ILIAS  Release_4_3_x_branch Revision 61807
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ilBibItem Class Reference

Class ilBibItem. More...

+ Collaboration diagram for ilBibItem:

Public Member Functions

 ilBibItem ($content_obj=0)
 Constructor public.
 setBibliographyAttributes ($a_data)
 setAbstract ($a_data)
 setBibItemData ($a_key, $a_value, $a_bib_item_nr)
 appendBibItemData ($a_key, $a_value, $a_bib_item_nr)
 getBibItemData ()
 getBibliographyAttributes ()
 getAbstract ()
 getTitle ()
 getXML ()
 readXML ()
 setXMLContent ($a_xml, $a_encoding="UTF-8")
 set xml content of BibItem, start with <BibItem...>, end with </BibItemt>, comply with ILIAS DTD, use utf-8!
 appendXMLContent ($a_xml)
 append xml content to BibItem setXMLContent must be called before and the same encoding must be used
 getXMLContent ()
 get xml content of BibItem
 __initNestedSet ()
 setBooktitle ($a_booktitle)
 getBooktitle ()
 setEdition ($a_edition)
 getEdition ()
 setPublisher ($a_publisher)
 getPublisher ()
 setYear ($a_year)
 getYear ()
 setMeta ($a_data)
 set (posted) meta data
 getMeta ()
 get meta data
 setID ($a_id)
 set id
 getID ()
 setType ($a_type)
 getType ()
 setElement ($a_name, $a_data)
 set identifier catalog value note: only one value implemented currently
 getElement ($a_name, $a_path="", $a_index=0)
 get identifier catalog value note: only one value implemented currently
 read ()
 create ()
 create bib data object in db
 delete ($a_name, $a_path, $a_index)
 delete bibitem data node
 add ($a_name, $a_path, $a_index=0)
 add meta data node
 getCountries ()
 setLanguage ($a_lang)
 getLanguage ()
 getLanguages ()
 get iso conform languages see

Data Fields

 $id = 0
 $type = "bib"

Detailed Description

Class ilBibItem.

Handles Bib-Items of ILIAS DigiLib-Books (see ILIAS DTD)

Databay AG
class.ilBibItem.php 33496 2012-03-02 23:15:02Z akill

Definition at line 36 of file class.ilBibItem.php.

Member Function Documentation

ilBibItem::__initNestedSet ( )

Definition at line 232 of file class.ilBibItem.php.

References getID().

Referenced by add(), create(), delete(), getElement(), read(), and readXML().

$this->nested_obj =& new ilNestedSetXML();
$this->nested_obj->init($this->getID(), "bib");
return $this->nested_obj->initDom();

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilBibItem::add (   $a_name,
  $a_index = 0 

add meta data node

Definition at line 447 of file class.ilBibItem.php.

References $xml, __initNestedSet(), getID(), and getType().

return false;
$p = "//Bibliography";
if ($a_path != "")
$p .= "/" . $a_path;
$attributes = array();
# echo "Index: " . $a_index . " | Path: " . $p . " | Name: " . $a_name . "<br>\n";
switch ($a_name)
case "BibItem" : $xml = '
<BibItem Type="" Label="">
<Identifier Catalog="ILIAS" Entry="il__' . $this->getType() . '_' . $this->getID() . '"></Identifier>
<Language Language="' . $this->ilias->account->getLanguage() . '"></Language>
<Booktitle Language="' . $this->ilias->account->getLanguage() . '">NO TITLE</Booktitle>
<HowPublished Type=""></HowPublished>
$this->nested_obj->addXMLNode($p, $xml, $a_index);
case "Identifier" : $value = "";
$attributes[0] = array("name" => "Catalog", "value" => "");
$attributes[1] = array("name" => "Entry", "value" => "");
$this->nested_obj->addDomNode($p, $a_name, $value, $attributes, $a_index);
case "Keyword" : ;
case "Booktitle" : ;
case "Language" : $value = "";
$attributes[0] = array("name" => "Language", value => $this->ilias->account->getLanguage());
$this->nested_obj->addDomNode($p, $a_name, $value, $attributes, $a_index);
case "Author" : $xml = '
$this->nested_obj->addXMLNode($p, $xml, $a_index);
case "HowPublished" : $value = "";
$attributes[0] = array("name" => "Type", value => "");
$this->nested_obj->addDomNode($p, $a_name, $value, $attributes, $a_index);
case "Series" : $xml = '
$this->nested_obj->addXMLNode($p, $xml, $a_index);
default : $value = "";
$attributes = "";
$this->nested_obj->addDomNode($p, $a_name, $value, $attributes, $a_index);

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ilBibItem::appendBibItemData (   $a_key,

Definition at line 124 of file class.ilBibItem.php.

$this->bib_item_data[$a_bib_item_nr]["$a_key"] = array_merge($this->bib_item_data[$a_bib_item_nr]["$a_key"],array($a_value));
ilBibItem::appendXMLContent (   $a_xml)

append xml content to BibItem setXMLContent must be called before and the same encoding must be used

string$a_xmlxml content

Definition at line 216 of file class.ilBibItem.php.

$this->xml.= $a_xml;
ilBibItem::create ( )

create bib data object in db

Definition at line 387 of file class.ilBibItem.php.

References $xml, __initNestedSet(), getID(), and getType().

Referenced by read().

/* if (is_object($this->obj))
$bibData["booktitle"] = $this->obj->getTitle();
$bibData["booktitle"] = "NO TITLE";
/* }*/
$bibData["edition"] = "N/A";
$bibData["publisher"] = "";
$bibData["year"] = "N/A";
$xml = '
<BibItem Type="" Label="">
<Identifier Catalog="ILIAS" Entry="il__' . $this->getType() . '_' . $this->getID() . '"></Identifier>
<Language Language="' . $this->ilias->account->getLanguage() . '"></Language>
<Booktitle Language="' . $this->ilias->account->getLanguage() . '">'. $bibData["booktitle"] . '</Booktitle>
<Edition>'. $bibData["edition"] . '</Edition>
<HowPublished Type=""></HowPublished>
<Publisher>'. $bibData["publisher"] . '</Publisher>
<Year>'. $bibData["year"] . '</Year>
$this->nested_obj->import($xml, $this->getID(), "bib");
return $bibData;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilBibItem::delete (   $a_name,

delete bibitem data node

Definition at line 425 of file class.ilBibItem.php.

References __initNestedSet().

return false;
if ($a_name != "")
$p = "//Bibliography";
if ($a_path != "")
$p .= "/" . $a_path;
$this->nested_obj->deleteDomNode($p, $a_name, $a_index);

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ilBibItem::getAbstract ( )
See Also
ilias_co.dtd User interface

Definition at line 149 of file class.ilBibItem.php.

References $abstract.

ilBibItem::getBibItemData ( )

Definition at line 130 of file class.ilBibItem.php.

return $this->bib_item_data;
ilBibItem::getBibliographyAttributes ( )
array e.g array("version" => 1,...)
See Also
ilias_co.dtd User interface

Definition at line 140 of file class.ilBibItem.php.

return $this->bibliography_attr ? $this->bibliography_attr : array();
ilBibItem::getBooktitle ( )

Definition at line 252 of file class.ilBibItem.php.

return $this->booktitle;
ilBibItem::getCountries ( )

Definition at line 514 of file class.ilBibItem.php.

References $lng.

global $lng;
$cntcodes = array ("DE","ES","FR","GB","AT","CH","AF","AL","DZ","AS","AD","AO",
$cntrs = array();
foreach($cntcodes as $cntcode)
$cntrs[$cntcode] = $lng->txt("meta_c_".$cntcode);
return $cntrs;
ilBibItem::getEdition ( )

Definition at line 262 of file class.ilBibItem.php.

return $this->edition;
ilBibItem::getElement (   $a_name,
  $a_path = "",
  $a_index = 0 

get identifier catalog value note: only one value implemented currently

Definition at line 338 of file class.ilBibItem.php.

References __initNestedSet(), and setElement().

return false;
$p = "//Bibliography";
if ($a_path != "")
$p .= "/" . $a_path;
$nodes = $this->nested_obj->getDomContent($p, $a_name, $a_index);
$this->setElement($a_name, $nodes);
/* if ($a_name == "Author" ||
$a_name == "FirstName" ||
$a_name == "MiddleName" ||
$a_name == "LastName")
echo "Index: " . $a_index . " | Path: " . $p . " | Name: " . $a_name . "<br>\n";
return $this->$a_name;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ilBibItem::getID ( )

Definition at line 310 of file class.ilBibItem.php.

References $id.

Referenced by __initNestedSet(), add(), and create().

return $this->id;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilBibItem::getLanguage ( )

Definition at line 554 of file class.ilBibItem.php.

References $language.

ilBibItem::getLanguages ( )

get iso conform languages see

Definition at line 563 of file class.ilBibItem.php.

References $lng.

global $lng;
$lngcodes = array("aa","ab","af","am","ar","as","ay","az","ba","be","bg","bh",
$langs = array();
foreach($lngcodes as $lngcode)
$langs[$lngcode] = $lng->txt("meta_l_".$lngcode);
return $langs;
ilBibItem::getMeta ( )

get meta data

Definition at line 298 of file class.ilBibItem.php.

References $meta.

return $this->meta;
ilBibItem::getPublisher ( )

Definition at line 272 of file class.ilBibItem.php.

return $this->publisher;
ilBibItem::getTitle ( )
string title

Definition at line 161 of file class.ilBibItem.php.

References $title.

return $this->title;
ilBibItem::getType ( )

Definition at line 320 of file class.ilBibItem.php.

References $type.

Referenced by add(), and create().

return $this->type;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilBibItem::getXML ( )
string xml-structure

Definition at line 173 of file class.ilBibItem.php.

References $xml.

return $this->xml;
ilBibItem::getXMLContent ( )

get xml content of BibItem

Definition at line 225 of file class.ilBibItem.php.

References $xml.

return $this->xml;
ilBibItem::getYear ( )

Definition at line 282 of file class.ilBibItem.php.

return $this->year;
ilBibItem::ilBibItem (   $content_obj = 0)

Constructor public.

Definition at line 56 of file class.ilBibItem.php.

References $content_obj, readXML(), and setID().

global $ilias;
$this->ilias =& $ilias;
$this->import_id = array();
$this->title = "";
$this->language = array();
$this->description = array();
$this->keyword = array();
$this->technicals = array(); // technical sections
$this->coverage = "";
$this->structure = "";
$this->content_obj =& $content_obj;
# $this->read();

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ilBibItem::read ( )

Definition at line 364 of file class.ilBibItem.php.

References __initNestedSet(), create(), setBooktitle(), setEdition(), setPublisher(), and setYear().

$bibData = $this->create();
$bibData["booktitle"] = $this->nested_obj->getFirstDomContent("//Bibliography/BibItem/Booktitle");
$bibData["edition"] = $this->nested_obj->getFirstDomContent("//Bibliography/BibItem/Edition");
$bibData["publisher"] = $this->nested_obj->getFirstDomContent("//Bibliography/BibItem/Publisher");
$bibData["year"] = $this->nested_obj->getFirstDomContent("//Bibliography/BibItem/Year");

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ilBibItem::readXML ( )

Definition at line 185 of file class.ilBibItem.php.

References __initNestedSet().

Referenced by ilBibItem().

return false;
$this->xml = $this->nested_obj->export($this->content_obj->getId(),"bib");

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilBibItem::setAbstract (   $a_data)

Definition at line 98 of file class.ilBibItem.php.

$this->abstract = $a_data;
ilBibItem::setBibItemData (   $a_key,

Definition at line 110 of file class.ilBibItem.php.

$this->bib_item_data[$a_bib_item_nr]["$a_key"] = $a_value;
return true;
ilBibItem::setBibliographyAttributes (   $a_data)
arraye.g array("version" => 1,...)
See Also
ilias_co.dtd User interface

Definition at line 86 of file class.ilBibItem.php.

$this->bibliography_attr = $a_data;
ilBibItem::setBooktitle (   $a_booktitle)

Definition at line 242 of file class.ilBibItem.php.

Referenced by read().

if ($a_booktitle == "")
$a_booktitle = "NO TITLE";
$this->booktitle = $a_booktitle;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilBibItem::setEdition (   $a_edition)

Definition at line 257 of file class.ilBibItem.php.

Referenced by read().

$this->edition = $a_edition;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilBibItem::setElement (   $a_name,

set identifier catalog value note: only one value implemented currently

Definition at line 329 of file class.ilBibItem.php.

Referenced by getElement().

$this->$a_name = $a_data;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilBibItem::setID (   $a_id)

set id

Definition at line 305 of file class.ilBibItem.php.

Referenced by ilBibItem().

$this->id = $a_id;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilBibItem::setLanguage (   $a_lang)

Definition at line 549 of file class.ilBibItem.php.

$this->language = $a_lang;
ilBibItem::setMeta (   $a_data)

set (posted) meta data

Definition at line 290 of file class.ilBibItem.php.

$this->meta = $a_data;
ilBibItem::setPublisher (   $a_publisher)

Definition at line 267 of file class.ilBibItem.php.

Referenced by read().

$this->publisher = $a_publisher;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilBibItem::setType (   $a_type)

Definition at line 315 of file class.ilBibItem.php.

$this->type = $a_type;
ilBibItem::setXMLContent (   $a_xml,
  $a_encoding = "UTF-8" 

set xml content of BibItem, start with <BibItem...>, end with </BibItemt>, comply with ILIAS DTD, use utf-8!

string$a_xmlxml content
string$a_encodingencoding of the content (here is no conversion done! it must be already utf-8 encoded at the time)

Definition at line 203 of file class.ilBibItem.php.

$this->encoding = $a_encoding;
$this->xml = $a_xml;
ilBibItem::setYear (   $a_year)

Definition at line 277 of file class.ilBibItem.php.

Referenced by read().

$this->year = $a_year;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Field Documentation


Definition at line 43 of file class.ilBibItem.php.

Referenced by getAbstract().


Definition at line 42 of file class.ilBibItem.php.


Definition at line 39 of file class.ilBibItem.php.

Referenced by ilBibItem().

ilBibItem::$id = 0

Definition at line 45 of file class.ilBibItem.php.

Referenced by getID().


Definition at line 50 of file class.ilBibItem.php.

Referenced by getLanguage().


Definition at line 48 of file class.ilBibItem.php.

Referenced by getMeta().


Definition at line 38 of file class.ilBibItem.php.

ilBibItem::$type = "bib"

Definition at line 46 of file class.ilBibItem.php.

Referenced by getType().


Definition at line 40 of file class.ilBibItem.php.

Referenced by add(), create(), getXML(), and getXMLContent().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: