ILIAS  Release_4_3_x_branch Revision 61807
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HFile_dbc Class Reference
+ Inheritance diagram for HFile_dbc:
+ Collaboration diagram for HFile_dbc:

Public Member Functions

 HFile_dbc ()
 donothing ($keywordin)
- Public Member Functions inherited from HFile
 HFile ()
 parse_file ($file)
 to_perl ($stub, $tofile=1)
 to_php ($stub, $tofile=1)
 _get_categories ()
 _dump_linkscripts ()
 _dump_perl_linkscripts ()
 _dump_perl_defaultscripts ()
 _dump_colours ()
 _dump_var ($variable, $name)
 _dump_array ($array, $name)
 _dump_perl_array ($array, $name)
 _dump_hash ($hash, $name)
 _dump_perl_hash ($hash, $name)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 5 of file HFile_dbc.php.

Member Function Documentation

HFile_dbc::donothing (   $keywordin)

Definition at line 426 of file HFile_dbc.php.

return $keywordin;
HFile_dbc::HFile_dbc ( )

Definition at line 6 of file HFile_dbc.php.

References HFile\HFile().

// Beautifier Highlighting Configuration File
// DB/C
// Flags
$this->nocase = "0";
$this->notrim = "0";
$this->perl = "0";
// Colours
$this->colours = array("blue", "purple", "brown", "purple");
$this->quotecolour = "blue";
$this->blockcommentcolour = "green";
$this->linecommentcolour = "green";
// Indent Strings
$this->indent = array("Then");
$this->unindent = array("End", "Next", "End If", "End Select");
// String characters and delimiters
$this->stringchars = array();
$this->delimiters = array();
$this->escchar = "";
// Comment settings
$this->linecommenton = array("");
$this->blockcommenton = array("");
$this->blockcommentoff = array("");
// Keywords (keyword mapping to colour number)
$this->keywords = array(
"Abs" => "1",
"Add" => "1",
"Aimdex" => "1",
"Append" => "1",
"Arccos" => "1",
"Arcsin" => "1",
"Arctan" => "1",
"Beep" => "1",
"Build" => "1",
"Bump" => "1",
"Change" => "1",
"Charrestore" => "1",
"Charsave" => "1",
"Check10" => "1",
"Check11" => "1",
"Chop" => "1",
"Clear" => "1",
"Clearadr" => "1",
"Clearendkey" => "1",
"Clearlabel" => "1",
"Clock" => "1",
"Close" => "1",
"Closeall" => "1",
"Cmatch" => "1",
"Cmove" => "1",
"Comclose" => "1",
"Comclr" => "1",
"Comctl" => "1",
"Comopen" => "1",
"Compare" => "1",
"Compareadr" => "1",
"Comtst" => "1",
"Comwait" => "1",
"Console" => "1",
"Copy" => "1",
"Cos" => "1",
"Count" => "1",
"Create" => "1",
"Debug" => "1",
"Default" => "1",
"Delete" => "1",
"Deletek" => "1",
"Destroy" => "1",
"Disable" => "1",
"Display" => "1",
"Divide" => "1",
"Draw" => "1",
"Edit" => "1",
"Empty" => "1",
"Enable" => "1",
"Encode" => "1",
"Endroutine" => "1",
"Endset" => "1",
"Erase" => "1",
"Execute" => "1",
"Exist" => "1",
"Exp" => "1",
"Extend" => "1",
"Filepi" => "1",
"Fill" => "1",
"Flagrestore" => "1",
"Flagsave" => "1",
"Flusheof" => "1",
"Format" => "1",
"Fposit" => "1",
"Get" => "1",
"Getcolor" => "1",
"Getcursor" => "1",
"Getendkey" => "1",
"Getglobal" => "1",
"GetLabel" => "1",
"Getmodules" => "1",
"Getname" => "1",
"Getparm" => "1",
"Getpostion" => "1",
"Getwindow" => "1",
"Hide" => "1",
"Index" => "1",
"Insert" => "1",
"Keyin" => "1",
"Label" => "1",
"Lcmove" => "1",
"Lenset" => "1",
"Link" => "1",
"List" => "1",
"Listend" => "1",
"Load" => "1",
"Loadadr" => "1",
"Loadlabel" => "1",
"Loadmod" => "1",
"Loadparm" => "1",
"Log" => "1",
"Log10" => "1",
"Lroutine" => "1",
"Make" => "1",
"Makeglobal" => "1",
"Makevar" => "1",
"Match" => "1",
"Mod" => "1",
"Move" => "1",
"Moveadr" => "1",
"Movefptr" => "1",
"Movelength" => "1",
"Movelptr" => "1",
"Movesize" => "1",
"Moveevl" => "1",
"Mult" => "1",
"Multiply" => "1",
"Nformat" => "1",
"Noeject" => "1",
"Noreturn" => "1",
"Open" => "1",
"Pack" => "1",
"Pause" => "1",
"Perform" => "1",
"Ploadmod" => "1",
"Popreturn" => "1",
"Power" => "1",
"Prep" => "1",
"Prepare" => "1",
"Print" => "1",
"Pushreturn" => "1",
"Put" => "1",
"Putfirst" => "1",
"Query" => "1",
"Read" => "1",
"Readgplk" => "1",
"Readkg" => "1",
"Readglk" => "1",
"Readkgp" => "1",
"Readkp" => "1",
"Readkplk" => "1",
"Readks" => "1",
"Readkslk" => "1",
"Readlk" => "1",
"Recv" => "1",
"Recvclr" => "1",
"Reformat" => "1",
"Release" => "1",
"Rename" => "1",
"Replace" => "1",
"Reposit" => "1",
"Reset" => "1",
"Resetparm" => "1",
"Restore" => "1",
"Retcount" => "1",
"Rollout" => "1",
"Routine" => "1",
"Save" => "1",
"Scan" => "1",
"Scrnrestore" => "1",
"Scrnsave" => "1",
"Scrnsize" => "1",
"Search" => "1",
"Send" => "1",
"Sendclr" => "1",
"Set" => "1",
"Setendkey" => "1",
"Setflag" => "1",
"Setlptr" => "1",
"Setnull" => "1",
"Sformat" => "1",
"Show" => "1",
"Shutdown" => "1",
"Sin" => "1",
"Sort" => "1",
"Sound" => "1",
"Splclose" => "1",
"Splopen" => "1",
"Splopt" => "1",
"Splcode" => "1",
"Splexec" => "1",
"Sqlmsg" => "1",
"Sqrt" => "1",
"Squeeze" => "1",
"Staterestore" => "1",
"Statesave" => "1",
"Statesize" => "1",
"Store" => "1",
"Storeadr" => "1",
"Storelabel" => "1",
"Sub" => "1",
"Subtract" => "1",
"Tabpage" => "1",
"Tan" => "1",
"Test" => "1",
"Testadr" => "1",
"Testlabel" => "1",
"Trapclr" => "1",
"Traprestore" => "1",
"Trapsave" => "1",
"Trapsize" => "1",
"Type" => "1",
"Unlink" => "1",
"Unload" => "1",
"Unlock" => "1",
"Unpack" => "1",
"Unpacklist" => "1",
"Updatab" => "1",
"Update" => "1",
"Wait" => "1",
"Weof" => "1",
"Winrest" => "1",
"Winrestore" => "1",
"Winsave" => "1",
"Winsize" => "1",
"Write" => "1",
"Writeab" => "1",
"Xor" => "1",
"@" => "1",
"Break" => "2",
"Branch" => "2",
"Call" => "2",
"Case" => "2",
"CCall" => "2",
"Chain" => "2",
"Continue" => "2",
"Else" => "2",
"Endif" => "2",
"Endswitch" => "2",
"External" => "2",
"For" => "2",
"Goto" => "2",
"If" => "2",
"IFNDEF" => "2",
"Inc" => "2",
"Loop" => "2",
"Movelabel" => "2",
"Movelv" => "2",
"Movevl" => "2",
"Return" => "2",
"Repeat" => "2",
"Stop" => "2",
"Switch" => "2",
"Trap" => "2",
"Until" => "2",
"While" => "2",
"\"" => "4",
"Binary" => "4",
"Cobol" => "4",
"Colorbits" => "4",
"Comp" => "4",
"Compressed" => "4",
"Data" => "4",
"Dup" => "4",
"Duplicates" => "4",
"Dynamic" => "4",
"Entries" => "4",
"Fix" => "4",
"Fixed" => "4",
"H" => "4",
"Increment" => "4",
"Initial" => "4",
"KeyLen" => "4",
"Keylength" => "4",
"Native" => "4",
"NoDup" => "4",
"NoDuplicates" => "4",
"Overlap" => "4",
"Parent" => "4",
"Size" => "4",
"Standard" => "4",
"Static" => "4",
"Text" => "4",
"Transient" => "4",
"UnComp" => "4",
"UnCompressed" => "4",
"V" => "4",
"Var" => "4",
"Variable" => "4",
"AFile" => "6",
"And" => "6",
"BKSPC" => "6",
"BKTAB" => "6",
"By" => "6",
"Char" => "6",
"Character" => "6",
"Class" => "6",
"ComFile" => "6",
"Cverb" => "6",
"Date" => "6",
"Definition" => "6",
"Device" => "6",
"Dim" => "6",
"DOWN" => "6",
"DEFINE" => "6",
"END" => "6",
"Endcalss" => "6",
"EOS" => "6",
"Equal" => "6",
"Equ" => "6",
"Equate" => "6",
"ESC" => "6",
"File" => "6",
"Float" => "6",
"Form" => "6",
"From" => "6",
"Gchar" => "6",
"Giving" => "6",
"Gnumber" => "6",
"Ginteger" => "6",
"Gfloat" => "6",
"Gobject" => "6",
"GDevice" => "6",
"Greater" => "6",
"Gresource" => "6",
"Gimage" => "6",
"Gqueue" => "6",
"Gpfile" => "6",
"GNum" => "6",
"GForm" => "6",
"GCharacter" => "6",
"GDim" => "6",
"HOME" => "6",
"IFile" => "6",
"Image" => "6",
"In" => "6",
"Into" => "6",
"Init" => "6",
"Integer" => "6",
"Int" => "6",
"LEFT" => "6",
"Less" => "6",
"Like" => "6",
"Method" => "6",
"Module" => "6",
"Names" => "6",
"Nocase" => "6",
"Noreset" => "6",
"Not" => "6",
"Num" => "6",
"Number" => "6",
"Object" => "6",
"Over" => "6",
"Or" => "6",
"PFile" => "6",
"Prior" => "6",
"Queue" => "6",
"Record" => "6",
"Recordend" => "6",
"Resource" => "6",
"RIGHT" => "6",
"TAB" => "6",
"Time" => "6",
"To" => "6",
"Timestamp" => "6",
"UP" => "6",
"Using" => "6",
"Varlist" => "6",
"Verb" => "6",
"With" => "6",
"+" => "6",
"-" => "6",
"=" => "6",
"//" => "6",
"/" => "6",
"%" => "6",
"&" => "6",
">" => "6",
"<" => "6",
"^" => "6",
"!" => "6",
"|" => "6",
"(" => "6",
")" => "6");
// Special extensions
// Each category can specify a PHP function that returns an altered
// version of the keyword.
$this->linkscripts = array(
"1" => "donothing",
"2" => "donothing",
"4" => "donothing",
"6" => "donothing");

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: