ILIAS  Release_4_3_x_branch Revision 61807
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HFile_javatimeiq Class Reference
+ Inheritance diagram for HFile_javatimeiq:
+ Collaboration diagram for HFile_javatimeiq:

Public Member Functions

 HFile_javatimeiq ()
 donothing ($keywordin)
- Public Member Functions inherited from HFile
 HFile ()
 parse_file ($file)
 to_perl ($stub, $tofile=1)
 to_php ($stub, $tofile=1)
 _get_categories ()
 _dump_linkscripts ()
 _dump_perl_linkscripts ()
 _dump_perl_defaultscripts ()
 _dump_colours ()
 _dump_var ($variable, $name)
 _dump_array ($array, $name)
 _dump_perl_array ($array, $name)
 _dump_hash ($hash, $name)
 _dump_perl_hash ($hash, $name)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 5 of file HFile_javatimeiq.php.

Member Function Documentation

HFile_javatimeiq::donothing (   $keywordin)

Definition at line 1586 of file HFile_javatimeiq.php.

return $keywordin;
HFile_javatimeiq::HFile_javatimeiq ( )

Definition at line 6 of file HFile_javatimeiq.php.

References HFile\HFile().

// Beautifier Highlighting Configuration File
// Java 1.2 with FAME TimeIQ
// Flags
$this->nocase = "0";
$this->notrim = "0";
$this->perl = "0";
// Colours
$this->colours = array("blue", "purple", "gray");
$this->quotecolour = "blue";
$this->blockcommentcolour = "green";
$this->linecommentcolour = "green";
// Indent Strings
$this->indent = array("{");
$this->unindent = array("}");
// String characters and delimiters
$this->stringchars = array();
$this->delimiters = array("~", "!", "@", "%", "^", "&", "*", "(", ")", "-", "+", "=", "|", "\\", "/", "{", "}", "[", "]", ":", ";", "\"", "'", "<", ">", " ", ",", " ", ".", "?");
$this->escchar = "";
// Comment settings
$this->linecommenton = array("//");
$this->blockcommenton = array("/*");
$this->blockcommentoff = array("*/");
// Keywords (keyword mapping to colour number)
$this->keywords = array(
"abstract" => "1",
"break" => "1",
"byte" => "1",
"boolean" => "1",
"catch" => "1",
"case" => "1",
"class" => "1",
"char" => "1",
"continue" => "1",
"default" => "1",
"double" => "1",
"do" => "1",
"else" => "1",
"extends" => "1",
"false" => "1",
"final" => "1",
"float" => "1",
"for" => "1",
"finally" => "1",
"if" => "1",
"import" => "1",
"implements" => "1",
"int" => "1",
"interface" => "1",
"instanceof" => "1",
"long" => "1",
"length" => "1",
"native" => "1",
"new" => "1",
"null" => "1",
"package" => "1",
"private" => "1",
"protected" => "1",
"public" => "1",
"return" => "1",
"switch" => "1",
"synchronized" => "1",
"short" => "1",
"static" => "1",
"super" => "1",
"try" => "1",
"true" => "1",
"this" => "1",
"throw" => "1",
"throws" => "1",
"threadsafe" => "1",
"transient" => "1",
"void" => "1",
"while" => "1",
"AbstractAction" => "2",
"AbstractBorder" => "2",
"AbstractButton" => "2",
"AbstractCollection" => "2",
"AbstractDocument" => "2",
"AbstractLayoutCache" => "2",
"AbstractList" => "2",
"AbstractListModel" => "2",
"AbstractMap" => "2",
"AbstractMethodError" => "2",
"AbstractSequentialList" => "2",
"AbstractSet" => "2",
"AbstractTableModel" => "2",
"AbstractUndoableEdit" => "2",
"AbstractWriter" => "2",
"AccessControlContext" => "2",
"AccessControlException" => "2",
"AccessController" => "2",
"AccessException" => "2",
"Accessible" => "2",
"AccessibleAction" => "2",
"AccessibleBundle" => "2",
"AccessibleComponent" => "2",
"AccessibleContext" => "2",
"AccessibleHyperlink" => "2",
"AccessibleHypertext" => "2",
"AccessibleObject" => "2",
"AccessibleResourceBundle" => "2",
"AccessibleRole" => "2",
"AccessibleSelection" => "2",
"AccessibleState" => "2",
"AccessibleStateSet" => "2",
"AccessibleText" => "2",
"AccessibleValue" => "2",
"Acl" => "2",
"AclEntry" => "2",
"AclNotFoundException" => "2",
"Action" => "2",
"ActionEvent" => "2",
"ActionListener" => "2",
"Activatable" => "2",
"ActivateFailedException" => "2",
"ActivationDesc" => "2",
"ActivationException" => "2",
"ActivationGroup" => "2",
"ActivationGroupDesc" => "2",
"ActivationGroupID" => "2",
"ActivationID" => "2",
"ActivationInstantiator" => "2",
"ActivationMonitor" => "2",
"ActivationSystem" => "2",
"Activator" => "2",
"ActiveEvent" => "2",
"Adjustable" => "2",
"AdjustmentEvent" => "2",
"AdjustmentListener" => "2",
"Adler32" => "2",
"AffineTransform" => "2",
"AffineTransformOp" => "2",
"AlgorithmParameterGenerator" => "2",
"AlgorithmParameterGeneratorSpi" => "2",
"AlgorithmParameters" => "2",
"AlgorithmParameterSpec" => "2",
"AlgorithmParametersSpi" => "2",
"AliasDef" => "2",
"AllPermission" => "2",
"AlphaComposite" => "2",
"AlreadyBound" => "2",
"AlreadyBoundException" => "2",
"AlreadyBoundHelper" => "2",
"AlreadyBoundHolder" => "2",
"AncestorEvent" => "2",
"AncestorListener" => "2",
"Annotation" => "2",
"Any" => "2",
"AnyHolder" => "2",
"Applet" => "2",
"AppletContext" => "2",
"AppletInitializer" => "2",
"AppletStub" => "2",
"ApplicationException" => "2",
"Arc2D" => "2",
"Area" => "2",
"AreaAveragingScaleFilter" => "2",
"ARG_IN" => "2",
"ARG_INOUT" => "2",
"ARG_OUT" => "2",
"ArithmeticException" => "2",
"Array" => "2",
"ArrayDef" => "2",
"ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException" => "2",
"ArrayList" => "2",
"Arrays" => "2",
"ArrayStoreException" => "2",
"AttributedCharacterIterator" => "2",
"AttributeDef" => "2",
"AttributeDescription" => "2",
"AttributedString" => "2",
"AttributeMode" => "2",
"Attributes" => "2",
"AttributeSet" => "2",
"AudioClip" => "2",
"Authenticator" => "2",
"Autoscroll" => "2",
"AWTError" => "2",
"AWTEvent" => "2",
"AWTEventMulticaster" => "2",
"AWTException" => "2",
"AWTPermission" => "2",
"BAD_CONTEXT" => "2",
"BAD_INV_ORDER" => "2",
"BAD_PARAM" => "2",
"BAD_TYPECODE" => "2",
"BadKind" => "2",
"BadLocationException" => "2",
"BandCombineOp" => "2",
"BandedSampleModel" => "2",
"BasicPermission" => "2",
"BasicStroke" => "2",
"BatchUpdateException" => "2",
"BeanContext" => "2",
"BeanContextAddedEvent" => "2",
"BeanContextChild" => "2",
"BeanContextChildSupport" => "2",
"BeanContextContainer" => "2",
"BeanContextEvent" => "2",
"BeanContextMembershipEvent" => "2",
"BeanContextMembershipListener" => "2",
"BeanContextRemovedEvent" => "2",
"BeanContextServiceAvailableEvent" => "2",
"BeanContextServiceProvider" => "2",
"BeanContextServiceRevokedEvent" => "2",
"BeanContextServiceRevokedListener" => "2",
"BeanContextServices" => "2",
"BeanContextServicesListener" => "2",
"BeanContextServicesSupport" => "2",
"BeanContextSupport" => "2",
"BeanDescriptor" => "2",
"BeanInfo" => "2",
"Beans" => "2",
"BevelBorder" => "2",
"BigDecimal" => "2",
"BigInteger" => "2",
"BindException" => "2",
"Binding" => "2",
"BindingHelper" => "2",
"BindingHolder" => "2",
"BindingIterator" => "2",
"BindingIteratorHelper" => "2",
"BindingIteratorHolder" => "2",
"BindingListHelper" => "2",
"BindingListHolder" => "2",
"BindingType" => "2",
"BindingTypeHelper" => "2",
"BindingTypeHolder" => "2",
"BitSet" => "2",
"Blob" => "2",
"BlockView" => "2",
"Book" => "2",
"Boolean" => "2",
"BooleanHolder" => "2",
"Border" => "2",
"BorderFactory" => "2",
"BorderLayout" => "2",
"BorderUIResource" => "2",
"BoundedRangeModel" => "2",
"Bounds" => "2",
"Box" => "2",
"BoxLayout" => "2",
"BoxView" => "2",
"BreakIterator" => "2",
"BufferedImage" => "2",
"BufferedImageFilter" => "2",
"BufferedImageOp" => "2",
"BufferedInputStream" => "2",
"BufferedOutputStream" => "2",
"BufferedReader" => "2",
"BufferedWriter" => "2",
"Button" => "2",
"ButtonGroup" => "2",
"ButtonModel" => "2",
"ButtonUI" => "2",
"Byte" => "2",
"ByteArrayInputStream" => "2",
"ByteArrayOutputStream" => "2",
"ByteHolder" => "2",
"ByteLookupTable" => "2",
"Calendar" => "2",
"CallableStatement" => "2",
"CannotProceed" => "2",
"CannotProceedHelper" => "2",
"CannotProceedHolder" => "2",
"CannotRedoException" => "2",
"CannotUndoException" => "2",
"Canvas" => "2",
"CardLayout" => "2",
"Caret" => "2",
"CaretEvent" => "2",
"CaretListener" => "2",
"CellEditor" => "2",
"CellEditorListener" => "2",
"CellRendererPane" => "2",
"Certificate" => "2",
"CertificateEncodingException" => "2",
"CertificateException" => "2",
"CertificateExpiredException" => "2",
"CertificateFactory" => "2",
"CertificateFactorySpi" => "2",
"CertificateNotYetValidException" => "2",
"CertificateParsingException" => "2",
"ChangeEvent" => "2",
"ChangeListener" => "2",
"Character" => "2",
"CharacterIterator" => "2",
"CharArrayReader" => "2",
"CharArrayWriter" => "2",
"CharConversionException" => "2",
"CharHolder" => "2",
"Checkbox" => "2",
"CheckboxGroup" => "2",
"CheckboxMenuItem" => "2",
"CheckedInputStream" => "2",
"CheckedOutputStream" => "2",
"Checksum" => "2",
"Choice" => "2",
"ChoiceFormat" => "2",
"Class" => "2",
"ClassCastException" => "2",
"ClassCircularityError" => "2",
"ClassFormatError" => "2",
"ClassLoader" => "2",
"ClassNotFoundException" => "2",
"Clipboard" => "2",
"ClipboardOwner" => "2",
"Clob" => "2",
"Cloneable" => "2",
"CloneNotSupportedException" => "2",
"CMMException" => "2",
"CodeSource" => "2",
"CollationElementIterator" => "2",
"CollationKey" => "2",
"Collator" => "2",
"Collection" => "2",
"Collections" => "2",
"Color" => "2",
"ColorChooserUI" => "2",
"ColorConvertOp" => "2",
"ColorModel" => "2",
"ColorSpace" => "2",
"ColorUIResource" => "2",
"ComboBoxEditor" => "2",
"ComboBoxModel" => "2",
"ComboBoxUI" => "2",
"COMM_FAILURE" => "2",
"Comparable" => "2",
"Comparator" => "2",
"Compiler" => "2",
"CompletionStatus" => "2",
"Component" => "2",
"ComponentAdapter" => "2",
"ComponentColorModel" => "2",
"ComponentEvent" => "2",
"ComponentListener" => "2",
"ComponentOrientation" => "2",
"ComponentSampleModel" => "2",
"ComponentUI" => "2",
"ComponentView" => "2",
"Composite" => "2",
"CompositeContext" => "2",
"CompositeView" => "2",
"CompoundBorder" => "2",
"CompoundEdit" => "2",
"ConcurrentModificationException" => "2",
"ConnectException" => "2",
"ConnectIOException" => "2",
"Connection" => "2",
"ConstantDef" => "2",
"ConstantDescription" => "2",
"ConstructionPolicy" => "2",
"Constructor" => "2",
"Contained" => "2",
"Container" => "2",
"ContainerAdapter" => "2",
"ContainerEvent" => "2",
"ContainerListener" => "2",
"ContentHandler" => "2",
"ContentHandlerFactory" => "2",
"Context" => "2",
"ContextList" => "2",
"ContextualRenderedImageFactory" => "2",
"ConvolveOp" => "2",
"CRC32" => "2",
"CRL" => "2",
"CRLException" => "2",
"CropImageFilter" => "2",
"CSS" => "2",
"CubicCurve2D" => "2",
"Current" => "2",
"Cursor" => "2",
"Customizer" => "2",
"DatabaseMetaData" => "2",
"DataBuffer" => "2",
"DataBufferByte" => "2",
"DataBufferInt" => "2",
"DataBufferShort" => "2",
"DataBufferUShort" => "2",
"DataFlavor" => "2",
"DataFormatException" => "2",
"DatagramPacket" => "2",
"DatagramSocket" => "2",
"DatagramSocketImpl" => "2",
"DataInput" => "2",
"DataInputStream" => "2",
"DataOutput" => "2",
"DataOutputStream" => "2",
"DataTruncation" => "2",
"Date" => "2",
"DateFormat" => "2",
"DateFormatSymbols" => "2",
"DebugGraphics" => "2",
"DecimalFormat" => "2",
"DecimalFormatSymbols" => "2",
"DefaultBoundedRangeModel" => "2",
"DefaultButtonModel" => "2",
"DefaultCaret" => "2",
"DefaultCellEditor" => "2",
"DefaultComboBoxModel" => "2",
"DefaultDesktopManager" => "2",
"DefaultEditorKit" => "2",
"DefaultFocusManager" => "2",
"DefaultHighlighter" => "2",
"DefaultListCellRenderer" => "2",
"DefaultListModel" => "2",
"DefaultListSelectionModel" => "2",
"DefaultMutableTreeNode" => "2",
"DefaultSingleSelectionModel" => "2",
"DefaultStyledDocument" => "2",
"DefaultTableCellRenderer" => "2",
"DefaultTableColumnModel" => "2",
"DefaultTableModel" => "2",
"DefaultTextUI" => "2",
"DefaultTreeCellEditor" => "2",
"DefaultTreeCellRenderer" => "2",
"DefaultTreeModel" => "2",
"DefaultTreeSelectionModel" => "2",
"DefinitionKind" => "2",
"Deflater" => "2",
"DeflaterOutputStream" => "2",
"Delegate" => "2",
"Description" => "2",
"DesignMode" => "2",
"DesktopIconUI" => "2",
"DesktopManager" => "2",
"DesktopPaneUI" => "2",
"DGC" => "2",
"Dialog" => "2",
"Dictionary" => "2",
"DigestException" => "2",
"DigestInputStream" => "2",
"DigestOutputStream" => "2",
"Dimension" => "2",
"Dimension2D" => "2",
"DimensionUIResource" => "2",
"DirectColorModel" => "2",
"DnDConstants" => "2",
"Document" => "2",
"DocumentEvent" => "2",
"DocumentListener" => "2",
"DomainManager" => "2",
"Double" => "2",
"DoubleHolder" => "2",
"DragGestureEvent" => "2",
"DragGestureListener" => "2",
"DragGestureRecognizer" => "2",
"DragSource" => "2",
"DragSourceContext" => "2",
"DragSourceDragEvent" => "2",
"DragSourceDropEvent" => "2",
"DragSourceEvent" => "2",
"DragSourceListener" => "2",
"Driver" => "2",
"DriverManager" => "2",
"DriverPropertyInfo" => "2",
"DropTarget" => "2",
"DropTargetContext" => "2",
"DropTargetDragEvent" => "2",
"DropTargetDropEvent" => "2",
"DropTargetEvent" => "2",
"DropTargetListener" => "2",
"DSAKey" => "2",
"DSAKeyPairGenerator" => "2",
"DSAParameterSpec" => "2",
"DSAParams" => "2",
"DSAPrivateKey" => "2",
"DSAPrivateKeySpec" => "2",
"DSAPublicKey" => "2",
"DSAPublicKeySpec" => "2",
"DynamicImplementation" => "2",
"DynAny" => "2",
"DynArray" => "2",
"DynEnum" => "2",
"DynFixed" => "2",
"DynSequence" => "2",
"DynStruct" => "2",
"DynUnion" => "2",
"DynValue" => "2",
"EditorKit" => "2",
"Element" => "2",
"ElementIterator" => "2",
"Ellipse2D" => "2",
"EmptyBorder" => "2",
"EmptyStackException" => "2",
"EncodedKeySpec" => "2",
"EnumDef" => "2",
"Enumeration" => "2",
"Environment" => "2",
"EOFException" => "2",
"Error" => "2",
"EtchedBorder" => "2",
"Event" => "2",
"EventListener" => "2",
"EventListenerList" => "2",
"EventObject" => "2",
"EventQueue" => "2",
"EventQueueListener" => "2",
"EventSetDescriptor" => "2",
"Exception" => "2",
"ExceptionDef" => "2",
"ExceptionDescription" => "2",
"ExceptionInInitializerError" => "2",
"ExceptionList" => "2",
"ExpandVetoException" => "2",
"ExportException" => "2",
"Externalizable" => "2",
"FeatureDescriptor" => "2",
"Field" => "2",
"FieldPosition" => "2",
"FieldView" => "2",
"File" => "2",
"FileChooserUI" => "2",
"FileDescriptor" => "2",
"FileDialog" => "2",
"FileFilter" => "2",
"FileInputStream" => "2",
"FilenameFilter" => "2",
"FileNameMap" => "2",
"FileNotFoundException" => "2",
"FileOutputStream" => "2",
"FilePermission" => "2",
"FileReader" => "2",
"FileWriter" => "2",
"FilteredImageSource" => "2",
"FilterInputStream" => "2",
"FilterOutputStream" => "2",
"FilterReader" => "2",
"FilterWriter" => "2",
"FixedHeightLayoutCache" => "2",
"FixedHolder" => "2",
"FlatteningPathIterator" => "2",
"FlavorMap" => "2",
"Float" => "2",
"FloatHolder" => "2",
"FlowLayout" => "2",
"FocusAdapter" => "2",
"FocusEvent" => "2",
"FocusListener" => "2",
"FocusManager" => "2",
"Font" => "2",
"FontMetrics" => "2",
"FontRenderContext" => "2",
"FontUIResource" => "2",
"Format" => "2",
"Frame" => "2",
"FREE_MEM" => "2",
"FullInterfaceDescription" => "2",
"GapContent" => "2",
"GeneralPath" => "2",
"GeneralSecurityException" => "2",
"GlyphJustificationInfo" => "2",
"GlyphMetrics" => "2",
"GlyphVector" => "2",
"GradientPaint" => "2",
"GraphicAttribute" => "2",
"Graphics" => "2",
"Graphics2D" => "2",
"GraphicsConfigTemplate" => "2",
"GraphicsConfiguration" => "2",
"GraphicsDevice" => "2",
"GraphicsEnvironment" => "2",
"GrayFilter" => "2",
"GregorianCalendar" => "2",
"GridBagConstraints" => "2",
"GridBagLayout" => "2",
"GridLayout" => "2",
"Group" => "2",
"Guard" => "2",
"GuardedObject" => "2",
"GZIPInputStream" => "2",
"GZIPOutputStream" => "2",
"HashMap" => "2",
"HashSet" => "2",
"Hashtable" => "2",
"Highlighter" => "2",
"HTML" => "2",
"HTMLDocument" => "2",
"HTMLEditorKit" => "2",
"HTMLWriter" => "2",
"HttpURLConnection" => "2",
"HyperlinkEvent" => "2",
"HyperlinkListener" => "2",
"ICC_ColorSpace" => "2",
"ICC_Profile" => "2",
"ICC_ProfileGray" => "2",
"ICC_ProfileRGB" => "2",
"Icon" => "2",
"IconUIResource" => "2",
"IconView" => "2",
"Identity" => "2",
"IdentityScope" => "2",
"IDLType" => "2",
"IllegalAccessError" => "2",
"IllegalAccessException" => "2",
"IllegalArgumentException" => "2",
"IllegalComponentStateException" => "2",
"IllegalMonitorStateException" => "2",
"IllegalPathStateException" => "2",
"IllegalStateException" => "2",
"IllegalThreadStateException" => "2",
"Image" => "2",
"ImageConsumer" => "2",
"ImageFilter" => "2",
"ImageFormatException" => "2",
"ImageGraphicAttribute" => "2",
"ImageIcon" => "2",
"ImageObserver" => "2",
"ImageProducer" => "2",
"ImagingOpException" => "2",
"IMP_LIMIT" => "2",
"ImplementationDef" => "2",
"IncompatibleClassChangeError" => "2",
"IndexColorModel" => "2",
"IndexedPropertyDescriptor" => "2",
"IndexOutOfBoundsException" => "2",
"InetAddress" => "2",
"Inflater" => "2",
"InflaterInputStream" => "2",
"InheritableThreadLocal" => "2",
"INITIALIZE" => "2",
"Initializer" => "2",
"InitializerDef" => "2",
"InlineView" => "2",
"InputContext" => "2",
"InputEvent" => "2",
"InputMethodEvent" => "2",
"InputMethodHighlight" => "2",
"InputMethodListener" => "2",
"InputMethodRequests" => "2",
"InputStream" => "2",
"InputStreamReader" => "2",
"Insets" => "2",
"InsetsUIResource" => "2",
"InstantiationError" => "2",
"InstantiationException" => "2",
"Integer" => "2",
"InterfaceDef" => "2",
"InterfaceDescription" => "2",
"INTERNAL" => "2",
"InternalError" => "2",
"InternalFrameAdapter" => "2",
"InternalFrameEvent" => "2",
"InternalFrameListener" => "2",
"InternalFrameUI" => "2",
"InterruptedException" => "2",
"InterruptedIOException" => "2",
"INTF_REPOS" => "2",
"IntHolder" => "2",
"IntrospectionException" => "2",
"Introspector" => "2",
"INV_FLAG" => "2",
"INV_IDENT" => "2",
"INV_OBJREF" => "2",
"InvalidAlgorithmParameterException" => "2",
"InvalidClassException" => "2",
"InvalidDnDOperationException" => "2",
"InvalidKeyException" => "2",
"InvalidKeySpecException" => "2",
"InvalidName" => "2",
"InvalidNameHelper" => "2",
"InvalidNameHolder" => "2",
"InvalidObjectException" => "2",
"InvalidParameterException" => "2",
"InvalidParameterSpecException" => "2",
"InvocationEvent" => "2",
"InvocationTargetException" => "2",
"InvokeHandler" => "2",
"IOException" => "2",
"IRObject" => "2",
"IstringHelper" => "2",
"ItemEvent" => "2",
"ItemListener" => "2",
"ItemSelectable" => "2",
"Iterator" => "2",
"JApplet" => "2",
"JarEntry" => "2",
"JarException" => "2",
"JarFile" => "2",
"JarInputStream" => "2",
"JarOutputStream" => "2",
"JarURLConnection" => "2",
"JButton" => "2",
"JCheckBox" => "2",
"JCheckBoxMenuItem" => "2",
"JColorChooser" => "2",
"JComboBox" => "2",
"JComponent" => "2",
"JDesktopPane" => "2",
"JDialog" => "2",
"JEditorPane" => "2",
"JFileChooser" => "2",
"JFrame" => "2",
"JInternalFrame" => "2",
"JLabel" => "2",
"JLayeredPane" => "2",
"JList" => "2",
"JMenu" => "2",
"JMenuBar" => "2",
"JMenuItem" => "2",
"JOptionPane" => "2",
"JPanel" => "2",
"JPasswordField" => "2",
"JPEGCodec" => "2",
"JPEGDecodeParam" => "2",
"JPEGEncodeParam" => "2",
"JPEGHuffmanTable" => "2",
"JPEGImageDecoder" => "2",
"JPEGImageEncoder" => "2",
"JPEGQTable" => "2",
"JPopupMenu" => "2",
"JProgressBar" => "2",
"JRadioButton" => "2",
"JRadioButtonMenuItem" => "2",
"JRootPane" => "2",
"JScrollBar" => "2",
"JScrollPane" => "2",
"JSeparator" => "2",
"JSlider" => "2",
"JSplitPane" => "2",
"JTabbedPane" => "2",
"JTable" => "2",
"JTableHeader" => "2",
"JTextArea" => "2",
"JTextComponent" => "2",
"JTextField" => "2",
"JTextPane" => "2",
"JToggleButton" => "2",
"JToolBar" => "2",
"JToolTip" => "2",
"JTree" => "2",
"JViewport" => "2",
"JWindow" => "2",
"Kernel" => "2",
"Key" => "2",
"KeyAdapter" => "2",
"KeyEvent" => "2",
"KeyException" => "2",
"KeyFactory" => "2",
"KeyFactorySpi" => "2",
"KeyListener" => "2",
"KeyManagementException" => "2",
"Keymap" => "2",
"KeyPair" => "2",
"KeyPairGenerator" => "2",
"KeyPairGeneratorSpi" => "2",
"KeySpec" => "2",
"KeyStore" => "2",
"KeyStoreException" => "2",
"KeyStoreSpi" => "2",
"KeyStroke" => "2",
"Label" => "2",
"LabelUI" => "2",
"LabelView" => "2",
"LastOwnerException" => "2",
"LayoutManager" => "2",
"LayoutManager2" => "2",
"Lease" => "2",
"Line2D" => "2",
"LineBorder" => "2",
"LineBreakMeasurer" => "2",
"LineMetrics" => "2",
"LineNumberInputStream" => "2",
"LineNumberReader" => "2",
"LinkageError" => "2",
"LinkedList" => "2",
"List" => "2",
"ListCellRenderer" => "2",
"ListDataEvent" => "2",
"ListDataListener" => "2",
"ListIterator" => "2",
"ListModel" => "2",
"ListResourceBundle" => "2",
"ListSelectionEvent" => "2",
"ListSelectionListener" => "2",
"ListSelectionModel" => "2",
"ListUI" => "2",
"ListView" => "2",
"LoaderHandler" => "2",
"Locale" => "2",
"LocateRegistry" => "2",
"LogStream" => "2",
"Long" => "2",
"LongHolder" => "2",
"LookAndFeel" => "2",
"LookupOp" => "2",
"LookupTable" => "2",
"MalformedURLException" => "2",
"Manifest" => "2",
"Map" => "2",
"MARSHAL" => "2",
"MarshalException" => "2",
"MarshalledObject" => "2",
"Math" => "2",
"MatteBorder" => "2",
"MediaTracker" => "2",
"Member" => "2",
"MemoryImageSource" => "2",
"Menu" => "2",
"MenuBar" => "2",
"MenuBarUI" => "2",
"MenuComponent" => "2",
"MenuContainer" => "2",
"MenuDragMouseEvent" => "2",
"MenuDragMouseListener" => "2",
"MenuElement" => "2",
"MenuEvent" => "2",
"MenuItem" => "2",
"MenuItemUI" => "2",
"MenuKeyEvent" => "2",
"MenuKeyListener" => "2",
"MenuListener" => "2",
"MenuSelectionManager" => "2",
"MenuShortcut" => "2",
"MessageDigest" => "2",
"MessageDigestSpi" => "2",
"MessageFormat" => "2",
"Method" => "2",
"MethodDescriptor" => "2",
"MimeType" => "2",
"MimeTypeParameterList" => "2",
"MimeTypeParseException" => "2",
"MinimalHTMLWriter" => "2",
"MissingResourceException" => "2",
"Modifier" => "2",
"ModuleDef" => "2",
"ModuleDescription" => "2",
"MouseAdapter" => "2",
"MouseDragGestureRecognizer" => "2",
"MouseEvent" => "2",
"MouseInputAdapter" => "2",
"MouseInputListener" => "2",
"MouseListener" => "2",
"MouseMotionAdapter" => "2",
"MouseMotionListener" => "2",
"MulticastSocket" => "2",
"MultiPixelPackedSampleModel" => "2",
"MultipleMaster" => "2",
"MutableAttributeSet" => "2",
"MutableComboBoxModel" => "2",
"MutableTreeNode" => "2",
"NameComponent" => "2",
"NameComponentHelper" => "2",
"NameComponentHolder" => "2",
"NamedValue" => "2",
"NameHelper" => "2",
"NameHolder" => "2",
"NameValuePair" => "2",
"Naming" => "2",
"NamingContext" => "2",
"NamingContextHelper" => "2",
"NamingContextHolder" => "2",
"NegativeArraySizeException" => "2",
"NetPermission" => "2",
"NO_IMPLEMENT" => "2",
"NO_MEMORY" => "2",
"NO_RESOURCES" => "2",
"NO_RESPONSE" => "2",
"NoClassDefFoundError" => "2",
"NoninvertibleTransformException" => "2",
"NoRouteToHostException" => "2",
"NoSuchAlgorithmException" => "2",
"NoSuchElementException" => "2",
"NoSuchFieldError" => "2",
"NoSuchFieldException" => "2",
"NoSuchMethodError" => "2",
"NoSuchMethodException" => "2",
"NoSuchObjectException" => "2",
"NoSuchProviderException" => "2",
"NotActiveException" => "2",
"NotBoundException" => "2",
"NotEmpty" => "2",
"NotEmptyHelper" => "2",
"NotEmptyHolder" => "2",
"NotFound" => "2",
"NotFoundHelper" => "2",
"NotFoundHolder" => "2",
"NotFoundReason" => "2",
"NotFoundReasonHelper" => "2",
"NotFoundReasonHolder" => "2",
"NotOwnerException" => "2",
"NotSerializableException" => "2",
"NullPointerException" => "2",
"Number" => "2",
"NumberFormat" => "2",
"NumberFormatException" => "2",
"NVList" => "2",
"OBJ_ADAPTER" => "2",
"Object" => "2",
"ObjectHolder" => "2",
"ObjectImpl" => "2",
"ObjectInput" => "2",
"ObjectInputStream" => "2",
"ObjectInputValidation" => "2",
"ObjectOutput" => "2",
"ObjectOutputStream" => "2",
"ObjectStreamClass" => "2",
"ObjectStreamConstants" => "2",
"ObjectStreamException" => "2",
"ObjectStreamField" => "2",
"ObjID" => "2",
"Observable" => "2",
"Observer" => "2",
"OpenType" => "2",
"Operation" => "2",
"OperationDef" => "2",
"OperationDescription" => "2",
"OperationMode" => "2",
"OptionalDataException" => "2",
"OptionPaneUI" => "2",
"ORB" => "2",
"OutOfMemoryError" => "2",
"OutputStream" => "2",
"OutputStreamWriter" => "2",
"OverlayLayout" => "2",
"Owner" => "2",
"Package" => "2",
"PackedColorModel" => "2",
"Pageable" => "2",
"PageFormat" => "2",
"Paint" => "2",
"PaintContext" => "2",
"PaintEvent" => "2",
"Panel" => "2",
"PanelUI" => "2",
"Paper" => "2",
"ParagraphView" => "2",
"ParameterBlock" => "2",
"ParameterDescription" => "2",
"ParameterDescriptor" => "2",
"ParameterMode" => "2",
"ParseException" => "2",
"ParsePosition" => "2",
"PasswordAuthentication" => "2",
"PasswordView" => "2",
"PathIterator" => "2",
"Permission" => "2",
"PermissionCollection" => "2",
"Permissions" => "2",
"PhantomReference" => "2",
"PipedInputStream" => "2",
"PipedOutputStream" => "2",
"PipedReader" => "2",
"PipedWriter" => "2",
"PixelGrabber" => "2",
"PixelInterleavedSampleModel" => "2",
"PKCS8EncodedKeySpec" => "2",
"PlainDocument" => "2",
"PlainView" => "2",
"Point" => "2",
"Point2D" => "2",
"Policy" => "2",
"Polygon" => "2",
"PopupMenu" => "2",
"PopupMenuEvent" => "2",
"PopupMenuListener" => "2",
"PopupMenuUI" => "2",
"Position" => "2",
"PreparedStatement" => "2",
"PrimitiveDef" => "2",
"PrimitiveKind" => "2",
"Principal" => "2",
"PrincipalHolder" => "2",
"Printable" => "2",
"PrinterAbortException" => "2",
"PrinterException" => "2",
"PrinterGraphics" => "2",
"PrinterIOException" => "2",
"PrinterJob" => "2",
"PrintGraphics" => "2",
"PrintJob" => "2",
"PrintStream" => "2",
"PrintWriter" => "2",
"PRIVATE" => "2",
"PrivateKey" => "2",
"PrivilegedAction" => "2",
"PrivilegedActionException" => "2",
"PrivilegedExceptionAction" => "2",
"Process" => "2",
"ProfileDataException" => "2",
"ProgressBarUI" => "2",
"ProgressMonitor" => "2",
"ProgressMonitorInputStream" => "2",
"Properties" => "2",
"PropertyChangeEvent" => "2",
"PropertyChangeListener" => "2",
"PropertyChangeSupport" => "2",
"PropertyDescriptor" => "2",
"PropertyEditor" => "2",
"PropertyEditorManager" => "2",
"PropertyEditorSupport" => "2",
"PropertyPermission" => "2",
"PropertyResourceBundle" => "2",
"PropertyVetoException" => "2",
"ProtectionDomain" => "2",
"ProtocolException" => "2",
"Provider" => "2",
"ProviderException" => "2",
"PUBLIC" => "2",
"PublicKey" => "2",
"PushbackInputStream" => "2",
"PushbackReader" => "2",
"QuadCurve2D" => "2",
"Random" => "2",
"RandomAccessFile" => "2",
"Raster" => "2",
"RasterFormatException" => "2",
"RasterOp" => "2",
"Reader" => "2",
"Rectangle" => "2",
"Rectangle2D" => "2",
"RectangularShape" => "2",
"Ref" => "2",
"Reference" => "2",
"ReferenceQueue" => "2",
"ReflectPermission" => "2",
"Registry" => "2",
"RegistryHandler" => "2",
"Remote" => "2",
"RemoteCall" => "2",
"RemoteException" => "2",
"RemoteObject" => "2",
"RemoteRef" => "2",
"RemoteServer" => "2",
"RemoteStub" => "2",
"RenderableImage" => "2",
"RenderableImageOp" => "2",
"RenderableImageProducer" => "2",
"RenderContext" => "2",
"RenderedImage" => "2",
"RenderedImageFactory" => "2",
"Renderer" => "2",
"RenderingHints" => "2",
"RepaintManager" => "2",
"ReplicateScaleFilter" => "2",
"Repository" => "2",
"Request" => "2",
"RescaleOp" => "2",
"ResourceBundle" => "2",
"ResponseHandler" => "2",
"ResultSet" => "2",
"ResultSetMetaData" => "2",
"RGBImageFilter" => "2",
"RMIClassLoader" => "2",
"RMIClientSocketFactory" => "2",
"RMIFailureHandler" => "2",
"RMISecurityException" => "2",
"RMISecurityManager" => "2",
"RMIServerSocketFactory" => "2",
"RMISocketFactory" => "2",
"RootPaneContainer" => "2",
"RoundRectangle2D" => "2",
"RowMapper" => "2",
"RSAPrivateCrtKey" => "2",
"RSAPrivateCrtKeySpec" => "2",
"RSAPrivateKey" => "2",
"RSAPrivateKeySpec" => "2",
"RSAPublicKey" => "2",
"RSAPublicKeySpec" => "2",
"RTFEditorKit" => "2",
"RuleBasedCollator" => "2",
"Runnable" => "2",
"Runtime" => "2",
"RuntimeException" => "2",
"RuntimePermission" => "2",
"SampleModel" => "2",
"Scrollable" => "2",
"Scrollbar" => "2",
"ScrollBarUI" => "2",
"ScrollPane" => "2",
"ScrollPaneConstants" => "2",
"ScrollPaneLayout" => "2",
"ScrollPaneUI" => "2",
"SecureClassLoader" => "2",
"SecureRandom" => "2",
"SecureRandomSpi" => "2",
"Security" => "2",
"SecurityException" => "2",
"SecurityManager" => "2",
"SecurityPermission" => "2",
"Segment" => "2",
"SeparatorUI" => "2",
"SequenceDef" => "2",
"SequenceInputStream" => "2",
"Serializable" => "2",
"SerializablePermission" => "2",
"ServantObject" => "2",
"ServerCloneException" => "2",
"ServerError" => "2",
"ServerException" => "2",
"ServerNotActiveException" => "2",
"ServerRef" => "2",
"ServerRequest" => "2",
"ServerRuntimeException" => "2",
"ServerSocket" => "2",
"ServiceDetail" => "2",
"ServiceDetailHelper" => "2",
"ServiceDetailHolder" => "2",
"ServiceInformation" => "2",
"ServiceInformationHelper" => "2",
"ServiceInformationHolder" => "2",
"Set" => "2",
"SetOverrideType" => "2",
"Shape" => "2",
"ShapeGraphicAttribute" => "2",
"Short" => "2",
"ShortHolder" => "2",
"ShortLookupTable" => "2",
"Signature" => "2",
"SignatureException" => "2",
"SignatureSpi" => "2",
"SignedObject" => "2",
"Signer" => "2",
"SimpleAttributeSet" => "2",
"SimpleBeanInfo" => "2",
"SimpleDateFormat" => "2",
"SimpleTimeZone" => "2",
"SinglePixelPackedSampleModel" => "2",
"SingleSelectionModel" => "2",
"SizeRequirements" => "2",
"Skeleton" => "2",
"SkeletonMismatchException" => "2",
"SkeletonNotFoundException" => "2",
"SliderUI" => "2",
"Socket" => "2",
"SocketException" => "2",
"SocketImpl" => "2",
"SocketImplFactory" => "2",
"SocketOptions" => "2",
"SocketPermission" => "2",
"SocketSecurityException" => "2",
"SoftBevelBorder" => "2",
"SoftReference" => "2",
"SortedMap" => "2",
"SortedSet" => "2",
"SplitPaneUI" => "2",
"SQLData" => "2",
"SQLException" => "2",
"SQLInput" => "2",
"SQLOutput" => "2",
"SQLWarning" => "2",
"Stack" => "2",
"StackOverflowError" => "2",
"StateEdit" => "2",
"StateEditable" => "2",
"Statement" => "2",
"Streamable" => "2",
"StreamCorruptedException" => "2",
"StreamTokenizer" => "2",
"String" => "2",
"StringBuffer" => "2",
"StringBufferInputStream" => "2",
"StringCharacterIterator" => "2",
"StringContent" => "2",
"StringDef" => "2",
"StringHolder" => "2",
"StringIndexOutOfBoundsException" => "2",
"StringReader" => "2",
"StringSelection" => "2",
"StringTokenizer" => "2",
"StringWriter" => "2",
"Stroke" => "2",
"Struct" => "2",
"StructDef" => "2",
"StructMember" => "2",
"StubNotFoundException" => "2",
"Style" => "2",
"StyleConstants" => "2",
"StyleContext" => "2",
"StyledDocument" => "2",
"StyledEditorKit" => "2",
"StyleSheet" => "2",
"SwingConstants" => "2",
"SwingPropertyChangeSupport" => "2",
"SwingUtilities" => "2",
"SyncFailedException" => "2",
"System" => "2",
"SystemColor" => "2",
"SystemException" => "2",
"SystemFlavorMap" => "2",
"TabableView" => "2",
"TabbedPaneUI" => "2",
"TabExpander" => "2",
"TableCellEditor" => "2",
"TableCellRenderer" => "2",
"TableColumn" => "2",
"TableColumnModel" => "2",
"TableColumnModelEvent" => "2",
"TableColumnModelListener" => "2",
"TableHeaderUI" => "2",
"TableModel" => "2",
"TableModelEvent" => "2",
"TableModelListener" => "2",
"TableUI" => "2",
"TableView" => "2",
"TabSet" => "2",
"TabStop" => "2",
"TCKind" => "2",
"TextAction" => "2",
"TextArea" => "2",
"TextAttribute" => "2",
"TextComponent" => "2",
"TextEvent" => "2",
"TextField" => "2",
"TextHitInfo" => "2",
"TextLayout" => "2",
"TextListener" => "2",
"TextUI" => "2",
"TexturePaint" => "2",
"Thread" => "2",
"ThreadDeath" => "2",
"ThreadGroup" => "2",
"ThreadLocal" => "2",
"Throwable" => "2",
"TileObserver" => "2",
"Time" => "2",
"Timer" => "2",
"Timestamp" => "2",
"TimeZone" => "2",
"TitledBorder" => "2",
"ToolBarUI" => "2",
"Toolkit" => "2",
"ToolTipManager" => "2",
"ToolTipUI" => "2",
"TooManyListenersException" => "2",
"Transferable" => "2",
"TransformAttribute" => "2",
"TRANSIENT" => "2",
"Transparency" => "2",
"TreeCellEditor" => "2",
"TreeCellRenderer" => "2",
"TreeExpansionEvent" => "2",
"TreeExpansionListener" => "2",
"TreeMap" => "2",
"TreeModel" => "2",
"TreeModelEvent" => "2",
"TreeModelListener" => "2",
"TreeNode" => "2",
"TreePath" => "2",
"TreeSelectionEvent" => "2",
"TreeSelectionListener" => "2",
"TreeSelectionModel" => "2",
"TreeSet" => "2",
"TreeUI" => "2",
"TreeWillExpandListener" => "2",
"TruncatedFileException" => "2",
"TypeCode" => "2",
"TypeCodeHolder" => "2",
"TypedefDef" => "2",
"TypeDescription" => "2",
"Types" => "2",
"UID" => "2",
"UIDefaults" => "2",
"UIManager" => "2",
"UIResource" => "2",
"UndoableEdit" => "2",
"UndoableEditEvent" => "2",
"UndoableEditListener" => "2",
"UndoableEditSupport" => "2",
"UndoManager" => "2",
"UnexpectedException" => "2",
"UnicastRemoteObject" => "2",
"UnionDef" => "2",
"UnionMember" => "2",
"UNKNOWN" => "2",
"UnknownError" => "2",
"UnknownGroupException" => "2",
"UnknownHostException" => "2",
"UnknownObjectException" => "2",
"UnknownServiceException" => "2",
"UnknownUserException" => "2",
"UnmarshalException" => "2",
"UnrecoverableKeyException" => "2",
"Unreferenced" => "2",
"UnresolvedPermission" => "2",
"UnsatisfiedLinkError" => "2",
"UnsupportedEncodingException" => "2",
"UnsupportedFlavorException" => "2",
"UnsupportedLookAndFeelException" => "2",
"UnsupportedOperationException" => "2",
"URL" => "2",
"URLClassLoader" => "2",
"URLConnection" => "2",
"URLDecoder" => "2",
"URLEncoder" => "2",
"URLStreamHandler" => "2",
"URLStreamHandlerFactory" => "2",
"UserException" => "2",
"UTFDataFormatException" => "2",
"Utilities" => "2",
"ValueBoxDef" => "2",
"ValueDef" => "2",
"ValueDescription" => "2",
"ValueMember" => "2",
"ValueMemberDef" => "2",
"VariableHeightLayoutCache" => "2",
"Vector" => "2",
"VerifyError" => "2",
"VetoableChangeListener" => "2",
"VetoableChangeSupport" => "2",
"View" => "2",
"ViewFactory" => "2",
"ViewportLayout" => "2",
"ViewportUI" => "2",
"VirtualMachineError" => "2",
"Visibility" => "2",
"VMID" => "2",
"Void" => "2",
"WeakHashMap" => "2",
"WeakReference" => "2",
"Window" => "2",
"WindowAdapter" => "2",
"WindowConstants" => "2",
"WindowEvent" => "2",
"WindowListener" => "2",
"WrappedPlainView" => "2",
"WritableRaster" => "2",
"WritableRenderedImage" => "2",
"WriteAbortedException" => "2",
"Writer" => "2",
"WrongTransaction" => "2",
"X509Certificate" => "2",
"X509CRL" => "2",
"X509CRLEntry" => "2",
"X509EncodedKeySpec" => "2",
"X509Extension" => "2",
"ZipEntry" => "2",
"ZipException" => "2",
"ZipFile" => "2",
"ZipInputStream" => "2",
"ZipOutputStream" => "2",
"_BindingIteratorImplBase" => "2",
"_NamingContextImplBase" => "2",
"Abs" => "3",
"AbstractAnyAllFunctor" => "3",
"AbstractBinaryElementArithmeticFunctor" => "3",
"AbstractBinaryElementCalendarFunctor" => "3",
"AbstractBinaryElementCompareFunctor" => "3",
"AbstractBinaryElementFunctor" => "3",
"AbstractBinaryElementLogicalFunctor" => "3",
"AbstractBinaryFunctor" => "3",
"AbstractBinarySeriesFunctor" => "3",
"AbstractCompositeFunctor" => "3",
"AbstractEnumeratedType" => "3",
"AbstractFunctor" => "3",
"AbstractMultiElementFunctor" => "3",
"AbstractMultiFunctor" => "3",
"AbstractMultiIgnoreFunctor" => "3",
"AbstractSortFunctor" => "3",
"AbstractSortInRangeFunctor" => "3",
"AbstractSortToCaseFunctor" => "3",
"AbstractUnaryElementFunctor" => "3",
"AbstractUnaryElementStringFunctor" => "3",
"AbstractUnaryFunctor" => "3",
"AbstractUnaryIgnoreFunctor" => "3",
"AbstractUnarySeriesFunctor" => "3",
"AbstractUnarySeriesGrowthFunctor" => "3",
"Add" => "3",
"Agr" => "3",
"AgrMethod" => "3",
"AgrRate" => "3",
"AliasesNotAccessibleUchkException" => "3",
"All" => "3",
"And" => "3",
"Annpct" => "3",
"ArrayAdapter" => "3",
"Atan" => "3",
"Ave" => "3",
"BadStatusCodeUchkException" => "3",
"BadValueUchkException" => "3",
"BooleanList" => "3",
"ByteList" => "3",
"CalendarFormatUchkException" => "3",
"CalendarIterator" => "3",
"Cave" => "3",
"CfmStatusUchkException" => "3",
"ChartUchkException" => "3",
"Cmax" => "3",
"Cmin" => "3",
"ConnectionChkException" => "3",
"Corr" => "3",
"Cos" => "3",
"Cprod" => "3",
"CrossList" => "3",
"Csum" => "3",
"Ctot" => "3",
"DataObjectInfo" => "3",
"DataResource" => "3",
"DataResourceChkException" => "3",
"DataStore" => "3",
"DataStoreChkException" => "3",
"DataStoreSequence" => "3",
"DataStoreSequenceChkException" => "3",
"DataTypeChkException" => "3",
"DateAlignmentChkException" => "3",
"DateHelper" => "3",
"DateList" => "3",
"DateOverflowChkException" => "3",
"DateOverflowUchkException" => "3",
"Diff" => "3",
"DiscreteGrouping" => "3",
"DiscreteTieBreaker" => "3",
"Divide" => "3",
"DoubleList" => "3",
"EnumeratedTypeHelper" => "3",
"EQ" => "3",
"Exp" => "3",
"FameDbConnection" => "3",
"FameDbDataObjectInfo" => "3",
"FameDbDataStore" => "3",
"FameDbDataStoreChkException" => "3",
"FloatList" => "3",
"Functor" => "3",
"FunctorCalculationChkException" => "3",
"FunctorConsistencyChkException" => "3",
"FunctorHelper" => "3",
"GE" => "3",
"GetDataStoreChkException" => "3",
"GLOID" => "3",
"Growth" => "3",
"GT" => "3",
"IfThenElse" => "3",
"IllegalArgumentUchkException" => "3",
"IncompatibleObjectChkException" => "3",
"IndexBy" => "3",
"IndexValueRange" => "3",
"IndexValues" => "3",
"InternalErrorUchkException" => "3",
"Interp" => "3",
"InterpMethod" => "3",
"IntList" => "3",
"IsMissing" => "3",
"Lave" => "3",
"LE" => "3",
"Left" => "3",
"Length" => "3",
"LicenseExpiredUchkException" => "3",
"Lmax" => "3",
"Lmin" => "3",
"Location" => "3",
"Log" => "3",
"Log10" => "3",
"LongList" => "3",
"Lower" => "3",
"Lprod" => "3",
"Lstddev" => "3",
"Lsum" => "3",
"LT" => "3",
"Ltrim" => "3",
"Lvar" => "3",
"Mave" => "3",
"Mavec" => "3",
"Max" => "3",
"McadbsConnection" => "3",
"Mcorr" => "3",
"Min" => "3",
"Minus" => "3",
"Mirror" => "3",
"MissingTreatment" => "3",
"Mmax" => "3",
"Mmin" => "3",
"Mod" => "3",
"Mprod" => "3",
"Mstddev" => "3",
"Msum" => "3",
"Multiply" => "3",
"Mvar" => "3",
"Namelist" => "3",
"NE" => "3",
"Not" => "3",
"NotFoundChkException" => "3",
"ObjectChangedChkException" => "3",
"ObjectClassChkException" => "3",
"ObjectExistsChkException" => "3",
"ObjectList" => "3",
"Observation" => "3",
"ObservationList" => "3",
"Or" => "3",
"Pad" => "3",
"Pct" => "3",
"PeriodsBetween" => "3",
"PeriodsFrom" => "3",
"PrimitiveIterator" => "3",
"Prod" => "3",
"RangeTooLargeChkException" => "3",
"RegularCalendar" => "3",
"RegularSeries" => "3",
"Right" => "3",
"Round" => "3",
"Rtrim" => "3",
"Sannpct" => "3",
"Scalar" => "3",
"ScreeningCriteria" => "3",
"Series" => "3",
"Server" => "3",
"Session" => "3",
"Shift" => "3",
"ShortList" => "3",
"Sign" => "3",
"SimpleCalendar" => "3",
"Sin" => "3",
"SortData" => "3",
"SortDataInRange" => "3",
"SortDirection" => "3",
"SortIndex" => "3",
"SortIndexInRange" => "3",
"Sqrt" => "3",
"Stddev" => "3",
"StringList" => "3",
"SubString" => "3",
"Subtract" => "3",
"Sum" => "3",
"TimeScale" => "3",
"TimeScaling" => "3",
"TiqAccess" => "3",
"TiqCheckedException" => "3",
"TiqClass" => "3",
"TiqConstants" => "3",
"TiqDate" => "3",
"TiqFrequency" => "3",
"TiqHelper" => "3",
"TiqObject" => "3",
"TiqObjectChkException" => "3",
"TiqObserved" => "3",
"TiqTechnique" => "3",
"TiqType" => "3",
"TiqUncheckedException" => "3",
"TiqValue" => "3",
"TiqView" => "3",
"TiqViewChangedEvent" => "3",
"TiqViewChangeListener" => "3",
"Tot" => "3",
"Trim" => "3",
"Trunc" => "3",
"UnsupportedDataTypeUchkException" => "3",
"UnsupportedOperationUchkException" => "3",
"Upper" => "3",
"Var" => "3",
"Which" => "3",
"WildCardMatchesChkException" => "3",
"Xor" => "3");
// Special extensions
// Each category can specify a PHP function that returns an altered
// version of the keyword.
$this->linkscripts = array(
"1" => "donothing",
"2" => "donothing",
"3" => "donothing");

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: