ILIAS  Release_4_3_x_branch Revision 61807
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HFile_ustnbasic Class Reference
+ Inheritance diagram for HFile_ustnbasic:
+ Collaboration diagram for HFile_ustnbasic:

Public Member Functions

 HFile_ustnbasic ()
 donothing ($keywordin)
- Public Member Functions inherited from HFile
 HFile ()
 parse_file ($file)
 to_perl ($stub, $tofile=1)
 to_php ($stub, $tofile=1)
 _get_categories ()
 _dump_linkscripts ()
 _dump_perl_linkscripts ()
 _dump_perl_defaultscripts ()
 _dump_colours ()
 _dump_var ($variable, $name)
 _dump_array ($array, $name)
 _dump_perl_array ($array, $name)
 _dump_hash ($hash, $name)
 _dump_perl_hash ($hash, $name)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 5 of file HFile_ustnbasic.php.

Member Function Documentation

HFile_ustnbasic::donothing (   $keywordin)

Definition at line 865 of file HFile_ustnbasic.php.

return $keywordin;
HFile_ustnbasic::HFile_ustnbasic ( )

Definition at line 6 of file HFile_ustnbasic.php.

References HFile\HFile().

// Beautifier Highlighting Configuration File
// MicroStation Basic
// Flags
$this->nocase = "1";
$this->notrim = "0";
$this->perl = "0";
// Colours
$this->colours = array("blue", "purple", "gray");
$this->quotecolour = "blue";
$this->blockcommentcolour = "green";
$this->linecommentcolour = "green";
// Indent Strings
$this->indent = array();
$this->unindent = array();
// String characters and delimiters
$this->stringchars = array("\"");
$this->delimiters = array("~", "!", "@", "^", "&", "*", "(", ")", "-", "+", "=", "|", "\\", "/", "{", "}", "[", "]", ":", ";", "\"", "'", "<", ">", " ", ",", " ", "?");
$this->escchar = "";
// Comment settings
$this->linecommenton = array("'");
$this->blockcommenton = array("");
$this->blockcommentoff = array("");
// Keywords (keyword mapping to colour number)
$this->keywords = array(
"&" => "1",
"*" => "1",
"+" => "1",
"-" => "1",
"/" => "1",
"<" => "1",
"<=" => "1",
"<>" => "1",
"=" => "1",
">" => "1",
">=" => "1",
"Abs" => "1",
"AND" => "1",
"ArrayDims" => "1",
"ArraySort" => "1",
"As" => "1",
"Asc" => "1",
"Atn" => "1",
"Basic.Capability%" => "1",
"Basic.Eoln$" => "1",
"Basic.FreeMemory" => "1",
"Basic.OS" => "1",
"Basic.PathSeparator$" => "1",
"Beep" => "1",
"Call" => "1",
"Case" => "1",
"CDbl" => "1",
"Chr$" => "1",
"CInt" => "1",
"CLng" => "1",
"Close" => "1",
"Command$" => "1",
"Const" => "1",
"Cos" => "1",
"CSng" => "1",
"CStr" => "1",
"Date$" => "1",
"DateAdd" => "1",
"DateDiff" => "1",
"DatePart" => "1",
"DateSerial" => "1",
"DateValue" => "1",
"Day" => "1",
"DDB" => "1",
"DDEExecute" => "1",
"DDEInitiate" => "1",
"DDEPoke" => "1",
"DDERequest" => "1",
"DDESend" => "1",
"DDETerminate" => "1",
"DDETerminateAll" => "1",
"DDETimeOut" => "1",
"Declare" => "1",
"DEF" => "1",
"Dim" => "1",
"Dir$" => "1",
"Do" => "1",
"ebArchive" => "1",
"ebDirectory" => "1",
"ebHidden" => "1",
"ebNone" => "1",
"ebNormal" => "1",
"ebReadOnly" => "1",
"ebSystem" => "1",
"ebVolume" => "1",
"Else" => "1",
"ElseIf" => "1",
"End" => "1",
"EndFunction" => "1",
"EndSub" => "1",
"Environ$" => "1",
"Eof" => "1",
"Eqv" => "1",
"Erase" => "1",
"Erl" => "1",
"Err" => "1",
"Error" => "1",
"Error$" => "1",
"Exit" => "1",
"ExitDo" => "1",
"ExitFor" => "1",
"ExitFunction" => "1",
"ExitSub" => "1",
"Exp" => "1",
"FileAttr" => "1",
"FileCopy" => "1",
"FileDateTime" => "1",
"FileDirs" => "1",
"FileExists" => "1",
"FileLen" => "1",
"FileList" => "1",
"FileParse$" => "1",
"Fix" => "1",
"For" => "1",
"Format$" => "1",
"FreeFile" => "1",
"Function" => "1",
"Fv" => "1",
"Get" => "1",
"GetAttr" => "1",
"Global" => "1",
"GoSub" => "1",
"Goto" => "1",
"Hex$" => "1",
"Hour" => "1",
"If" => "1",
"IMP" => "1",
"Input" => "1",
"Input#" => "1",
"Input$" => "1",
"InStr" => "1",
"Int" => "1",
"IPmt" => "1",
"IRR" => "1",
"IS" => "1",
"Item$" => "1",
"ItemCount" => "1",
"Kill" => "1",
"LBound" => "1",
"LCase$" => "1",
"Left$" => "1",
"Len" => "1",
"Let" => "1",
"Like" => "1",
"Line$" => "1",
"LineCount" => "1",
"LineInput#" => "1",
"Loc" => "1",
"Lock" => "1",
"Lof" => "1",
"Log" => "1",
"Loop" => "1",
"LSet" => "1",
"LTrim$" => "1",
"Main" => "1",
"Mid$" => "1",
"Minute" => "1",
"MIRR" => "1",
"MkDir" => "1",
"MOD" => "1",
"Month" => "1",
"Name" => "1",
"Next" => "1",
"New" => "1",
"NOT" => "1",
"Now" => "1",
"NPer" => "1",
"Npv" => "1",
"Null" => "1",
"Oct$" => "1",
"OnError" => "1",
"Open" => "1",
"OptionBase" => "1",
"OptionCompare" => "1",
"OR" => "1",
"Pmt" => "1",
"PPmt" => "1",
"Print" => "1",
"Print#" => "1",
"Private" => "1",
"Public" => "1",
"Put" => "1",
"Pv" => "1",
"Random" => "1",
"Randomize" => "1",
"Rate" => "1",
"ReDim" => "1",
"REM" => "1",
"Reset" => "1",
"Resume" => "1",
"Return" => "1",
"Right$" => "1",
"RmDir" => "1",
"Rnd" => "1",
"RSet" => "1",
"RTrim$" => "1",
"Second" => "1",
"Seek" => "1",
"Select" => "1",
"Set" => "1",
"SetAttr" => "1",
"Sgn" => "1",
"Sin" => "1",
"Sleep" => "1",
"Sln" => "1",
"Space$" => "1",
"Spc" => "1",
"Sqr" => "1",
"Stop" => "1",
"Str$" => "1",
"StrComp" => "1",
"String$" => "1",
"Sub" => "1",
"SubSYD" => "1",
"Tab" => "1",
"Tan" => "1",
"Then" => "1",
"Time$" => "1",
"Timer" => "1",
"TimeSerial" => "1",
"TimeValue" => "1",
"To" => "1",
"Trim$" => "1",
"Type" => "1",
"UBound" => "1",
"UCase$" => "1",
"UnLock" => "1",
"Val" => "1",
"Weekday" => "1",
"Wend" => "1",
"While" => "1",
"Width#" => "1",
"Word$" => "1",
"WordCount" => "1",
"Write#" => "1",
"XOR" => "1",
"Year" => "1",
"\\" => "1",
"^" => "1",
"_" => "1",
"GbeMap" => "2",
"GbeMap.mslink" => "2",
"GbeMap.nameGbeMap.description" => "2",
"" => "2",
"GbeMap.attach" => "2",
"GbeMap.detach" => "2",
"GbeMap.isAttached" => "2",
"GbeMap.categoryMslink" => "2",
"GbeMaps" => "2",
"GbeMaps.maxMaps" => "2",
"GbeMaps.listByMslink" => "2",
"GbeMaps.attachByView" => "2",
"GbeMaps.indexFromMslink" => "2",
"GbeProject" => "2",
"GbeProject.DBconnect" => "2",
"GbeProject.DBload" => "2",
"" => "2",
"GbeProject.exportFile" => "2",
"GbeProject.keyMap" => "2",
"GbeProject.loginName" => "2",
"GbeProject.mapManager" => "2",
"GbeProject.workMap" => "2",
"" => "2",
"GbeProject.close" => "2",
"MbeAngleFromString" => "2",
"MbeCExpressionLong" => "2",
"MbeCExpressionDouble" => "2",
"MbeCExpressionString" => "2",
"MbeCurrentTransform.masterUnits" => "2",
"MbeCurrentTransform.dgnUnits" => "2",
"MbeCurrentTransform.moveOrigin" => "2",
"MbeCurrentTransform.moveOriginWorld" => "2",
"MbeCurrentTransform.rotate" => "2",
"MbeCurrentTransform.fromView" => "2",
"MbeCurrentTransform.scale" => "2",
"MbeCurrentTransform.scalarToUors" => "2",
"MbeCurrentTransform.scalarFromUors" => "2",
"MbeCurrentTransform.pointToUors" => "2",
"MbeCurrentTransform.pointFromUors" => "2",
"" => "2",
"MbeDatabase.activeEntity" => "2",
"MbeDatabase.mslink" => "2",
"MbeDatabase.errorText" => "2",
"MbeDatabase.describe" => "2",
"MbeDatabase.connect" => "2",
"MbeDatabase.disconnect" => "2",
"MbeDatabase.defineActiveEntity" => "2",
"MbeDatabase.showActiveEntity" => "2",
"MbeDatabase.editActiveEntity" => "2",
"MbeDatabase.modeCommit" => "2",
"MbeDatabase.modeConfirm" => "2",
"MbeDatabase.modeDelete" => "2",
"MbeDatabase.modeForms" => "2",
"MbeDatabase.modeLinkage" => "2",
"MbeDatabase.dAType" => "2",
"MbeDatabase.reportOpen" => "2",
"MbeDatabase.reportClose" => "2",
"MbeDatabaseLink" => "2",
"MbeDatabaseLink.dAType" => "2",
"MbeDatabaseLink.entityNumber" => "2",
"MbeDatabaseLink.isInformation" => "2",
"MbeDatabaseLink.isModified" => "2",
"MbeDatabaseLink.isRemote" => "2",
"MbeDatabaseLink.isUserLink" => "2",
"MbeDatabaseLink.linkClass" => "2",
"MbeDatabaseLink.linkSize" => "2",
"MbeDatabaseLink.linkType" => "2",
"MbeDatabaseLink.mslink" => "2",
"MbeDatabaseLink.tableName" => "2",
"MbeDgnInfo.dgnFileName" => "2",
"MbeDgnInfo.dgn3D" => "2",
"MbeDgnInfo.dgnFileReadOnly" => "2",
"MbeDgnInfo.endOfFile" => "2",
"MbeDgnInfo.masterUnitName" => "2",
"MbeDgnInfo.subUnitName" => "2",
"MbeDgnInfo.uorPerSub" => "2",
"MbeDgnInfo.subPerMaster" => "2",
"MbeDgnInfo.getGlobalOrigin" => "2",
"MbeDgnInfo.graphicGroup" => "2",
"MbeDgnInfo.nextGraphicGroup" => "2",
"MbeDgnInfo.cellFileName" => "2",
"MbeDgnInfo.cell3D" => "2",
"MbeDgnInfo.cellFileReadOnly" => "2",
"MbeDgnLevels.rootGroup" => "2",
"MbeDgnLevels.numGroups" => "2",
"MbeDgnLevels.numNamedLevels" => "2",
"MbeDgnLevels.getGroup" => "2",
"MbeDgnLevels.getLevel" => "2",
"MbeDgnLevels.freeGroups" => "2",
"MbeDgnLevels.freeLevels" => "2",
"MbeDgnLevels.freeAll" => "2",
"MbeDgnLevels.loadGroupsFromFile" => "2",
"MbeDgnLevels.loadLevelsFromFile" => "2",
"MbeDgnLevels.loadAllFromFile" => "2",
"MbeDgnLevels.saveGroupsToFile" => "2",
"MbeDgnLevels.saveLevelsToFile" => "2",
"MbeDgnLevels.saveAllToFile" => "2",
"MbeElement.attachActiveEntity" => "2",
"MbeElement.reviewDBAttributes" => "2",
"MbeElement.reportDBLinkages" => "2",
"MbeElement.loadDAttributes" => "2",
"MbeElement.foundDBLinkages" => "2",
"MbeElement.extractDBLinkages" => "2",
"MbeElement.appendDBLinkage" => "2",
"MbeElement.deleteDBLinkage" => "2",
"MbeElement.firstElement" => "2",
"MbeElement.nextElement" => "2",
"MbeElement.nextComponent" => "2",
"MbeElement.headerElement" => "2",
"MbeElement.thisComponent" => "2",
"MbeElement.isHeader" => "2",
"MbeElement.isComponent" => "2",
"MbeElement.isGraphics" => "2",
"MbeElement.type" => "2",
"MbeElement.fileSize" => "2",
"MbeElement.internalSize" => "2",
"MbeElement.fromFile" => "2",
"MbeElement.fromLocate" => "2",
"MbeElement.filePos" => "2",
"MbeElement.componentFilePos" => "2",
"MbeElement.fileNum" => "2",
"MbeElement.changeAll" => "2",
"MbeElement.level" => "2",
"MbeElement.color" => "2",
"" => "2",
"MbeElement.weight" => "2",
"MbeElement.class" => "2",
"" => "2",
"MbeElement.getOrigin" => "2",
"MbeElement.getPoints" => "2",
"MbeElement.setPoints" => "2",
"MbeElement.getEndPoints" => "2",
"MbeElement.getRange" => "2",
"MbeElement.move" => "2",
"MbeElement.rotate" => "2",
"MbeElement.scale" => "2",
"MbeElement.rewrite" => "2",
"MbeElement.addToFile" => "2",
"MbeElement.display" => "2",
"MbeElement.area" => "2",
"MbeElement.perimeter" => "2",
"MbeElement.volume" => "2",
"MbeElement.getCentroid" => "2",
"MbeElement.cellName" => "2",
"MbeElement.getCellLevels" => "2",
"MbeElement.getCellBox" => "2",
"MbeElement.getRotation" => "2",
"MbeElement.font" => "2",
"MbeElement.fontName" => "2",
"MbeElement.charHeight" => "2",
"MbeElement.charWidth" => "2",
"MbeElement.lineSpacing" => "2",
"MbeElement.justification" => "2",
"MbeElement.getString" => "2",
"MbeElement.setString" => "2",
"MbeElement.primaryAxis" => "2",
"MbeElement.secondaryAxis" => "2",
"MbeElement.startAngle" => "2",
"MbeElement.sweepAngle" => "2",
"MbeElement.topRadius" => "2",
"MbeElement.bottomRadius" => "2",
"MbeElement.getTopOrigin" => "2",
"MbeElement.publish" => "2",
"" => "2",
"MbeElement.isTagged" => "2",
"MbeElement.tagId" => "2",
"MbeElement.numTags" => "2",
"MbeElement.extractTags" => "2",
"MbeElement.getMbeTag" => "2",
"MbeElement.attachTag" => "2",
"MbeElement.getNumLinkages" => "2",
"MbeElement.extractLinkage" => "2",
"MbeElement.appendLinkage" => "2",
"MbeElement.deleteLinkage" => "2",
"MbeElementSet.fromSelectionSet" => "2",
"MbeElementSet.fromFence" => "2",
"MbeElementSet.getFirst" => "2",
"MbeElementSet.getNext" => "2",
"MbeElementSet.clear" => "2",
"MbeFileCreate" => "2",
"MbeFileOpen" => "2",
"MbeFindFile" => "2",
"MbeGetConfigVar" => "2",
"MbeGetInput" => "2",
"MbeGetTagSetNames" => "2",
"MbeInputBox" => "2",
"MbeLevelGroup" => "2",
"MbeLevelGroup.groupName" => "2",
"MbeLevelGroup.getLevels" => "2",
"MbeLevelGroup.getDescendentLevels" => "2",
"MbeLevelGroup.getDescendentGroups" => "2",
"MbeLevelGroup.getParentGroup" => "2",
"MbeLevelGroup.getLevelMask" => "2",
"MbeLevelGroup.deleteGroup" => "2",
"MbeLevelGroup.addGroup" => "2",
"MbeLevelGroup.addLevel" => "2",
"MbeLocateElement" => "2",
"MbeMacro.suspend" => "2",
"MbeMessageBox" => "2",
"MbeNamedLevel" => "2",
"MbeNamedLevel.levelNumber" => "2",
"MbeNamedLevel.levelName" => "2",
"MbeNamedLevel.levelComment" => "2",
"MbeNamedLevel.getParentGroup" => "2",
"MbeNamedLevel.getLevelMask" => "2",
"MbeNamedLevel.deleteLevel" => "2",
"MbeNumberOfTagSets" => "2",
"MbeOpenModalDialog" => "2",
"MbePointFromString" => "2",
"" => "2",
"MbeRefFile.notFound" => "2",
"MbeRefFile.display" => "2",
"MbeRefFile.locate" => "2",
"MbeRefFile.snap" => "2",
"MbeRefFile.plot" => "2",
"MbeRefFile.scaleLineStyle" => "2",
"MbeRefFile.fileName" => "2",
"MbeRefFile.attachName" => "2",
"MbeRefFile.logical" => "2",
"MbeRefFile.description" => "2",
"MbeRefFile.scale" => "2",
"MbeRefFile.getLevels" => "2",
"MbeRefFile.levelsOn" => "2",
"MbeRefFile.levelsOff" => "2",
"MbeRefFile.saveSettings" => "2",
"MbeRefFiles.maxRefFiles" => "2",
"MbeRelocate" => "2",
"MbeScalarFromString" => "2",
"MbeSelectBox" => "2",
"MbeSendAppMessage" => "2",
"MbeSendCommand" => "2",
"MbeSendDataPoint" => "2",
"MbeSendDragPoints" => "2",
"MbeSendLastInput" => "2",
"MbeSendKeyin" => "2",
"MbeSendReset" => "2",
"MbeSendTentPoint" => "2",
"MbeSession.msProduct" => "2",
"MbeSession.msPlatform" => "2",
"MbeSession.msVersion" => "2",
"MbeSession.language" => "2",
"MbeSession.numScreens" => "2",
"MbeSession.canSwapScreen" => "2",
"MbeSession.elapsedTime" => "2",
"MbeSetAppVariable" => "2",
"MbeSetScaledAppVar" => "2",
"MbeSettings.angle" => "2",
"MbeSettings.areaMode" => "2",
"MbeSettings.axisAngle" => "2",
"MbeSettings.axisOrigin" => "2",
"MbeSettings.capMode" => "2",
"MbeSettings.cell" => "2",
"MbeSettings.class" => "2",
"MbeSettings.color" => "2",
"MbeSettings.colorName" => "2",
"MbeSettings.currentGraphicGroup" => "2",
"MbeSettings.fillColor" => "2",
"MbeSettings.fillMode" => "2",
"MbeSettings.font" => "2",
"MbeSettings.fontName" => "2",
"MbeSettings.gridReferences" => "2",
"MbeSettings.gridUnits" => "2",
"MbeSettings.level" => "2",
"MbeSettings.lineStyle" => "2",
"MbeSettings.lineStyleName" => "2",
"MbeSettings.lineTerminator" => "2",
"MbeSettings.nodeJustification" => "2",
"MbeSettings.patternAngle1" => "2",
"MbeSettings.patternAngle2" => "2",
"MbeSettings.patternCell" => "2",
"MbeSettings.setPatternDelta" => "2",
"MbeSettings.getPatternDelta" => "2",
"MbeSettings.patternScale" => "2",
"MbeSettings.point" => "2",
"MbeSettings.setScale" => "2",
"MbeSettings.getScale" => "2",
"MbeSettings.tagIncrement" => "2",
"MbeSettings.terminatorScale" => "2",
"MbeSettings.textHeight" => "2",
"MbeSettings.textWidth" => "2",
"MbeSettings.textLineLength" => "2",
"MbeSettings.textLineSpacing" => "2",
"MbeSettings.textJustification" => "2",
"MbeSettings.weight" => "2",
"MbeSettings.associationLock" => "2",
"MbeSettings.axisLock" => "2",
"MbeSettings.boresiteLock" => "2",
"MbeSettings.cellStretchLock" => "2",
"MbeSettings.constructionPlaneLock" => "2",
"MbeSettings.depthLock" => "2",
"MbeSettings.graphGroupLock" => "2",
"MbeSettings.gridLock" => "2",
"MbeSettings.fenceClip" => "2",
"MbeSettings.fenceOverlap" => "2",
"MbeSettings.fenceVoid" => "2",
"MbeSettings.levelLock" => "2",
"MbeSettings.selectionSetLock" => "2",
"MbeSettings.snapLock" => "2",
"MbeSettings.textNodeLock" => "2",
"MbeSettings.settingErr" => "2",
"MbeSqlda.numColumns" => "2",
"MbeSqlda.column" => "2",
"MbeSqlda.value" => "2",
"MbeSqlda.type" => "2",
"MbeSqlda.length" => "2",
"MbeSqlda.isNull" => "2",
"MbeSqlda.scale" => "2",
"MbeSqlda.precision" => "2",
"MbeSqlda.getIndex" => "2",
"MbeStartDefaultCommand" => "2",
"MbeStartLocate" => "2",
"MbeState.inputType" => "2",
"MbeState.getInputCommand" => "2",
"MbeState.getInputDataPoint" => "2",
"MbeState.getInputKeyin" => "2",
"MbeState.cmdResult" => "2",
"MbeState.errorMessages" => "2",
"MbeState.messages" => "2",
"MbeState.noElementDisplay" => "2",
"MbeState.parseAll" => "2",
"MbeState.measureResult1" => "2",
"MbeState.measureResult2" => "2",
"MbeState.locateTolerance" => "2",
"MbeState.locateFileNum" => "2",
"MbeState.locateHeaderFilePos" => "2",
"MbeState.locateComponentFilePos" => "2",
"MbeState.setLocateFileMask" => "2",
"MbeState.getLocateFileMask" => "2",
"MbeState.setLocateTypeMask" => "2",
"MbeState.getLocateTypeMask" => "2",
"MbeState.locatePropMask" => "2",
"MbeState.locatePropVal" => "2",
"MbeState.locateClassMask" => "2",
"MbeStringFromScalar" => "2",
"MbeStringFromPoint" => "2",
"MbeStringFromAngle" => "2",
"" => "2",
"MbeTable.criteria" => "2",
"MbeTable.largestMslink" => "2",
"MbeTable.entityNumber" => "2",
"MbeTable.activeReview" => "2",
"MbeTable.reportTable" => "2",
"MbeTable.fenceFilter" => "2",
"MbeTable.describe" => "2",
"MbeTable.recordFirst" => "2",
"MbeTable.recordLast" => "2",
"MbeTable.recordNext" => "2",
"MbeTable.recordInsert" => "2",
"MbeTable.recordUpdate" => "2",
"MbeTable.recordDelete" => "2",
"MbeTable.copy" => "2",
"MbeTable.create" => "2",
"MbeTable.drop" => "2",
"MbeTag.setName" => "2",
"" => "2",
"MbeTag.fileNum" => "2",
"MbeTag.idMbeTag.targetId" => "2",
"MbeTag.type" => "2",
"MbeTag.value" => "2",
"MbeTag.size" => "2",
"MbeTag.version" => "2",
"MbeTag.isHidden" => "2",
"MbeTag.setOffset" => "2",
"MbeTag.getOffset" => "2",
"MbeTag.getMbeElement" => "2",
"MbeTag.getTaggedElement" => "2",
"MbeTag.getTextElement" => "2",
"" => "2",
"MbeTagDef.setName" => "2",
"MbeTagDef.prompt" => "2",
"" => "2",
"MbeTagDef.tagType" => "2",
"MbeTagDef.defaultValue" => "2",
"MbeTagDef.isHidden" => "2",
"MbeTagDef.isConstant" => "2",
"MbeTagDef.tagId" => "2",
"MbeTagDef.add" => "2",
"MbeTagDef.update" => "2",
"MbeTagDef.delete" => "2",
"" => "2",
"MbeTagSet.reportName" => "2",
"MbeTagSet.fileNumMbeTagSet.numTagDefs" => "2",
"MbeTagSet.getTagDefNames" => "2",
"MbeTagSet.add" => "2",
"MbeTagSet.update" => "2",
"MbeTagSet.delete" => "2",
"MbeTagSet.getTagDef" => "2",
"MbeTagSet.generateReport" => "2",
"MbeTagSet.deleteInstances" => "2",
"" => "2",
"MbeView.screenNum" => "2",
"MbeView.fastCurve" => "2",
"MbeView.noText" => "2",
"MbeView.slowFont" => "2",
"MbeView.lineWeight" => "2",
"MbeView.pattern" => "2",
"MbeView.textNode" => "2",
"MbeView.enterDataField" => "2",
"MbeView.grid" => "2",
"MbeView.levelSymbology" => "2",
"" => "2",
"MbeView.dimension" => "2",
"MbeView.areaFill" => "2",
"MbeView.refBoundary" => "2",
"MbeView.fastRefClip" => "2",
"MbeView.deferApply" => "2",
"MbeView.update" => "2",
"MbeView.getLevels" => "2",
"MbeView.levelsOn" => "2",
"MbeView.levelsOff" => "2",
"MbeViews" => "2",
"MbeWriteCommand" => "2",
"MbeWriteError" => "2",
"MbeWriteMessage" => "2",
"MbeWritePrompt" => "2",
"MbeWriteStatus" => "2",
"Basic" => "3",
"Double" => "3",
"False" => "3",
"GBE_ADD" => "3",
"GBE_DIFF" => "3",
"GBE_Inside" => "3",
"GBE_OR" => "3",
"GBE_Outside" => "3",
"GBE_Overlap" => "3",
"GBE_Point" => "3",
"GBE_TextNode" => "3",
"GBE_TypeLine" => "3",
"GBE_TypeMixed" => "3",
"GBE_TypePoint" => "3",
"GBE_TypePolygon" => "3",
"GBE_XOR" => "3",
"Integer" => "3",
"Long" => "3",
"MbeDatabase" => "3",
"MbeEDField" => "3",
"MbeElement" => "3",
"MbeElementSet" => "3",
"MbePoint" => "3",
"MbeRange" => "3",
"MbeRefFile" => "3",
"MbeSetMember" => "3",
"MbeTable" => "3",
"MbeTag" => "3",
"MbeTagDef" => "3",
"MbeTagSet" => "3",
"MbeView" => "3",
"MBE_3DLib2DFile" => "3",
"MBE_3DOnly" => "3",
"MBE_AcceptQuery" => "3",
"MBE_Arc" => "3",
"MBE_AttributesProp" => "3",
"MBE_BadCellName" => "3",
"MBE_BSplineBoundary" => "3",
"MBE_BSplineKnot" => "3",
"MBE_BSplinePole" => "3",
"MBE_BSplineSurface" => "3",
"MBE_BSplineWeight" => "3",
"MBE_BUTTON_NO" => "3",
"MBE_BUTTON_OK" => "3",
"MBE_BUTTON_YES" => "3",
"MBE_CellDeleted" => "3",
"MBE_CellExists" => "3",
"MBE_CellHeader" => "3",
"MBE_CellLibNotFound" => "3",
"MBE_CellLibraryHdr" => "3",
"MBE_CellNestError" => "3",
"MBE_CellNotFound" => "3",
"MBE_CenterBottom" => "3",
"MBE_CenterCenter" => "3",
"MBE_CenterTop" => "3",
"MBE_Color" => "3",
"MBE_CommandInput" => "3",
"MBE_ComplexShape" => "3",
"MBE_ComplexString" => "3",
"MBE_Cone" => "3",
"MBE_Conic" => "3",
"MBE_ConstructionClass" => "3",
"MBE_ConstRuleClass" => "3",
"MBE_CriticalIcon" => "3",
"MBE_Curve" => "3",
"MBE_DataPointInput" => "3",
"MBE_DBASE_Linkage" => "3",
"MBE_DBBinary" => "3",
"MBE_DBChar" => "3",
"MBE_DBDate" => "3",
"MBE_DBInteger" => "3",
"MBE_DBNumberMBE_DBRaw" => "3",
"MBE_Dimension" => "3",
"MBE_DimensionClass" => "3",
"MBE_DMRS_Linkage" => "3",
"MBE_ElementNotFound" => "3",
"MBE_ElemIgnore" => "3",
"MBE_ElemNormal" => "3",
"MBE_ElemPrioritizeMBE_Ellipse" => "3",
"MBE_EmptyFence" => "3",
"MBE_Erase" => "3",
"MBE_FileReadOnly" => "3",
"MBE_Hilite" => "3",
"MBE_HoleProp" => "3",
"MBE_IllegalDefinition" => "3",
"MBE_InfoIcon" => "3",
"MBE_INFORMIX_Linkage" => "3",
"MBE_INGRES_Linkage" => "3",
"MBE_InvalidRefOp" => "3",
"MBE_KeyinInput" => "3",
"MBE_LeftBottom" => "3",
"MBE_LeftCenter" => "3",
"MBE_LeftMarginBottom" => "3",
"MBE_LeftMarginCenter" => "3",
"MBE_LeftMarginTop" => "3",
"MBE_LeftTop" => "3",
"MBE_Line" => "3",
"MBE_LineString" => "3",
"MBE_Linestyle" => "3",
"MBE_LockedProp" => "3",
"MBE_MaxViews" => "3",
"MBE_MicroStation" => "3",
"MBE_ModifiedProp" => "3",
"MBE_MSplineCurve" => "3",
"MBE_MSPowerDraft" => "3",
"MBE_MSReview" => "3",
"MBE_MultiLine" => "3",
"MBE_NeedChars" => "3",
"MBE_NewProp" => "3",
"MBE_NoActiveCell" => "3",
"MBE_NoCellLibrary" => "3",
"MBE_NoFenceActive" => "3",
"MBE_None" => "3",
"MBE_NoOrigin" => "3",
"MBE_NormalDraw" => "3",
"MBE_NoSnapProp" => "3",
"MBE_ODBC_Linkage" => "3",
"MBE_Off" => "3",
"MBE_OffDesignPlane" => "3",
"MBE_OKBox" => "3",
"MBE_OKCancelBox" => "3",
"MBE_On" => "3",
"MBE_ORACLE_Linkage" => "3",
"MBE_PatternClass" => "3",
"MBE_PatternedLineClass" => "3",
"MBE_PlanarProp" => "3",
"MBE_PointString" => "3",
"MBE_PrimaryClass" => "3",
"MBE_PrimaryRuleClass" => "3",
"MBE_QueryFinished" => "3",
"MBE_QueryNotFinished" => "3",
"MBE_QuestionIcon" => "3",
"MBE_RasterComponent" => "3",
"MBE_RasterHeader" => "3",
"MBE_RefFileNotFound" => "3",
"MBE_ResetInput" => "3",
"MBE_RightBottom" => "3",
"MBE_RightCenter" => "3",
"MBE_RightMarginBottomMBE_RightMarginCenter" => "3",
"MBE_RightMarginTopMBE_RightTop" => "3",
"MBE_RIS_Linkage" => "3",
"MBE_SelectView" => "3",
"MBE_Shape" => "3",
"MBE_SharedCell" => "3",
"MBE_SharedCellDefinition" => "3",
"MBE_Solid" => "3",
"MBE_Success" => "3",
"MBE_Surface" => "3",
"MBE_SYBASE_Linkage" => "3",
"MBE_Tag" => "3",
"MBE_Text" => "3",
"MBE_TextNode" => "3",
"MBE_UnknownCommand" => "3",
"MBE_ViewIndProp" => "3",
"MBE_ViewNotFound" => "3",
"MBE_WarningIcon" => "3",
"MBE_Width" => "3",
"MBE_XBASE_Linkage" => "3",
"MBE_YesNoBox" => "3",
"MBE_YesNoCancelBox" => "3",
"PI" => "3",
"Single" => "3",
"String" => "3",
"True" => "3");
// Special extensions
// Each category can specify a PHP function that returns an altered
// version of the keyword.
$this->linkscripts = array(
"1" => "donothing",
"2" => "donothing",
"3" => "donothing");

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: