ILIAS  Release_4_3_x_branch Revision 61807
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ilRbacSystem Class Reference

class ilRbacSystem system function like checkAccess, addActiveRole ... More...

+ Collaboration diagram for ilRbacSystem:

Public Member Functions

 checkAccess ($a_operations, $a_ref_id, $a_type="")
 checkAccess represents the main method of the RBAC-system in ILIAS3 developers want to use With this method you check the permissions a use may have due to its roles on an specific object.
 checkAccessOfUser ($a_user_id, $a_operations, $a_ref_id, $a_type="")
 preloadRbacPaCache ($a_ref_ids, $a_user_id)
 Preload rbac_pa cache.
 checkPermission ($a_ref_id, $a_rol_id, $a_operation)
 check if a specific role has the permission '$a_operation' of an object public
 __filterOwnerPermissions ($a_user_id, $a_operations, $a_ref_id)
 initMemberView ()
 Init member view.
 addTemporaryRole ($a_usr_id, $a_role_id)
 resetPACache ($a_usr_id, $a_ref_id)

Static Public Member Functions

static getInstance ()

Data Fields


Protected Member Functions

 ilRbacSystem ()
 Constructor public.

Protected Attributes


Static Protected Attributes

static $instance = null
static $user_role_cache = array()

Private Member Functions

 fetchAssignedRoles ($a_usr_id, $a_ref_id)
 Fetch assigned roles This method caches the assigned roles per user.

Static Private Attributes

static $_paCache = null
static $_checkAccessOfUserCache = null

Detailed Description

class ilRbacSystem system function like checkAccess, addActiveRole ...

Supporting system functions are required for session management and in making access control decisions. This class depends on the session since we offer the possiblility to add or delete active roles during one session.

Stefan Meyer
class.ilRbacSystem.php 35602 2012-07-18 12:12:53Z smeyer

Definition at line 36 of file class.ilRbacSystem.php.

Member Function Documentation

ilRbacSystem::__filterOwnerPermissions (   $a_user_id,

Definition at line 336 of file class.ilRbacSystem.php.

References $ilUser.

Referenced by checkAccessOfUser().

global $ilObjDataCache,$ilUser;
// member view constraints
if($this->mem_view['active'] and $a_user_id == $ilUser->getId())
if(in_array($a_ref_id, $this->mem_view['items']))
return $a_operations;
if($a_user_id != $ilObjDataCache->lookupOwner($ilObjDataCache->lookupObjId($a_ref_id)))
return $a_operations;
// Is owner
$new_ops = false;
foreach(explode(",",$a_operations) as $operation)
if($operation != 'cat_administrate_users' and $operation != 'edit_permission' and $operation != 'edit_learning_progress' and !preg_match('/^create/',$operation))
$new_ops = $operation;
$new_ops .= (','.$operation);
return $new_ops;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilRbacSystem::addTemporaryRole (   $a_usr_id,

Definition at line 441 of file class.ilRbacSystem.php.

if(!in_array($a_role_id, self::$user_role_cache[$a_usr_id]))
self::$user_role_cache[$a_usr_id][] = $a_role_id;
ilRbacSystem::checkAccess (   $a_operations,
  $a_type = "" 

checkAccess represents the main method of the RBAC-system in ILIAS3 developers want to use With this method you check the permissions a use may have due to its roles on an specific object.

The first parameter are the operation(s) the user must have The second & third parameter specifies the object where the operation(s) may apply to The last parameter is only required, if you ask for the 'create' operation. Here you specify the object type which you want to create.

example: $rbacSystem->checkAccess("visible,read",23); Here you ask if the user is allowed to see ('visible') and access the object by reading it ('read'). The reference_id is 23 in the tree structure.


stringone or more operations, separated by commas (i.e.: visible,read,join)
integerthe child_id in tree (usually a reference_id, no object_id !!)
stringthe type definition abbreviation (i.e.: frm,grp,crs)
boolean returns true if ALL passed operations are given, otherwise false

Definition at line 103 of file class.ilRbacSystem.php.

References $ilBench, $ilUser, $result, and checkAccessOfUser().

global $ilUser,$ilBench;
$ilBench->start("RBAC", "system_checkAccess");
$result = $this->checkAccessOfUser($ilUser->getId(), $a_operations, $a_ref_id, $a_type);
$ilBench->stop("RBAC", "system_checkAccess");
return $result;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ilRbacSystem::checkAccessOfUser (   $a_user_id,
  $a_type = "" 

Definition at line 116 of file class.ilRbacSystem.php.

References $GLOBALS, $ilLog, $ilUser, $row, __filterOwnerPermissions(), ilRbacReview\_getOperationIdByName(), DB_FETCHMODE_OBJECT, fetchAssignedRoles(), and ilDB\query().

Referenced by checkAccess().

global $ilUser, $rbacreview,$ilObjDataCache,$ilDB,$ilLog;
// Create the user cache key
$cacheKey = $a_user_id.':'.$a_operations.':'.$a_ref_id.':'.$a_type;
// Create the cache if it does not yet exist
if (! is_array(self::$_checkAccessOfUserCache)) {
self::$_checkAccessOfUserCache = array();
// Try to return result from cache
if (array_key_exists($cacheKey, self::$_checkAccessOfUserCache)) {
return self::$_checkAccessOfUserCache[$cacheKey];
#echo ++$counter;
// Check For owner
// Owners do always have full access to their objects
// Excluded are the permissions create and perm
// This method call return all operations that are NOT granted by the owner status
if(!$a_operations = $this->__filterOwnerPermissions($a_user_id,$a_operations,$a_ref_id))
// Store positive outcome in cache.
// Note: we only cache up to 1000 results to avoid memory overflows
if (count(self::$_checkAccessOfUserCache) < 1000) {
self::$_checkAccessOfUserCache[$cacheKey] = true;
return true;
// get roles using role cache
$roles = $this->fetchAssignedRoles($a_user_id,$a_ref_id);
// exclude system role from rbac
if (in_array(SYSTEM_ROLE_ID, $roles))
// Store positive outcome in cache.
// Note: we only cache up to 1000 results to avoid memory overflows
if (count(self::$_checkAccessOfUserCache) < 1000) {
self::$_checkAccessOfUserCache[$cacheKey] = true;
return true;
if (!isset($a_operations) or !isset($a_ref_id))
$this->ilErr->raiseError(get_class($this)."::checkAccess(): Missing parameter! ".
"ref_id: ".$a_ref_id." operations: ".$a_operations,$this->ilErr->WARNING);
if (!is_string($a_operations))
$this->ilErr->raiseError(get_class($this)."::checkAccess(): Wrong datatype for operations!",$this->ilErr->WARNING);
// Create the PA cache if it does not exist yet
$paCacheKey = $a_user_id.':'.$a_ref_id;
if (! is_array(self::$_paCache)) {
self::$_paCache = array();
if (array_key_exists($paCacheKey, self::$_paCache)) {
// Return result from PA cache
$ops = self::$_paCache[$paCacheKey];
// Data is not in PA cache, perform database query
$q = "SELECT * FROM rbac_pa ".
"WHERE ref_id = ".$ilDB->quote($a_ref_id, 'integer');
$r = $this->ilDB->query($q);
$ops = array();
while ($row = $r->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_OBJECT))
if (in_array($row->rol_id, $roles))
$ops = array_merge($ops,unserialize(stripslashes($row->ops_id)));
// Cache up to 1000 entries in the PA cache
if (count(self::$_paCache) < 1000)
self::$_paCache[$paCacheKey] = $ops;
$operations = explode(",",$a_operations);
foreach ($operations as $operation)
if ($operation == "create")
if (empty($a_type))
$this->ilErr->raiseError(get_class($this)."::CheckAccess(): Expect a type definition for checking a 'create' permission",
$ops_id = ilRbacReview::_getOperationIdByName($operation."_".$a_type);
$ops_id = ilRbacReview::_getOperationIdByName($operation);
if (! in_array($ops_id,(array) $ops))
//$ilLog->write('PERMISSION: '.$a_ref_id.' -> '.$a_ops_id.' failed');
// Store negative outcome in cache.
// Note: we only cache up to 1000 results to avoid memory overflows
if (count(self::$_checkAccessOfUserCache) < 1000)
self::$_checkAccessOfUserCache[$cacheKey] = false;
return false;
// Store positive outcome in cache.
// Note: we only cache up to 1000 results to avoid memory overflows
if (count(self::$_checkAccessOfUserCache) < 1000)
//$ilLog->write('PERMISSION: '.$a_ref_id.' -> '.$ops_id.' granted');
self::$_checkAccessOfUserCache[$cacheKey] = true;
return true;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilRbacSystem::checkPermission (   $a_ref_id,

check if a specific role has the permission '$a_operation' of an object public

integerreference id of object
integerrole id
stringthe permission to check

Definition at line 310 of file class.ilRbacSystem.php.

References $query, $res, and $row.

global $ilDB;
$ops = array();
$query = 'SELECT ops_id FROM rbac_operations '.
'WHERE operation = '.$ilDB->quote($a_operation,'text');
$res = $ilDB->query($query);
while($row = $ilDB->fetchObject($res))
$ops_id = $row->ops_id;
$query = "SELECT * FROM rbac_pa ".
"WHERE rol_id = ".$ilDB->quote($a_rol_id,'integer')." ".
"AND ref_id = ".$ilDB->quote($a_ref_id,'integer')." ";
$res = $ilDB->query($query);
while($row = $ilDB->fetchObject($res))
$ops = array_merge($ops,unserialize($row->ops_id));
return in_array($ops_id,$ops);
ilRbacSystem::fetchAssignedRoles (   $a_usr_id,

Fetch assigned roles This method caches the assigned roles per user.


intuser id

Definition at line 383 of file class.ilRbacSystem.php.

References $ilUser.

Referenced by checkAccessOfUser(), and preloadRbacPaCache().

global $ilUser,$rbacreview;
// Member view constraints
if($this->mem_view['active'] and $a_usr_id == $ilUser->getId())
// check if current ref_id is subitem of active container
if(in_array($a_ref_id, $this->mem_view['items']) and $this->mem_view['role'])
// Return default member role
return array($this->mem_view['role']);
if(isset(self::$user_role_cache[$a_usr_id]) and is_array(self::$user_role_cache))
return self::$user_role_cache[$a_usr_id];
return self::$user_role_cache[$a_usr_id] = $rbacreview->assignedRoles($a_usr_id);

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

static ilRbacSystem::getInstance ( )

Definition at line 75 of file class.ilRbacSystem.php.

References $instance, and ilRbacSystem().

Referenced by ilInitialisation\initAccessHandling(), and initMemberView().

return self::$instance = new ilRbacSystem();

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilRbacSystem::ilRbacSystem ( )

Constructor public.

Definition at line 55 of file class.ilRbacSystem.php.

References $ilErr, $ilias, if, and PEAR_ERROR_CALLBACK.

Referenced by getInstance().

global $ilDB,$ilErr,$ilias;
$this->ilias =& $ilias;
// set db & error handler
(isset($ilDB)) ? $this->ilDB =& $ilDB : $this->ilDB =& $ilias->db;
if (!isset($ilErr))
$ilErr = new ilErrorHandling();
$this->ilErr =& $ilErr;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilRbacSystem::initMemberView ( )

Init member view.


Definition at line 412 of file class.ilRbacSystem.php.

References $_GET, ilParticipants\getDefaultMemberRole(), and getInstance().

include_once './Services/Container/classes/class.ilMemberViewSettings.php';
if($settings->isEnabled() and isset($_GET['mv']))
$settings->toggleActivation((int) $_GET['ref_id'], (int) $_GET['mv']);
$this->mem_view['active'] = false;
$this->mem_view['items'] = array();
$this->mem_view['role'] = 0;
global $tree;
$this->mem_view['active'] = true;
$this->mem_view['items'] = $tree->getSubTreeIds($settings->getContainer());
$this->mem_view['items'] = array_merge($this->mem_view['items'],array($settings->getContainer()));
include_once './Services/Membership/classes/class.ilParticipants.php';
$this->mem_view['role'] = ilParticipants::getDefaultMemberRole($settings->getContainer());
return true;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ilRbacSystem::preloadRbacPaCache (   $a_ref_ids,

Preload rbac_pa cache.


Definition at line 258 of file class.ilRbacSystem.php.

References $ref_id, $row, DB_FETCHMODE_OBJECT, fetchAssignedRoles(), and ilDB\query().

global $ilDB;
if (!is_array($a_ref_ids))
$ref_ids = array();
foreach ($a_ref_ids as $ref_id)
if (!isset(self::$_paCache[$a_user_id.":".$ref_id]))
$roles[$ref_id] = $this->fetchAssignedRoles($a_user_id, $ref_id);
$ops[$ref_id] = array();
$ref_ids[] = $ref_id;
if (count($ref_ids) > 0)
// Data is not in PA cache, perform database query
$q = "SELECT * FROM rbac_pa ".
"WHERE ".$ilDB->in("ref_id", $ref_ids, false, "integer");
$r = $this->ilDB->query($q);
while ($row = $r->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_OBJECT))
if (in_array($row->rol_id, $roles[$row->ref_id]))
$ops[$row->ref_id] = array_merge($ops[$row->ref_id],
foreach ($a_ref_ids as $ref_id)
self::$_paCache[$a_user_id.":".$ref_id] = $ops[$ref_id];

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ilRbacSystem::resetPACache (   $a_usr_id,

Definition at line 449 of file class.ilRbacSystem.php.

$paCacheKey = $a_usr_id.':'.$a_ref_id;

Field Documentation

ilRbacSystem::$_checkAccessOfUserCache = null

Definition at line 49 of file class.ilRbacSystem.php.

ilRbacSystem::$_paCache = null

Definition at line 46 of file class.ilRbacSystem.php.


Definition at line 43 of file class.ilRbacSystem.php.

Referenced by ilRbacSystem().

ilRbacSystem::$instance = null

Definition at line 38 of file class.ilRbacSystem.php.

Referenced by getInstance().


Definition at line 40 of file class.ilRbacSystem.php.

ilRbacSystem::$user_role_cache = array()

Definition at line 42 of file class.ilRbacSystem.php.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: