ILIAS  Release_4_3_x_branch Revision 61807
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HFile_maya Class Reference
+ Inheritance diagram for HFile_maya:
+ Collaboration diagram for HFile_maya:

Public Member Functions

 HFile_maya ()
 donothing ($keywordin)
- Public Member Functions inherited from HFile
 HFile ()
 parse_file ($file)
 to_perl ($stub, $tofile=1)
 to_php ($stub, $tofile=1)
 _get_categories ()
 _dump_linkscripts ()
 _dump_perl_linkscripts ()
 _dump_perl_defaultscripts ()
 _dump_colours ()
 _dump_var ($variable, $name)
 _dump_array ($array, $name)
 _dump_perl_array ($array, $name)
 _dump_hash ($hash, $name)
 _dump_perl_hash ($hash, $name)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 5 of file HFile_maya.php.

Member Function Documentation

HFile_maya::donothing (   $keywordin)

Definition at line 782 of file HFile_maya.php.

return $keywordin;
HFile_maya::HFile_maya ( )

Definition at line 6 of file HFile_maya.php.

References HFile\HFile().

// Beautifier Highlighting Configuration File
// Maya Script
// Flags
$this->nocase = "0";
$this->notrim = "0";
$this->perl = "0";
// Colours
$this->colours = array("blue", "purple", "gray");
$this->quotecolour = "blue";
$this->blockcommentcolour = "green";
$this->linecommentcolour = "green";
// Indent Strings
$this->indent = array();
$this->unindent = array();
// String characters and delimiters
$this->stringchars = array("\"");
$this->delimiters = array("~", "!", "@", "%", "^", "&", "*", "(", ")", "+", "=", "|", "\\", "/", "{", "}", "[", "]", ":", ";", "\"", "'", "<", ">", " ", ",", " ", ".", "?", "`");
$this->escchar = "";
// Comment settings
$this->linecommenton = array("//");
$this->blockcommenton = array("/*");
$this->blockcommentoff = array("*/");
// Keywords (keyword mapping to colour number)
$this->keywords = array(
"case" => "1",
"if" => "1",
"int" => "1",
"float" => "1",
"global" => "1",
"proc" => "1",
"string" => "1",
"true" => "1",
"about" => "2",
"addAttr" => "2",
"aimConstraint" => "2",
"air" => "2",
"aliasAttr" => "2",
"alignCurve" => "2",
"alignSurface" => "2",
"ambientLight" => "2",
"angleBetween" => "2",
"animCurveEditor" => "2",
"animDisplay" => "2",
"animView" => "2",
"applyTake" => "2",
"arcLenDimContext" => "2",
"arcLengthDimension" => "2",
"arclen" => "2",
"arrayMapper" => "2",
"assignCommand" => "2",
"assignInputDevice" => "2",
"attachCurve" => "2",
"attachDeviceAttr" => "2",
"attachSurface" => "2",
"attrColorSliderGrp" => "2",
"attrCompatibility" => "2",
"attrEnumOptionMenu" => "2",
"attrEnumOptionMenuGrp" => "2",
"attrFieldGrp" => "2",
"attrFieldSliderGrp" => "2",
"attrNavigationControlGrp" => "2",
"attributeQuery" => "2",
"autoKeyframe" => "2",
"autoPlace" => "2",
"bakeResults" => "2",
"bakeSimulation" => "2",
"batchRender" => "2",
"bevel" => "2",
"bindPose" => "2",
"bindSkin" => "2",
"blend" => "2",
"blendShape" => "2",
"blendShapeEditor" => "2",
"blendShapePanel" => "2",
"blendTwoAttr" => "2",
"boneLattice" => "2",
"boundary" => "2",
"boxDollyCtx" => "2",
"boxZoomCtx" => "2",
"buildBookmarkMenu" => "2",
"buildKeyframeMenu" => "2",
"button" => "2",
"buttonManip" => "2",
"camera" => "2",
"cameraView" => "2",
"canCreateManip" => "2",
"canvas" => "2",
"channelBox" => "2",
"checkBox" => "2",
"checkBoxGrp" => "2",
"choice" => "2",
"circle" => "2",
"circularFillet" => "2",
"closeCurve" => "2",
"closeSurface" => "2",
"cluster" => "2",
"cmdShell" => "2",
"collision" => "2",
"color" => "2",
"colorEditor" => "2",
"colorIndex" => "2",
"colorIndexSliderGrp" => "2",
"colorSliderButtonGrp" => "2",
"colorSliderGrp" => "2",
"columnLayout" => "2",
"commandEcho" => "2",
"commandLine" => "2",
"commandPort" => "2",
"commonPaintCtx" => "2",
"condition" => "2",
"cone" => "2",
"confirmDialog" => "2",
"connectAttr" => "2",
"connectControl" => "2",
"connectDynamic" => "2",
"connectJoint" => "2",
"connectionInfo" => "2",
"constrain" => "2",
"constructionHistory" => "2",
"contextInfo" => "2",
"control" => "2",
"convertSolidTx" => "2",
"convertUnit" => "2",
"copyKey" => "2",
"createDrawCtx" => "2",
"createEditor" => "2",
"createNode" => "2",
"ctxAbort" => "2",
"ctxCompletion" => "2",
"ctxEditMode" => "2",
"ctxTraverse" => "2",
"currentCtx" => "2",
"currentTime" => "2",
"currentTimeCtx" => "2",
"currentUnit" => "2",
"curve" => "2",
"curveAddPtCtx" => "2",
"curveCVCtx" => "2",
"curveEPCtx" => "2",
"curveEditorCtx" => "2",
"curveMoveEPCtx" => "2",
"curveOnSurface" => "2",
"curveSketchCtx" => "2",
"cutKey" => "2",
"cycleCheck" => "2",
"cylinder" => "2",
"dagObjectHit" => "2",
"defaultNavigation" => "2",
"defineDataServer" => "2",
"defineEditor" => "2",
"defineEditorTemplate" => "2",
"defineVirtualDevice" => "2",
"delete" => "2",
"deleteAttr" => "2",
"deleteUI" => "2",
"detachCurve" => "2",
"detachDeviceAttr" => "2",
"detachSurface" => "2",
"devicePanel" => "2",
"dimWhen" => "2",
"directKeyCtx" => "2",
"directionalLight" => "2",
"disable" => "2",
"disconnectAttr" => "2",
"disconnectJoint" => "2",
"displayAffected" => "2",
"displayColor" => "2",
"displayCull" => "2",
"displayLevelOfDetail" => "2",
"displayPref" => "2",
"displayRGBColor" => "2",
"displaySmoothness" => "2",
"displayStats" => "2",
"displaySurface" => "2",
"distanceDimContext" => "2",
"distanceDimension" => "2",
"dolly" => "2",
"dollyCtx" => "2",
"dopeSheetEditor" => "2",
"doubleProfileBirailSurface" => "2",
"drag" => "2",
"draggerContext" => "2",
"dropoffLocator" => "2",
"duplicate" => "2",
"duplicateCurve" => "2",
"dynCache" => "2",
"dynControl" => "2",
"dynExport" => "2",
"dynExpression" => "2",
"dynParticleCtx" => "2",
"dynRelEdPanel" => "2",
"dynRelEditor" => "2",
"dynamicLoad" => "2",
"editor" => "2",
"editorTemplate" => "2",
"effector" => "2",
"emitter" => "2",
"enableDevice" => "2",
"encodeString" => "2",
"eval" => "2",
"evalDeferred" => "2",
"evalEcho" => "2",
"event" => "2",
"exclusiveLightCheckBox" => "2",
"expression" => "2",
"expressionEditorListen" => "2",
"extendCurve" => "2",
"extendSurface" => "2",
"extrude" => "2",
"file" => "2",
"fileBrowserDialog" => "2",
"fileDialog" => "2",
"filletCurve" => "2",
"filter" => "2",
"filterExpand" => "2",
"findKeyframe" => "2",
"finder" => "2",
"fitBspline" => "2",
"flexor" => "2",
"floatField" => "2",
"floatFieldGrp" => "2",
"floatScrollBar" => "2",
"floatSlider" => "2",
"floatSliderButtonGrp" => "2",
"floatSliderGrp" => "2",
"flow" => "2",
"flushThumbnailCache" => "2",
"flushUndo" => "2",
"fontDialog" => "2",
"formLayout" => "2",
"frameLayout" => "2",
"freeFormFillet" => "2",
"geometryConstraint" => "2",
"getAttr" => "2",
"getClassification" => "2",
"getInputDeviceRange" => "2",
"getPanel" => "2",
"getParticleAttr" => "2",
"glRender" => "2",
"glRenderEditor" => "2",
"goal" => "2",
"grabColor" => "2",
"graphDollyCtx" => "2",
"graphSelectContext" => "2",
"graphTrackCtx" => "2",
"gravity" => "2",
"grid" => "2",
"gridLayout" => "2",
"group" => "2",
"handleRotateCtx" => "2",
"hardenPointCurve" => "2",
"hardware" => "2",
"hardwareRenderPanel" => "2",
"help" => "2",
"helpLine" => "2",
"hide" => "2",
"hilite" => "2",
"hotBox" => "2",
"hotkey" => "2",
"hotkeyCheck" => "2",
"hyperGraph" => "2",
"hyperPanel" => "2",
"iconTextButton" => "2",
"iconTextCheckBox" => "2",
"iconTextRadioButton" => "2",
"iconTextRadioCollection" => "2",
"iconTextStaticLabel" => "2",
"ikHandle" => "2",
"ikHandleCtx" => "2",
"ikHandleDisplayScale" => "2",
"ikSolver" => "2",
"ikSplineHandleCtx" => "2",
"ikSplineManipCtx" => "2",
"ikSystem" => "2",
"ikSystemInfo" => "2",
"image" => "2",
"index" => "2",
"inheritTransform" => "2",
"insertJoint" => "2",
"insertJointCtx" => "2",
"insertKeyCtx" => "2",
"insertKnotCurve" => "2",
"insertKnotSurface" => "2",
"instance" => "2",
"intField" => "2",
"intFieldGrp" => "2",
"intScrollBar" => "2",
"intSlider" => "2",
"intSliderGrp" => "2",
"internalVar" => "2",
"interpPort" => "2",
"intersect" => "2",
"isConnected" => "2",
"isDirty" => "2",
"isTrue" => "2",
"itemFilter" => "2",
"itemFilterAttr" => "2",
"itemFilterRender" => "2",
"itemFilterType" => "2",
"joint" => "2",
"jointCluster" => "2",
"jointCtx" => "2",
"jointDisplayScale" => "2",
"jointLattice" => "2",
"journal" => "2",
"keyTangent" => "2",
"keyframe" => "2",
"keyframeOutliner" => "2",
"keyframeRegionCurrentTimeCtx" => "2",
"keyframeRegionDirectKeyCtx" => "2",
"keyframeRegionDollyCtx" => "2",
"keyframeRegionInsertKeyCtx" => "2",
"keyframeRegionMoveKeyCtx" => "2",
"keyframeRegionScaleKeyCtx" => "2",
"keyframeRegionSelectKeyCtx" => "2",
"keyframeRegionSetKeyCtx" => "2",
"keyframeRegionTrackCtx" => "2",
"keyframeStats" => "2",
"lastMenuItem" => "2",
"lattice" => "2",
"layeredShaderPort" => "2",
"lightList" => "2",
"lightListEditor" => "2",
"lightListPanel" => "2",
"listAnimatable" => "2",
"listAttr" => "2",
"listCameras" => "2",
"listConnections" => "2",
"listDeviceAttachments" => "2",
"listHistory" => "2",
"listInputDeviceAxes" => "2",
"listInputDeviceButtons" => "2",
"listInputDevices" => "2",
"listNodeTypes" => "2",
"listRelatives" => "2",
"listerEditor" => "2",
"loadPlugin" => "2",
"loft" => "2",
"lookThru" => "2",
"ls" => "2",
"lsThroughFilter" => "2",
"lsUI" => "2",
"makeIdentity" => "2",
"makeLive" => "2",
"manipMoveContext" => "2",
"manipMoveLimitsCtx" => "2",
"manipOptions" => "2",
"manipRotateContext" => "2",
"manipRotateLimitsCtx" => "2",
"manipScaleContext" => "2",
"manipScaleLimitsCtx" => "2",
"marker" => "2",
"memory" => "2",
"menu" => "2",
"menuBarLayout" => "2",
"menuEditor" => "2",
"menuItem" => "2",
"messageLine" => "2",
"minimizeApp" => "2",
"mirrorJoint" => "2",
"modelCurrentTimeCtx" => "2",
"modelEditor" => "2",
"modelPanel" => "2",
"movIn" => "2",
"movOut" => "2",
"move" => "2",
"moveKeyCtx" => "2",
"multiProfileBirailSurface" => "2",
"nameCommand" => "2",
"nameField" => "2",
"newPanelItems" => "2",
"newton" => "2",
"nodeOutliner" => "2",
"nodeType" => "2",
"normalConstraint" => "2",
"nurbsCube" => "2",
"nurbsPlane" => "2",
"nurbsToPoly" => "2",
"nurbsToPolygonsPref" => "2",
"objExists" => "2",
"objectCenter" => "2",
"objectType" => "2",
"objectTypeUI" => "2",
"offsetCurve" => "2",
"offsetCurveOnSurface" => "2",
"openMayaPref" => "2",
"optionMenu" => "2",
"optionMenuGrp" => "2",
"optionVar" => "2",
"orbit" => "2",
"orbitCtx" => "2",
"orientConstraint" => "2",
"outlinerEditor" => "2",
"outlinerPanel" => "2",
"overrideModifier" => "2",
"palettePort" => "2",
"paneLayout" => "2",
"panel" => "2",
"panelConfiguration" => "2",
"panelHistory" => "2",
"paramDimContext" => "2",
"paramDimension" => "2",
"paramLocator" => "2",
"parent" => "2",
"particle" => "2",
"particleRenderInfo" => "2",
"partition" => "2",
"pasteKey" => "2",
"pathAnimation" => "2",
"pause" => "2",
"percent" => "2",
"performanceOptions" => "2",
"pickWalk" => "2",
"picture" => "2",
"pixelMove" => "2",
"planarSrf" => "2",
"plane" => "2",
"play" => "2",
"playbackOptions" => "2",
"playblast" => "2",
"pluginInfo" => "2",
"pointConstraint" => "2",
"pointCurveConstraint" => "2",
"pointLight" => "2",
"pointOnCurve" => "2",
"pointOnSurface" => "2",
"poleVectorConstraint" => "2",
"polyAppend" => "2",
"polyBevel" => "2",
"polyChipOff" => "2",
"polyCloseBorder" => "2",
"polyCollapseEdge" => "2",
"polyCollapseFacet" => "2",
"polyCone" => "2",
"polyCreateFacet" => "2",
"polyCube" => "2",
"polyCylinder" => "2",
"polyCylindricalProjection" => "2",
"polyDelEdge" => "2",
"polyDelFacet" => "2",
"polyDelVertex" => "2",
"polyEvaluate" => "2",
"polyExtrudeFacet" => "2",
"polyInstallAction" => "2",
"polyMapCut" => "2",
"polyMapDel" => "2",
"polyMapSew" => "2",
"polyMergeEdge" => "2",
"polyMergeFacet" => "2",
"polyMoveEdge" => "2",
"polyMoveFacet" => "2",
"polyMoveFacetUV" => "2",
"polyMoveUV" => "2",
"polyMoveVertex" => "2",
"polyNormal" => "2",
"polyOptions" => "2",
"polyPlanarProjection" => "2",
"polyPlane" => "2",
"polyQuad" => "2",
"polySelectConstraint" => "2",
"polySelectConstraintMonitor" => "2",
"polySeparate" => "2",
"polySmooth" => "2",
"polySoftEdge" => "2",
"polySphere" => "2",
"polySphericalProjection" => "2",
"polySplit" => "2",
"polySubdivideEdge" => "2",
"polySubdivideFacet" => "2",
"polySuperCtx" => "2",
"polyTorus" => "2",
"polyTriangulate" => "2",
"polyUnite" => "2",
"popupMenu" => "2",
"projFileViewer" => "2",
"projectCurve" => "2",
"projectLight" => "2",
"projectLightEditor" => "2",
"projectTangent" => "2",
"projectionContext" => "2",
"projectionManip" => "2",
"promptDialog" => "2",
"propModCtx" => "2",
"propMove" => "2",
"puttyCtx" => "2",
"quit" => "2",
"radial" => "2",
"radioButton" => "2",
"radioButtonGrp" => "2",
"radioCollection" => "2",
"radioMenuItemCollection" => "2",
"rampColorPort" => "2",
"rangeControl" => "2",
"readTake" => "2",
"rebuildCurve" => "2",
"rebuildSurface" => "2",
"recordAttr" => "2",
"recordDevice" => "2",
"redo" => "2",
"refresh" => "2",
"reloadImage" => "2",
"removeJoint" => "2",
"removeMultiInstance" => "2",
"rename" => "2",
"renameUI" => "2",
"render" => "2",
"renderGlobalsNode" => "2",
"renderInfo" => "2",
"renderManip" => "2",
"renderPartition" => "2",
"renderQualityNode" => "2",
"renderThumbnailUpdate" => "2",
"renderWindowEditor" => "2",
"renderWindowSelectContext" => "2",
"reorder" => "2",
"reorderDeformers" => "2",
"requires" => "2",
"reroot" => "2",
"resetTool" => "2",
"resolutionNode" => "2",
"reverseCurve" => "2",
"reverseSurface" => "2",
"revolve" => "2",
"rigidBody" => "2",
"rigidSolver" => "2",
"roll" => "2",
"rollCtx" => "2",
"rotate" => "2",
"rowColumnLayout" => "2",
"rowLayout" => "2",
"saveAllShelves" => "2",
"saveImage" => "2",
"saveInitialState" => "2",
"saveMenu" => "2",
"savePrefs" => "2",
"saveShelf" => "2",
"saveToolSettings" => "2",
"scale" => "2",
"scaleConstraint" => "2",
"scaleKey" => "2",
"scaleKeyCtx" => "2",
"sceneUIReplacement" => "2",
"sceneViewer" => "2",
"scriptJob" => "2",
"scriptedPanel" => "2",
"scriptedPanelType" => "2",
"scrollField" => "2",
"scrollLayout" => "2",
"sculpt" => "2",
"select" => "2",
"selectContext" => "2",
"selectKey" => "2",
"selectKeyCtx" => "2",
"selectMode" => "2",
"selectPaintCtx" => "2",
"selectPref" => "2",
"selectPriority" => "2",
"selectType" => "2",
"selectedLine" => "2",
"selectedNodes" => "2",
"selectionConnection" => "2",
"separator" => "2",
"setAttr" => "2",
"setAttrMapping" => "2",
"setDefaultShadingGroup" => "2",
"setDrivenKeyframe" => "2",
"setDynamic" => "2",
"setEditCtx" => "2",
"setEditor" => "2",
"setEscapeCtx" => "2",
"setFocus" => "2",
"setInfinity" => "2",
"setInputDeviceMapping" => "2",
"setKeyCtx" => "2",
"setKeyPath" => "2",
"setKeyframe" => "2",
"setParent" => "2",
"setParticleAttr" => "2",
"setStartupMessage" => "2",
"setToolTo" => "2",
"setUITemplate" => "2",
"sets" => "2",
"shadingConnection" => "2",
"shadingGeometryRelCtx" => "2",
"shadingGroupDialogDaemon" => "2",
"shadingLightRelCtx" => "2",
"shadingNode" => "2",
"shelfButton" => "2",
"shelfLayout" => "2",
"shelfTabLayout" => "2",
"shellField" => "2",
"showHidden" => "2",
"showManipCtx" => "2",
"showSelectionInTitle" => "2",
"showShadingGroupAttrEditor" => "2",
"showWindow" => "2",
"simplify" => "2",
"singleProfileBirailSurface" => "2",
"snapMode" => "2",
"snaHFileot" => "2",
"soft" => "2",
"sound" => "2",
"soundControl" => "2",
"spaceLocator" => "2",
"sphere" => "2",
"spotLight" => "2",
"spotLightPreviewPort" => "2",
"spreadSheetEditor" => "2",
"spring" => "2",
"srtContext" => "2",
"stackTrace" => "2",
"stitchSurface" => "2",
"stitchSurfacePoints" => "2",
"superCtx" => "2",
"surface" => "2",
"surfacePaintCtx" => "2",
"surfaceShaderList" => "2",
"swatchDisplayPort" => "2",
"symbolButton" => "2",
"symbolCheckBox" => "2",
"tabLayout" => "2",
"tangentConstraint" => "2",
"texManipContext" => "2",
"texSelectContext" => "2",
"texWinToolCtx" => "2",
"text" => "2",
"textCurves" => "2",
"textField" => "2",
"textFieldButtonGrp" => "2",
"textFieldGrp" => "2",
"textScrollList" => "2",
"texturePlacementContext" => "2",
"textureWindow" => "2",
"timeControl" => "2",
"timePort" => "2",
"toggle" => "2",
"toggleAxis" => "2",
"toggleWindowVisibility" => "2",
"tolerance" => "2",
"toolButton" => "2",
"toolCollection" => "2",
"toolDropped" => "2",
"toolHasOptions" => "2",
"toolPropertyWindow" => "2",
"track" => "2",
"trackCtx" => "2",
"transformLimits" => "2",
"translator" => "2",
"trim" => "2",
"tumble" => "2",
"tumbleCtx" => "2",
"turbulence" => "2",
"uiTemplate" => "2",
"unassignInputDevice" => "2",
"undo" => "2",
"undoInfo" => "2",
"ungroup" => "2",
"uniform" => "2",
"unloadPlugin" => "2",
"untrim" => "2",
"upAxis" => "2",
"userCtx" => "2",
"userPaintCtx" => "2",
"valuePaintCtx" => "2",
"view2dToolCtx" => "2",
"viewCamera" => "2",
"viewClipPlane" => "2",
"viewFit" => "2",
"viewHeadOn" => "2",
"viewLookAt" => "2",
"viewPlace" => "2",
"viewSet" => "2",
"vortex" => "2",
"waitCursor" => "2",
"window" => "2",
"windowPref" => "2",
"wire" => "2",
"wireContext" => "2",
"workspace" => "2",
"wrinkle" => "2",
"wrinkleContext" => "2",
"writeTake" => "2",
"wtPaintCtx" => "2",
"xform" => "2",
"xpmPicker" => "2",
"-aob" => "3",
"-annotation" => "3",
"-attribute" => "3",
"-b" => "3",
"-c" => "3",
"-cb" => "3",
"-columnAttach" => "3",
"-columnWidth" => "3",
"-command" => "3",
"-component" => "3",
"-cpp" => "3",
"-curveParameterPoint" => "3",
"-cv" => "3",
"-d" => "3",
"-dragMenuCommand" => "3",
"-e" => "3",
"-editPoint" => "3",
"-ex" => "3",
"-exists" => "3",
"-f" => "3",
"-facet" => "3",
"-false" => "3",
"-field" => "3",
"-fieldMaxValue" => "3",
"-fieldMinValue" => "3",
"-g" => "3",
"-hull" => "3",
"-imagePlane" => "3",
"-isoparm" => "3",
"-itt" => "3",
"-jointPivot" => "3",
"-l" => "3",
"-label" => "3",
"-latticePoint" => "3",
"-localRotationAxis" => "3",
"-m" => "3",
"-maxValue" => "3",
"-minValue" => "3",
"-mm" => "3",
"-optionBox" => "3",
"-p" => "3",
"-particle" => "3",
"-pmc" => "3",
"-polymeshEdge" => "3",
"-polymeshVertex" => "3",
"-q" => "3",
"-query" => "3",
"-rb" => "3",
"-rotatePivot" => "3",
"-rowSpacing" => "3",
"-rp" => "3",
"-scalePivot" => "3",
"-selectHandle" => "3",
"-sh" => "3",
"-spp" => "3",
"-subMenu" => "3",
"-surfaceEdge" => "3",
"-surfaceParameterPoint" => "3",
"-time" => "3",
"-value" => "3",
"-width" => "3");
// Special extensions
// Each category can specify a PHP function that returns an altered
// version of the keyword.
$this->linkscripts = array(
"1" => "donothing",
"2" => "donothing",
"3" => "donothing");

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: