ILIAS  Release_4_3_x_branch Revision 61807
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HFile_motivemaps Class Reference
+ Inheritance diagram for HFile_motivemaps:
+ Collaboration diagram for HFile_motivemaps:

Public Member Functions

 HFile_motivemaps ()
 donothing ($keywordin)
- Public Member Functions inherited from HFile
 HFile ()
 parse_file ($file)
 to_perl ($stub, $tofile=1)
 to_php ($stub, $tofile=1)
 _get_categories ()
 _dump_linkscripts ()
 _dump_perl_linkscripts ()
 _dump_perl_defaultscripts ()
 _dump_colours ()
 _dump_var ($variable, $name)
 _dump_array ($array, $name)
 _dump_perl_array ($array, $name)
 _dump_hash ($hash, $name)
 _dump_perl_hash ($hash, $name)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 5 of file HFile_motivemaps.php.

Member Function Documentation

HFile_motivemaps::donothing (   $keywordin)

Definition at line 1016 of file HFile_motivemaps.php.

return $keywordin;
HFile_motivemaps::HFile_motivemaps ( )

Definition at line 6 of file HFile_motivemaps.php.

References HFile\HFile().

// Beautifier Highlighting Configuration File
// Motive Maps
// Flags
$this->nocase = "0";
$this->notrim = "0";
$this->perl = "0";
// Colours
$this->colours = array("blue", "purple", "gray", "brown", "blue", "purple", "gray", "brown");
$this->quotecolour = "blue";
$this->blockcommentcolour = "green";
$this->linecommentcolour = "green";
// Indent Strings
$this->indent = array();
$this->unindent = array();
// String characters and delimiters
$this->stringchars = array("\"", "'");
$this->delimiters = array("~", "!", "@", "%", "^", "&", "*", "(", ")", "-", "+", "=", "|", "\\", "/", "{", "}", "[", "]", ":", ";", "\"", "'", "<", ">", " ", ",", " ", ".", "?");
$this->escchar = "";
// Comment settings
$this->linecommenton = array("//");
$this->blockcommenton = array("/*");
$this->blockcommentoff = array("*/");
// Keywords (keyword mapping to colour number)
$this->keywords = array(
"all" => "1",
"anchors" => "1",
"applets" => "1",
"areas" => "1",
"Array" => "1",
"Boolean" => "1",
"cells" => "1",
"checkbox" => "1",
"children" => "1",
"Collection" => "1",
"Date" => "1",
"Dictionary" => "1",
"Drive" => "1",
"Drives" => "1",
"DT" => "1",
"document" => "1",
"elements" => "1",
"embeds" => "1",
"external" => "1",
"Enumerator" => "1",
"File" => "1",
"Files" => "1",
"FileSystemObject" => "1",
"Folder" => "1",
"Folders" => "1",
"Function" => "1",
"false" => "1",
"filters" => "1",
"forms" => "1",
"frames" => "1",
"Global" => "1",
"hidden" => "1",
"history" => "1",
"image" => "1",
"images" => "1",
"imports" => "1",
"layer" => "1",
"layers" => "1",
"links" => "1",
"Math" => "1",
"navigator" => "1",
"Number" => "1",
"Object" => "1",
"options" => "1",
"password" => "1",
"plugins" => "1",
"radio" => "1",
"reset" => "1",
"rows" => "1",
"rules" => "1",
"RegExp" => "1",
"screen" => "1",
"scripts" => "1",
"selection" => "1",
"styleSheet" => "1",
"styleSheets" => "1",
"String" => "1",
"TextRange" => "1",
"TextStream" => "1",
"tbodies" => "1",
"true" => "1",
"userProfile" => "1",
"VBArray" => "1",
"window" => "1",
"accessKey" => "2",
"action" => "2",
"activeElement" => "2",
"align" => "2",
"aLink" => "2",
"alinkColor" => "2",
"alt" => "2",
"altHTML" => "2",
"altKey" => "2",
"appCodeName" => "2",
"appMinorVersion" => "2",
"appName" => "2",
"appVersion" => "2",
"arguments" => "2",
"availHeight" => "2",
"availWidth" => "2",
"AtEndOfLine" => "2",
"AtEndOfStream" => "2",
"Attributes" => "2",
"AvailableSpace" => "2",
"background" => "2",
"backgroundAttachment" => "2",
"backgroundColor" => "2",
"backgroundImage" => "2",
"backgroundPosition" => "2",
"backgroundPositionX" => "2",
"backgroundPositionY" => "2",
"backgroundRepeat" => "2",
"balance" => "2",
"behavior" => "2",
"bgColor" => "2",
"bgProperties" => "2",
"border" => "2",
"borderBottom" => "2",
"borderBottomColor" => "2",
"borderBottomStyle" => "2",
"borderBottomWidth" => "2",
"borderColor" => "2",
"borderColorDark" => "2",
"borderColorLight" => "2",
"borderLeft" => "2",
"borderLeftColor" => "2",
"borderLeftStyle" => "2",
"borderLeftWidth" => "2",
"borderRight" => "2",
"borderRightColor" => "2",
"borderRightStyle" => "2",
"borderRightWidth" => "2",
"borderStyle" => "2",
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"borderTopColor" => "2",
"borderTopStyle" => "2",
"borderTopWidth" => "2",
"borderWidth" => "2",
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"cancelBubble" => "2",
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"cellIndex" => "2",
"cellPadding" => "2",
"cellSpacing" => "2",
"charset" => "2",
"checked" => "2",
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"colorDepth" => "2",
"cols" => "2",
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"complete" => "2",
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"DriveType" => "2",
"DateCreated" => "2",
"DateLastAccessed" => "2",
"DateLastModified" => "2",
"encoding" => "2",
"event" => "2",
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"fgColor" => "2",
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"fileUpdatedDate" => "2",
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"language" => "2",
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"Line" => "2",
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"LN2" => "2",
"LOG10E" => "2",
"LOG2E" => "2",
"map" => "2",
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"SQRT2" => "2",
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"trueSpeed" => "2",
"TotalSize" => "2",
"Type" => "2",
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"urn" => "2",
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"userLanguage" => "2",
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"VolumeName" => "2",
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"wrap" => "2",
"x" => "2",
"y" => "2",
"zIndex" => "2",
"abs" => "3",
"acos" => "3",
"addChannel" => "3",
"addImport" => "3",
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"addRule" => "3",
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"anchor" => "3",
"asin" => "3",
"assign" => "3",
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"Add" => "3",
"AddFolders" => "3",
"AtEnd" => "3",
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"big" => "3",
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"blur" => "3",
"bold" => "3",
"BuildPath" => "3",
"ceil" => "3",
"charAt" => "3",
"charCodeAt" => "3",
"clearInterval" => "3",
"clearRequest" => "3",
"clearTimeout" => "3",
"click" => "3",
"collapse" => "3",
"compareEndPoints" => "3",
"compile" => "3",
"concat" => "3",
"confirm" => "3",
"contains" => "3",
"cos" => "3",
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"createElement" => "3",
"createRange" => "3",
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"createTextRange" => "3",
"createTFoot" => "3",
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"CopyFile" => "3",
"CopyFolder" => "3",
"CreateFolder" => "3",
"CreateTextFile" => "3",
"deleteCaption" => "3",
"deleteCell" => "3",
"deleteRow" => "3",
"deleteTFoot" => "3",
"deleteTHead" => "3",
"doReadRequest" => "3",
"duplicate" => "3",
"Delete" => "3",
"DeleteFile" => "3",
"DeleteFolder" => "3",
"Dimensions" => "3",
"DriveExists" => "3",
"elementFromPoint" => "3",
"empty" => "3",
"escape" => "3",
"eval" => "3",
"exec" => "3",
"execCommand" => "3",
"execScript" => "3",
"exp" => "3",
"expand" => "3",
"Exists" => "3",
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"FileExists" => "3",
"FolderExists" => "3",
"getAttribute" => "3",
"getBookmark" => "3",
"getDate" => "3",
"getDay" => "3",
"getFullYear" => "3",
"getHours" => "3",
"getItem" => "3",
"getMilliseconds" => "3",
"getMinutes" => "3",
"getMonth" => "3",
"getSeconds" => "3",
"getTime" => "3",
"getTimezoneOffset" => "3",
"getUTCDate" => "3",
"getUTCDay" => "3",
"getUTCFullYear" => "3",
"getUTCHours" => "3",
"getUTCMilliseconds" => "3",
"getUTCMinutes" => "3",
"getUTCMonth" => "3",
"getUTCSeconds" => "3",
"getVarDate" => "3",
"getYear" => "3",
"go" => "3",
"GetAbsolutePathName" => "3",
"GetBaseName" => "3",
"GetDrive" => "3",
"GetDriveName" => "3",
"GetExtensionName" => "3",
"GetFile" => "3",
"GetFileName" => "3",
"GetFolder" => "3",
"GetParentFolderName" => "3",
"GetSpecialFolder" => "3",
"GetTempName" => "3",
"indexOf" => "3",
"inRange" => "3",
"insertAdjacentHTML" => "3",
"insertAdjacentText" => "3",
"insertCell" => "3",
"insertRow" => "3",
"isEqual" => "3",
"isFinite" => "3",
"isNaN" => "3",
"isSubscribed" => "3",
"italics" => "3",
"item" => "3",
"Items" => "3",
"javaEnabled" => "3",
"join" => "3",
"Keys" => "3",
"lastIndexOf" => "3",
"lbound" => "3",
"log" => "3",
"max" => "3",
"min" => "3",
"moveBy" => "3",
"moveEnd" => "3",
"moveFirst" => "3",
"moveNext" => "3",
"moveStart" => "3",
"moveTo" => "3",
"moveToBookmark" => "3",
"moveToElementText" => "3",
"moveToPoint" => "3",
"Move" => "3",
"MoveFile" => "3",
"MoveFolder" => "3",
"navigate" => "3",
"nextPage" => "3",
"open" => "3",
"OpenAsTextStream" => "3",
"OpenTextFile" => "3",
"parse" => "3",
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"parseInt" => "3",
"pasteHTML" => "3",
"pow" => "3",
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"prompt" => "3",
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"queryCommandState" => "3",
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"queryCommandValue" => "3",
"random" => "3",
"refresh" => "3",
"reload" => "3",
"removeAttribute" => "3",
"replace" => "3",
"resizeBy" => "3",
"resizeTo" => "3",
"reverse" => "3",
"round" => "3",
"Read" => "3",
"ReadAll" => "3",
"ReadLine" => "3",
"Remove" => "3",
"RemoveAll" => "3",
"scroll" => "3",
"scrollBy" => "3",
"scrollIntoView" => "3",
"scrollTo" => "3",
"select" => "3",
"setAttribute" => "3",
"setDate" => "3",
"setEndPoint" => "3",
"setFullYear" => "3",
"setHours" => "3",
"setInterval" => "3",
"setMilliseconds" => "3",
"setMinutes" => "3",
"setMonth" => "3",
"setSeconds" => "3",
"setTime" => "3",
"setTimeout" => "3",
"setUTCDate" => "3",
"setUTCFullYear" => "3",
"setUTCHours" => "3",
"setUTCMilliseconds" => "3",
"setUTCMinutes" => "3",
"setUTCMonth" => "3",
"setUTCSeconds" => "3",
"setYear" => "3",
"showHelp" => "3",
"showModalDialog" => "3",
"sin" => "3",
"slice" => "3",
"small" => "3",
"sort" => "3",
"sqrt" => "3",
"start" => "3",
"stop" => "3",
"strike" => "3",
"sub" => "3",
"submit" => "3",
"substr" => "3",
"substring" => "3",
"sup" => "3",
"Skip" => "3",
"SkipLine" => "3",
"tags" => "3",
"taintEnabled" => "3",
"tan" => "3",
"test" => "3",
"toArray" => "3",
"toGMTString" => "3",
"toLocaleString" => "3",
"toLowerCase" => "3",
"toString" => "3",
"toUpperCase" => "3",
"toUTCString" => "3",
"ubound" => "3",
"unescape" => "3",
"UTC" => "3",
"valueOf" => "3",
"Write" => "3",
"WriteBlankLines" => "3",
"WriteLine" => "3",
"write" => "3",
"writeln" => "3",
"zOrder" => "3",
"onabort" => "4",
"onafterupdate" => "4",
"onbeforeunload" => "4",
"onbeforeupdate" => "4",
"onblur" => "4",
"onbounce" => "4",
"onchange" => "4",
"onclick" => "4",
"ondataavailable" => "4",
"ondatasetchanged" => "4",
"ondatasetcomplete" => "4",
"ondblclick" => "4",
"ondragstart" => "4",
"onerror" => "4",
"onerrorupdate" => "4",
"onfilterchange" => "4",
"onfinish" => "4",
"onfocus" => "4",
"onhelp" => "4",
"onkeydown" => "4",
"onkeypress" => "4",
"onkeyup" => "4",
"onload" => "4",
"onmousedown" => "4",
"onmousemove" => "4",
"onmouseout" => "4",
"onmouseover" => "4",
"onmouseup" => "4",
"onreadystatechange" => "4",
"onreset" => "4",
"onresize" => "4",
"onrowenter" => "4",
"onrowexit" => "4",
"onscroll" => "4",
"onselect" => "4",
"onselectstart" => "4",
"onstart" => "4",
"onsubmit" => "4",
"onunload" => "4",
"break" => "5",
"Comments" => "5",
"continue" => "5",
"do" => "5",
"else" => "5",
"for" => "5",
"function" => "5",
"if" => "5",
"in" => "5",
"Labeled" => "5",
"return" => "5",
"switch" => "5",
"this" => "5",
"var" => "5",
"while" => "5",
"with" => "5",
"AddAttribute" => "6",
"AddAttrubutes" => "6",
"AddEntity" => "6",
"AddEntry" => "6",
"AddKey" => "6",
"AddValue" => "6",
"Append" => "6",
"AttributeEquals" => "6",
"AttributeToInt" => "6",
"Begin" => "6",
"CancelRequest" => "6",
"CheckDesktopShortcuts" => "7",
"CheckStartMenuLinks" => "7",
"CopyFileFromUrl" => "7",
"CopyMapFile" => "6",
"CreateXMLEntity" => "6",
"DebugPrint" => "6",
"DeleteAttribute" => "6",
"DeleteDirectory" => "6",
"DeleteEntities" => "6",
"DeleteEntry" => "6",
"DeleteKey" => "6",
"DeleteValue" => "6",
"End" => "6",
"FindFile" => "7",
"GetAllComponentInfo" => "6",
"GetAllComponents" => "6",
"GetAllGroupInfo" => "6",
"GetAllInfoForAllComponents" => "6",
"GetAllKeyValues" => "6",
"GetApi" => "6",
"GetAppInstallPath" => "6",
"GetAppName" => "6",
"GetApplicationInstallHistory" => "7",
"GetAttribute" => "6",
"GetAttributeInfo" => "6",
"GetClientForMSNetSettings" => "6",
"GetComponentHistory" => "6",
"GetComponentIds" => "6",
"GetComponentInfo" => "6",
"GetDeviceInfo" => "6",
"GetDirAttrs" => "6",
"GetDirListing" => "6",
"GetDriverServicesInfo" => "7",
"GetEntities" => "6",
"GetEntitiesCompare" => "6",
"GetEntity" => "6",
"GetEntry" => "6",
"GetEnvironmentVariable" => "6",
"GetEnvironmentVariables" => "6",
"GetEventLogEntries" => "7",
"GetFullPath" => "6",
"GetGeneralInfo" => "6",
"GetGroupInfo" => "6",
"GetInstalledApps" => "6",
"GetInstalledDrivers" => "7",
"GetInstalledFileHistory" => "6",
"GetKeyValueName" => "6",
"GetKeyboardInfo" => "7",
"GetLoadedModules" => "6",
"GetLoadedModulesByProcess" => "6",
"GetLoadedModulesForProcess" => "6",
"GetLocalDriveInfo" => "6",
"GetMaxPath" => "6",
"GetMetaFrameId" => "6",
"GetMotherboardInfo" => "7",
"GetMotiveInstallPath" => "6",
"GetMouseInfo" => "7",
"GetName" => "6",
"GetNetConfig" => "6",
"GetNetworkAdapters" => "6",
"GetNetworkBindings" => "6",
"GetNetworkIdentification" => "6",
"GetNetworkProtocols" => "6",
"GetNetworkServices" => "6",
"GetNumAttributes" => "6",
"GetNumEntities" => "6",
"GetOLEServers" => "7",
"GetObject" => "6",
"GetObjectProperty" => "6",
"GetObjects" => "6",
"GetOperatingSystemName" => "6",
"GetParent" => "6",
"GetParentAttribute" => "6",
"GetPrimaryNetworkLogon" => "6",
"GetProblemDescription" => "6",
"GetProblemSummary" => "6",
"GetProperties" => "6",
"GetPropertiesAndVersions" => "6",
"GetResourceInfo" => "6",
"GetReturnCode" => "6",
"GetScsiAdapterInfo" => "7",
"GetSection" => "6",
"GetServicesInfo" => "6",
"GetSubFrameId" => "6",
"GetSubkey" => "6",
"GetSubkeys" => "6",
"GetSubtree" => "6",
"GetSystemDllChangeHistory" => "7",
"GetSystemDllInfo" => "7",
"GetTCPIPSettings" => "6",
"GetTaskList" => "7",
"GetUserName" => "6",
"GetValue" => "6",
"GetVersions" => "6",
"GetVideoAdapterInfo" => "7",
"GetWinIniOLEServers" => "6",
"HasWBEMSupport" => "6",
"Head" => "6",
"IsGUIAllowed" => "6",
"IsInteresting" => "6",
"IsKeyExcluded" => "6",
"IsPathExcluded" => "6",
"IsProcessRunning" => "6",
"IsWindows" => "6",
"IsWindows95" => "6",
"IsWindows98" => "6",
"IsWindowsNT" => "6",
"KeyExists" => "6",
"LogMessage" => "6",
"LogXMLEntities" => "6",
"LogXMLEntity" => "6",
"MakeDirectory" => "6",
"MultiSZToEnum" => "6",
"OpenRead" => "6",
"OpenWrite" => "6",
"Prepend" => "6",
"Print" => "6",
"ReadAppInstallPath" => "6",
"ReadKeyValueName" => "6",
"ReadSubkey" => "6",
"ReadValue" => "6",
"Readln" => "6",
"RegisteredWithDmiSP" => "6",
"RunMap" => "6",
"RunWQLQuery" => "6",
"Search" => "6",
"SearchReplace" => "6",
"SetDirAttrs" => "6",
"SetFileAttrs" => "6",
"SetInteresting" => "6",
"SetName" => "6",
"SetUninteresting" => "6",
"ShowEditDlg" => "6",
"ShowInfoDlg" => "6",
"ShowListDlg" => "6",
"ShowMultiSelectListDlg" => "6",
"ShowOKCancelDlg" => "6",
"ShowYesNoDlg" => "6",
"StartBrowser" => "6",
"StopBrowser" => "6",
"Tail" => "6",
"Writeln" => "6",
"AddIniFileEntry" => "7",
"AddRegistryKey" => "7",
"AddRegistryValue" => "7",
"BeginDisplayGroup" => "7",
"CheckDefaultRegistryValue" => "7",
"CheckDirectoryAttributes" => "7",
"CheckFileExists" => "7",
"CheckFileProperties" => "7",
"CheckFilePropertiesAndVersions" => "7",
"CheckFileVersions" => "7",
"CheckIniFileEntry" => "7",
"CheckRegistryValue" => "7",
"DeleteIniFileEntry" => "7",
"DeleteRegistryKey" => "7",
"DeleteRegistryValue" => "7",
"EndDisplayGroup" => "7",
"GetAllRegistryKeyValues" => "7",
"GetDefaultRegistryValue" => "7",
"GetDiagnosticsReport" => "7",
"GetDirectoryAttributes" => "7",
"GetDirectoryListing" => "7",
"GetEnvironmentVariableInfo" => "7",
"GetFileProperties" => "7",
"GetFilePropertiesAndVersions" => "7",
"GetFileVersions" => "7",
"GetGeneralSystemInfo" => "7",
"GetHardwareDeviceInfo" => "7",
"GetIniFileEntry" => "7",
"GetInstalledAppsList" => "7",
"GetLoadedModuleInfo" => "7",
"GetLoadedModuleInfoForAllProcesses" => "7",
"GetLoadedModuleInfoForProcesses" => "7",
"GetMapParam" => "7",
"GetNetworkAdapterInfo" => "7",
"GetNetworkConfigurationInfo" => "7",
"GetProcessList" => "7",
"GetRegistrySubkeys" => "7",
"GetRegistrySubtree" => "7",
"GetRegistryValue" => "7",
"GetResourceUsageSummary" => "7",
"GetScreenSnaHFileot" => "7",
"GetWin32ServicesInfo" => "7",
"RunProgramAsync" => "7",
"RunProgramSync" => "7",
"SetDirectoryAttributes" => "7",
"SetFileAttributes" => "7",
"SetSelfServiceAnswer" => "7",
"SetSelfServiceSearchString" => "7",
"SetSelfServiceUrl" => "7",
"dmiApi" => "8",
"DmiApi" => "8",
"fileApi" => "8",
"FileApi" => "8",
"guiApi" => "8",
"GuiApi" => "8",
"iniApi" => "8",
"IniApi" => "8",
"ntApi" => "8",
"NtApi" => "8",
"oleApi" => "8",
"OleApi" => "8",
"regApi" => "8",
"RegApi" => "8",
"sysApi" => "8",
"SysApi" => "8",
"threadApi" => "8",
"txtApi" => "8",
"ThreadApi" => "8",
"TxtApi" => "8",
"wbemApi" => "8",
"win98Api" => "8",
"win9xApi" => "8",
"WbemApi" => "8",
"Win98Api" => "8",
"Win9xApi" => "8");
// Special extensions
// Each category can specify a PHP function that returns an altered
// version of the keyword.
$this->linkscripts = array(
"1" => "donothing",
"2" => "donothing",
"3" => "donothing",
"4" => "donothing",
"5" => "donothing",
"6" => "donothing",
"7" => "donothing",
"8" => "donothing");

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: