ILIAS  Release_4_3_x_branch Revision 61807
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HFile_microchp Class Reference
+ Inheritance diagram for HFile_microchp:
+ Collaboration diagram for HFile_microchp:

Public Member Functions

 HFile_microchp ()
 donothing ($keywordin)
- Public Member Functions inherited from HFile
 HFile ()
 parse_file ($file)
 to_perl ($stub, $tofile=1)
 to_php ($stub, $tofile=1)
 _get_categories ()
 _dump_linkscripts ()
 _dump_perl_linkscripts ()
 _dump_perl_defaultscripts ()
 _dump_colours ()
 _dump_var ($variable, $name)
 _dump_array ($array, $name)
 _dump_perl_array ($array, $name)
 _dump_hash ($hash, $name)
 _dump_perl_hash ($hash, $name)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 5 of file HFile_microchp.php.

Member Function Documentation

HFile_microchp::donothing (   $keywordin)

Definition at line 441 of file HFile_microchp.php.

return $keywordin;
HFile_microchp::HFile_microchp ( )

Definition at line 6 of file HFile_microchp.php.

References HFile\HFile().

// Beautifier Highlighting Configuration File
// Microchip PIC Asm
// Flags
$this->nocase = "1";
$this->notrim = "0";
$this->perl = "0";
// Colours
$this->colours = array("blue", "purple", "gray", "brown", "blue", "purple", "gray");
$this->quotecolour = "blue";
$this->blockcommentcolour = "green";
$this->linecommentcolour = "green";
// Indent Strings
$this->indent = array();
$this->unindent = array();
// String characters and delimiters
$this->stringchars = array();
$this->delimiters = array("~", "!", "@", "$", "%", "^", "&", "*", "(", ")", "-", "+", "=", "|", "\\", "{", "}", "[", "]", ":", ";", "\"", "'", "<", ">", " ", ",", " ", ".", "?");
$this->escchar = "";
// Comment settings
$this->linecommenton = array(";");
$this->blockcommenton = array("");
$this->blockcommentoff = array("");
// Keywords (keyword mapping to colour number)
$this->keywords = array(
"#DEFINE" => "1",
"#INCLUDE" => "1",
"#UNDEFINE" => "1",
"BANKISEL" => "1",
"BANKSEL" => "1",
"CBLOCK" => "1",
"CODE" => "1",
"CONSTANT" => "1",
"DATA" => "1",
"DB" => "1",
"DE" => "1",
"DT" => "1",
"DW" => "1",
"ELSE" => "1",
"END" => "1",
"ENDC" => "1",
"ENDIF" => "1",
"ENDM" => "1",
"ENDW" => "1",
"EQU" => "1",
"ERROR" => "1",
"ERRORLEVEL" => "1",
"EXITM" => "1",
"EXPAND" => "1",
"EXTERN" => "1",
"FILL" => "1",
"GLOBAL" => "1",
"IDATA" => "1",
"IF" => "1",
"IFDEF" => "1",
"IFNDEF" => "1",
"LIST" => "1",
"LOCAL" => "1",
"MACRO" => "1",
"MESSG" => "1",
"NOEXPAND" => "1",
"NOLIST" => "1",
"ORG" => "1",
"PAGE" => "1",
"PAGESEL" => "1",
"PROCESSOR" => "1",
"RADIX" => "1",
"RES" => "1",
"SET" => "1",
"SPACE" => "1",
"SUBTITLE" => "1",
"TITLE" => "1",
"UDATA" => "1",
"UDATA_OVR" => "1",
"UDATA_SHR" => "1",
"VARIABLE" => "1",
"WHILE" => "1",
"__BADRAM" => "1",
"__CONFIG" => "1",
"__IDLOCS" => "1",
"__MAXRAM" => "1",
"=" => "1",
"addwf" => "2",
"andlw" => "2",
"andwf" => "2",
"bcf" => "2",
"bsf" => "2",
"btfsc" => "2",
"btfss" => "2",
"call" => "2",
"clrf" => "2",
"clrw" => "2",
"clrwdt" => "2",
"comf" => "2",
"decf" => "2",
"decfsz" => "2",
"goto" => "2",
"incf" => "2",
"incfsz" => "2",
"iorlw" => "2",
"iorwf" => "2",
"movf" => "2",
"movlw" => "2",
"movwf" => "2",
"nop" => "2",
"option" => "2",
"retlw" => "2",
"rlf" => "2",
"rrf" => "2",
"sleep" => "2",
"subwf" => "2",
"swapf" => "2",
"tris" => "2",
"xorlw" => "2",
"xorwf" => "2",
"addlw" => "3",
"retfie" => "3",
"return" => "3",
"sublw" => "3",
"addwfc" => "4",
"btg" => "4",
"cpfseq" => "4",
"cpfsgt" => "4",
"cpfslt" => "4",
"daw" => "4",
"dcfsnz" => "4",
"infsnz" => "4",
"lcall" => "4",
"movfp" => "4",
"movlb" => "4",
"movlr" => "4",
"movpf" => "4",
"mullw" => "4",
"mulwf" => "4",
"negw" => "4",
"rlcf" => "4",
"rlncf" => "4",
"rrcf" => "4",
"rrncf" => "4",
"setf" => "4",
"subwfb" => "4",
"tablrd" => "4",
"tablwt" => "4",
"tlrd" => "4",
"tlwt" => "4",
"tstfsz" => "4",
"ADCON0" => "5",
"ADCON1" => "5",
"ADRES" => "5",
"CCP1CON" => "5",
"CCP2CON" => "5",
"CCPR1H" => "5",
"CCPR1L" => "5",
"CCPR2H" => "5",
"CCPR2L" => "5",
"CMCON" => "5",
"EEADR" => "5",
"EECON1" => "5",
"EECON2" => "5",
"EEDATA" => "5",
"F" => "5",
"FSR" => "5",
"GPIO" => "5",
"INDF" => "5",
"INTCON" => "5",
"LCDCON" => "5",
"LCDD00" => "5",
"LCDD01" => "5",
"LCDD02" => "5",
"LCDD03" => "5",
"LCDD04" => "5",
"LCDD05" => "5",
"LCDD06" => "5",
"LCDD07" => "5",
"LCDD08" => "5",
"LCDD09" => "5",
"LCDD10" => "5",
"LCDD11" => "5",
"LCDD12" => "5",
"LCDD13" => "5",
"LCDD14" => "5",
"LCDD15" => "5",
"LCDPS" => "5",
"LCDSE" => "5",
"OSCCAL" => "5",
"PCL" => "5",
"PCLATH" => "5",
"PCON" => "5",
"PIE1" => "5",
"PIE2" => "5",
"PIR1" => "5",
"PIR2" => "5",
"PORTA" => "5",
"PORTB" => "5",
"PORTC" => "5",
"PORTD" => "5",
"PORTE" => "5",
"PORTF" => "5",
"PORTG" => "5",
"PR2" => "5",
"RCREG" => "5",
"RCSTA" => "5",
"RTCC" => "5",
"SPBRG" => "5",
"SSPADD" => "5",
"SSPBUF" => "5",
"SSPCON" => "5",
"SSPSTAT" => "5",
"STATUS" => "5",
"T1CON" => "5",
"T2CON" => "5",
"TMR0" => "5",
"TMR1H" => "5",
"TMR1L" => "5",
"TMR2" => "5",
"TRISA" => "5",
"TRISB" => "5",
"TRISC" => "5",
"TRISD" => "5",
"TRISE" => "5",
"TRISF" => "5",
"TRISG" => "5",
"TXREG" => "5",
"TXSTA" => "5",
"VRCON" => "5",
"W" => "5",
"WREG" => "5",
"ADCS0" => "6",
"ADCS1" => "6",
"ADIE" => "6",
"ADIF" => "6",
"ADON" => "6",
"BF" => "6",
"BO" => "6",
"BRGH" => "6",
"C" => "6",
"C1OUT" => "6",
"C2OUT" => "6",
"CAL0" => "6",
"CAL1" => "6",
"CAL2" => "6",
"CAL3" => "6",
"CAL4" => "6",
"CAL5" => "6",
"CCP1IE" => "6",
"CCP1IF" => "6",
"CCP1M0" => "6",
"CCP1M1" => "6",
"CCP1M2" => "6",
"CCP1M3" => "6",
"CCP1X" => "6",
"CCP1Y" => "6",
"CCP2IE" => "6",
"CCP2IF" => "6",
"CCP2M0" => "6",
"CCP2M1" => "6",
"CCP2M2" => "6",
"CCP2M3" => "6",
"CCP2X" => "6",
"CCP2Y" => "6",
"CHS0" => "6",
"CHS1" => "6",
"CHS2" => "6",
"CKE" => "6",
"CKP" => "6",
"CM0" => "6",
"CM1" => "6",
"CM2" => "6",
"CIS" => "6",
"CMIE" => "6",
"CMIF" => "6",
"CREN" => "6",
"CS0" => "6",
"CS1" => "6",
"CSRC" => "6",
"DA" => "6",
"DC" => "6",
"EEIE" => "6",
"EEIF" => "6",
"FERR" => "6",
"GIE" => "6",
"GO_DONE" => "6",
"IBF" => "6",
"IBOV" => "6",
"INTE" => "6",
"INTEDG" => "6",
"INTF" => "6",
"IRP" => "6",
"LCDEN" => "6",
"LCDIE" => "6",
"LCDIF" => "6",
"LMUX0" => "6",
"LMUX1" => "6",
"LP0" => "6",
"LP1" => "6",
"LP2" => "6",
"LP3" => "6",
"NOT_PD" => "6",
"NOT_RBPU" => "6",
"NOT_RBWU" => "6",
"NOT_TO" => "6",
"OBF" => "6",
"OERR" => "6",
"P" => "6",
"PA0" => "6",
"PA1" => "6",
"PCFG0" => "6",
"PCFG1" => "6",
"PCFG2" => "6",
"PEIE" => "6",
"POR" => "6",
"PS0" => "6",
"PS1" => "6",
"PS2" => "6",
"PSA" => "6",
"PSPIE" => "6",
"PSPIF" => "6",
"PSPMODE" => "6",
"RBIE" => "6",
"RBIF" => "6",
"RBWUF" => "6",
"RCIE" => "6",
"RCIF" => "6",
"RD" => "6",
"RP0" => "6",
"RP1" => "6",
"RW" => "6",
"RX9" => "6",
"RX9D" => "6",
"S" => "6",
"SE0" => "6",
"SE5" => "6",
"SE9" => "6",
"SE12" => "6",
"SE16" => "6",
"SE20" => "6",
"SE27" => "6",
"SE29" => "6",
"SLPEN" => "6",
"SMP" => "6",
"SPEN" => "6",
"SREN" => "6",
"SSPEN" => "6",
"SSPIE" => "6",
"SSPIF" => "6",
"SSPM0" => "6",
"SSPM1" => "6",
"SSPM2" => "6",
"SSPM3" => "6",
"SSPOV" => "6",
"SYNC" => "6",
"T0CS" => "6",
"T0IE" => "6",
"T0IF" => "6",
"T0SE" => "6",
"T1CKPS0" => "6",
"T1CKPS1" => "6",
"T1OSCEN" => "6",
"T2CKPS0" => "6",
"T2CKPS1" => "6",
"TMR1CS" => "6",
"TMR1IE" => "6",
"TMR1IF" => "6",
"TMR1ON" => "6",
"TMR2IE" => "6",
"TMR2IF" => "6",
"TMR2ON" => "6",
"TOUTPS3" => "6",
"TOUTPS2" => "6",
"TOUTPS1" => "6",
"TOUTPS0" => "6",
"TRISE0" => "6",
"TRISE1" => "6",
"TRISE2" => "6",
"TRMT" => "6",
"TX89" => "6",
"TX9" => "6",
"TX9D" => "6",
"TXD8" => "6",
"TXEN" => "6",
"TXIE" => "6",
"TXIF" => "6",
"UA" => "6",
"VGEN" => "6",
"VR0" => "6",
"VR1" => "6",
"VR2" => "6",
"VR3" => "6",
"VREN" => "6",
"VROE" => "6",
"VRR" => "6",
"WCOL" => "6",
"WR" => "6",
"WREN" => "6",
"WRERR" => "6",
"Z" => "6",
"+" => "7",
"," => "7",
"-" => "7",
"/" => "7",
"<" => "7",
">" => "7");
// Special extensions
// Each category can specify a PHP function that returns an altered
// version of the keyword.
$this->linkscripts = array(
"1" => "donothing",
"2" => "donothing",
"3" => "donothing",
"4" => "donothing",
"5" => "donothing",
"6" => "donothing",
"7" => "donothing");

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: