefile" => "1",
"writeval" => "1",
"xobject" => "1",
"xverb" => "1",
"younger" => "1",
"youngest" => "1",
"already_listed" => "2",
"clothing" => "2",
"container" => "2",
"enterable" => "2",
"female" => "2",
"hidden" => "2",
"known" => "2",
"light" => "2",
"living" => "2",
"lockable" => "2",
"locked" => "2",
"mobile" => "2",
"moved" => "2",
"open" => "2",
"openable" => "2",
"platform" => "2",
"plural" => "2",
"quiet" => "2",
"readable" => "2",
"special" => "2",
"static" => "2",
"switchable" => "2",
"switchedon" => "2",
"transparent" => "2",
"unfriendly" => "2",
"visited" => "2",
"workflag" => "2",
"worn" => "2",
"actor" => "3",
"after_period" => "3",
"best_parse_rank" => "3",
"bgcolor" => "3",
"boldcolor" => "3",
"counter" => "3",
"customerror_flag" => "3",
"default_font" => "3",
"endflag" => "3",
"event_flag" => "3",
"format" => "3",
"general" => "3",
"her_obj" => "3",
"him_obj" => "3",
"indent_size" => "3",
"it_obj" => "3",
"last_object" => "3",
"light_source" => "3",
"list_nest" => "3",
"location" => "3",
"max_rank" => "3",
"max_score" => "3",
"need_newline" => "3",
"number_scripts" => "3",
"objects" => "3",
"obstacle" => "3",
"old_location" => "3",
"oldword" => "3",
"override_indent" => "3",
"player" => "3",
"player_person" => "3",
"prompt" => "3",
"ranking" => "3",
"replace_pronoun" => "3",
"score" => "3",
"scriptdata" => "3",
"self" => "3",
"setscript" => "3",
"sl_bgcolor" => "3",
"sl_textcolor" => "3",
"speaking" => "3",
"statustype" => "3",
"textcolor" => "3",
"them_obj" => "3",
"verbosity" => "3",
"verbroutine" => "3",
"words" => "3",
"_temp_array" => "4",
"and_word" => "4",
"are_word" => "4",
"banner" => "4",
"black" => "4",
"blue" => "4",
"bold_off" => "4",
"bold_on" => "4",
"bright_white" => "4",
"brown" => "4",
"cyan" => "4",
"dark_gray" => "4",
"def_background" => "4",
"def_foreground" => "4",
"def_sl_background" => "4",
"def_sl_foreground" => "4",
"descform_f" => "4",
"down_arrow" => "4",
"enter_key" => "4",
"escape_key" => "4",
"file_check" => "4",
"green" => "4",
"groupplurals_f" => "4",
"here_word" => "4",
"in_word" => "4",
"is_word" => "4",
"italic_off" => "4",
"italic_on" => "4",
"left_arrow" => "4",
"light_blue" => "4",
"light_cyan" => "4",
"light_green" => "4",
"light_magenta" => "4",
"light_red" => "4",
"list_f" => "4",
"magenta" => "4",
"match_foreground" => "4",
"max_scripts" => "4",
"max_words" => "4",
"menu_bgcolor" => "4",
"menu_selectbgcolor" => "4",
"menu_selectcolor" => "4",
"menu_textcolor" => "4",
"menuitem" => "4",
"noindent_f" => "4",
"norecurse_f" => "4",
"on_word" => "4",
"prop_off" => "4",
"prop_on" => "4",
"red" => "4",
"right_arrow" => "4",
"underline_off" => "4",
"underline_on" => "4",
"up_arrow" => "4",
"white" => "4",
"yellow" => "4",
"adjective" => "5",
"adjectives" => "5",
"after" => "5",
"article" => "5",
"before" => "5",
"cant_go" => "5",
"capacity" => "5",
"contains_desc" => "5",
"cursor_column" => "5",
"cursor_row" => "5",
"d_to" => "5",
"desc_detail" => "5",
"door_to" => "5",
"e_to" => "5",
"exclude_from_all" => "5",
"found_in" => "5",
"hasgraphics" => "5",
"holding" => "5",
"ignore_response" => "5",
"in_scope" => "5",
"in_to" => "5",
"initial_desc" => "5",
"inv_desc" => "5",
"key_object" => "5",
"linelength" => "5",
"list_contents" => "5",
"long_desc" => "5",
"misc" => "5",
"n_to" => "5",
"name" => "5",
"ne_to" => "5",
"noun" => "5",
"nouns" => "5",
"nw_to" => "5",
"order_response" => "5",
"out_to" => "5",
"parse_rank" => "5",
"prep" => "5",
"preposition" => "5",
"pronoun" => "5",
"reach" => "5",
"s_to" => "5",
"screenheight" => "5",
"screenwidth" => "5",
"se_to" => "5",
"short_desc" => "5",
"size" => "5",
"statusline_height" => "5",
"sw_to" => "5",
"title_caption" => "5",
"type" => "5",
"u_to" => "5",
"w_to" => "5",
"when_closed" => "5",
"when_open" => "5",
"windowlines" => "5",
"**" => "8",
"Do" => "6",
"&Do" => "6",
"&Char" => "6",
"&Loop" => "6",
"Acquire" => "7",
"AnyVerb" => "7",
"AssignPronoun" => "7",
"Activate" => "7",
"Art" => "7",
"abs" => "7",
"CThe" => "7",
"CArt" => "7",
"CalculateHolding" => "7",
"CenterTitle" => "7",
"CheckReach" => "7",
"Contains" => "7",
"CustomError" => "7",
"CancelScript" => "7",
"DarkWarning" => "7",
"DeleteWord" => "7",
"DescribePlace" => "7",
"Deactivate" => "7",
"EndGame" => "7",
"ExcludeFromAll" => "7",
"FindLight" => "7",
"Font" => "7",
"FindObject" => "7",
"GetInput" => "7",
"HoursMinutes" => "7",
"higher" => "7",
"Indent" => "7",
"InList" => "7",
"InsertWord" => "7",
"IsorAre" => "7",
"ListObjects" => "7",
"lower" => "7",
"MatchPlural" => "7",
"MatchSubject" => "7",
"Menu" => "7",
"Message" => "7",
"MovePlayer" => "7",
"mod" => "7",
"NumberWord" => "7",
"ObjectIs" => "7",
"ObjectisKnown" => "7",
"ObjectisLight" => "7",
"ObjWord" => "7",
"Parse" => "7",
"ParseError" => "7",
"PauseScript" => "7",
"PreParse" => "7",
"PrintEndGame" => "7",
"PrintScore" => "7",
"pow" => "7",
"PrintStatusLine" => "7",
"PropertyList" => "7",
"PutInScope" => "7",
"RemoveFromScope" => "7",
"ResumeScript" => "7",
"RunScripts" => "7",
"Script" => "7",
"SetObjWord" => "7",
"ShortDescribe" => "7",
"SpecialDesc" => "7",
"SkipScript" => "7",
"SpeakTo" => "7",
"StringPrint" => "7",
"StringCompare" => "7",
"StringCopy" => "7",
"StringDictCompare" => "7",
"StringEqual" => "7",
"StringLength" => "7",
"The" => "7",
"WhatsIn" => "7",
"YesOrNo" => "7",
"#" => "8",
"NO_" => "8",
"clear" => "8",
"defined" => "8",
"error" => "8",
"set" => "8",
"undefined" => "8",
"warning" => "8");
// Special extensions
// Each category can specify a PHP function that returns an altered
// version of the keyword.
$this->linkscripts = array(
"" => "donothing",
"1" => "donothing",
"2" => "donothing",
"3" => "donothing",
"4" => "donothing",
"5" => "donothing",
"8" => "donothing",
"6" => "donothing",
"7" => "donothing");

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: