ILIAS  Release_4_3_x_branch Revision 61807
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HFile_asmf240 Class Reference
+ Inheritance diagram for HFile_asmf240:
+ Collaboration diagram for HFile_asmf240:

Public Member Functions

 HFile_asmf240 ()
 donothing ($keywordin)
- Public Member Functions inherited from HFile
 HFile ()
 parse_file ($file)
 to_perl ($stub, $tofile=1)
 to_php ($stub, $tofile=1)
 _get_categories ()
 _dump_linkscripts ()
 _dump_perl_linkscripts ()
 _dump_perl_defaultscripts ()
 _dump_colours ()
 _dump_var ($variable, $name)
 _dump_array ($array, $name)
 _dump_perl_array ($array, $name)
 _dump_hash ($hash, $name)
 _dump_perl_hash ($hash, $name)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 5 of file HFile_asmf240.php.

Member Function Documentation

HFile_asmf240::donothing (   $keywordin)

Definition at line 338 of file HFile_asmf240.php.

return $keywordin;
HFile_asmf240::HFile_asmf240 ( )

Definition at line 6 of file HFile_asmf240.php.

References HFile\HFile().

// Beautifier Highlighting Configuration File
// Flags
$this->nocase = "0";
$this->notrim = "0";
$this->perl = "0";
// Colours
$this->colours = array("brown", "blue", "purple", "gray", "blue");
$this->quotecolour = "blue";
$this->blockcommentcolour = "green";
$this->linecommentcolour = "green";
// Indent Strings
$this->indent = array();
$this->unindent = array();
// String characters and delimiters
$this->stringchars = array();
$this->delimiters = array(",", "(", ")", "{", "}", "[", "]", "-", "+", "*", "/", "=", "\"", "'", "!", "&", "|", "\\", "<", ">", " ", "?", ":", ";");
$this->escchar = "";
// Comment settings
$this->linecommenton = array("");
$this->blockcommenton = array("");
$this->blockcommentoff = array("");
// Keywords (keyword mapping to colour number)
$this->keywords = array(
"/L10" => "",
"\"F240\"" => "",
"Line" => "",
"Comment" => "",
"=" => "4",
";" => "",
"Block" => "",
"On" => "",
"Off" => "",
"Escape" => "",
"Char" => "",
"\\" => "",
"String" => "",
"Chars" => "",
"\"'" => "",
"File" => "",
"Extensions" => "",
"A" => "",
"ASM" => "",
"ABS" => "1",
"ADD" => "1",
"ADDC" => "1",
"ADDH" => "1",
"ADDK" => "1",
"ADDS" => "1",
"ADDT" => "1",
"ADLK" => "1",
"ADRK" => "1",
"AND" => "1",
"ANDK" => "1",
"APAC" => "1",
"B" => "1",
"BACC" => "1",
"BANZ" => "1",
"BBNZ" => "1",
"BBZ" => "1",
"BC" => "1",
"BCND" => "1",
"BGEZ" => "1",
"BGZ" => "1",
"BIOZ" => "1",
"BIT" => "1",
"BITT" => "1",
"BLDD" => "1",
"BLEZ" => "1",
"BLKD" => "1",
"BLKP" => "1",
"BLPD" => "1",
"BLZ" => "1",
"BNC" => "1",
"BNV" => "1",
"BNZ" => "1",
"BV" => "1",
"BZ" => "1",
"CALA" => "1",
"CALL" => "1",
"CC" => "1",
"CLRC" => "1",
"CMPL" => "1",
"CMPR" => "1",
"CNFD" => "1",
"CNFP" => "1",
"DINT" => "1",
"DMOV" => "1",
"EINT" => "1",
"IDLE" => "1",
"IN" => "1",
"INTR" => "1",
"LAC" => "1",
"LACC" => "1",
"LACL" => "1",
"LACT" => "1",
"LALK" => "1",
"LAR" => "1",
"LARP" => "1",
"LDP" => "1",
"LDPK" => "1",
"LPH" => "1",
"LRLK" => "1",
"LST" => "1",
"LST1" => "1",
"LT" => "1",
"LTA" => "1",
"LTD" => "1",
"LTP" => "1",
"LTS" => "1",
"MAC" => "1",
"MACD" => "1",
"MAR" => "1",
"MPY" => "1",
"MPYA" => "1",
"MPYK" => "1",
"MPYS" => "1",
"MPYU" => "1",
"NEG" => "1",
"NMI" => "1",
"NOP" => "1",
"NORM" => "1",
"OR" => "1",
"ORK" => "1",
"OUT" => "1",
"PAC" => "1",
"POP" => "1",
"POPD" => "1",
"BeautifierD" => "1",
"PUSH" => "1",
"RC" => "1",
"RET" => "1",
"RETC" => "1",
"RHM" => "1",
"ROL" => "1",
"ROR" => "1",
"ROVM" => "1",
"RPT" => "1",
"RPTK" => "1",
"RSXM" => "1",
"RTC" => "1",
"RXF" => "1",
"SACH" => "1",
"SACL" => "1",
"SAR" => "1",
"SBRK" => "1",
"SC" => "1",
"SETC" => "1",
"SFL" => "1",
"SFR" => "1",
"SHM" => "1",
"SOVM" => "1",
"SPAC" => "1",
"SPH" => "1",
"SPL" => "1",
"SPLK" => "1",
"SPM" => "1",
"SQRA" => "1",
"SQRS" => "1",
"SST" => "1",
"SSXM" => "1",
"STC" => "1",
"SUB" => "1",
"SUBB" => "1",
"SUBC" => "1",
"SUBH" => "1",
"SUBK" => "1",
"SUBS" => "1",
"SUBT" => "1",
"SXF" => "1",
"TBLR" => "1",
"TBLW" => "1",
"TRAP" => "1",
"XOR" => "1",
"ZALR" => "1",
".align" => "2",
".asect" => "2",
".asg" => "2",
".bes" => "2",
".bfloat" => "2",
".blong" => "2",
".break" => "2",
".bss" => "2",
".byte" => "2",
".copy" => "2",
".data" => "2",
".def" => "2",
".double" => "2",
".drlist" => "2",
".drnolist" => "2",
".else" => "2",
".elseif" => "2",
".emsg" => "2",
".end" => "2",
".endif" => "2",
".endm" => "2",
".endloop" => "2",
".endstruct" => "2",
".equ" => "2",
".eval" => "2",
".even" => "2",
".fclist" => "2",
".fcnolist" => "2",
".field" => "2",
".float" => "2",
".global" => "2",
".hword" => "2",
".ieee" => "2",
".if" => "2",
".include" => "2",
".int" => "2",
".label" => "2",
".ldouble" => "2",
".length" => "2",
".list" => "2",
".long" => "2",
".loop" => "2",
".macro" => "2",
".mlib" => "2",
".mlist" => "2",
".mmregs" => "2",
".mmsg" => "2",
".mnolist" => "2",
".newblock" => "2",
".nolist" => "2",
".option" => "2",
".page" => "2",
".port" => "2",
".ref" => "2",
".regalias" => "2",
".sblock" => "2",
".sect" => "2",
".set" => "2",
".sfloat" => "2",
".space" => "2",
".sslist" => "2",
".ssnolist" => "2",
".start" => "2",
".string" => "2",
".struct" => "2",
".tab" => "2",
".tag" => "2",
".text" => "2",
".title" => "2",
".usect" => "2",
".version" => "2",
".width" => "2",
".wmsg" => "2",
".word" => "2",
"ACC" => "3",
"AR0" => "3",
"AR1" => "3",
"AR2" => "3",
"AR3" => "3",
"AR4" => "3",
"AR5" => "3",
"AR6" => "3",
"AR7" => "3",
"ARB" => "3",
"ARP" => "3",
"BIO" => "3",
"C" => "3",
"CNF" => "3",
"DP" => "3",
"EQ" => "3",
"GEQ" => "3",
"GT" => "3",
"INTM" => "3",
"LEQ" => "3",
"NC" => "3",
"NEQ" => "3",
"NOV" => "3",
"NTC" => "3",
"OV" => "3",
"OVM" => "3",
"PM" => "3",
"SP" => "3",
"ST" => "3",
"SXM" => "3",
"TC" => "3",
"XF" => "3",
"+" => "4",
"-" => "4",
"//" => "4",
"/" => "4",
"%" => "4",
"&" => "4",
">" => "4",
"<" => "4",
"^" => "4",
"!" => "4",
"|" => "4",
".cinit" => "5",
".const" => "5",
".stack" => "5",
".switch" => "5",
".sysmem" => "5",
".vector" => "5",
".vectors" => "5");
// Special extensions
// Each category can specify a PHP function that returns an altered
// version of the keyword.
$this->linkscripts = array(
"" => "donothing",
"4" => "donothing",
"1" => "donothing",
"2" => "donothing",
"3" => "donothing",
"5" => "donothing");

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: