ILIAS  Release_4_3_x_branch Revision 61807
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assTextSubsetGUI Class Reference

Multiple choice question GUI representation. More...

+ Inheritance diagram for assTextSubsetGUI:
+ Collaboration diagram for assTextSubsetGUI:

Public Member Functions

 __construct ($id=-1)
 assTextSubsetGUI constructor
 getCommand ($cmd)
 writePostData ($always=false)
 Evaluates a posted edit form and writes the form data in the question object.
 editQuestion ($checkonly=FALSE)
 Creates an output of the edit form for the question.
 addanswers ()
 Add a new answer.
 removeanswers ()
 Remove an answer.
 outQuestionForTest ($formaction, $active_id, $pass=NULL, $is_postponed=FALSE, $use_post_solutions=FALSE)
 getSolutionOutput ($active_id, $pass=NULL, $graphicalOutput=FALSE, $result_output=FALSE, $show_question_only=TRUE, $show_feedback=FALSE, $show_correct_solution=FALSE, $show_manual_scoring=FALSE, $show_question_text=TRUE)
 Get the question solution output.
 getPreview ($show_question_only=FALSE)
 getTestOutput ($active_id, $pass=NULL, $is_postponed=FALSE, $use_post_solutions=FALSE)
 saveFeedback ()
 Saves the feedback for a single choice question.
 setQuestionTabs ()
 Sets the ILIAS tabs for this question type.
 getSpecificFeedbackOutput ($active_id, $pass)
 Returns the answer specific feedback for the question.
- Public Member Functions inherited from assQuestionGUI
 __construct ()
 assQuestionGUI constructor
executeCommand ()
 execute command
 getType ()
 needed for page editor compliance
 writePostData ()
 Evaluates a posted edit form and writes the form data in the question object.
 assessment ()
 output assessment
_getQuestionGUI ($question_type, $question_id=-1)
 Creates a question gui representation and returns the alias to the question gui note: please do not use $this inside this method to allow static calls.
 _getGUIClassNameForId ($a_q_id)
 _getClassNameForQType ($q_type)
createQuestionGUI ($question_type, $question_id=-1)
 Creates a question gui representation.
 getQuestionTemplate ()
 get question template
 getILIASPage ($html="")
 Returns the ILIAS Page around a question.
 outQuestionPage ($a_temp_var, $a_postponed=false, $active_id="", $html="")
 output question page
 cancel ()
 cancel action
 originalSyncForm ($return_to="")
 sync ()
 cancelSync ()
 saveEdit ()
 save question
 save ()
 save question
 saveReturn ()
 save question
 apply ()
 apply changes
 getContextPath ($cont_obj, $a_endnode_id, $a_startnode_id=1)
 get context path in content object tree
 setSequenceNumber ($nr)
 getSequenceNumber ()
 setQuestionCount ($a_question_count)
 getQuestionCount ()
 getErrorMessage ()
 setErrorMessage ($errormessage)
 addErrorMessage ($errormessage)
 outAdditionalOutput ()
 getQuestionType ()
 Returns the question type string.
 getAsValueAttribute ($a_value)
 Returns a HTML value attribute.
 addNewIdListener (&$a_object, $a_method, $a_parameters="")
 Add a listener that is notified with the new question ID, when a new question is saved.
 callNewIdListeners ($a_new_id)
 Call the new id listeners.
 setSelfAssessmentEditingMode ($a_selfassessmenteditingmode)
 Set Self-Assessment Editing Mode.
 getSelfAssessmentEditingMode ()
 Get Self-Assessment Editing Mode.
 setPreventRteUsage ($a_val)
 Set prevent rte usage.
 getPreventRteUsage ()
 Get prevent rte usage.
 setDefaultNrOfTries ($a_defaultnroftries)
 Set Default Nr of Tries.
 getDefaultNrOfTries ()
 Get Default Nr of Tries.
 addQuestionFormCommandButtons ($form)
 Add the command buttons of a question properties form.
 addBasicQuestionFormProperties ($form)
 Add basic question form properties: assessment: title, author, description, question, working time.
 getSelfAssessmentTags ()
 Get tags allowed in question tags in self assessment mode.
 getAnswerFeedbackOutput ($active_id, $pass)
 Returns the answer generic feedback depending on the results of the question.
 getGenericFeedbackOutput ($active_id, $pass)
 Returns the answer specific feedback for the question.
 feedback ($checkonly=false)
 Creates the output of the feedback page for the question.
 outQuestionType ()
 suggestedsolution ()
 Allows to add suggested solutions for questions.
 outSolutionExplorer ()
 saveSuggestedSolution ()
 cancelExplorer ()
 outPageSelector ()
 outChapterSelector ()
 outGlossarySelector ()
 linkChilds ()
 addPG ()
 addST ()
 addGIT ()
 isSaveCommand ()
 isAutosaveable ()
 showHints ()

Additional Inherited Members

- Data Fields inherited from assQuestionGUI
 sequence number in test
 question count in test
 $prevent_rte_usage = false
 do not use rte for editing
- Protected Member Functions inherited from assQuestionGUI
 addTab_QuestionHints (ilTabsGUI $tabs)
 adds the hints tab to ilTabsGUI

Detailed Description

Multiple choice question GUI representation.

The assTextSubsetGUI class encapsulates the GUI representation for multiple choice questions.

Helmut Schottmüller
Björn Heyser
class.assTextSubsetGUI.php 54755 2014-11-03 08:30:41Z gvollbach

Definition at line 38 of file class.assTextSubsetGUI.php.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

assTextSubsetGUI::__construct (   $id = -1)

assTextSubsetGUI constructor

The constructor takes possible arguments an creates an instance of the assTextSubsetGUI object.

integer$idThe database id of a text subset question object public

Definition at line 48 of file class.assTextSubsetGUI.php.

References assQuestionGUI\__construct().

include_once "./Modules/TestQuestionPool/classes/class.assTextSubset.php";
$this->object = new assTextSubset();
if ($id >= 0)

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Member Function Documentation

assTextSubsetGUI::addanswers ( )

Add a new answer.

Definition at line 198 of file class.assTextSubsetGUI.php.

References $_POST, editQuestion(), and assQuestionGUI\writePostData().

$position = key($_POST['cmd']['addanswers']);
$this->object->addAnswer("", 0, $position+1);

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

assTextSubsetGUI::editQuestion (   $checkonly = FALSE)

Creates an output of the edit form for the question.


Definition at line 114 of file class.assTextSubsetGUI.php.

References $errors, assQuestionGUI\addBasicQuestionFormProperties(), assQuestionGUI\addQuestionFormCommandButtons(), assQuestionGUI\getQuestionTemplate(), assQuestionGUI\getSelfAssessmentEditingMode(), assQuestionGUI\isSaveCommand(), assQuestionGUI\outQuestionType(), ilNumberInputGUI\setMinValue(), ilSelectInputGUI\setOptions(), and ilFormPropertyGUI\setRequired().

Referenced by addanswers(), removeanswers(), and writePostData().

$save = $this->isSaveCommand();
$form = new ilPropertyFormGUI();
// number of requested answers
$correctanswers = new ilNumberInputGUI($this->lng->txt("nr_of_correct_answers"), "correctanswers");
// maximum available points
$points = new ilNumberInputGUI($this->lng->txt("maximum_points"), "points");
// text rating
$textrating = new ilSelectInputGUI($this->lng->txt("text_rating"), "text_rating");
$text_options = array(
"ci" => $this->lng->txt("cloze_textgap_case_insensitive"),
"cs" => $this->lng->txt("cloze_textgap_case_sensitive")
$text_options["l1"] = sprintf($this->lng->txt("cloze_textgap_levenshtein_of"), "1");
$text_options["l2"] = sprintf($this->lng->txt("cloze_textgap_levenshtein_of"), "2");
$text_options["l3"] = sprintf($this->lng->txt("cloze_textgap_levenshtein_of"), "3");
$text_options["l4"] = sprintf($this->lng->txt("cloze_textgap_levenshtein_of"), "4");
$text_options["l5"] = sprintf($this->lng->txt("cloze_textgap_levenshtein_of"), "5");
// Choices
include_once "./Modules/TestQuestionPool/classes/class.ilAnswerWizardInputGUI.php";
$choices = new ilAnswerWizardInputGUI($this->lng->txt("answers"), "answers");
if ($this->object->getAnswerCount() == 0) $this->object->addAnswer("", 0, 0);
$errors = false;
if ($save)
$errors = !$form->checkInput();
$form->setValuesByPost(); // again, because checkInput now performs the whole stripSlashes handling and we need this if we don't want to have duplication of backslashes
if ($errors) $checkonly = false;
if (!$checkonly) $this->tpl->setVariable("QUESTION_DATA", $form->getHTML());
return $errors;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

assTextSubsetGUI::getCommand (   $cmd)

Reimplemented from assQuestionGUI.

Definition at line 59 of file class.assTextSubsetGUI.php.

References $cmd.

return $cmd;
assTextSubsetGUI::getPreview (   $show_question_only = FALSE)

Definition at line 347 of file class.assTextSubsetGUI.php.

References assQuestionGUI\getILIASPage().

// generate the question output
include_once "./Services/UICore/classes/class.ilTemplate.php";
$template = new ilTemplate("tpl.il_as_qpl_textsubset_output.html", TRUE, TRUE, "Modules/TestQuestionPool");
$width = $this->object->getMaxTextboxWidth();
for ($i = 0; $i < $this->object->getCorrectAnswers(); $i++)
$template->setVariable("COUNTER", $i+1);
$template->setVariable("TEXTFIELD_ID", sprintf("%02d", $i+1));
$template->setVariable("TEXTFIELD_SIZE", $width);
$questiontext = $this->object->getQuestion();
$template->setVariable("QUESTIONTEXT", $this->object->prepareTextareaOutput($questiontext, TRUE));
$questionoutput = $template->get();
if (!$show_question_only)
// get page object output
$questionoutput = $this->getILIASPage($questionoutput);
return $questionoutput;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

assTextSubsetGUI::getSolutionOutput (   $active_id,
  $pass = NULL,
  $graphicalOutput = FALSE,
  $result_output = FALSE,
  $show_question_only = TRUE,
  $show_feedback = FALSE,
  $show_correct_solution = FALSE,
  $show_manual_scoring = FALSE,
  $show_question_text = TRUE 

Get the question solution output.

integer$active_idThe active user id
integer$passThe test pass
boolean$graphicalOutputShow visual feedback for right/wrong answers
boolean$result_outputShow the reached points for parts of the question
boolean$show_question_onlyShow the question without the ILIAS content around
boolean$show_feedbackShow the question feedback
boolean$show_correct_solutionShow the correct solution instead of the user solution
boolean$show_manual_scoringShow specific information for the manual scoring output
The solution output of the question as HTML code

Reimplemented from assQuestionGUI.

Definition at line 237 of file class.assTextSubsetGUI.php.

References $pass, assQuestionGUI\getAnswerFeedbackOutput(), and ilUtil\getImagePath().

// get the solution of the user for the active pass or from the last pass if allowed
$solutions = array();
if (($active_id > 0) && (!$show_correct_solution))
$solutions =& $this->object->getSolutionValues($active_id, $pass);
$rank = array();
foreach ($this->object->answers as $answer)
if ($answer->getPoints() > 0)
if (!is_array($rank[$answer->getPoints()]))
$rank[$answer->getPoints()] = array();
array_push($rank[$answer->getPoints()], $answer->getAnswertext());
krsort($rank, SORT_NUMERIC);
foreach ($rank as $index => $bestsolutions)
array_push($solutions, array("value1" => join(",", $bestsolutions), "points" => $index));
// generate the question output
include_once "./Services/UICore/classes/class.ilTemplate.php";
$template = new ilTemplate("tpl.il_as_qpl_textsubset_output_solution.html", TRUE, TRUE, "Modules/TestQuestionPool");
$solutiontemplate = new ilTemplate("tpl.il_as_tst_solution_output.html", TRUE, TRUE, "Modules/TestQuestionPool");
$available_answers =& $this->object->getAvailableAnswers();
for ($i = 0; $i < $this->object->getCorrectAnswers(); $i++)
if ((!$test_id) && (strcmp($solutions[$i]["value1"], "") == 0))
if (($active_id > 0) && (!$show_correct_solution))
if ($graphicalOutput)
// output of ok/not ok icons for user entered solutions
$index = $this->object->isAnswerCorrect($available_answers, $solutions[$i]["value1"]);
$correct = FALSE;
if ($index !== FALSE)
$correct = TRUE;
if ($correct)
$template->setVariable("ICON_OK", ilUtil::getImagePath("icon_ok.png"));
$template->setVariable("TEXT_OK", $this->lng->txt("answer_is_right"));
$template->setVariable("ICON_NOT_OK", ilUtil::getImagePath("icon_not_ok.png"));
$template->setVariable("TEXT_NOT_OK", $this->lng->txt("answer_is_wrong"));
$template->setVariable("SOLUTION", $solutions[$i]["value1"]);
$template->setVariable("COUNTER", $i+1);
if ($result_output)
$points = $solutions[$i]["points"];
$resulttext = ($points == 1) ? "(%s " . $this->lng->txt("point") . ")" : "(%s " . $this->lng->txt("points") . ")";
$template->setVariable("RESULT_OUTPUT", sprintf($resulttext, $points));
$questiontext = $this->object->getQuestion();
if ($show_question_text==true)
$template->setVariable("QUESTIONTEXT", $this->object->prepareTextareaOutput($questiontext, TRUE));
$questionoutput = $template->get();
$feedback = ($show_feedback) ? $this->getAnswerFeedbackOutput($active_id, $pass) : "";
if (strlen($feedback)) $solutiontemplate->setVariable("FEEDBACK", $this->object->prepareTextareaOutput($feedback, true));
$solutiontemplate->setVariable("SOLUTION_OUTPUT", $questionoutput);
$solutionoutput = $solutiontemplate->get();
if (!$show_question_only)
// get page object output
$solutionoutput = '<div class="ilc_question_Standard">'.$solutionoutput."</div>";
return $solutionoutput;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

assTextSubsetGUI::getSpecificFeedbackOutput (   $active_id,

Returns the answer specific feedback for the question.

This method should be overwritten by the actual question.

Mark this method abstract!
integer$active_idActive ID of the user
integer$passActive pass
string HTML Code with the answer specific feedback public

Reimplemented from assQuestionGUI.

Definition at line 533 of file class.assTextSubsetGUI.php.

$output = "";
return $this->object->prepareTextareaOutput($output, TRUE);
assTextSubsetGUI::getTestOutput (   $active_id,
  $pass = NULL,
  $is_postponed = FALSE,
  $use_post_solutions = FALSE 

Definition at line 372 of file class.assTextSubsetGUI.php.

References $pass, ilObjTest\_getPass(), ilObjTest\_getUsePreviousAnswers(), assQuestionGUI\outQuestionPage(), and ilUtil\prepareFormOutput().

Referenced by outQuestionForTest().

// get the solution of the user for the active pass or from the last pass if allowed
$user_solution = "";
if ($active_id)
$solutions = NULL;
include_once "./Modules/Test/classes/class.ilObjTest.php";
if (!ilObjTest::_getUsePreviousAnswers($active_id, true))
if (is_null($pass)) $pass = ilObjTest::_getPass($active_id);
$solutions =& $this->object->getSolutionValues($active_id, $pass);
// generate the question output
include_once "./Services/UICore/classes/class.ilTemplate.php";
$template = new ilTemplate("tpl.il_as_qpl_textsubset_output.html", TRUE, TRUE, "Modules/TestQuestionPool");
$width = $this->object->getMaxTextboxWidth();
for ($i = 0; $i < $this->object->getCorrectAnswers(); $i++)
foreach ($solutions as $idx => $solution_value)
if ($idx == $i)
$template->setVariable("TEXTFIELD_VALUE", " value=\"" . ilUtil::prepareFormOutput($solution_value["value1"])."\"");
$template->setVariable("COUNTER", $i+1);
$template->setVariable("TEXTFIELD_ID", sprintf("%02d", $i+1));
$template->setVariable("TEXTFIELD_SIZE", $width);
$questiontext = $this->object->getQuestion();
$template->setVariable("QUESTIONTEXT", $this->object->prepareTextareaOutput($questiontext, TRUE));
$questionoutput = $template->get();
$pageoutput = $this->outQuestionPage("", $is_postponed, $active_id, $questionoutput);
return $pageoutput;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

assTextSubsetGUI::outQuestionForTest (   $formaction,
  $pass = NULL,
  $is_postponed = FALSE,
  $use_post_solutions = FALSE 

Definition at line 217 of file class.assTextSubsetGUI.php.

References $pass, and getTestOutput().

$test_output = $this->getTestOutput($active_id, $pass, $is_postponed, $use_post_solutions);
$this->tpl->setVariable("QUESTION_OUTPUT", $test_output);
$this->tpl->setVariable("FORMACTION", $formaction);

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

assTextSubsetGUI::removeanswers ( )

Remove an answer.

Definition at line 209 of file class.assTextSubsetGUI.php.

References $_POST, editQuestion(), and assQuestionGUI\writePostData().

$position = key($_POST['cmd']['removeanswers']);

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

assTextSubsetGUI::saveFeedback ( )

Saves the feedback for a single choice question.


Reimplemented from assQuestionGUI.

Definition at line 418 of file class.assTextSubsetGUI.php.

References $_POST, $errors, and assQuestionGUI\feedback().

include_once "./Services/AdvancedEditing/classes/class.ilObjAdvancedEditing.php";
$errors = $this->feedback(true);
$this->object->saveFeedbackGeneric(0, $_POST["feedback_incomplete"]);
$this->object->saveFeedbackGeneric(1, $_POST["feedback_complete"]);

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

assTextSubsetGUI::setQuestionTabs ( )

Sets the ILIAS tabs for this question type.



Reimplemented from assQuestionGUI.

Definition at line 435 of file class.assTextSubsetGUI.php.

References $_GET, $ref_id, assQuestionGUI\addTab_QuestionHints(), and ilTestExpressPage\getReturnToPageLink().

global $rbacsystem, $ilTabs;
$this->ctrl->setParameterByClass("ilpageobjectgui", "q_id", $_GET["q_id"]);
include_once "./Modules/TestQuestionPool/classes/class.assQuestion.php";
$q_type = $this->object->getQuestionType();
if (strlen($q_type))
$classname = $q_type . "GUI";
$this->ctrl->setParameterByClass(strtolower($classname), "sel_question_types", $q_type);
$this->ctrl->setParameterByClass(strtolower($classname), "q_id", $_GET["q_id"]);
if ($_GET["q_id"])
if ($rbacsystem->checkAccess('write', $_GET["ref_id"]))
// edit page
$this->ctrl->getLinkTargetByClass("ilPageObjectGUI", "edit"),
array("edit", "insert", "exec_pg"),
"", "", $force_active);
// edit page
$this->ctrl->getLinkTargetByClass("ilPageObjectGUI", "preview"),
"ilPageObjectGUI", "", $force_active);
$force_active = false;
if ($rbacsystem->checkAccess('write', $_GET["ref_id"]))
$url = "";
if ($classname) $url = $this->ctrl->getLinkTargetByClass($classname, "editQuestion");
// edit question properties
array("editQuestion", "save", "saveEdit", "addanswers", "removeanswers", "originalSyncForm"),
$classname, "", $force_active);
if ($_GET["q_id"])
$this->ctrl->getLinkTargetByClass($classname, "feedback"),
array("feedback", "saveFeedback"),
$classname, "");
// add tab for question hint within common class assQuestionGUI
if ($_GET["q_id"])
$this->ctrl->getLinkTargetByClass($classname, "suggestedsolution"),
array("suggestedsolution", "saveSuggestedSolution", "outSolutionExplorer", "cancel",
"addSuggestedSolution","cancelExplorer", "linkChilds", "removeSuggestedSolution"
// Assessment of questions sub menu entry
if ($_GET["q_id"])
$this->ctrl->getLinkTargetByClass($classname, "assessment"),
$classname, "");
if (($_GET["calling_test"] > 0) || ($_GET["test_ref_id"] > 0))
$ref_id = $_GET["calling_test"];
if (strlen($ref_id) == 0) $ref_id = $_GET["test_ref_id"];
global $___test_express_mode;
if (!$_GET['test_express_mode'] && !$___test_express_mode) {
$ilTabs->setBackTarget($this->lng->txt("backtocallingtest"), "ilias.php?baseClass=ilObjTestGUI&cmd=questions&ref_id=$ref_id");
else {
$ilTabs->setBackTarget($this->lng->txt("backtocallingtest"), $link);
$ilTabs->setBackTarget($this->lng->txt("qpl"), $this->ctrl->getLinkTargetByClass("ilobjquestionpoolgui", "questions"));

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

assTextSubsetGUI::writePostData (   $always = false)

Evaluates a posted edit form and writes the form data in the question object.

integer A positive value, if one of the required fields wasn't set, else 0 private

Definition at line 70 of file class.assTextSubsetGUI.php.

References $_POST, editQuestion(), and assQuestionGUI\getSelfAssessmentEditingMode().

$hasErrors = (!$always) ? $this->editQuestion(true) : false;
if (!$hasErrors)
// mbecker: fix for 8407
include_once "./Services/AdvancedEditing/classes/class.ilObjAdvancedEditing.php";
$questiontext = $_POST["question"];
// Delete all existing answers and create new answers from the form data
foreach ($_POST['answers']['answer'] as $index => $answer)
$answertext = $answer;
$this->object->addAnswer($answertext, $_POST['answers']['points'][$index], $index);
return 0;
return 1;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: