ILIAS  Release_4_3_x_branch Revision 61807
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HFile_ldap Class Reference
+ Inheritance diagram for HFile_ldap:
+ Collaboration diagram for HFile_ldap:

Public Member Functions

 HFile_ldap ()
 donothing ($keywordin)
- Public Member Functions inherited from HFile
 HFile ()
 parse_file ($file)
 to_perl ($stub, $tofile=1)
 to_php ($stub, $tofile=1)
 _get_categories ()
 _dump_linkscripts ()
 _dump_perl_linkscripts ()
 _dump_perl_defaultscripts ()
 _dump_colours ()
 _dump_var ($variable, $name)
 _dump_array ($array, $name)
 _dump_perl_array ($array, $name)
 _dump_hash ($hash, $name)
 _dump_perl_hash ($hash, $name)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 5 of file HFile_ldap.php.

Member Function Documentation

HFile_ldap::donothing (   $keywordin)

Definition at line 294 of file HFile_ldap.php.

return $keywordin;
HFile_ldap::HFile_ldap ( )

Definition at line 6 of file HFile_ldap.php.

References HFile\HFile().

// Beautifier Highlighting Configuration File
// Flags
$this->nocase = "1";
$this->notrim = "0";
$this->perl = "0";
// Colours
$this->colours = array("blue", "purple", "brown");
$this->quotecolour = "blue";
$this->blockcommentcolour = "green";
$this->linecommentcolour = "green";
// Indent Strings
$this->indent = array();
$this->unindent = array();
// String characters and delimiters
$this->stringchars = array();
$this->delimiters = array(",", ":", "=");
$this->escchar = "";
// Comment settings
$this->linecommenton = array("");
$this->blockcommenton = array("");
$this->blockcommentoff = array("");
// Keywords (keyword mapping to colour number)
$this->keywords = array(
"accountUnlockTime" => "1",
"administratorContactInfo" => "1",
"adminUrl" => "1",
"audio" => "1",
"binary" => "1",
"businesscategory" => "1",
"carlicense" => "1",
"changeLogMaximumAge" => "1",
"changeLogMaximumSize" => "1",
"changeNumber" => "1",
"changes" => "1",
"changeTime" => "1",
"changetype" => "1",
"cirBeginORC" => "1",
"cirBindCredentials" => "1",
"cirBindDn" => "1",
"cirHost" => "1",
"cirLastUpdateApplied" => "1",
"cirPort" => "1",
"cirReplicaRoot" => "1",
"cirSyncInterval" => "1",
"cirUpdateFailedat" => "1",
"cirUpdateSchedule" => "1",
"cirUsePersistentSearch" => "1",
"cirUseSsl" => "1",
"cn" => "1",
"commonname" => "1",
"deleteOldRdn" => "1",
"departmentNumber" => "1",
"description" => "1",
"destinationIndicator" => "1",
"dn" => "1",
"employeenumber" => "1",
"employeeType" => "1",
"facsimileTelephoneNumber" => "1",
"filterInfo" => "1",
"generation" => "1",
"givenname" => "1",
"homePhone" => "1",
"homePostalAddress" => "1",
"idxno" => "1",
"indexnumber" => "1",
"initials" => "1",
"installationTimeStamp" => "1",
"internationalIsdnNumber" => "1",
"jpegPhoto" => "1",
"l" => "1",
"labeledURI" => "1",
"locality" => "1",
"mail" => "1",
"mailAccessDomain" => "1",
"mailalternateaddress" => "1",
"mailAutoReplyMode" => "1",
"mailAutoReplyText" => "1",
"maildeliveryoption" => "1",
"mailEnhancedUniqueMember" => "1",
"mailForwardingAddress" => "1",
"mailhost" => "1",
"mailMessageStore" => "1",
"mailProgramDeliveryInfo" => "1",
"mailQuota" => "1",
"manager" => "1",
"member" => "1",
"memberCertificateDescription" => "1",
"memberURL" => "1",
"mgrpAllowedBroadcaster" => "1",
"mgrpAllowedDomain" => "1",
"mgrpDeliverTo" => "1",
"mgrpErrorsTo" => "1",
"mgrpModerator" => "1",
"mgrpMsgMaxSize" => "1",
"mgrpMsgRejectAction" => "1",
"mgrpMsgRejectText" => "1",
"mgrpRFC822MailMember" => "1",
"mobile" => "1",
"multiLineDescription" => "1",
"newRdn" => "1",
"newSuperior" => "1",
"nsLicensedFor" => "1",
"nsLicenseEndTime" => "1",
"nsLicenseStartTime" => "1",
"ntGroupAttributes" => "1",
"ntGroupCreateNewGroup" => "1",
"ntGroupDeleteGroup" => "1",
"ntGroupDomainId" => "1",
"ntGroupId" => "1",
"ntUserDomainId" => "1",
"ntUserAcctExpires" => "1",
"ntUserAuthFlags" => "1",
"ntUserBadPwCount" => "1",
"ntUserCodePage" => "1",
"ntUserComment" => "1",
"ntUserCountryCode" => "1",
"ntUserCreateNewAccount" => "1",
"ntUserDeleteAccount" => "1",
"ntUserFlags" => "1",
"ntUserHomeDir" => "1",
"ntUserHomeDirDrive" => "1",
"ntUserLastLogoff" => "1",
"ntUserLastLogon" => "1",
"ntUserLogonHours" => "1",
"ntUserLogonServer" => "1",
"ntUserMaxStorage" => "1",
"ntUserNumLogons" => "1",
"ntUserParms" => "1",
"ntUserPasswordExpired" => "1",
"ntUserPrimaryGroupId" => "1",
"ntUserPriv" => "1",
"ntUserProfile" => "1",
"ntUserScriptPath" => "1",
"ntUserUniqueId" => "1",
"ntUserUnitsPerWeek" => "1",
"ntUserUsrComment" => "1",
"ntUserWorkstations" => "1",
"objectclass" => "1",
"owner" => "1",
"pager" => "1",
"passwordChange" => "1",
"passwordCheckSyntax" => "1",
"passwordExp" => "1",
"passwordExpirationTime" => "1",
"passwordExpWarned" => "1",
"passwordHistory" => "1",
"passwordInHistory" => "1",
"passwordKeepHistory" => "1",
"passwordLockout" => "1",
"passwordLockoutDuration" => "1",
"passwordMaxAge" => "1",
"passwordMaxFailure" => "1",
"passwordMinLength" => "1",
"passwordResetDuration" => "1",
"passwordRetryCount" => "1",
"passwordUnlock" => "1",
"passwordWarning" => "1",
"photo" => "1",
"physicaldeliveryofficename" => "1",
"postaladdress" => "1",
"postalcode" => "1",
"postOfficeBox" => "1",
"preferredDeliveryMethod" => "1",
"preferredLanguage" => "1",
"ref" => "1",
"registeredAddress" => "1",
"replicaBeginOrc" => "1",
"replicaBindDn" => "1",
"replicaBindMethod" => "1",
"replicaCredentials" => "1",
"replicaEntryFilter" => "1",
"replicaHost" => "1",
"replicaNickName" => "1",
"replicaPort" => "1",
"replicaRoot" => "1",
"replicatedAttributeList" => "1",
"replicaUpdateFailedAt" => "1",
"replicaUpdateReplayed" => "1",
"replicaUpdateSchedule" => "1",
"replicaUseSSL" => "1",
"retryCountResetTime" => "1",
"roleOccupant" => "1",
"roomnumber" => "1",
"searchGuide" => "1",
"secretary" => "1",
"seeAlso" => "1",
"serverHostName" => "1",
"serverProductName" => "1",
"serverRoot" => "1",
"serverVersionNumber" => "1",
"sn" => "1",
"st" => "1",
"stateOrProvinceName" => "1",
"street" => "1",
"surname" => "1",
"targetDn" => "1",
"telephonenumber" => "1",
"teletexTerminalIdentifier" => "1",
"telexNumber" => "1",
"title" => "1",
"uid" => "1",
"uniqueMember" => "1",
"userpassword" => "1",
"userCertificate" => "1",
"userCertificate;binary" => "1",
"userSMIMECertificate" => "1",
"userSMIMECertificate;binary" => "1",
"x121Address" => "1",
"x500UniqueIdentifier" => "1",
"aci" => "2",
"add" => "2",
"c" => "2",
"dc" => "2",
"delete" => "2",
"ftp" => "2",
"ftps" => "2",
"http" => "2",
"https" => "2",
"ldap" => "2",
"ldaps" => "2",
"modify" => "2",
"nntp" => "2",
"nntps" => "2",
"o" => "2",
"ou" => "2",
"URL" => "2",
"changeLogEntry" => "4",
"cirReplicaSource" => "4",
"crypt" => "4",
"dcObject" => "4",
"epsbranch" => "4",
"groupOfCertificates" => "4",
"groupOfMailEnhancedUniqueNames" => "4",
"groupOfNames" => "4",
"groupOfUniqueNames" => "4",
"httpd" => "4",
"inetOrgPerson" => "4",
"LDAPReplica" => "4",
"LDAPServer" => "4",
"mailGroup" => "4",
"mailRecipient" => "4",
"netscapeServer" => "4",
"nsLicenseUser" => "4",
"ntGroup" => "4",
"ntUser" => "4",
"organization" => "4",
"organizationalPerson" => "4",
"organizationalRole" => "4",
"organizationalUnit" => "4",
"passwordObject" => "4",
"passwordPolicy" => "4",
"person" => "4",
"referral" => "4",
"residentialPerson" => "4",
"SHA" => "4",
"slapd" => "4",
"top" => "4");
// Special extensions
// Each category can specify a PHP function that returns an altered
// version of the keyword.
$this->linkscripts = array(
"1" => "donothing",
"2" => "donothing",
"4" => "donothing");

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: