ILIAS  Release_4_3_x_branch Revision 61807
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JSMin Class Reference

Main JSMin application class. More...

+ Collaboration diagram for JSMin:

Public Member Functions

 isAlphaNum ($c)
 Indicates whether a character is alphanumeric or _, $, \ or non-ASCII.
 get ()
 Get the next character from the input stream.
 peek ()
 Get the next character from the input stream, without gettng it.
 put ($c)
 Adds a char to the output steram / string.
 next ()
 Get the next character from the input stream, excluding comments.
 action ($action)
 Do something !
 minify ()
 Run the JSMin application : minify some JS code.
 JSMin ($inFileName= '-', $outFileName= '-', $comments=NULL)
 Prepare a new JSMin application.
 JSMin_File ($inFileName= '-', $outFileName= '-', $comments=NULL)
 JSMin_String ($inString, $comments=NULL)

Data Fields

 $inLength = 0
 variables used for string-based parsing
 $inPos = 0
 $isString = false

Detailed Description

Main JSMin application class.

Example of use :

$jsMin = new JSMin(...input..., ...output...); $jsMin->minify();

Do not specify input and/or output (or default to '-') to use stdin and/or stdout.

Definition at line 175 of file JSMin_lib.php.

Member Function Documentation

JSMin::action (   $action)

Do something !

The action to perform is determined by the argument :

JSMin::ACT_FULL : Output A. Copy B to A. Get the next B. JSMin::ACT_BUF : Copy B to A. Get the next B. (Delete A). JSMin::ACT_IMM : Get the next B. (Delete B).

A string is treated as a single character. Also, regular expressions are recognized if preceded by '(', ',' or '='.

int$actionThe action to perform : one of the JSMin::ACT_* constants.

Definition at line 418 of file JSMin_lib.php.

References $theA, $theB, JSMIN_ACT_BUF, JSMIN_ACT_FULL, JSMIN_ACT_IMM, next(), ORD_NL, and put().

Referenced by minify().

// Choice of possible actions
// Note the frequent fallthroughs : the actions are decrementally "long"
switch ($action) {
// Write A to output, then fall through
case JSMIN_ACT_BUF : // N.B. possible fallthrough from above
// Copy B to A
$tmpA = $this->theA = $this->theB;
// Treating a string as a single char : outputting it whole
// Note that the string-opening char (" or ') is memorized in B
if ($tmpA == '\'' || $tmpA == '"') {
while (true) {
// Output string contents
// Get next character, watching out for termination of the current string,
// new line & co (then the string is not terminated !), or a backslash
// (upon which the following char is directly output to serve the escape mechanism)
$tmpA = $this->theA = $this->get();
if ($tmpA == $this->theB) {
// String terminated
break; // from while(true)
// else
if (ord($tmpA) <= ORD_NL) {
// Whoopsie
//throw new UnterminatedStringLiteralJSMinException();
trigger_error('UnterminatedStringLiteral', E_USER_ERROR);
// else
if ($tmpA == '\\') {
// Escape next char immediately
$tmpA = $this->theA = $this->get();
case JSMIN_ACT_IMM : // N.B. possible fallthrough from above
// Get the next B
$this->theB = $this->next();
// Special case of recognising regular expressions (beginning with /) that are
// preceded by '(', ',' or '='
$tmpA = $this->theA;
if ($this->theB == '/' && ($tmpA == '(' || $tmpA == ',' || $tmpA == '=')) {
// Output the two successive chars
// Look for the end of the RE literal, watching out for escaped chars or a control /
// end of line char (the RE literal then being unterminated !)
while (true) {
$tmpA = $this->theA = $this->get();
if ($tmpA == '/') {
// RE literal terminated
break; // from while(true)
// else
if ($tmpA == '\\') {
// Escape next char immediately
$tmpA = $this->theA = $this->get();
else if (ord($tmpA) <= ORD_NL) {
// Whoopsie
//throw new UnterminatedRegExpLiteralJSMinException();
trigger_error('UnterminatedRegExpLiteral', E_USER_ERROR);
// Output RE characters
// Move forward after the RE literal
$this->theB = $this->next();
default :
//throw new JSMinException('Expected a JSMin::ACT_* constant in action().');
trigger_error('Expected a JSMin::ACT_* constant in action()', E_USER_ERROR);

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

JSMin::get ( )

Get the next character from the input stream.

If said character is a control character, translate it to a space or linefeed.

string The next character from the specified input stream.
See Also

Definition at line 240 of file JSMin_lib.php.

References $inPos, EOF, and ORD_space.

// Get next input character and advance position in file
if ($this->isString) {
if ($this->inPos < $this->inLength) {
$c = $this->in[$this->inPos];
else {
return EOF;
$c = $this->in->fgetc();
// Test for non-problematic characters
if ($c === "\n" || $c === EOF || ord($c) >= ORD_space) {
return $c;
// else
// Make linefeeds into newlines
if ($c === "\r") {
return "\n";
// else
// Consider space
return ' ';
JSMin::isAlphaNum (   $c)

Indicates whether a character is alphanumeric or _, $, \ or non-ASCII.

string$cThe single character to test.
boolean Whether the char is a letter, digit, underscore, dollar, backslash, or non-ASCII.

Definition at line 214 of file JSMin_lib.php.

References ORD_0, ORD_9, ORD_a, ORD_cA, ORD_cZ, and ORD_z.

Referenced by minify().

// Get ASCII value of character for C-like comparisons
$a = ord($c);
// Compare using defined character ordinals, or between PHP strings
// Note : === is micro-faster than == when types are known to be the same
($a >= ORD_a && $a <= ORD_z) ||
($a >= ORD_0 && $a <= ORD_9) ||
($a >= ORD_cA && $a <= ORD_cZ) ||
$c === '_' || $c === '$' || $c === '\\' || $a > 126

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

JSMin::JSMin (   $inFileName = '-',
  $outFileName = '-',
  $comments = NULL 

Prepare a new JSMin application.

The next step is to minify() the input into the output.

string$inFileNameThe pathname of the input (unminified JS) file. STDIN if '-' or absent.
string$outFileNameThe pathname of the output (minified JS) file. STDOUT if '-' or absent. If outFileName === FALSE, we assume that inFileName is in fact the string to be minified!!!
array$commentsOptional lines to present as comments at the beginning of the output.

Definition at line 682 of file JSMin_lib.php.

References JSMin_File(), and JSMin_String().

if ($outFileName === FALSE) {
$this->JSMin_String($inFileName, $comments);
else {
$this->JSMin_File($inFileName, $outFileName, $comments);

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

JSMin::JSMin_File (   $inFileName = '-',
  $outFileName = '-',
  $comments = NULL 

Definition at line 691 of file JSMin_lib.php.

Referenced by JSMin().

// Recuperate input and output streams.
// Use STDIN and STDOUT by default, if they are defined (CLI mode) and no file names are provided
if ($inFileName == '-') $inFileName = 'php://stdin';
if ($outFileName == '-') $outFileName = 'php://stdout';
/*try {
$this->in = new SplFileObject($inFileName, 'rb', TRUE);
catch (Exception $e) {
throw new FileOpenFailedJSMinException(
'Failed to open "'.$inFileName.'" for reading only.'
try {
$this->out = new SplFileObject($outFileName, 'wb', TRUE);
catch (Exception $e) {
throw new FileOpenFailedJSMinException(
'Failed to open "'.$outFileName.'" for writing only.'
$this->in = fopen($inFileName, 'rb');
if (!$this->in) {
trigger_error('Failed to open "'.$inFileName, E_USER_ERROR);
$this->out = fopen($outFileName, 'wb');
if (!$this->out) {
trigger_error('Failed to open "'.$outFileName, E_USER_ERROR);
// Present possible initial comments
if ($comments !== NULL) {
foreach ($comments as $comm) {
$this->out->fwrite('// '.str_replace("\n", " ", $comm)."\n");

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

JSMin::JSMin_String (   $inString,
  $comments = NULL 

Definition at line 740 of file JSMin_lib.php.

Referenced by JSMin().

$this->in = $inString;
$this->out = '';
$this->inLength = strlen($inString);
$this->inPos = 0;
$this->isString = true;
if ($comments !== NULL) {
foreach ($comments as $comm) {
$this->out .= '// '.str_replace("\n", " ", $comm)."\n";

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

JSMin::minify ( )

Run the JSMin application : minify some JS code.

The code is read from the input stream, and its minified version is written to the output one. In case input is a string, minified vesrions is also returned by this function as string. That is : characters which are insignificant to JavaScript are removed, as well as comments ; tabs are replaced with spaces ; carriage returns are replaced with linefeeds, and finally most spaces and linefeeds are deleted.

Note : name was changed from jsmin() because PHP identifiers are case-insensitive, and it is already the name of this class.

See Also
null | string

Definition at line 564 of file JSMin_lib.php.

References $out, action(), EOF, isAlphaNum(), JSMIN_ACT_BUF, JSMIN_ACT_FULL, and JSMIN_ACT_IMM.

// Initialize A and run the first (minimal) action
$this->theA = "\n";
// Proceed all the way to the end of the input file
while ($this->theA !== EOF) {
switch ($this->theA) {
case ' ' :
if (JSMin::isAlphaNum($this->theB)) {
else {
case "\n" :
switch ($this->theB) {
case '{' : case '[' : case '(' :
case '+' : case '-' :
case ' ' :
default :
if (JSMin::isAlphaNum($this->theB)) {
else {
default :
switch ($this->theB) {
case ' ' :
if (JSMin::isAlphaNum($this->theA)) {
// else
case "\n" :
switch ($this->theA) {
case '}' : case ']' : case ')' : case '+' :
case '-' : case '"' : case '\'' :
default :
if (JSMin::isAlphaNum($this->theA)) {
else {
default :
if ($this->isString) {
return $this->out;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

JSMin::next ( )

Get the next character from the input stream, excluding comments.

peek() is used to see if a '/' is followed by a '*' or '/'. Multiline comments are actually returned as a single space.

string The next character from the specified input stream, skipping comments.
See Also

Definition at line 331 of file JSMin_lib.php.

References EOF, ORD_NL, and peek().

Referenced by action().

// Get next char from input, translated if necessary
$c = $this->get();
// Check comment possibility
if ($c == '/') {
// Look ahead : a comment is two slashes or slashes followed by asterisk (to be closed)
switch ($this->peek()) {
case '/' :
// Comment is up to the end of the line
// TOTEST : simple $this->in->fgets()
while (true) {
$c = $this->get();
if (ord($c) <= ORD_NL) {
return $c;
case '*' :
// Comment is up to comment close.
// Might not be terminated, if we hit the end of file.
while (true) {
// N.B. not using switch() because of having to test EOF with ===
$c = $this->get();
if ($c == '*') {
// Comment termination if the char ahead is a slash
if ($this->peek() == '/') {
// Advance again and make into a single space
return ' ';
else if ($c === EOF) {
// Whoopsie
//throw new UnterminatedCommentJSMinException();
trigger_error('UnterminatedComment', E_USER_ERROR);
default :
// Not a comment after all
return $c;
// No risk of a comment
return $c;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

JSMin::peek ( )

Get the next character from the input stream, without gettng it.

string The next character from the specified input stream, without advancing the position in the underlying file.
See Also

Definition at line 283 of file JSMin_lib.php.

References $inPos, and EOF.

Referenced by next().

if ($this->isString) {
if ($this->inPos < $this->inLength) {
$c = $this->in[$this->inPos];
else {
return EOF;
else {
// Get next input character
$c = $this->in->fgetc();
// Regress position in file
$this->in->fseek(-1, SEEK_CUR);
// Return character obtained
return $c;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

JSMin::put (   $c)

Adds a char to the output steram / string.

See Also

Definition at line 312 of file JSMin_lib.php.

Referenced by action().

if ($this->isString) {
$this->out .= $c;
else {

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Field Documentation


Definition at line 182 of file JSMin_lib.php.

JSMin::$inLength = 0

variables used for string-based parsing

Definition at line 204 of file JSMin_lib.php.

JSMin::$inPos = 0

Definition at line 205 of file JSMin_lib.php.

Referenced by get(), and peek().

JSMin::$isString = false

Definition at line 206 of file JSMin_lib.php.


Definition at line 189 of file JSMin_lib.php.

Referenced by minify().


Definition at line 195 of file JSMin_lib.php.

Referenced by action().


Definition at line 201 of file JSMin_lib.php.

Referenced by action().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: