Release_4_3_x_branch Revision 61807
internal PHP-mail() implementation of the PEAR Mail:: interface. More...
internal PHP-mail() implementation of the PEAR Mail:: interface.
SMTP MX implementation of the PEAR Mail interface.
SMTP implementation of the PEAR Mail interface.
Sendmail implementation of the PEAR Mail:: interface.
RFC 822 Email address list validation Utility.
Null implementation of the PEAR Mail:: interface.
Mock implementation of the PEAR Mail:: interface for testing.
Chuck Hagenbuch chuck 2010 Chuck Hagenbuch @hor de.or g New BSD License CVS: public Phil Kernick philk 2010 Phil Kernick @rot m.au New BSD License CVS: Richard Heyes richa Chuck Hagenbuch < rd@p hpgur u.or gchuck 2001-2010 Richard Heyes @hor de.or g New BSD License CVS: What is it? This class will take an address string, and parse it into it's consituent parts, be that either addresses, groups, or combinations. Nested groups are not supported. The structure it returns is pretty straight forward, and is similar to that provided by the imap_rfc822_parse_adrlist(). Use print_r() to view the structure. How do I use it? $address_string = 'My Group: "Richard" <richard> (A comment), ted@e (Ted Bloggs), Barney;'; $structure = Mail_RFC822::parseAddressList($address_string, '', true) print_r($structure); Richard Heyes xamp mricha Chuck Hagenbuch rd@p hpgur u.or gchuck BSD public Requires the Net_SMTP class. public Requires the Net_SMTP class. public gERD Schaufelberger @hor de.or ggerd@ Chuck Hagenbuch php- tools .netchuck 1997-2010 Chuck Hagenbuch @hor de.or g New BSD License CVS: Defines the interface for implementing mailers under the PEAR hierarchy, and provides supporting functions useful in multiple mailer backends. public