ILIAS  Release_4_3_x_branch Revision 61807
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HFile_cobol Class Reference
+ Inheritance diagram for HFile_cobol:
+ Collaboration diagram for HFile_cobol:

Public Member Functions

 HFile_cobol ()
 donothing ($keywordin)
- Public Member Functions inherited from HFile
 HFile ()
 parse_file ($file)
 to_perl ($stub, $tofile=1)
 to_php ($stub, $tofile=1)
 _get_categories ()
 _dump_linkscripts ()
 _dump_perl_linkscripts ()
 _dump_perl_defaultscripts ()
 _dump_colours ()
 _dump_var ($variable, $name)
 _dump_array ($array, $name)
 _dump_perl_array ($array, $name)
 _dump_hash ($hash, $name)
 _dump_perl_hash ($hash, $name)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 5 of file HFile_cobol.php.

Member Function Documentation

HFile_cobol::donothing (   $keywordin)

Definition at line 718 of file HFile_cobol.php.

return $keywordin;
HFile_cobol::HFile_cobol ( )

Definition at line 6 of file HFile_cobol.php.

References HFile\HFile().

// Beautifier Highlighting Configuration File
// Cobol
// Flags
$this->nocase = "0";
$this->notrim = "0";
$this->perl = "0";
// Colours
$this->colours = array("blue", "purple", "gray", "brown", "blue");
$this->quotecolour = "blue";
$this->blockcommentcolour = "green";
$this->linecommentcolour = "green";
// Indent Strings
$this->indent = array();
$this->unindent = array();
// String characters and delimiters
$this->stringchars = array("\"");
$this->delimiters = array("~", "!", "@", "$", "%", "^", "&", "*", "(", ")", "_", "+", "=", "|", "\\", "/", "{", "}", "[", "]", ":", ";", "\"", "'", "<", ">", " ", ",", ".", "?", "/");
$this->escchar = "";
// Comment settings
$this->linecommenton = array("*");
$this->blockcommenton = array("");
$this->blockcommentoff = array("");
// Keywords (keyword mapping to colour number)
$this->keywords = array(
"accept" => "1",
"access" => "1",
"acquire" => "1",
"actual" => "1",
"add" => "1",
"address" => "1",
"advancing" => "1",
"after" => "1",
"all" => "1",
"allowing" => "1",
"alphabet" => "1",
"alphabetic" => "1",
"alphabetic-lower" => "1",
"alphabetic-upper" => "1",
"alphanumeric" => "1",
"alphanumeric-edited" => "1",
"also" => "1",
"alter" => "1",
"alternate" => "1",
"and" => "1",
"any" => "1",
"apply" => "1",
"are" => "1",
"area" => "1",
"areas" => "1",
"as" => "1",
"ascending" => "1",
"assign" => "1",
"at" => "1",
"attribute" => "1",
"author" => "1",
"auto" => "1",
"auto-hyphen-skip" => "1",
"auto-skip" => "1",
"automatic" => "1",
"autoterminate" => "1",
"background-color" => "1",
"background-colour" => "1",
"backward" => "1",
"basis" => "1",
"beep" => "1",
"before" => "1",
"beginning" => "1",
"bell" => "1",
"binary" => "1",
"blank" => "1",
"blink" => "1",
"blinking" => "1",
"block" => "1",
"bold" => "1",
"bottom" => "1",
"box" => "1",
"boxed" => "1",
"by" => "1",
"c01" => "1",
"c02" => "1",
"c04" => "1",
"c05" => "1",
"c06" => "1",
"c07" => "1",
"c08" => "1",
"c09" => "1",
"c10" => "1",
"c11" => "1",
"c12" => "1",
"cancel" => "1",
"cbl" => "1",
"cd" => "1",
"centered" => "1",
"cf" => "1",
"ch" => "1",
"chain" => "1",
"chaining" => "1",
"changed" => "1",
"character" => "1",
"characters" => "1",
"chart" => "1",
"class" => "1",
"clock-units" => "1",
"close" => "1",
"cobol" => "1",
"code" => "1",
"code-set" => "1",
"col" => "1",
"collating" => "1",
"color" => "1",
"colour" => "1",
"column" => "1",
"com-reg" => "1",
"comma" => "1",
"command-line" => "1",
"commit" => "1",
"commitment" => "1",
"common" => "1",
"communication" => "1",
"comp" => "1",
"comp-0" => "1",
"comp-1" => "1",
"comp-2" => "1",
"comp-3" => "1",
"comp-4" => "1",
"comp-5" => "1",
"comp-6" => "1",
"comp-x" => "1",
"compression" => "1",
"computational" => "1",
"computational-1" => "1",
"computational-2" => "1",
"computational-3" => "1",
"computational-4" => "1",
"computational-5" => "1",
"computational-6" => "1",
"computational-x" => "1",
"compute" => "1",
"configuration" => "1",
"console" => "1",
"contains" => "1",
"content" => "1",
"continue" => "1",
"control" => "1",
"control-area" => "1",
"controls" => "1",
"conversion" => "1",
"convert" => "1",
"converting" => "1",
"core-index" => "1",
"corr" => "1",
"corresponding" => "1",
"count" => "1",
"crt" => "1",
"crt-under" => "1",
"csp" => "1",
"currency" => "1",
"current-date" => "1",
"cursor" => "1",
"cycle" => "1",
"cyl-index" => "1",
"cyl-overflow" => "1",
"data" => "1",
"date" => "1",
"date-compiled" => "1",
"date-written" => "1",
"day" => "1",
"day-of-week" => "1",
"dbcs" => "1",
"de" => "1",
"debug" => "1",
"debug-contents" => "1",
"debug-item" => "1",
"debug-line" => "1",
"debug-name" => "1",
"debug-sub-1" => "1",
"debug-sub-2" => "1",
"debug-sub-3" => "1",
"debugging" => "1",
"decimal-point" => "1",
"declaratives" => "1",
"default" => "1",
"delete" => "1",
"delimited" => "1",
"delimiter" => "1",
"depending" => "1",
"descending" => "1",
"destination" => "1",
"detail" => "1",
"disable" => "1",
"disk" => "1",
"disp" => "1",
"display" => "1",
"display-1" => "1",
"display-st" => "1",
"divide" => "1",
"division" => "1",
"down" => "1",
"draw" => "1",
"drop" => "1",
"duplicates" => "1",
"dynamic" => "1",
"echo" => "1",
"egcs" => "1",
"egi" => "1",
"eject" => "1",
"emi" => "1",
"empty-check" => "1",
"enable" => "1",
"encryption" => "1",
"end" => "1",
"end-accept" => "1",
"end-add" => "1",
"end-call" => "1",
"end-chain" => "1",
"end-compute" => "1",
"end-delete" => "1",
"end-display" => "1",
"end-divide" => "1",
"end-invoke" => "1",
"end-multiply" => "1",
"end-of-page" => "1",
"end-perform" => "1",
"end-read" => "1",
"end-receive" => "1",
"end-return" => "1",
"end-rewrite" => "1",
"end-search" => "1",
"end-start" => "1",
"end-string" => "1",
"end-subtract" => "1",
"end-unstring" => "1",
"end-write" => "1",
"ending" => "1",
"enter" => "1",
"entry" => "1",
"environment" => "1",
"environment-division" => "1",
"eol" => "1",
"eop" => "1",
"eos" => "1",
"equal" => "1",
"equals" => "1",
"erase" => "1",
"error" => "1",
"escape" => "1",
"esi" => "1",
"every" => "1",
"examine" => "1",
"exceeds" => "1",
"exception" => "1",
"excess-3" => "1",
"exclusive" => "1",
"exec" => "1",
"execute" => "1",
"exhibit" => "1",
"extend" => "1",
"extended-search" => "1",
"external" => "1",
"externally-described-key" => "1",
"factory" => "1",
"false" => "1",
"fd" => "1",
"fh--fcd" => "1",
"fh--keydef" => "1",
"file" => "1",
"file-control" => "1",
"file-id" => "1",
"file-limit" => "1",
"file-limits" => "1",
"file-prefix" => "1",
"filler" => "1",
"final" => "1",
"first" => "1",
"fixed" => "1",
"footing" => "1",
"for" => "1",
"foreground-color" => "1",
"foreground-colour" => "1",
"format" => "1",
"from" => "1",
"full" => "1",
"function" => "1",
"generate" => "1",
"giving" => "1",
"global" => "1",
"go" => "1",
"goback" => "1",
"greater" => "1",
"grid" => "1",
"group" => "1",
"heading" => "1",
"high" => "1",
"high-value" => "1",
"high-values" => "1",
"highlight" => "1",
"i-o" => "1",
"i-o-control" => "1",
"id" => "1",
"identification" => "1",
"ignore" => "1",
"in" => "1",
"index" => "1",
"indexed" => "1",
"indic" => "1",
"indicate" => "1",
"indicator" => "1",
"indicators" => "1",
"inheriting" => "1",
"initial" => "1",
"initialize" => "1",
"initiate" => "1",
"input" => "1",
"input-output" => "1",
"insert" => "1",
"inspect" => "1",
"installation" => "1",
"into" => "1",
"invalid" => "1",
"invoke" => "1",
"invoked" => "1",
"is" => "1",
"japanese" => "1",
"just" => "1",
"justified" => "1",
"kanji" => "1",
"kept" => "1",
"key" => "1",
"keyboard" => "1",
"label" => "1",
"last" => "1",
"leading" => "1",
"leave" => "1",
"left" => "1",
"lrft-justify" => "1",
"leftline" => "1",
"length" => "1",
"length-check" => "1",
"less" => "1",
"limit" => "1",
"limits" => "1",
"lin" => "1",
"linage" => "1",
"linage-counter" => "1",
"line" => "1",
"line-counter" => "1",
"lines" => "1",
"linkage" => "1",
"local-storage" => "1",
"lock" => "1",
"lock-holding" => "1",
"locking" => "1",
"low" => "1",
"low-value" => "1",
"low-values" => "1",
"lower" => "1",
"lowlight" => "1",
"manual" => "1",
"mass-update" => "1",
"master-index" => "1",
"memory" => "1",
"merge" => "1",
"message" => "1",
"method" => "1",
"mode" => "1",
"modified" => "1",
"modules" => "1",
"more-labels" => "1",
"move" => "1",
"multiple" => "1",
"multiply" => "1",
"name" => "1",
"named" => "1",
"national" => "1",
"national-edited" => "1",
"native" => "1",
"nchar" => "1",
"negative" => "1",
"next" => "1",
"no" => "1",
"no-echo" => "1",
"nominal" => "1",
"not" => "1",
"note" => "1",
"nstd-reels" => "1",
"null" => "1",
"nulls" => "1",
"number" => "1",
"numeric" => "1",
"numeric-edited" => "1",
"numeric-fill" => "1",
"o-fill" => "1",
"object" => "1",
"object-computer" => "1",
"object-storage" => "1",
"occurs" => "1",
"of" => "1",
"off" => "1",
"omitted" => "1",
"on" => "1",
"oostackptr" => "1",
"open" => "1",
"optional" => "1",
"or" => "1",
"order" => "1",
"organization" => "1",
"other" => "1",
"others" => "1",
"otherwise" => "1",
"output" => "1",
"overflow" => "1",
"overline" => "1",
"packed-decimal" => "1",
"padding" => "1",
"page" => "1",
"page-counter" => "1",
"paragraph" => "1",
"password" => "1",
"pf" => "1",
"ph" => "1",
"pic" => "1",
"picture" => "1",
"plus" => "1",
"pointer" => "1",
"pop-up" => "1",
"pos" => "1",
"position" => "1",
"positioning" => "1",
"positive" => "1",
"previous" => "1",
"print" => "1",
"print-control" => "1",
"print-switch" => "1",
"printer" => "1",
"printer-1" => "1",
"printing" => "1",
"prior" => "1",
"private" => "1",
"procedure" => "1",
"procedure-pointer" => "1",
"procedures" => "1",
"proceed" => "1",
"process" => "1",
"processing" => "1",
"program" => "1",
"program-id" => "1",
"prompt" => "1",
"protected" => "1",
"public" => "1",
"purge" => "1",
"queue" => "1",
"quote" => "1",
"quotes" => "1",
"random" => "1",
"range" => "1",
"rd" => "1",
"read" => "1",
"readers" => "1",
"ready" => "1",
"receive" => "1",
"record" => "1",
"record-overflow" => "1",
"recording" => "1",
"records" => "1",
"redefines" => "1",
"reel" => "1",
"reference" => "1",
"references" => "1",
"relative" => "1",
"release" => "1",
"reload" => "1",
"remainder" => "1",
"remarks" => "1",
"removal" => "1",
"renames" => "1",
"reorg-criteria" => "1",
"repeated" => "1",
"replace" => "1",
"replacing" => "1",
"report" => "1",
"reporting" => "1",
"reports" => "1",
"required" => "1",
"reread" => "1",
"rerun" => "1",
"reserve" => "1",
"reset" => "1",
"resident" => "1",
"return" => "1",
"return-code" => "1",
"returning" => "1",
"reverse" => "1",
"reverse-video" => "1",
"reversed" => "1",
"rewind" => "1",
"rewrite" => "1",
"rf" => "1",
"rh" => "1",
"right" => "1",
"right-justify" => "1",
"rollback" => "1",
"rolling" => "1",
"rounded" => "1",
"run" => "1",
"s01" => "1",
"s02" => "1",
"s03" => "1",
"s04" => "1",
"s05" => "1",
"same" => "1",
"screen" => "1",
"scroll" => "1",
"sd" => "1",
"search" => "1",
"section" => "1",
"secure" => "1",
"security" => "1",
"seek" => "1",
"segment" => "1",
"segment-limit" => "1",
"select" => "1",
"selective" => "1",
"self" => "1",
"selfclass" => "1",
"send" => "1",
"sentence" => "1",
"separate" => "1",
"sequence" => "1",
"sequential" => "1",
"service" => "1",
"set" => "1",
"setshadow" => "1",
"shift-in" => "1",
"shift-out" => "1",
"sign" => "1",
"size" => "1",
"skip1" => "1",
"skip2" => "1",
"skip3" => "1",
"sort" => "1",
"sort-control" => "1",
"sort-core-size" => "1",
"sort-file-size" => "1",
"sort-merge" => "1",
"sort-message" => "1",
"sort-mode-size" => "1",
"sort-option" => "1",
"sort-return" => "1",
"source" => "1",
"source-computer" => "1",
"space" => "1",
"spaces" => "1",
"space-fill" => "1",
"special-names" => "1",
"standard" => "1",
"standard-1" => "1",
"standard-2" => "1",
"start" => "1",
"starting" => "1",
"status" => "1",
"stop" => "1",
"store" => "1",
"string" => "1",
"sub-queue-1" => "1",
"sub-queue-2" => "1",
"sub-queue-3" => "1",
"subfile" => "1",
"subtract" => "1",
"sum" => "1",
"super" => "1",
"supress" => "1",
"symbolic" => "1",
"sync" => "1",
"synchronized" => "1",
"sysin" => "1",
"sysipt" => "1",
"syslst" => "1",
"sysout" => "1",
"syspch" => "1",
"syspunch" => "1",
"system-info" => "1",
"tab" => "1",
"tallying" => "1",
"tape" => "1",
"terminal" => "1",
"terminal-info" => "1",
"terminate" => "1",
"test" => "1",
"text" => "1",
"than" => "1",
"through" => "1",
"thru" => "1",
"time" => "1",
"time-of-day" => "1",
"time-out" => "1",
"timeout" => "1",
"times" => "1",
"title" => "1",
"to" => "1",
"top" => "1",
"totaled" => "1",
"totaling" => "1",
"trace" => "1",
"track-area" => "1",
"track-limit" => "1",
"tracks" => "1",
"trailing" => "1",
"trailing-sign" => "1",
"transaction" => "1",
"transform" => "1",
"true" => "1",
"type" => "1",
"typedef" => "1",
"underline" => "1",
"underlined" => "1",
"unequal" => "1",
"unit" => "1",
"unlock" => "1",
"unstring" => "1",
"until" => "1",
"up" => "1",
"update" => "1",
"updaters" => "1",
"upon" => "1",
"upper" => "1",
"upsi-0" => "1",
"upsi-1" => "1",
"upsi-2" => "1",
"upsi-3" => "1",
"upsi-4" => "1",
"upsi-5" => "1",
"upsi-6" => "1",
"upsi-7" => "1",
"usage" => "1",
"use" => "1",
"user" => "1",
"using" => "1",
"value" => "1",
"values" => "1",
"variable" => "1",
"varying" => "1",
"wait" => "1",
"when-compiled" => "1",
"window" => "1",
"with" => "1",
"words" => "1",
"working-storage" => "1",
"wrap" => "1",
"write" => "1",
"write-only" => "1",
"write-verify" => "1",
"writerszero" => "1",
"zero" => "1",
"zero-fill" => "1",
"zeros" => "1",
"zeroes" => "1",
"call" => "2",
"exit" => "2",
"else" => "2",
"end-if" => "2",
"end-evaluate" => "2",
"evaluate" => "2",
"if" => "2",
"perform" => "2",
"then" => "2",
"when" => "2",
"01" => "3",
"15" => "3",
"77" => "3",
"78" => "3",
"z" => "3",
"88" => "3",
"x" => "4",
"02" => "4",
"03" => "4",
"04" => "4",
"05" => "4",
"copy" => "5",
"d" => "5",
"ddebug" => "5");
// Special extensions
// Each category can specify a PHP function that returns an altered
// version of the keyword.
$this->linkscripts = array(
"1" => "donothing",
"2" => "donothing",
"3" => "donothing",
"4" => "donothing",
"5" => "donothing");

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: