ILIAS  Release_4_3_x_branch Revision 61807
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HFile_asm75 Class Reference
+ Inheritance diagram for HFile_asm75:
+ Collaboration diagram for HFile_asm75:

Public Member Functions

 HFile_asm75 ()
 donothing ($keywordin)
- Public Member Functions inherited from HFile
 HFile ()
 parse_file ($file)
 to_perl ($stub, $tofile=1)
 to_php ($stub, $tofile=1)
 _get_categories ()
 _dump_linkscripts ()
 _dump_perl_linkscripts ()
 _dump_perl_defaultscripts ()
 _dump_colours ()
 _dump_var ($variable, $name)
 _dump_array ($array, $name)
 _dump_perl_array ($array, $name)
 _dump_hash ($hash, $name)
 _dump_perl_hash ($hash, $name)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 5 of file HFile_asm75.php.

Member Function Documentation

HFile_asm75::donothing (   $keywordin)

Definition at line 417 of file HFile_asm75.php.

return $keywordin;
HFile_asm75::HFile_asm75 ( )

Definition at line 6 of file HFile_asm75.php.

References HFile\HFile().

// Beautifier Highlighting Configuration File
// Asm 75x
// Flags
$this->nocase = "0";
$this->notrim = "0";
$this->perl = "0";
// Colours
$this->colours = array("blue", "purple", "gray", "brown", "blue");
$this->quotecolour = "blue";
$this->blockcommentcolour = "green";
$this->linecommentcolour = "green";
// Indent Strings
$this->indent = array();
$this->unindent = array();
// String characters and delimiters
$this->stringchars = array();
$this->delimiters = array("#", "~", "!", "%", "^", "&", "*", "(", ")", "=", "|", "\\", "/", "{", "}", "[", "]", "\"", "<", ">", " ", ",", " ", ".", "?");
$this->escchar = "";
// Comment settings
$this->linecommenton = array(";");
$this->blockcommenton = array("");
$this->blockcommentoff = array("");
// Keywords (keyword mapping to colour number)
$this->keywords = array(
"ADDC" => "1",
"ADDS" => "1",
"AND" => "1",
"AND1" => "1",
"BR" => "1",
"BRA" => "1",
"BRCB" => "1",
"BRK" => "1",
"CALL" => "1",
"CALLA" => "1",
"CALLF" => "1",
"CLR1" => "1",
"DECS" => "1",
"DI" => "1",
"EI" => "1",
"EQ" => "1",
"GE" => "1",
"GT" => "1",
"GETI" => "1",
"HALT" => "1",
"HIGH" => "1",
"IN" => "1",
"INCS" => "1",
"LOW" => "1",
"LT" => "1",
"MOD" => "1",
"MOV" => "1",
"MOV1" => "1",
"MOVT" => "1",
"NE" => "1",
"NOP" => "1",
"NOT" => "1",
"OR" => "1",
"OR1" => "1",
"OUT" => "1",
"OUT3" => "1",
"POP" => "1",
"PUSH" => "1",
"RET" => "1",
"RETI" => "1",
"RETS" => "1",
"ROLC" => "1",
"RORC" => "1",
"SEL" => "1",
"SEL1" => "1",
"SKE" => "1",
"SKF" => "1",
"SKT" => "1",
"SKTCLR" => "1",
"STOP" => "1",
"SUBC" => "1",
"SUBS" => "1",
"SHL" => "1",
"SHR" => "1",
"XCH" => "1",
"XOR" => "1",
"XOR1" => "1",
"CSEG" => "2",
"DB" => "2",
"DBIT" => "2",
"DS" => "2",
"DSEG" => "2",
"DW" => "2",
"END" => "2",
"EQU" => "2",
"EXTRN" => "2",
"NAME" => "2",
"ORG" => "2",
"PUBLIC" => "2",
"SET" => "2",
"STKLN" => "2",
"TBR" => "2",
"TCALL" => "2",
"VENT0" => "2",
"VENT1" => "2",
"VENT2" => "2",
"VENT3" => "2",
"VENT4" => "2",
"VENT5" => "2",
"VENT6" => "2",
"VENT7" => "2",
"$" => "3",
"MACRO" => "3",
"ENDM" => "3",
"EXITM" => "3",
"GLOBAL" => "3",
"IRP" => "3",
"IRPC" => "3",
"REPT" => "3",
"STACK" => "3",
"@BCDE" => "4",
"@BCXA" => "4",
"@DE" => "4",
"@DL" => "4",
"@HL" => "4",
"@HL+" => "4",
"@HL-" => "4",
"@PCDE" => "4",
"@PCXA" => "4",
"A" => "4",
"B" => "4",
"BC" => "4",
"BC\'" => "4",
"BCDE" => "4",
"BCXA" => "4",
"C" => "4",
"CY" => "4",
"D" => "4",
"DE" => "4",
"DE\'" => "4",
"E" => "4",
"H" => "4",
"HL" => "4",
"HL\'" => "4",
"HL+" => "4",
"HL-" => "4",
"L" => "4",
"MB0" => "4",
"MB1" => "4",
"MB2" => "4",
"MB3" => "4",
"MB4" => "4",
"MB5" => "4",
"MB6" => "4",
"MB7" => "4",
"MB8" => "4",
"MB9" => "4",
"MB10" => "4",
"MB11" => "4",
"MB12" => "4",
"MB13" => "4",
"MB14" => "4",
"MB15" => "4",
"PCDE" => "4",
"PCXA" => "4",
"RB0" => "4",
"RB1" => "4",
"RB2" => "4",
"RB3" => "4",
"RB4" => "4",
"RB5" => "4",
"RB6" => "4",
"RB7" => "4",
"RB8" => "4",
"RB9" => "4",
"RB10" => "4",
"RB11" => "4",
"RB12" => "4",
"RB13" => "4",
"RB14" => "4",
"RB15" => "4",
"X" => "4",
"XA" => "4",
"XA\'" => "4",
"ACKD" => "5",
"ACKE" => "5",
"ACKT" => "5",
"ADM" => "5",
"BP0" => "5",
"BP1" => "5",
"BP2" => "5",
"BP3" => "5",
"BP4" => "5",
"BP5" => "5",
"BP6" => "5",
"BP7" => "5",
"BS" => "5",
"BSB0" => "5",
"BSB1" => "5",
"BSB2" => "5",
"BSB3" => "5",
"BSYE" => "5",
"BT" => "5",
"BTM" => "5",
"CLOM" => "5",
"CMDD" => "5",
"CMDT" => "5",
"COI" => "5",
"CSIE" => "5",
"CSIE0" => "5",
"CSIE1" => "5",
"CSIM" => "5",
"CSIM0" => "5",
"CSIM1" => "5",
"DACE0" => "5",
"DACE1" => "5",
"DACS0" => "5",
"DACS1" => "5",
"DIGS" => "5",
"DIMS" => "5",
"DSPM" => "5",
"EOC" => "5",
"EOT" => "5",
"EWC" => "5",
"EWE" => "5",
"EWP" => "5",
"EWST" => "5",
"GATEC" => "5",
"IE" => "5",
"IE1" => "5",
"IE2" => "5",
"IE3" => "5",
"IE4" => "5",
"IEBT" => "5",
"IEBWT" => "5",
"IECSI" => "5",
"IECSIO" => "5",
"IEEE" => "5",
"IEKS" => "5",
"IEMFT" => "5",
"IEMT0" => "5",
"IEMT1" => "5",
"IEOW" => "5",
"IESIO" => "5",
"IET0" => "5",
"IET1" => "5",
"IETPG" => "5",
"IEW" => "5",
"IM0" => "5",
"IM1" => "5",
"IM2" => "5",
"IPS" => "5",
"IRQ1" => "5",
"IRQ2" => "5",
"IRQ3" => "5",
"IRQ4" => "5",
"IRQBT" => "5",
"IRQBWT" => "5",
"IRQCSI" => "5",
"IRQCSIO" => "5",
"IRQEE" => "5",
"IRQKS" => "5",
"IRQMFT" => "5",
"IRQMT0" => "5",
"IRQMT1" => "5",
"IRQOW" => "5",
"IRQSIO" => "5",
"IRQT0" => "5",
"IRQT1" => "5",
"IRQTPG" => "5",
"IRQW" => "5",
"IST0" => "5",
"IST1" => "5",
"KR0" => "5",
"KR1" => "5",
"KR2" => "5",
"KR3" => "5",
"KR4" => "5",
"KR5" => "5",
"KR6" => "5",
"KR7" => "5",
"KS0" => "5",
"KS1" => "5",
"KS2" => "5",
"KSF" => "5",
"LCDC" => "5",
"LCDM" => "5",
"LPS" => "5",
"MBE" => "5",
"MBS" => "5",
"MFTC" => "5",
"MFTH" => "5",
"MFTL" => "5",
"MFTM" => "5",
"MODH" => "5",
"MODL" => "5",
"MT0" => "5",
"MT1" => "5",
"MTM0" => "5",
"MTM1" => "5",
"MTOE0" => "5",
"MTOE1" => "5",
"MTOF0" => "5",
"MTOF1" => "5",
"PCC" => "5",
"PDGB" => "5",
"PMGA" => "5",
"PMGB" => "5",
"PMGC" => "5",
"PMGD" => "5",
"PMGE" => "5",
"POGA" => "5",
"POGB" => "5",
"POGC" => "5",
"POGD" => "5",
"PONF" => "5",
"PORT0" => "5",
"PORT1" => "5",
"PORT2" => "5",
"PORT3" => "5",
"PORT4" => "5",
"PORT5" => "5",
"PORT6" => "5",
"PORT7" => "5",
"PORT8" => "5",
"PORT9" => "5",
"PORT10" => "5",
"PORT11" => "5",
"PORT12" => "5",
"PORT13" => "5",
"PORT14" => "5",
"PORT15" => "5",
"PORT16" => "5",
"PORT17" => "5",
"PORT18" => "5",
"PORT19" => "5",
"PORT20" => "5",
"PORTH" => "5",
"PSW" => "5",
"PTH0" => "5",
"PTH1" => "5",
"PTHM" => "5",
"RBE" => "5",
"RBS" => "5",
"RELD" => "5",
"RELOAD" => "5",
"RELT" => "5",
"SA" => "5",
"SBS" => "5",
"SCC" => "5",
"SEGEX" => "5",
"SIO" => "5",
"SIO0" => "5",
"SIO1" => "5",
"SIOM" => "5",
"SOC" => "5",
"SP" => "5",
"STATA" => "5",
"STATB" => "5",
"SVA" => "5",
"T0" => "5",
"T1" => "5",
"TBC0" => "5",
"TBC4" => "5",
"TBC8" => "5",
"TBCM" => "5",
"TGC" => "5",
"TGM" => "5",
"TGS" => "5",
"TI0" => "5",
"TI1" => "5",
"TM0" => "5",
"TM1" => "5",
"TMOD0" => "5",
"TMOD1" => "5",
"TO0" => "5",
"TO1" => "5",
"TOE0" => "5",
"TOE1" => "5",
"TOF0" => "5",
"TOF1" => "5",
"TPGM" => "5",
"WDTM" => "5",
"WM" => "5",
"WUP" => "5");
// Special extensions
// Each category can specify a PHP function that returns an altered
// version of the keyword.
$this->linkscripts = array(
"1" => "donothing",
"2" => "donothing",
"3" => "donothing",
"4" => "donothing",
"5" => "donothing");

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: