ILIAS  Release_4_3_x_branch Revision 61807
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HFile_c167complink Class Reference
+ Inheritance diagram for HFile_c167complink:
+ Collaboration diagram for HFile_c167complink:

Public Member Functions

 HFile_c167complink ()
 donothing ($keywordin)
- Public Member Functions inherited from HFile
 HFile ()
 parse_file ($file)
 to_perl ($stub, $tofile=1)
 to_php ($stub, $tofile=1)
 _get_categories ()
 _dump_linkscripts ()
 _dump_perl_linkscripts ()
 _dump_perl_defaultscripts ()
 _dump_colours ()
 _dump_var ($variable, $name)
 _dump_array ($array, $name)
 _dump_perl_array ($array, $name)
 _dump_hash ($hash, $name)
 _dump_perl_hash ($hash, $name)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 5 of file HFile_c167complink.php.

Member Function Documentation

HFile_c167complink::donothing (   $keywordin)

Definition at line 417 of file HFile_c167complink.php.

return $keywordin;
HFile_c167complink::HFile_c167complink ( )

Definition at line 6 of file HFile_c167complink.php.

References HFile\HFile().

// Beautifier Highlighting Configuration File
// 'C' for C167
// Flags
$this->nocase = "0";
$this->notrim = "0";
$this->perl = "0";
// Colours
$this->colours = array("blue", "purple", "gray", "brown", "blue");
$this->quotecolour = "blue";
$this->blockcommentcolour = "green";
$this->linecommentcolour = "green";
// Indent Strings
$this->indent = array("{");
$this->unindent = array("}");
// String characters and delimiters
$this->stringchars = array("\"", "'");
$this->delimiters = array("~", "!", "@", "%", "^", "&", "*", "(", ")", "-", "+", "=", "|", "\\", "/", "{", "}", "[", "]", ":", ";", "\"", "'", "<", ">", " ", ",", " ", "?");
$this->escchar = "";
// Comment settings
$this->linecommenton = array("//");
$this->blockcommenton = array("/*");
$this->blockcommentoff = array("*/");
// Keywords (keyword mapping to colour number)
$this->keywords = array(
"#define" => "1",
"#else" => "1",
"#endif" => "1",
"#if" => "1",
"#ifdef" => "1",
"#ifndef" => "1",
"#include" => "1",
"#pragma" => "1",
"#undef" => "1",
"alias" => "1",
"align" => "1",
"asm" => "1",
"asm_noflush" => "1",
"automatic" => "1",
"class" => "1",
"clear" => "1",
"combine" => "1",
"cse" => "1",
"default_attributes" => "1",
"define" => "1",
"endasm" => "1",
"eramdata" => "1",
"fix_byte_write" => "1",
"global" => "1",
"include" => "1",
"iramdata" => "1",
"macro" => "1",
"noalias" => "1",
"noclear" => "1",
"nofix_byte_write" => "1",
"noframe" => "1",
"nomacro" => "1",
"nosource" => "1",
"public" => "1",
"regdef" => "1",
"restore_attributes" => "1",
"romdata" => "1",
"save_attributes" => "1",
"size" => "1",
"source" => "1",
"speed" => "1",
"static" => "1",
"switch_force_table" => "1",
"switch_smart" => "1",
"_at" => "2",
"_atbit" => "2",
"bit" => "2",
"bita" => "2",
"bitword" => "2",
"break" => "2",
"case" => "2",
"char" => "2",
"const" => "2",
"continue" => "2",
"default" => "2",
"do" => "2",
"double" => "2",
"else" => "2",
"esfr" => "2",
"esfrbit" => "2",
"extern" => "2",
"far" => "2",
"float" => "2",
"for" => "2",
"goto" => "2",
"huge" => "2",
"if" => "2",
"int" => "2",
"iram" => "2",
"long" => "2",
"near" => "2",
"register" => "2",
"return" => "2",
"sfr" => "2",
"sfrbit" => "2",
"signed" => "2",
"size_t" => "2",
"struct" => "2",
"switch" => "2",
"system" => "2",
"typedef" => "2",
"unsigned" => "2",
"void" => "2",
"volatile" => "2",
"while" => "2",
"_fstrcat" => "3",
"_fstrchr" => "3",
"_fstrcmp" => "3",
"_fstrcpy" => "3",
"_fstrcspn" => "3",
"_fstrlen" => "3",
"_fstrncat" => "3",
"_fstrncmp" => "3",
"_fstrncpy" => "3",
"_fstrpbrk" => "3",
"_fstrrchr" => "3",
"_fstrspn" => "3",
"_fstrstr" => "3",
"_fstrtok" => "3",
"_hstrcat" => "3",
"_hstrchr" => "3",
"_hstrcmp" => "3",
"_hstrcpy" => "3",
"_hstrcspn" => "3",
"_hstrlen" => "3",
"_hstrncat" => "3",
"_hstrncmp" => "3",
"_hstrncpy" => "3",
"_hstrpbrk" => "3",
"_hstrrchr" => "3",
"_hstrspn" => "3",
"_hstrstr" => "3",
"_hstrtok" => "3",
"_ioread" => "3",
"_iowrite" => "3",
"_stime" => "3",
"_time" => "3",
"_tolower" => "3",
"_toupper" => "3",
"_tzset" => "3",
"abort" => "3",
"abs" => "3",
"acos" => "3",
"asctime" => "3",
"asin" => "3",
"assert" => "3",
"assert.h" => "3",
"atan" => "3",
"atan2" => "3",
"atexit" => "3",
"atof" => "3",
"atoi" => "3",
"atol" => "3",
"bsearch" => "3",
"c166.h" => "3",
"calloc" => "3",
"ceil" => "3",
"clearerr" => "3",
"clock" => "3",
"cos" => "3",
"cosh" => "3",
"ctime" => "3",
"ctype.h" => "3",
"difftime" => "3",
"div" => "3",
"errno.h" => "3",
"exit" => "3",
"exp" => "3",
"fabs" => "3",
"fclose" => "3",
"feof" => "3",
"ferror" => "3",
"fflush" => "3",
"fgetc" => "3",
"fgets" => "3",
"float.h" => "3",
"floor" => "3",
"fmod" => "3",
"fopen" => "3",
"fprintf" => "3",
"fputc" => "3",
"fputs" => "3",
"fread" => "3",
"free" => "3",
"freopen" => "3",
"frexp" => "3",
"fscanf" => "3",
"fwrite" => "3",
"getc" => "3",
"getchar" => "3",
"gets" => "3",
"gmtime" => "3",
"isalnum" => "3",
"isalpha" => "3",
"isascii" => "3",
"iscntrl" => "3",
"isdigit" => "3",
"isgraph" => "3",
"islower" => "3",
"isprint" => "3",
"ispunct" => "3",
"isspace" => "3",
"isupper" => "3",
"isxdigit" => "3",
"labs" => "3",
"ldexp" => "3",
"ldiv" => "3",
"limits.h" => "3",
"locale.h" => "3",
"localtime" => "3",
"log" => "3",
"log10" => "3",
"longjmp" => "3",
"malloc" => "3",
"malloc.h" => "3",
"math.h" => "3",
"memchr" => "3",
"memcmp" => "3",
"memcpffb" => "3",
"memcpffw" => "3",
"memcpfhb" => "3",
"memcpfhw" => "3",
"memcpfnb" => "3",
"memcpfnw" => "3",
"memcphfb" => "3",
"memcphfw" => "3",
"memcphhb" => "3",
"memcphhw" => "3",
"memcphnb" => "3",
"memcphnw" => "3",
"memcpnnb" => "3",
"memcpnnw" => "3",
"memcpy" => "3",
"memmove" => "3",
"memset" => "3",
"mktime" => "3",
"modf" => "3",
"offsetof" => "3",
"pow" => "3",
"printf" => "3",
"putc" => "3",
"putchar" => "3",
"puts" => "3",
"qsort" => "3",
"rand" => "3",
"realloc" => "3",
"reg163.h" => "3",
"reg165.h" => "3",
"reg166.h" => "3",
"reg167.h" => "3",
"scanf" => "3",
"setbuf" => "3",
"setjmp" => "3",
"setjmp.h" => "3",
"setvbuf" => "3",
"signal.h" => "3",
"sin" => "3",
"sinh" => "3",
"sprintf" => "3",
"sqrt" => "3",
"srand" => "3",
"sscanf" => "3",
"stdarg.h" => "3",
"stddef.h" => "3",
"stdio.h" => "3",
"stdlib.h" => "3",
"strcat" => "3",
"strchr" => "3",
"strcmp" => "3",
"strcpy" => "3",
"strcspn" => "3",
"strftime" => "3",
"string.h" => "3",
"strlen" => "3",
"strncat" => "3",
"strncmp" => "3",
"strncpy" => "3",
"strpbrk" => "3",
"strrchr" => "3",
"strspn" => "3",
"strstr" => "3",
"strtod" => "3",
"strtok" => "3",
"strtol" => "3",
"strtoul" => "3",
"tan" => "3",
"tanh" => "3",
"time" => "3",
"time.h" => "3",
"toascii" => "3",
"tolower" => "3",
"toupper" => "3",
"ungetc" => "3",
"va_arg" => "3",
"va_end" => "3",
"va_start" => "3",
"vfprintf" => "3",
"vprintf" => "3",
"vsprintf" => "3",
"ASSERT_INC" => "4",
"C166_INC" => "4",
"CTYPE_INC" => "4",
"EOF" => "4",
"ERRNO_INC" => "4",
"FLOAT_INC" => "4",
"LIMITS_INC" => "4",
"LOCALE_INC" => "4",
"MATH_INC" => "4",
"NDEBUG" => "4",
"NULL" => "4",
"REG163_INC" => "4",
"REG163_NOADINT" => "4",
"REG163_NOCPU" => "4",
"REG163_NOEXTINT" => "4",
"REG163_NOPEC" => "4",
"REG163_NOPORT" => "4",
"REG163_NORS232" => "4",
"REG163_NOTIMER" => "4",
"REG165_INC" => "4",
"REG165_NOADINT" => "4",
"REG165_NOCPU" => "4",
"REG165_NOEXTINT" => "4",
"REG165_NOPEC" => "4",
"REG165_NOPORT" => "4",
"REG165_NORS232" => "4",
"REG165_NOTIMER" => "4",
"REG166_INC" => "4",
"REG166_NOADC" => "4",
"REG166_NOCAPCOM" => "4",
"REG166_NOCPU" => "4",
"REG166_NOPEC" => "4",
"REG166_NOPORT" => "4",
"REG166_NORS232" => "4",
"REG166_NOTIMER" => "4",
"REG167_INC" => "4",
"REG167_NOADC" => "4",
"REG167_NOADINT" => "4",
"REG167_NOCAPCOM" => "4",
"REG167_NOCPU" => "4",
"REG167_NOPEC" => "4",
"REG167_NOPORT" => "4",
"REG167_NOPWM" => "4",
"REG167_NORS232" => "4",
"REG167_NOTIMER" => "4",
"SETJMP_INC" => "4",
"SIGNAL_INC" => "4",
"STDARG_INC" => "4",
"STDDEF_INC" => "4",
"STDIO_INC" => "4",
"STDLIB_INC" => "4",
"STRING_INC" => "4",
"TIME_INC" => "4",
"!" => "5",
"$" => "5",
"&" => "5",
"(" => "5",
")" => "5",
"*" => "5",
"+" => "5",
"," => "5",
"-" => "5",
"." => "5",
"//" => "5",
"/" => "5",
":" => "5",
";" => "5",
"<" => "5",
"=" => "5",
">" => "5",
"[" => "5",
"]" => "5",
"{" => "5",
"|" => "5",
"}" => "5",
"~" => "5");
// Special extensions
// Each category can specify a PHP function that returns an altered
// version of the keyword.
$this->linkscripts = array(
"1" => "donothing",
"2" => "donothing",
"3" => "donothing",
"4" => "donothing",
"5" => "donothing");

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: